Wasted On You | Shannon x Fle...

By camilasromance

153K 2.4K 517


Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four


4.2K 67 18
By camilasromance

" For fucks shake, pick it up.. " I heard Shannon's voice saying, waking me up. I opened my eyes to see what see means, I saw my phone buzzing on the nightstand. It's my dad.

" Hey daddy. "
" Hey honey, did I wake you up? " he asked me, he must have noticed because ny voice is sleepy and raspy.
" Nah, tell me what's going on? "
" Jesus, I'm trying to sleep Car. " Shannon complained burying her face in the pillow.
" Your mom and I want to meet Shannon. You are still together right? " he wondered, making my heart sink.

My parents was to meet my girlfriend. Shit, Shan is gonna be so anxious.

" Yeah sure. When? " I asked him and looked at her.
" Tonight. At 9. Is that good? "
" It's good. " I replied and jumped out of the bed. Shan looked at me with a strange look on her face.
" Okay, see you tonight then. " I ended the phone call and stared at Shannon.

" What? " she questioned, rubbing her eyes.
" My parents want to meet you. " I told her, her eyes went wide. I guess I woke her up now.
" Fuck. " she jumped out of the bed like me.
" Fuck why? "

We were discussing this and she was always telling me that she'll lost her shit when she'll meet my parents. She gets nervous really easily.

" Because.. I don't know shit. " she runned to my wardrobe and started searching my clothes.
" Okay, should I wear a dress? Cause my relationship with dresses is not good. "

The music video of  * Princess * will be out tomorrow.
I'm so freaking nervous. Honestly, I love the video and I loved the making of it. This song describes me and I couldn't be more happy that it inspired so many people.  Me, Ryan and John are planning to release the music video of Wasted Youth on March but I still haven't told Shan. And I can't tell her now, definitely not now.

" I can wear jeans that are not ripped and I can wear a nice t-shirt and not a wide hoodie right? And I can go without a hat of course and like.. " Okay, this is getting out if hand. She's gonna have a panick attack if she will not calm down. I went next to her, threw all the clothes from her hands and held them.
" You can wear whatever you want, just please calm down. You're meeting my parents not Donald Trump. " I joked, making her relax.
" Well, if it was Donald Trump, I would have gone naked. " she joked back, making me laugh.
" I would love to see that. "
" Shut up. " she slapped my eyes and looked at my clothes again, this time nice and calm.

" We can decide on what to wear later, I'm hungry. " I told her and left the bedroom to go straight to the kitchen. I made us some chocolate flakes with milk and waited for her to come downstairs. I also took her medicine from the bedroom and left one pill next to her bowl so that she won't forget to take it.
" Shan c'mon! " I yelled at her.
" I'm coming! " I heard her footsteps coming quickly from the stairs. When she came to were I was, she stood at the kitchen doorway looking at me.
" What? Do I have something weird on me or what? " I looked to where she was staring.
" Don't walk around the house with that panties. " she told me and walked to the counter to take her bowl.
" And why is that? " I provoked her.
" Because it's not hard for me to bend you over the counter. " she winked at me and took the pill in her mouth, drinking some water to swallow it. I rolled my eyes.
" You are a horny ass fucker since the day you left the hospital. "
" What can I say? I can't resist your perfect body. " she approached my, hugging me from behind. Her cold breath on my back of the neck, sent shivers all over my body. She kissing my neck, slightly sucking on it. I hope she won't leave hickeys all around my skin because I'll have to wear a scarf tonight and I don't want that. She kept sucking my skin, not hard enough to leave hickeys. I turned around amd wrapped her neck with my hands. I crushed our lips, our mouths and tongues are moving to a perfect slow rhythm. I gave her a one last peck on her lips before she sat next to me, eating her cereal.

" What are you doing? " I asked her when I noticed she was stealing spoons from me cereal.

" Me? What did I do? " she asked me, literally stealing another spoon from my cereal in front of my eyes.
" You are eating my cereal. " I complained.
" Oh my God, really? " she sarcastically said and of course kept eating my cereal.
" Silly mornings with you.. " I mumbled and kissed her lips.


