The Risk To Love

Por KeziahFerguson

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⚫ A Wattpad Featured Story ⚫ Ever since the stranger in school A.K.A - notorious bad boy from the city arrive... Más

CH 1: Unhappy & Undecided
CH 2: New beginnings & Hot Strangers
CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering
CH 4: News & Nudity
CH 5: All Nighters & Acquaintances
CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions
CH 7: Surfs & Silent Bonding
CH 8: Slaps & Soberness
CH 9: Realizations & Reality
CH 10: Healings & Hideouts
CH 11: Carelessness & Confessions
CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna
CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness
CH:14 Paranormal & Paranoia
CH 15: Reunions & Rapists
CH 16: Fast & Furious
CH 17: Raiders & Resolution
CH 18: Promises & Probability
CH 19: Stalkers & Sentiment
CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets
CH 21: Almost Firsts & Awakenings
CH 22: Spooky Mansion & Speculation
CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement
CH 24: Broken Boundaries & Party Poopers
CH 25: Misdeeds & Hostages
CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings
CH 27: Impetuous Behavior & Confrontations
CH 29: Forgive & Forget
CH 30: Night Owls & Not So Chaste Kisses
CH 31: Unwanted Feminism & Buried Secrets
CH 32: Maze Runners & Walking Corpses
CH 33: White Lies & Wild Thoughts
CH 34: Pettiness & Meditation Gone Wrong
CH 35: Glitter Mermaids & Revenge Plans
CH 36: The Boys & Pathetic Comebacks
CH 37: Sneaking Around & Party Plans
CH 38: Threats & Medication
CH 39: Orange Vodka & Spin The Bottle
CH 40: Tears by the Lake & Watchers in the Woods
CH 41: Knights in Shining Armor & Mending Relationships
CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles
CH 43: Suicidal Prisoners & Calling Truce
CH 44: Left Raw & Reeling
CH 45: The Love Triangle & Queen Bee Collison
CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues
CH 47: Pageant Pony & The Missing Pendant

CH 28: Spilling The Beans & Trust Issues

50 7 2
Por KeziahFerguson

Listen to Surround Me by Léon

Chapter 28

"Where are we going?" I shut my eyes while he drove at an unbelievably high speed I didn't even think it was legal. I then proceeded to bringing my knees up and burying my face not wanting to see how my life would end.

I was glad Ryder helped me get over my anxiety of driving a car even at a high speed otherwise this situation would've been a whole other story.

I heard him chortle inwardly increasing the speed by changing the gear making me squeal in fright.

"C'mon I thought you loved our joyrides?"

"Yeah...when I'm the one driving! Not when there's a reckless driver such as yourself at the wheel. I've already predicted it...we're gonna slam whack bam into a tree better yet the brakes are gonna act up and your baby is gonna ram straight into a huge truck with a tank full of gas and then we're gonna blow to bits and then-"

"You can open your eyes now," he huffed out interrupting my babble switching off the engine.

"I didn't feel the impact. Must've been a quick death. Wait- why are you in heaven with me?" I asked him sarcastically still talking incoherently into my hands.

"Drama queen," I heard him mumble before I felt a pair of hands slide under my knees and carry me bridal style until he threw me effortlessly over his shoulder. Wide broad shoulder. That felt so toned and- Okay. Getting off topic here.

"Eek! What the hell!" I shrieked banging his shoulders which were useless. I needed to do something bold to be noticed. Since I was so tall my body loomed over on both sides. I noticed we were walking through a familiar part of the forest and it was about 1am in the morning with the moon scattering grey light through the canopy of rain trees. The setting was sinister and gloomy like something straight out of a horror movie. Oddly enough I loved it.

"Put me down!" I giggled when he prodded my sides making me squirm since I was ticklish all over it was practically my major weakness in life.

"We're nearly there."

"I'm serious Ryder!" I tried to keep my tone serious before I let a series of laughter smacking his butt a few times.

"Quit groping me Taylor," I could sense his smirk all the way from the back.

My mouth hung open when I tried to twist my body to look at him making my hair whip straight into my mouth." I-I was not!" I splattered most of it out tasting the hair spray. Yuck.

"Er- you were spanking me then, I didn't know you liked it kinky though," he chuckled deeply I felt his whole body vibrate.

"Shut your mouth if you know what's good for you," I couldn't think of any other comeback. I was glad he couldn't see my cheeks that turned a bright crimson red.

