Transform (Jughead Jones, Riv...

By RockDD20

254K 5.4K 1.3K

"Just tell me what happened that night!!" Some secrets can bring people together, some can tear them apart. ... More



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By RockDD20

'Do you want to hear a story, it's about the cat and the canary. Guess who died'

I don't own any of Riverdale, only my characters

"I don't want Polly to run away. But if she can't live at home, then I don't know, I can rent her an apartment" Betty said as we sat in the student lounge, a hot coffee in my hands as Betty vented to me.

"Let me talk to my mom" I offered, I'm sure mom wouldn't mind. "No, I'm sure since the divorce your mom isn't ready to have another person living there. Especially since that someone is pregnant" Betty said.

"Betty, Polly needs doctors, she needs prenatal vitamins-"

"-She needs her family" Cheryl cut off waltzing into the room.

Betty and I walked into an empty classroom Cheryl in tow. Betty let out a sigh "what do you want, Cheryl?"

"What we both want" Cheryl said stalking towards us "for the baby to be safe, how can I help" Cheryl asked.

Betty let out exasperated laugh "you can't, I don't trust you, Cheryl"

"So don't trust me, watch me like a hawk. Tell me the barest minimum, but let me help you help Polly" Cheryl begged, "you think Polly's crazy" I spoke up crossing my arms over my chest.

"I do, I think she's crazier than a serial killer on bath-salts, but so what? She's carrying Jason's baby, that trumps everything" she turned to Betty "do you know where she is?"

Betty paused for a moment "If I did, I wouldn't tell you" Betty you are the worst liar.

"Oh my god, you do" Cheryl grinned, "what? No" Betty said drawing out the no while shaking her head. "Wow, you are literally the worst liar I've ever encountered, spare me the details, Betty.
Just tell me how I can be of assistance to my darling nephew or niece" Cheryl smirked.

"Okay, uh, Polly needs money. For a safe place to live, and for medical stuff" Betty said

"Cash? Is that all? I can talk to my mom and dad"

"What? No, Cheryl" Betty objected "Jason's baby is a game-changer. We're all on the same team now" Cheryl said.

After talking with Cheryl, Betty and I left her. Betty ended up going to her locker while I was heading towards Veronica's, she texted me this morning that she wanted to talk. I skipped up to her locker leaning on the one next to hers.

"You wanted to talk" I smiled, she grinned clapping her hands together "yes I did, tonight I'm going clubbing with Kevin, Reggie and Josie. Will you be my bestest best friend and come along, your the final piece to my puzzle"

"Puzzle?" I questioned "my mom and I are having a little stand off, so to release some overwhelming tension I'm going clubbing. Whenever I went clubbing back in New York I always had, my celeb friend, that's Josie. My best gay, Kevin. Arm candy, Reggie. And my number one best friend, you"

"Well, Veronica I'd be honoured" I smirked, she grinned giving me a tight hug "this is going to be so much fun" she said. "What about Betty?" I asked "I think she's a little to preoccupied to go partying right now" V said.

"I'm not going to disagree there" I said.


I walked into my house, Marcus's car was outside signalling he was home. I have to finish our conversation from yesterday, I need to know what dad threatened him with.

I made my way upstairs, I walked across the hall to his door. I knocked but he didn't give me an answer. I opened it seeing he was lying in bed wrapped in blankets, the blinds shut enveloping him in darkness.

"Marcus?" I called out gently, he jumped awake unwrapping the blankets from his body. He sat up and looked to me "Anna, hey" he said.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon" I said giving him a look "I'm trying to set a record" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes at before walking to his window, I opened the blinds letting the light in. He groaned pulling the blankets over his eyes, I smirked pulling the down from his face.

"Time to get up" I said, "why?" He groaned.

"Because we didn't finish our conversation yesterday" I said, his face became emotionless as he looked at me. "Tell me what he threatened you with" I asked.

Marcus fidgeted before fulling sitting up, "he told me that if I ever tried to get back together with Cheryl, he'd hurt you".

My eyebrows furrowed "and you believed him?" I asked "yes, this isn't the first time he's threatened me with hurting you or Lena"

"What other time was it?" I asked my tone serious, "dad used to threaten me whenever I said I'd tell someone about him, he said he'd hurt Lena" he said "I told uncle Ryan, dad ended up finding out about it and the next day Lena was lying at the bottom of the steps. Dad had pushed her, how I know. Because when Lena was being taken away by the ambulance he whispered in my ear 'keep your mouth shut next time'"

I covered my mouth at what he said, our dad hurt Lena. He pushed her down a flight of stairs and hurt her, "does mom know about this?" I asked.

He shook his head fumbling with his fingers, he always did that when he was nervous. "Marcus" I said grasping his fingers, "do you still love Cheryl?"

