Dear Daniel ~ Dan x Reader

By alainaaaaa4589

15K 358 235

*TRIGGER WARNING* The day Dan Howell opened a PO box, millions of fan girls sent letters including you. One l... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32

Ch. 23

409 9 10
By alainaaaaa4589

( Your POV )

I had been crying. I didn't realize how much I meant to someone. He showed me his wrist as he looked away. I gently grabbed his wrist and looked at it. The cuts were deep and no where close to healing. Some were but most were fresh. I pulled his arm close to my chest and then noticed him silently crying.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

"I'm ashamed", he said under his breath. I turned his face towards me and looked into his eyes.

"You have nothing to be ashamed about." I wiped his tears. "I still love you. I don't look at you differently than I did. You didn't look at me differently when I told you I cut myself when I was younger. You didn't stop talking to me."

"That was different. That was when I was your idol, I couldn't look at fans differently because of things they had done. Especially things I had done too. But now I'm your boyfriend." He looked at me startled. "I didn't mean to assume, I'm-"

"It's fine, we'll talk more about what we are later." I smiled and went back onto topic. "I love you Dan. I'd never look at you differently because of this."

( Dan's POV )

"I just felt so-"

"Alone", she finished for me. I nodded.

"And I felt that I had-"

"Lost the only person you truly loved", she finished again. I nodded again.

"And all I could imagine wa-"

"Was that they were happier with someone else." I nodded again but more slowly.

"How do you-"

"Know what you're going to say?" I nodded. "Those 5 days where I hid in my room without leaving, I found my blade. Everything you said, I understood because I felt them too." Without hesitation, she showed me her wrist. "I don't mean to turn this back to me but because you told me everything about when we were apart, I guess I should to."

( Your POV )

He held my hand as he stood up. I decided to stand up with him.

"I love you, (y/n)." He was looking into my eyes.

"I love you too, Dan." His arms went around me, holding me close. I felt better knowing everything.

"We'll get through this together. I promise", he whispered.

* 2 Hours Later*

Dan and I were sitting in the living room watching TV and I actually had clothes on. I looked over at him and saw the colors from the screen reflecting in his eyes.

"Dan?" He looked over at me. "What do you think I should do about the Kyle thing?"

"You need to press charges as soon as possible. If you want, we can go do it later." I nodded.

*Beep Beep*

Dan looked down at his phone, typed something and looked up at me.

"I have to go get groceries for tonight for Phil. He said they'll be home tonight. Do you want to come with me?"

"No. I kind of want to stay here and relax."

"Okay, see you later, love." He kissed me and headed out. I decided that I'd just continue to watch TV and think.

*30 Minutes Later*

*Knock Knock*

"Coming", I yelled as I was getting up from the couch. As I opened the door, I felt my whole body lock up. I wasn't able to move.

"Hello, love."

"Kyle?! How the fuck did you figure out where I lived?!" Thoughts kept running through my mind.

"I over heard you telling the girls when we were at the bar last night", he said whilst walking in. "I hope you learned your lesson from yesterday", he smirked.

"Get the hell out of my house!" He laughed as he walked closer to me.

"Or what?"

"I'll call the cops." He laughed again. I quickly snuck my hand behind my back and texted Dan.

"That's a funny joke. You won't be able to call for help now." He pushed me against the wall making me drop my phone.

"Dan better hurry", I thought as he began to hurt me before forcing himself onto me.

( Dan's POV )

*Beep Beep*

I looked down at my phone and saw there was a text from (y/n).

(Y/n) ~ "ghies tkhete" I stopped and tried to make out what it read.

"He's here", I thought. I stood there for a second before I realized what she meant. "FUCK", I shouted. I bolted out of the store and to the car. I picked up my phone and made a call as I drove.

Dan ~ "(y/bf/n), you need to get home as soon as possible."

(Y/bf/n) ~ "Why? What happened?"

Dan ~ "There's no time to explain. Just get here. NOW!" I hung up the phone and proceeded driving.

When I arrived at the complex, I ran out of the car and ran to the apartment. I burst through the door and saw (y/n) not moving and Kyle forcing himself on her.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER", I screamed as I pushed him off of her.

"Who the fuck are you?" Instead of answering his question I punched him. I had called 911 before I arrived. Luckily, while I was holding him down, they showed up.

"We'll take it from here. Take her to the hospital as soon as possible." I nodded as they arrested Kyle and took him away.

Suddenly, my eyes shot towards (y/n).

"Oh my god, (y/n). Are you okay? Wake up, come on."

( Your bf's POV )

I don't know how we did it but we got back to the apartment in 30 minutes. When we got to our place, the door was wide open and Dan was hovering over (y/n) crying.

"Dan", I said as I ran to him. "What happened?" Abigail and Phil followed behind me.

"Last night, (y/n) came home with a black eye, swollen face, bruised stomach and marks of his grip-"

"Whose grip?"

"Kyle's. He then came here when I left and he must've knocked her out cold before he raped her so she couldn't stop me. She texted me a bunch of letters but I made out 'he's here' from them. I rushed here as soon as I could. The cops came and arrested him but I'm glad you guys got here when you did. We need to take her to the hospital now."

"Well shit, lets go."

( Dan's POV )

I scooped (y/n) into my arms and we rushed down to the car. (Y/bf/n) drove as fast as she could to the hospital. When we arrived, she let me get out before parking since we needed to get (y/n) in as fast as we could. I ran into the hospital and a lady ran to me.

"She was abused last night and knocked out today before being raped. The guy was arrested but she needs help." I was struggling to catch my breath. The lady talked into mic attached to her shoulder asking for help. Two men came rushing over with a stretcher. I set (y/n) on it and they wheeled her away.

"Wait here. I'll let you know what room she is so you can wait there", the lady said before walking away. I sat down in a chair and started crying.

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