Slipping me down slowly my dress hitched higher than normal exposing a lot of my tanned long legs that I was feeling majorly self conscious towards. But being the gentleman I was discovering him to be,he smoothed my dress down for me running his hands  against the curves of my body making me tingle inside with butterflies that were swarming wanting to explode.

His bright eyes never leaving mine making me swoon with nervousness at the change of events and how much I was liking this kind and gentle side to him rather than the usual jerk he could be. I swear, we were both bipolar.

"Is this the part where you chop my body to bits and leave me here to die?"

Shooting me his signature jocund smile with dimples poking through on each sides of his cheek. I wish he smiled more around me. It was such a good look on him and I would never get tired of seeing it. Spinning me by the waist, his hands left making me feel bare again.

I stared in awe at where he'd taken me. I recognized where we were instantly. I painted this exact scenery a thousand times.

It was a little clearing that was hidden on the left side of the woods near the Oakwood camp site and a few picnic parks. It was my absolute favorite place to come to clear my thoughts and vent most of the time. I'd discovered it when I was a kid and it became my secret of an escape from reality.

If you saw the view you'd understand why. It was a flat boulder that was naturally shaped as a huge deformed chair which made me think it was actually used by the king of the forest. Well, what my 10 year old self assumed. It was safe enough to climb onto and was set sturdily on a cliff overlooking Pine river. Surrounding it was patches of daisies and green grass giving it a magical feel.

"My special place..." I sighed outloud walking round the chair listening to the crickets chirp and the rush of the water beneath us.

"How'd you know?" My voice faltering. I hadn't been here in so long I had nearly forgotten the peaceful and serene emotion that it filled me with.

"I saw it in one of your paintings..." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly his hands deep in his pocket. "...and I came across it the other day. I figured you came here alot."

My smile stretched wider at the realization of him noticing the little things like that.

"What?" He asked getting weirded out by enormous grin.

"Nothing. It's just that you actually can be a good guy on certain occasions," I gushed.

His face slightly reddened. "Don't push it Taylor."

Tapping the spot beside me he hopped up and plopped down leaning back. Both of our legs swinging off the edge with the rippling water beneath us.

"Isn't it beautiful up here?" I leaned back on my hands tilting my head back to gaze at the sky full of stars.

"It sure is," he replied. Although I felt his eyes on me the whole time instead of the view. His intense look and bright eyes made me look back and forth before sitting up straight. I felt so nervous and giddy around him I still didn't understand how my brain was functioning.

"You cold?"

"Nah," I shrugged giving him an appreciative loop sided smile.

"Good...cause I wasn't gonna give my jacket," he exhaled deeply leaning back next to me earning him a punch in the shoulder.

"I used to come here all the time after my aunt passed," I reminisced. " think and try to clear my head-"

I glanced quickly facing him to meet his chiseled face and dimples that were on full display.

"You're probably tired of hearing me rant on and on about myself-"

"Surprisingly, your rants amuse me so I wanna listen," he snaked his arm behind me making me scoot over a little closer trying to be subtle about it since it was starting to get a little chilly. But he picked up on my body language and had to make another innuendo.

"I knew you couldn't keep your hands off of me," he joked. I warned him to stop otherwise the next punch would be right in his ribs.

"Thanks for tonight." His voice faltering on purpose at the word thanks so I wouldn't hear his apology.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you," I put my hand near my ear squinting my eyes.

"I appreciate what you did for me and for saving my life eventhough I could've handled the situation," I quirked my eyebrow at that sentence waiting for the actual full apology.

"...and I'm also sorry for endangering you and Jay's life. You two should have never been involved and tell her not to worry, she won't be seeing that douche around anymore." His face serious and tense as he shot me a look of sincerity.

"Look Ryder, we already involved ourselves by being at the race tracks that night so it's partially my fault."

I was expecting him to be all like No, Shay don't blame yourself.  But then I was reminded it was Ryder Haynes I was speaking to.

"Yeah, it's definitely all your fault. No doubt," he joked earning an eye roll from me.

"'re not gonna tell me to stay away from you because it could be dangerous?" I guessed cause that was usually the concluding remark of a bad boy. Well, in the movies I've watched.

He chuckled loudly clutching his stomach from soreness. "What's so funny?" I asked with a dead pan look.

"You. Look Shay," he grabbed my chin  startling me but I let him do it anyway cause why the hell not, "I would never let anything bad happen to you. I can guarantee that. Besides, I owe you that much for saving me back there whether you stick around or decide to leave this life threatening friendship."