He didn't answer right away, he paused for a few moments and looked down to his fingers. "I still love her" he whispered. He asked me to leave after that, and I did. I began to close the door but I stopped and looked at him.

"Marcus, you can still be with Cheryl. Dad can't touch us now" I said before closing the door.

I made my way into my room closing the door, I sat on my bed and took off my boots. I took my hair out of its ponytail and let it hang loosely around my shoulders. Then my eyes locked onto the picture I took of Jughead and I. I printed it out and stuck it to my mirror.

A small smile found its way to my lips as I saw my red cheeks.

I stood up from my bed and walked to my dresser, I let my fingers lightly graze the photograph. Then I snatched the camera off the dresser and walked over to my window, I pushed the window opened and made my way onto the roof. I sat down on the grey roofing and turned my camera on.

I began snapping pictures of the woods behind my house, the broken swing in my back yard and the blue bird sitting on the power lines. I don't know how many pictures I took that afternoon, but I felt great afterwards. I went through all my pictures and only deleted a few, I fiddled win the lighting making certain colours stand out more. But when I was done, I couldn't help but smile, continuing to sit on my roof and watch the sun go down.

After I got ready I drove to Veronica's, I parked outside the Pembrooke and texted her telling her I was waiting outside.

She came out after a few moments, her cheeks flustered and her fists clenched. She slide into my car letting out a small growl "are you alright V?" I asked as we drove off, "I'm fine, just another day in the battle of us Lodge women" Veronica said beginning to fix her lipstick in the rear view mirror.

I let out a breath as my body danced, my arms were in the air and my hips were moving in sync with the music. I grinned at Kevin as he yelled in joy over the loud music, he grasped my hands twirling me around, my giggles almost silent. Reggie wrapped his arms around my waist in a bear hug, if I'm being honest I always saw Reggie as a little brother. He was just this big goof that I always thought was adorable. Veronica joined us wrapping her arms around my waist also, Kevin snaked his arms over Reggie and Veronica's shoulder as we bounced our laughs echoing as the beat of the music made us jump harder.
Josie then joined us gripping onto Reggie, we all let out a yell in joy the song screaming in our ears, the strobe lights flashing making everything seem slower. My hair whipped around, I licked my top lip grinning as I bounced.

We broke apart and I danced with Veronica, we sang along to the song whipping our hair around and twirling in the lights. A and V, I was a cow to her when we first met and now I'm clubbing with her. I am proud to call Veronica my best friend.

I fell down onto the plush lounges next to Kevin, a drink in hand as I sipped it. Sweat glistening my skin my chest heaving, I sucked in a large breath taking a long sip from my drink.

"Mmm-mmm, girl, you better hydrate" Josie said pushing Veronica's drink to her lips "you practically left your body on the dance floor"

Veronica sighed flicking her hair back "I wish, Josie. I wish I could leave my body sometimes. Leave Riverdale, leave everything"

"Is any of this helping? Going out, going Black Swan, any of it?" Kevin asked as I massaged my stinging calfs.

"When my dad got arrested, the police, the lawyers, the judge, the courts, they took everything from us. Our houses, our cars, our club memberships, our yacht, even, I'm not kidding, the clothes off our backs" Veronica sighed her tone becoming sad "anyway, my mom sat me down on the edge of my canopy bed and she told me not to cry. Because there was one thing in this world that no one could ever take from me, not ever"

"Your trust fund" Reggie said

Veronica gave Reggie a look and said "my name, Reggie"

"Which, after telling me no one would ever take it, that is exactly what she did. Like it meant nothing. Like I was nothing" she said, I leaned over and patted her knee "it's okay V" not the best thing I could've said but at least I said something.

"Thanks Anna" she said giving me a small smile, I pulled away from her and leaned on Kevin "wake me up when my head isn't pounding" I said closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lodge, but your card's been declined" one of the workers at the club said holding Veronica's card, I slipped on my jacket as we all got ready to leave.

"Really? And let me guess, it's been reported stolen" Veronica said raising one of her eyebrows "it has, in fact. We're supposed to call the cops" the worker replied.

"Yeah, sure, call the cops. We'll be happy to tell them how old we are" Reggie smirked "or I could call my mom, the mayor" Josie said leaning forward.

Veronica stood pulling out some cash and handing it to the worker "this should cover it"

I let out a chuckle "Veronica, did your mom cut you off?" I asked "she did" Veronica smirked

"And that's a good thing?" Reggie asked, "oh, Reggie, this is how we Lodge women roll. We feint, we parry, we approach, we retreat. We're like a cobra and a mongoose dancing. She blinked, which means, I suspect, that Hermione Lodge is ready to negotiate" Veronica said.

