Dear Alex A.

By Just_Mixed

3.6K 112 3

"Where is Alexander?" Every Nightwalker she runs into seems to be asking her the same question. Truth be told... More

Chaptear 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

58 0 0
By Just_Mixed

The wind scattered ashes across the desert. She was too free to be locked in an unmarked grave, especially this far from home. This far from her family. I could feel the shift within myself, my human side shrinking as the beast consumed it in blind rage. Humans. They had done this to us. They didn't deserve mercy. They-

"Love?" My mate gripped my hand in his, I took in my surroundings. How had we gotten so close to home so soon?! We were maybe 50 miles away now. "Are you ok?" I nodded with the best smile I could manage, but the storm inside refused to die down. Instead it rumbled, building just beneath the surface.

"I still haven't been able to get in touch with Evelyn, or anyone from the team for that matter."

"Victor hasn't gotten word from them either, not since the church was destroyed." Daniel added with bitter suspicion. Shawn simply kept his head down while Alexander gazed at the trees breezing past us. It's been over 18 years since he had last seen this land. Was he nervous? It shouldn't even be a question. The way his knee jumped and his feet tapped impatiently, a wooden board looked more relaxed  than he.

There were guards positioned on rooftops with semi automatics at the ready. The town had a nervous lull over it like unspoken panic. The smell of fear drowned out the traces of death. There were stains on the floors and walls were decorated with bullet holes. This town had also seen war. As we drove across the country to return home, dozens of towns had been taken by Nightwalkers; this one seemed to have been able to turn the tables. We tried passing through but the end of the road connecting to the highway was blocked.

"We won't be able to hide in the Veil, it's practically been burned to ash here." Daniel growled anxiously, his grip on the steering wheel whitening his knuckles.

"Just keep your tempers down. I recognize him." Luke poked his head beside the driver. "He's a hunter I met once when I was with Evelyn."

"You're associated with hunters?" Alexander growled but I shot a glare his way.

"Not now." The Lord grumbled, resembling an angry pouting toddler as he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. Daniel stopped the car a good 50 feet away. It was strange though. If they were supposed to be holding back the line, why even let us into town to begin with?

"Something feels off..." Shawn spoke what I felt.

"It'll be ok, hopefully he remembers me."

"Hopefully?!" I hauled the green eyed boy back beside me. "I'm going too then!"

"If he barely remembers me as a human, he won't be too happy to see me as a wolf as is. To show them more of you would make the situation worse." Luke rationalized. He kissed my forehead before leaving. His hands were up and defenseless as the men aimed. Words were exchanged but the weapons never dropped.

"Guys..." Daniel glared in the rearview mirror. Behind us, the "fearful" townsfolk had gathered with their own weapons. It was a trap. Alexander growled from deep within his chest.

"Foolish humans." He was ready for attack.

"Wait!" Daniel snapped before apologizing with a bowed head. "If we act rashly, Luke will be shot down without hesitation. Just be prepared but hold fast, my Lord." We watched, itching for action. The beasts wanted out. Our hearts pounded in our ears, claws itching just below the surface. The predator's instinct begging for release.

Luke no longer held his hands up, but his posture was rigid and I could feel his anxiety and anger. 'They aren't going to let us through...' His voice rang clear in my head.

'They have us surrounded from behind too.' I replied trying to think quickly. 'When I say jump you jump, got it?'


After quickly explaining my idea to our driver, the car sped forward towards the barricade, Shawn opened the sunroof and I climbed out as gunshots sounded.  "Jump!' He leapt towards us just as Daniel drifted to the left, barely missing the hunters. Our hands locked and I hauled him up and over into the car as bullets whizzed passed us. The back tires were shot out, but Daniel kept going, through the dirt and into the trees. At the very least we had some coverage here. Motorbikes revved closely behind us.

"Out! Everyone out! Let's go!" Daniel ordered. We shifted instantly and leapt as a pack. The bikes didn't slow. Did they really think they could keep up with us? I couldn't help but snort at their arrogance. We ruled the woods. They were foolish to think they could run us out. Humans shall not take what is m-

'Focus, daughter. There are more important matters than this.' A new voice snapped me out of my storm. I blinked, when did my vision start tinting red?