"Oh. So we're friends now?" I raised one eyebrow still feeling affected by his words that weren't poetically structured but hit me hard allowing me to see more of his genuine self. I was new to this. Having someone want to be protective over me. It was nice.

"We could be more but you're too  extra for my taste," he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Shut up!" I laughed poking his cheek.

Let's play 21 questions," I randomly urged."C'mon it'll be fun."

"Okay me first." He turned to face me his eyes twinkling and his dimples exposed from the illuminance of the moonlight.

"What's your biggest fear in life?"

"Wow. Starting deep aren't we," I joked widening my eyes.

"I'm a deep guy," he breathed out through his mouth staring intently with a brow raised. He moved closer till our shoulders were touching while leaning back on his hands.

" typical response would be clowns but since I feel pressured to give a deep answer," I made air quotations with my fingers," would be feeling powerless in a situation again...I guess," I looked out to the swishing trees and the lapping current beneath us. I'd done enough crying throughout the day that I hardly felt emotional when remembering that awful day.

"Again?" He asked catching onto my choice of words used.

I shook my head biting my bottom lip softly making him gaze longer there. "Ah-ah-ah. It's my turn now."

He slumped back against the carved rock folding his arms and pouting immaturely.

"What's your greatest fear?"

"On a normal occasion with a normal girl I'd answer her not saying yes."

"Yes to what?" I scrunched my face amusedly brushing my hair back looking at him flash me a grin.

"To being mine." He licked his lips giving me his usual sexy smirk while blinking consistently his eyes studying my face like it were a sculpture. My breath hitched at those three words as he leaned in and our faces were inches apart. My chest heaved up and down while he towered over me.

"It's a good thing I'm not a normal girl," I looked down to my hands folded in my lap my heartbeat going in overdrive as if I'd just ran a marathon.

"Definitely aren't," he answered smoothly. There was silence for awhile. I watched him look up to the stars his jaw clenched like he had something heavy on his mind.

"Seeing my real dad. That's what I'm most afraid of," his hoarse voice startled me when he actually answered the question seriously.

"I wasn't expecting that," I whistled lowly gazing sympathetically at him for not even guessing any of this.

Way to go Shay. You just made the situation awkward as hell.

"Not that I thought you were shallow or anything!" I blurted out.

Instead I worsened the situation by telling him exactly what I thought him out to be. He just kept  moving his lips from side to side nodding his head looking down the whole time. He made it seem as though the temperature dropped below normal degree changing the atmosphere to cold and uncomfortable. I could literally hear the crickets chirping probably cringing and laughing at my utter failure of continuing the conversation.

"I I just didn't think you'd be honest with me, that's all.  Don't worry, I'm sure everything will turn out fine." I gestured my arms forward to prove my optimistic point while he stared at me unconvincingly. I didn't get it though. Why'd I just say that? I didn't know anything about his past. Ugh. You can cross becoming a therapist off of your list Shayreece.

Although the word vomit was scratching at my throat full of curiosity about the real story behind his daddy issues. I hope he'd tell without me having to ask and seem overbearing.

We sat there in more silence. I pondered the thought of bombarding him with more questions. I was nervous. So nervous on how to approach him in a comforting way. Should I shut up and listen? Was he gonna share more? Should I ask? Damn. This boy made me feel puzzled.

"Really? You don't even know the reason. Don't try to act understanding, you don't know shit." He got up his mood suddenly changing. He jumped down from off the boulder. His heavy footsteps crinkling the grass under his shoes. Running his hand through his hair vigorously sighing outloud in frustration.

What the hell just happened?

"Okay! So now I'm the bad guy?!" I yelled ludicrously but he quickened his pace with hands shoved deep into his pockets following the path back to the car not shooting me a glance.

"Look ,you bipolar boy that acts like he's on his period, I may not understand but that does not give you the right-" I stopped mid way chasing after him since he didn't bother to acknowledge my existence. Even with the descriptive name I gave him.

"Are you even listening to me?" I whirled him by the shoulder when we finally reached the car. My hair was full of twigs and leaves from having to dodge past all the branches.

"Why should I? All you do is go on and on about how your life isn't damn perfect. You've never seen actual pain or felt it, so you wouldn't get it. In fact, just save your sob stories for my brother. You both can relate to having everything handed to you."

I was still out of breath but still had the energy to give him one last beating. He was angry but so was I. Raising my hand I brought my palm up but before it could strike his cheek he caught it with ease.