"Wow" Reggie replied.

"Well, tonight has been a success" I smirked standing up "who's ready to go?"


"Seriously Juggie, it felt amazing taking those photos. I didn't realise how much I missed it" I grinned showing Juggie the photos I took the other day. "They're good, I like the blue bird one" he said, "I like the one of the broken swing, it reminds me of my childhood" I replied.

"Who broke the swing?" He asked, "I did" I chuckled.

"How" he laughed "I thought it would be a good idea to start jumping on the seat as hard as I could, I ended up breaking the chain" I giggled. "You'd be the only person to do that" he smiled, "you're not wrong".

He went into his pockets, Jughead's brows furrowed as he searched through his other pockets. "Damnit" he said "what's wrong?" I asked, "I left my phone in the Blue and Gold office" he said.

"I'll be right back" he said quickly running back to Blue and Gold. I leaned against the lockers huddling my books to my chest, then Archie came up to me.

"Hey Anna" he said, "hey Archie, I feel like we haven't talked in ages" I replied. "That's probably because we don't talk" he smirked, "that could be the cause" I chuckled. "A little raven haired bird told me you were dating my best friend" he grinned, "if that little birdies Veronica, then yes I am" I said.

"It's about time" he said "I remember whenever Jughead was at my house when we were younger all he'd talk about was you" my cheeks reddened, "he really likes you"

"I really like him" I smiled, "hey, have you seen Marcus. I didn't see him this morning?" I asked. "No sorry, he's probably skipping, he's been doing that a lot lately" Archie said, "he as?" I questioned.

"Yeah, he's barely been at school"

My brows furrowed "how come you didn't tell me this before?"

"I thought you knew....." Archie trailed off something catching his eye behind me, I turned around a gasp echoing in the air as I saw Jughead being escorted down the hall with Sheriff Keller and principal Weatherbee.

"Juggie" I called his eyes caught mine "call my dad" he said, I nodded "of course".

"Why are they arresting him?" I asked Archie panic running through my veins, "I have no idea, come on let's go down to the station" Archie said beginning to run through the halls me in tow.

Archie and I jumped into my car and sped off to the station, on the way Archie attempted to call Jughead's dad but each time he never answered. Archie called his dad and he picked up straight away, he explained everything that was going on and to meet him at the station.

We pulled up and I quickly got out of the car and ran up the steps, I ran to the receptionist "I need to speak with Sheriff Keller" I said breathless. "He's in an interrogation right now" the receptionist replied, "when will he be out?"

"I don't know"

I groaned turning away from him, I took out my phone and rung my mom. She's always been good friends with Keller I'm sure she can get him to let Jughead go.

It rang a few times but she picked up on the third dial.

"Hello?" She said, "mom, Jughead's been arrested" I replied running a hand through my hair.

A heard shuffling in the background "where is he? Where are you?"

"We're at the station, I don't know what to do"

"Okay, okay. Just stay there I'll be there as soon as I can" she said, "alright" I replied. She hung up and I turned to Archie.

"I just called my mom, she'll be here soon. If anyone can convince Keller to let him go it's her" I said, "my dads on his way, what do you think they arrested him for?"

"I'm not...." I trailed off my mind connecting the dots, "they saw the murder board" I said my eyes widening. "What?" Archie questioned, "I was showing Jughead some pictures then he went to grab his phone but he left it at the Blue and Gold. They must've seen the murder board"

"This is bad Anna" Archie said, "they could charge him with, withholding evidence" I replied "or Jason Blossoms murder" Archie added.

My eyes widened realising what he said was a great possibility, Jughead could go to jail for this.

Keller than walked in scratching his head, I stormed up to him "where's Jughead?" I spat angrily. "He's in the interrogation room" Keller replied, "for what" I said my eyes glaring with fire.

"We're just talking" Keller shrugged "I'm sure it is, that's why you basically slapped some handcuffs on him and paraded him around school" I growled. A hand landed on my shoulder, I looked and saw it was Archie "calm down Anna" he whispered.

I pushed his hand off me "no, not until you tell me why he's in that room" I snapped at Keller. "His fingerprints were on the car that was set alight" Keller said, "so was Betty's, I don't see her anywhere" I said my voice becoming louder and more irritated by the second.

"Betty doesn't have a connection to Jason Blossom"

"Are you fucking kidding me" I sneered "Anna" Archie scolded.

"You found something between Jason and Jughead, I hardly believe that" I scoffed "Jason used to bully Jughead" Keller said keeping calm. "Jason bullied everyone" I yelled "yes he may have picked on Jughead a few times but that doesn't mean Jughead would hurt him let alone kill him" I snapped.

"And you know what, I know what this is about" I said stepping closer to Keller, my voice low and firm "this is because of where Jughead is from isn't it, because he's from the Southside. Who cares if he is, he's better than half the people in this town" I said.