'Your wolf has an enormous sense of pride and is even more territorial. Her thoughts and emotions, her very spirit influences you. But don't let it take control.' I could feel Luke's consciousness on me, aware of how I felt.

'I'm fine.' I reassured my mate who raced beside me.

The town had every western entryway guarded and patrolled. Home. I was locked out of my own home, made to feel like an invader. Luckily for us, Victor owned dozens of acres of land, his territory needed to be big enough to shelter his pack. I didn't know if I could face him though...

Her eyes,  fresh and bright as the morning. Her hair, sleek and black as night. Her smile, contagious, proud, and free. I had taken all of that from him. Turned it to ash. My eyes burned from fresh tears as we marched towards the pack house. A solemnity shrouded the home of the mourning Alpha. What could I say so he'd know how full of regret I am? What could I do to make it better?

"Welcome, Lord Alexander Albescu." The pack's warriors lined up the drive, all down on one knee, leading to the door where Victor Kertis stood.

"Rise, my brothers and sisters, we're to stand as a family right now." The wolves rose but kept their eyes down. Victor stood fast, shoulders back, but even his head was bowed out of respect. "Your daughter, Eliza Kertis, she had true Alpha in her. I will forever be grateful to her. I am deeply sorry for your loss."

"She fought bravely til the end, I couldn't be more proud." Victor's voice was strained and my chest felt like it was being impaled. I couldn't meet his gaze, instead a tear fell from captivity. With my head hanging low, I kept opening my mouth to say something. At least apologize! But I couldn't. No words that surfaced felt like they would communicate exactly how I felt. Instead, more tears just kept falling and my teeth held my lip in place, refusing to let a sob loose as it trembled. "Fay.." The lump in my throat returned.

"I know you probably hate me, I would hate me..." I began as streams flowed from my eyes. "If I could..." My brain was a disaster, and a sudden hug shocked it to silence.

"I don't hate you. I lost my daughter, but you also lost your friend. I know the love you had for one another, I know you're hurting too." He stroked my hair down, letting me cry.  He pulled away, holding me at arms length. "There's nothing's to forgive. She is with her mate, running free in the endless skies, singing with our goddess." I felt his words true, but that didn't exactly make everything better.

"Still no word from Evelyn?" Daniel paced in the Alpha's office. "It's as though they just vanished."

"Who's taken back the city then? There's guards everywhere, we had to basically come around the back." Shawn added, he had opened up considerably since we had settled back in the pack house, surrounded by his family once again. We lost our belongings when we ditched the car but there was always an abundance here.

"I'm not so sure that one side or the other has claimed the city. It's still very active, mostly at night though since our kind clearly has the upper hand then." Victor looked exhausted suddenly. This first battle had definitely taken its toll on the old Alpha.

"Here," I pointed to an intersection in the middle of town, "Who's got this area covered right now?"

"I'm not sure, the humans haven't necessarily accepted our help. They don't trust any Nightwalkers right now. The enemy had taken the Northeastern side of town up to here," Victor explained. "The humans have stayed towards the  Southwest, and we still have our territory intact." Where I wanted to go lies in the middle of it all.

"So basically you want to go into No Man's Land." Daniel frowned in disapproval.

"Sam." Luke finally realized out loud, a growl rumbling in his chest. That was definitely in the tune of jealousy and whether it happened subconsciously or not, his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Who's Sam?" Daniel blinked still confused.

"He has my family. Up until the day we arrived in Sedona, he was my best friend." My mate glared at the map. "He said he had my family but wouldn't let me talk with them and quit answering my calls. He urged me to find Alexander and that was it. I need to find him and that's the first place to look."

"He has Maria?" Alexander bristled. What is it with males being so possessive?!

"Yes, and my little sisters." The man looked like a deer in the headlights. His jaw dropped before clenching and dozens of thoughts and emotions swirled about him. "Don't. She deserved to be happy and he made her happy in your place. They are beyond precious to me and if you dare treat them any differently I will personally end you." The warning came as a cold snarl that shut the Lord up instantly.