"L-let go of me," I writhed trying to free my wrist that was held firmly by his hand. His eyes were dead set on mine and were lit with fury. I brought my other hand up to attempt hitting him  but his quick reflexes caught it again. We stumbled backwards till my back hit roughly against a tree. He held both my hands above my head and pressed his chest against my own. The warmth of our bodies radiating off of each other. If the mood weren't so tense, my slutty side would've been all over him right now.

"You owe me an apology Taylor," he whispered out.

What kind of mind games was he trying to play with the me?

"You're unbelievable." I rolled my eyes trying to look anywhere but directly at him before I melted under his stare.

"For trying to slap me...twice I believe." He smirked tilting his head and brushing my hair slowly away from my cheeks leaving my skin craving more of his touch.

I knew what he was doing. Trying to change the subject suddenly. By using a tactic that I was submussive towards. Which was himself seeing as he had an effect on me.Why though? I now knew that he reacted badly because he assumed I would be judgemental. Or think lower of him. Maybe, just maybe he was beginning to care what I thought of him. I was starting to understand how he pushed people away. It was through hurtful words but I wouldn't let him get under my skin this time.

No more crying Shay. Tears are for the weak.

Risk #16: Big Girls Don't Cry.

"You put my life and Jay's in danger tonight because of your unresolved dispute with Devon but despite me knowing it was a gang related issue...I didn't wanna leave your side." His expression contorted like he was surprised with my choice of words. He turned his cheek and looked out into the darkness probably contemplating whether to believe me or not.

Giving me a chance to gently remove my hands from his hold and place them both on the sides of his face. This was a bold move even for me. I don't know what made me do it but it felt so right at the time. He pulled back at first but I was persistent so I wrapped my hands behind his neck.

"I'm such an idiot for doing that! But I did it anyway because as much as I hate to say mean something to me even with all the crap you've made me go through. I've only known you a while but I know underneath all that hate you have pent up inside you're a good guy, so you can tell me," I blinked continuously at his softened expression bringing my hands to the side of his warm cheeks tracing his defined jaw which I've secretly been wanting to do since I first saw his perfect face but I'd never let him know that.

He slowly leaned into my palm and for a moment I felt like we were the only two on this earth. It sounds corny but he got that effect out of me.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times before speaking. "You'd think of me differently if I told you. I don't wanna ruin how you've begun to see me," he leaned closer into our embrace resting his hands securely on my waist making me feel tingly and warm inside. He closed his eyes for a moment sucking in a deep breath through his mouth.

I was right. He did care what I thought of his character. That just wanted to make me know this boy even more.

"Ryder..." I began looking down at my shoes. "I won't judge you or your past seeing as my tale is just as dark because I have felt pain and I have felt fear...I have felt betrayal, misery and so much grief." A few tears made their way down my cheek breaking my tough facade. He brought his finger up and flicked away the hot tears that were streaming like a river.

"I'm here for just gotta learn to trust me." I finally looked up into his green orbs that felt like it were staring straight through my soul.

He didn't utter a word not even a mumble. He just gazed at me with a wonderstruck look.

Weird, eh?

Most folks would've found it romantic but I was a little creeped out. Had a girl never been this straight up with him before?

"Do me?" I asked biting my lip softly making his eyes linger there momentarily. He nodded his head slowly to answer my question before closing the distance between us.

Oh my gorilla. It was finally happening. This day will be remembered as the day that Shayreece Taylor got her first kiss!

I wasn't gonna overthink this. Just do it Shay, yes I'm referencing Nike but that was besides the point. His lips hovered above mine and I tiptoed to get better access. I felt like time stopped and the world was revolving only around the two of us. He was going slow with his movement towards my lips maybe he was unsure of what I wanted. I closed my eyes to assure him that I was more than okay with it.

But alas I was reminded I was Shayreece Taylor. The girl whose near happy endings always became a series of unfortunate events.

The light from another vehicle pulling right next to Ryder's car in the oak clearing blinded my vision for a second. Ryder leaned his forehead against my own, his jaw clenched. Yup, our moment was pretty much ruined. I couldn't wait to give a piece of my mind to whoever disturbed us.

We separated our comforting embrace but Ryder still kept his arm around my waist protectively. The driver stepped out of the vehicle fuming with a infuriated expression yelling for me to get into the car.

And boy, was our intruder mad as coconuts. I was ending up in more trouble this time.

Can you guess who that rude idiot barging in on Shay and Ryder could be?
Next chapter coming up soon and sorry for the long wait loves!

Emma x

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