
By AudenNyx

1.3M 36.1K 13.5K

"You make me want to do things to you." He mumbles, his brown eyes never straying from mine. "What?" I whisp... More

p r o l o g u e
c a s t
a e s t h e t i c s
1 | Good Morning, Sunshine
2 | Waffles
3 | New Beginnings
5 | Place Your Bets
6 | Nicknames, Eh?
7 | Stereotypes
8 | Same But Different
9 | Truth Or Dare
10 | Lover Boy
11 | Spongebob Squarepants
12 | Starlight
13 | The Herd
14 | Do I Sense Jealously
15 | Anyone Special?
16 | Confessions
17 | So You're The Lucky Guy
18 | Important Business
19 | Irony
20 | We Need To Talk
21 | Setting You Free
22 | Son Of A Biscuit Cracker
23 | Miracle Worker
24 | Lucky
25 | Purple
26 | What
27 | Surprise
g a n g h o u s e
28 | Rain
29 | Reunited
30 | The Tracks
31 | Bliss
32 | The Auction
33 | Trust
34 | Reunited 2.0
35 | Stars and Snow
Epilogue | Perfect
Bonus Chapter | Happy
bonus chapter 0.2 "toddlers in their twenties"

4 | Silver Knight High

43.7K 1.2K 283
By AudenNyx


~Light is easy to love, show me your darkness.~

a d e l i n

I'd reached school about ten minutes ago yet purposely lingered in my car, silently watching students walk inside-chatting enthusiastically as they embraced their friends. 

Silver Knight High is just what it's name suggests : extravagant and fancy. It's a highschool for kids with filty rich parents and without a doubt provides all the luxury and comfort.

Hilshire may be small but it is brimmed with rich tycoons and this highschool was specifically built for their offsprings and heirs.

Our rivals, West Cove High provide the same luxurious commodities and that is the sole reason behind our long strained hatred towards each other.

Both the school's have been in an intense fued ever since they were first opened, striving to prove which one was the better one. 

Ergo, both the Knights and Westies (the soccer team makes it a point to always ridicule them for their name) seize every opportunity that comes their way to look down on the other.

I let out a long sigh.

Do I really want to do this? Am I ready to face everyone again?

My phone lights up with a messege, I'm amused to find another messege from Ashley.

Ash : Where are you? I found out the hot guys name. You just missed him turn down Vanessa. Put up a good show. Get here already!

Bucking up, I finally get out of my car, locking it twice in assurance. Inhale and Exhale. I repeat the sentence as I walk towards the massive metal rimmed doors of the building.

As soon as I enter, I'm pulled against something firm and that something turns into someone when I recognise Ash's all too familiar squeal.

I hug her back instantaneously, relishing the feeling of comfort my best friend's familiar iris scent and arms bring me.

Ash, the blonde vixen wears her long hair unbound, looking stunning in the grey sleeveless sweater vest worn over a pleated white blouse which makes her pale yet full of life blue eyes pop. The vintage Chanel brooch Noah had gifted her proudly placed on the sweater.

"You look hot as hell. I missed you so much." she says as a way of greeting, still holding me tight, I'm about to reply but Noah beats me to it.

"Let her breathe, will you?" He remarks, making Ash break away from our embrace and glare at him, which tells me absolutely nothing has changed. I grin widely at the group standing behind Ash.

Mason, Candice, Tristan and Noah all look at me with sparkling eyes, I don't waste another second to go in for a group hug. I'm once again covered in that familiar homely warmth I cherish so much.

"Not even going to lie, I really did miss all our pranks, Partner." Tris, with his wild warm blond hair and mischief lined green eyes winks at me.

He looks every bit like the dashing troublemaker he is with his favourite maroon guitar slinged at his back in the bag he's 'added personality to' through countless stickers, be it an ACDC one or a watermelon (Tris is obsessed with watermelon flavoured sour gummies)

"Welcome back, Ash and I were suffocating under all the testosterone, please don't leave us with these three again." Candi adds, hiking her tote bag up her shoulder, it no doubt is stuffed with countless romance novels.

She looks amazing in the brown full sleeved ribbed-knit dress with a pair of Fendi knee length boots and her face turns the same red shade as her hair when Mase takes the tote from her and easily holds it.

"Sometimes it's useful, honey." Mason comments, then turns to me "But it definitely wasn't the same without you, Addie." charming as ever, his golden skin is a deeper shade now having spent time out in the football fields.

He also has his hair a shorter at the sides but the top remains the same hazel mess and like always a pair of sunglasses are propped on his head, this time they're of the rimless style.

I look at them with admiration, comprehending just how much I had missed them even if it had just been only seven days, that grin refuses to leave my face.

An anxiety had been at an all time high at the idea of going back to school and facing everyone again, so much so that my friends had brought up going away for some time to disconnect.

And after thinking about it for a mere few hours, I had booked a flight to New York, not only because the pace of life and atmosphere there was the exact opposite of Hilshire but also because my therapist was in the city and going in for a few in person sessions wouldn't hurt.

Prior to my trip, almost all our sessions had been through a screen.

That trip had helped me clear my head and sort out my feelings and fears in a healthier way but now I was back. Ready to start my life and ecstatic to be reunited with the people who never fail to make me smile.