Our rescue party was organized within minutes, Daniel, Luke, Alexander, Roman, Jo, and me. Jo was trained by Roman who had also trained Eliza. The blonde had a sturdy build and her hair cropped short. Her brown eyes were nearly glued to her teacher the entire time. Why Roman had actually volunteered himself is beyond me, but there were no nasty glares nor snarky comments from him.

No doubt both sides would have eyes on the neutral land, but you would never know. People walked around as if there weren't gaping holes everywhere. Sam's apartment was just on the other side of the shopping center still bustling with spenders. Even in the midst of war, these people wanted to buy and buy and buy. Whatever gets them through the day I guess...

We split up into pairs, Alexander stayed behind with Jo, sitting outside the cafe across the street from the complex. Roman and Daniel were to make their way up through the fire escape while my mate and I strolled in through the front. It was nearly sundown so we had to move quickly. A curfew had been set by local authorities to keep as many humans out of immediate danger as possible.

To say that I was on edge would be the understatement of the year. Luke kissed my knuckles before heading to the stairwell whilst I went up in the elevator. If Sam was here, there'd be no escaping. My stomach turned when the machine finally stopped; my heart raced, and sweat gathered in my palms.


The hallway was completely untouched. Not a trace of confrontation littered the walls. His apartment was the last on the left and the more steps I took towards it, the further away it seemed to become.

"Dammit!" I snapped just as a door opened beside me. I jumped and snarled, claws at the ready. Luke held his hands up. "Don't scare me like that!" I hissed, he apologized before taking my hand, leading me to the door. With a curt nod, he kicked it down.

Sam sat at his little table, eating chicken salad. His eyes were saucers that narrowed instantly at the sight of my mate. I didn't wait for him to start talking, I didn't want to hear it. I stormed inside, the scents of my family were all over the place. I went straight for his room and sighed in relief. There they were, asleep on his bed. I could feel strong magic around them and found it odd that none of them had stirred after the door was busted down.

"They won't wake until I let them." Sam explained from behind me. Wait a second...

"You..? You did this to them?!"

"It's good to see you too! Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking!" He smiled grimly.

"No one cares." Luke shot back, his aura already projecting dominance.

"Shut up, mu-." Sam snapped but was cut off by a slap that stung my hand.

"Every. Single. Day. I called you every day, praying to God that you would answer and explain what was going on. But you ignored me. You brushed me off! You made me fear the worst!" My hands fisted his shirt and I made him stand before shoving him into the closest wall. "You were supposed to be my best friend!"

"I've kept them alive didn't I?!" He coughed, straightening himself out. "You should be thanking me! Do you even know how hard it's been keeping them out of harm's way? They had to be kept under. Your sisters were traumatized! After your mom found out what I was, she flipped. She didn't want to have anything to do with me but where else was she supposed to go, huh?" A howl echoed through the hallway along with the click of guns.

"It was a set up." Luke growled into his headset.

"I trusted you." The crack in my heart spread further across like thin ice being pounded on by a bear.

"They have my mom..." Sam admitted bitterly. "I went to save your family before I even checked on my own, only to find her gone. Her place...Do you know how that feels?"

"Wake them up." The growls grew closer, but the giant didn't budge. "Wake. Them. Up!" I repeated myself, feeling my wolf trying to gain control. The window in the master bedroom shattered as a wolf leapt inside aiming for my mate. Luke gutted it in the air, and it dropped at my feet. Roman and Daniel threw my mom and sisters over their shoulders and carried them out. Two vamps stood just outside the door, their eyes glinting with joy as they lit the place up. I used the dead wolf as a shield, while my mate dove for cover. Sam didn't have time to react and took on three bullets before he dropped, one to the shoulder, one to the arm, and the last to his thigh.

"Take him out the back!" I shouted over to Luke who wanted to argue. "We need this asshole alive if we're going to wake up my family!" Emerald eyes wasn't thrilled but nonetheless, he tossed the witch over his shoulders while the vamps reloaded.

My hand wrapped around my sword and the surge of power was all too pleasing to my inner beast. If blood was what they wanted, blood was what they would get.

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