" Okay, I'm officially panicking. I look like trash. " she said behind the bathroom door. She is in there for legit fourty five minutes, changing outfits for tonight's dinner.
" Shannon get out of there! " I said, knocking the bathroom door.
" No, let me change. I have one more. " she said. She changes outfits without even showing me but I know she look perfect in whatever she wears.
" Okay, I'm coming. " she turned the door knob and opened the door.
" Shit. " I mumbled when I saw her standing at the bathroom door.

This is legit the most beautiful thing I've seen in my whole life. My jaw dropped on the floor, I have never seen her so gorgeous before. She's is in all black. Black whole-body shirt-pants and heels. The black heels look perfect on her soft legs, I am disappointed at her for not wearing heels more often. Her hair are falling from her left shoulder, which make her look even more sexy. I just stood there with my mouth half opened, half closed looking at this angel in front of me.

" You look.. " I started but I don't think if any word is relatable to this.
" Should I go change? ? she said making a step backwards.
" I was gonna say amazing but I don't think there is a word. " I answered, finally remember how to breathe.
She looked herself in the mirror, turning round and round, checking the outfit carefully.
" You are breathtaking.. " I mumbled again, she turned to look at me and blushed. I made her blush and it's fucking cute.
Shannon is cute and pure at one time but she can be sexy, hot and daddy in seconds. That's turning me on.
" You are very beautiful yourself. " she smiled at me and pecked my lips.
" Okay, let me get my purse. " she said, looking for her purse in the bedroom.
" I'll go to the car. " I told her and took the car keys.
Since Shannon doesn't know where my parents house is, I will drive us.
" Let's go. " she said and got into the car.

It's twenty-minute drive so we got to the house soon. When I opened the door to get oute of the car, Shannon didn't move at all.
" You are gonna stay here? " I asked her with my door open.
" Probably. " she answered, looking straight on the road. I closed the door, resting my hands on the steering wheel.
" They are gonna love you. Don't stress out. " I held her hand, rubbing it softly.
" You'll do most of the talk, okay? " she told me.
" Deal. " I kissed her lips to take her stress away and we got out of the car.

I held her hand tight as we were walking to the door. She took a deep breath and I rang the doorbell.
" I'll act naturally. I got this. " she whispered to herself.
The door opened wide and my mom appeared on the doorway. Shannon squished my hand.
" Ladies! " she excitedly said and I let go of Shannon's hand to hug my mom.
" Hi mom! " I said to her and my mom looked at the my shy girlfriend next to me.
" You must be Shannon!  I've heard so much about you! " she gave a warm smile at her and Shan opened her arms to hug her.
She looks not so anxious now and I'm glad about it.
" It's nice to finally meet you Ms Fletcher. " she gave a big smile at my mom and shook her hand.
" Get in! " my mom let us in, Shannon grabbed my hand again. I get feel her pulse getting faster and faster.
" Calm down. " I mouthed to her and she nodded, slowly letting go of my hand.
" There you are! " I heard my dad's voice coming from the kitchen.
" Daddy. " I told him and hugged hime tight. I missed my parents so much. With all of the shit I had to deal with the past weeks, I didn't have the time to see them at all.
" I'm sure you are Shannon. "  he looked at her and gave her his hand.  Shannon took his hand in her hand, they did a handshake.
" Nice to meet you Mr Fletcher. " she smiled at her. She more nervous with my dad than with my mom. I was expecting this.

" You can sit in the living room, I have to finish making dinner. " my mom said and went to the kitchen. I lead Shan to the living room, my dad followed us.
" How are you feeling Shannon? Cari told us about the accident. " my dad asked her.
" I am very good, really. " she replied, trying to seem cozy and calm. She's doing great.
" Cari helped a lot. She's a truly angel. " she continued, looking at me smiling wide.
" Stap. " I felt like I was blushing, I held her hand again.