"I missed my family as well!" I cajole, not letting myself dampen the mood with thoughts of my twin, Daniel and my brother's girlfriend who also is Daniel's twin and one of my best friends, Jasmine.

For now, I focus solely on the people currently with me. Thankful for what I have.

They catch me up on how Mason and Noah would be continuing as star players in the soccer team, how Ash managed to squeeze in an internship just before her Fashion and Design courses commenced.

News regarding our Dramatics teacher practically promising to give Candice the role of Hermia for this year's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Mr Osborn, the music professor, banning Tris from playing soccer after injuring his right-guitar playing-hand.

Eventually, the bell rings and all of us are forced to go our seperate ways but both the females of the group linger behind and as soon as everyone is out of earshot, Ash begins an almost predictable rant.

"Okay so his name is Caleb and damn is he's h-" she gets cut off mid sentence by our vice principal, who voices her presence by clearing her throat. Her glare aimed directly at us.

"Hi, Mrs Campbell. We were just discussing our english holiday work, would you like a mint for your throat?" Candice smiles sweetly, not a single clue giving away the fact that she's straight up lying through her teeth. Perks of being a good actor.

Mrs Campbell's glare dosen't ease up but she lets us off the hook "I'm quite alright, Miss Laurant. I would suggest you three get to your classes before that changes." not wanting to test her, the three of us scurry to our classes without another word.

My first class is Maths, the worst subject and way to commence a Monday morning. I can hardly tolerate the Professor, he possesses the talent to make an active caffeinated student fall asleep just by opening his mouth.

Entering the class acts as a natural trigger for all the curious eyes to turn to me. Keeping my chin up high, I make my way to a desk at the corner of the class, all the way to the back, which luckily has both seats empty.

Flopping down onto the seat with a huff, I turn my back to the class and their prying eyes to rummage through my bag for my books.

As I face forward again, books in my hand, I find that someone now occupies the seat next to mine. Taken completely off guard I blurt out "I could've been saving this seat for someone."

The guy turns to look at me and I suppress the urge to widen my eyes.

His hair, such a dark shade of brown that they can be mistaken for black is messily tossed around making him look devilishly handsome, his mahogany eyes almost the same colour as his hair are lined with amusement and his pink lips settle in a smirk.

The girls at Silver Knight just got an early christmas present.

"Let's just say I had a feeling you weren't." He replies, his voice an attractive mixture of deep and rich, however his statement is the opposite. The audacity.

I sit up straighter, furrowing my brows as I open my mouth to reply but he cuts me off before I can even get out a word, drawling "And even if you were, I won't get up. Look around, there are no empty seats."

"Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine." I comment with narrowed eyes and a bright fake smile. I've certainly not seen him in Silver Knight during the past four years.

"Aren't I?" He grins at me.

He may be hot but he's a lot of other things as well.

"You're real-" Mr Meade's gruff voice cuts my sentence off as he says "It's the first day Adelin, spare me." I grind my teeth and look down at the desk, all of my anger directed towards the annoyingly good looking guy next to me.

If he wants a trouble free first day he really should stop talking right about now.

Looking over at him, I find clear amusement dancing in his eyes "You're Adelin Alderige?" He asks with one perfect uplifted brow.

"Why do you want to know?" I question curtly, curiosity poking at me.

I look forward instead of facing at him as he answers "It's just that I've-" I duck my head just as Mr Meade yet again has the urge to butt in "Caleb Carter! Do you really want to go to the principal's office on your first day here?"

"No sir. I'm good." Is Caleb's reply.

"Are you sure? Because if you want to I can easily oblige and send Miss Alderige with you." The old man prods, now subjecting his glare to me.

"Thank you for the generous offer sir but I'd like to stay here with Miss Alderige." I press my lips into a tight thin line to keep from smiling. Luckily, Mr Meade ignores him, turning back ti the board while muttering incoherently.

"Did his wife add salt in his tea today?" The brown eyed boy mutters, aimlessly flipping through his book.

"He doesn't have a wife." I inform him, to which he says with stark amazement and realisation on his face "Well that explains everything."

"You're new here." I state, slumping in my seat, resting my head on my palm and not bothering to stifle the yawn that breaks free.

He must be the "hot new guy" Ash was talking about.

"Yeah, all the way from Paris" he mocks enthusiasm, clearly annoyed at the statement but it's gone as soon as it came, instead he adds with a smirk "Caleb Carter, nice to meet you yeux blues (Blue eyes)" I hesitantly take the hand he extends at me.

The heat of his hand starkly contrasts the coldness of mine "Adelin Alderige. Has anyone told you you're very annoying yeux marrons? (Brown eyes)" I reply, a satisfactory smile making my lips twitch at the surprise on his face at my usage of french.

"Amazingly and unbelievably handsome? Yes. Annoying? You're the first one." Caleb says, I let go of his hand with a scoff.

"I'll be adding arrogant to the list aswell." That was the last sentence I'd managed to say before Mr Meade had completely lost it and sent both Caleb and I to the Principal's office in fits of angry yells.


Soooo did anyone notice any changes
*jumps excitedly*
I'm finally gettng around to editing the older chapters and fixing some plot holes.
Y'all two years younger me wrote some cringy shit *shudders*
I hope you guys like the more mAtUrElY (?) written version because I know I do.
Make sure to give me feedback!
Until next time

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