She's so fucking beautiful tonight. I kept looking in her eyes until my dad interrupted me. I forgot he was here.
" I have to tell, I'm really happy that my daughter found you Shannon. You seem to make her very happy. " he said looking at us. Shannon's muscles finally relaxed, she took courage and relaxed more.
" She make me very happy daddy. " I squished her hand and gave her more courage.
Shannon smiled at my dad and he patted her shoulder before going to the kitchen to help my mom setting up the table.
" I told you they will love you. " I told her before she could say anything else.
" I'm not acting weird right? "
" You are great and lovely and they'll gonna love you more. " I kissed her lips and rested my hand on her neck.
I heard my mom coughing. " Dinner is ready. " she smiled at us and we followed her back to the kitchen.
My mom sat next to my dad, I sat next to Shannon.
" Where's Bobby? "
" He had some work to do but he wants to meet Shannon soon. " my mom replied while serving us the food she made. Spaghetti with lobsters.
" I'm looking forward to meet him. " her voice is anxious again, I don't know what else I can do to calm her.
My mom sat to her chair again and we started eating.
" I've watched some of your videos Shannon and I have to say, your personality has a lot to say. " my mom told her and took a bite of her spaghetti.
" Thank you Ms Fletcher, I think that everyone has the right to be loved but you can't be loved if you don't love yourself. So, spreading the message of self-confidence, kindness and love is the thing that I love to do. " she said and took a sip from her wine.
" You're too kind. " I told her and held her hand. She kicked my leg under the table, that's  a signal that's anxiety is rushing back. I took my hand out of her hand and rubbed her thigh, without my parents noticing of course.

After eating and talking, I think that she is finally relaxed. She drunk three glasses of wine so I guess that it helped.
" Hou abouy watching Cari's childhood videos?! " my mom said, standing up from the table.
" Oh my God yes! " Shannon of course agreed with her and follow led my mom to the living room. I stayed to the kitchen with my dad, I stood up too to start tiding up around.
" So do you like her? " I asked him and left our plates to the sink.
" I want her out of my house right now. " he replied, my heart fell to my stomach.
" Cari, I'm kidding. " he laughed at my reaction and I felt a huge weight leaving my shoulders.
" I really like her. She is kind and she looks very smart. " he stood up too and placed one hand on my shoulder.
" Don't let her go. She brings out the best of you. " he smiled at me and without waiting for an answer he started helping me clean the kitchen.

Shannon's laugh never stopped echoing in the room. She kept looking at the screen carefully, making nice comments to whatever she is seeing.
" Okay baby, you were legit the cutest baby I've ever seen. " she laughed again. She called me baby in front of my parents, my mom smiled at me because she noticed. Shannon didn't notice herself that she called me baby cause if she did she would have freaked out.
" Okay mom, I think it's time for us to go. " I said when I saw what time was it.
" Wow its 1pm! " my mom said looking at her watch.
" I didn't even noticed. " she added and me and Shannon stood up to leave.
" It was a really nice dinner Ms Fletcher. I hope we can do it another tike again. " Shannon said to my mom and hugged her.
" We loved spending the night with you honey. " my mom replied and dad hugged Shan too.
After the goodbyes and shit, we got back to my car.
" I had fun did you? " I asked her holding her hand.
" It was perfect Car. I love your parents. " she replied, giving me a big smile and then a kiss.
I started driving till I got to her apartment.
" I'll see you tomorrow okay? "
" Good night baby. " I kissed her lips and she got out of the car.

The night went by better than I expected it to be. Shannon stopped being anxious when we started eating and she seemed to have fun chatting with my mom. I'm really happy my parents like her and I'm happy that Shan liked them too. The only thing that I'm sad about it that I have to spend the night away from her. I drove back to my apartment and got out of my clothes. When my body touched my bed, I fell asleep immediately. It was a big night.

Can't believe that I've got so much support from all of you guys, THANK YOU!
Comment and let me know what do you think about the story so far and don't forget to vote and follow!
Love ya xx
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Instagram : nowthisisreading

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