"Now I'm going to go see Jughead and you're not going to stop me" I snapped storming past him, my shoulders slapping against his.

"Annabelle" he called as I walked down the halls, "Annabelle you can't go in there" my hands grasped the cool metal handle. I turned and looked at Keller and snapped "watch me" I opened the door and walked in. My rage calmed down seeing Jughead in front of me.

He didn't see anything, he didn't need to. Slowly I sat down in front of him, he didn't look at me. His arms crossed against the metal table.

"I didn't do it, Anna, you have to believe me" he whispered after a few moments, "of course I do, Keller knows that you didn't torch that car" I said my hands reaching out and grasping his arms.

"Those Paradise Lost kids went to death row because they wore black and they listened to Metallica. I don't wanna become a scapegoat" Jughead said panic obvious in his voice.

"I'm not gonna let that happen, all the evidence against you is circumstantial. We're gonna get you out of here" I said, Jughead reached and grasped my hand. He sniffed before saying "is my dad here yet?" I felt so terrible with the words I said.

"Archie's here, my mom and his dad are on their way. I don't know where your dad is" I said, Jughead nodded.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips softly onto his, it was a quick peck but I grasped his hand tighter. "You're gonna get out of here, I promise" I said pulling away.

Then the door swung over revealing Archie, "Annabelle, your moms here". I gave Jughead's hand one last squeeze before standing up and walking out of the door.

She stood next to Fred Andrews her arms crossed, I walked towards her and asked "what are we going to do?" I asked.

"If they charge him, I'll pay for bail" mom said "are you sure?" I asked, "he's a good kid, he shouldn't let Keller ruin his record for falsely accusing him"

"Thank you, mom" I said giving her a small smile,

"Jughead's not helping himself in there. I asked him for an alibi, and he just gave me lip" Keller said "he was working for me. Yeah, the week of July 11th, was it? Yeah, I had him tear down some drywall for me" Fred said.

"You can provide me with documentation to support that?" Keller asked "I have to check my time cards" Fred said.

It didn't take long for Keller to let Jughead out, he was definitely happy to be out but I could see the disappointment in his eyes that his dad wasn't there to help him. I reassured him that his dad probably didn't have his phone on him, but that only went so far.

We walked down the steps of the station, we went the back way since our cars were parked there and there we saw FP Jones, his stagger uneven. He was drunk.

"Jughead! I'm sorry, I came as soon as I got your messages. My phone, the friggin' battery. I forgot to plug it in last night. What the hell happened?" He asked, my moms grip on my arm tightened as FP staggered towards us.

"Nothing, it's fine now. Mr. Andrews took care of it" Jughead said, "what jacked-up crap did they accuse you of in there, huh? Those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did your old man? Well, screw that. I will rip Keller a new one for trying to pull that" FP said beginning to storm towards the station anger radiating off him.

"FP calm down" mom said stepping forward, but he continued "FP" Fred said trying to grab hold of him but FP push Fred back "this is my son-" FP shouted pushing Fred "he is my son, Fred! You'd do the same for your boy"

FP continued forward but Jughead grabbed hold of FP's jacket "dad, don't make things worse, please"

"Yeah. Yeah, all right, then" FP walked away from us stopping and asking "you, uh, coming home with me?"

"He can stay with us, Mr. Jones. We already offered" Archie spoke up, "is that what you want?" FP asked. Jughead remained quiet "maybe that's for the best, if you don't mind, Fred"

"Whatever you want, FP. It's between the two of you"

"I'll go with you, Dad" Jughead said making his way over to FP. FP took hold of Jughead's lapels and spoke a few words to him a pleading look I his eyes as they exchanged words.

They embraced and within seconds FP was gone, I reached forward for Jughead and he turned to me and let me cup his cheek. He gave me a hug and we made our way.


"The Blossoms should be here soon. Once we've talked things through with them, we'll call Mom and Dad" Betty said as we waited for the Blossoms at pops.

"Are you nervous?" She asked "I'm thankful. At the home, the Sisters said each of us had a guardian angel. You're mine, Betty" Polly smiled.

The familiar ring of pops bell rang out, I turned seeing Cheryl walk towards us. "Cheryl" Polly said, she stood up and walked to Cheryl. Cheryl hesitantly reached out to touch Polly's stomach but only her nails grazed it.

Polly grasped Cheryl's hand "I'm so sorry about Jason, I know how much you loved him. And he always talked about how much he loved you"

"Cheryl, where are your mom and dad?" Betty asked, "you have to leave, now. My parents, I don't think they want to help you" Cheryl said her tone panicked.

"What are you talking about?" Betty asked.

"They want you out of the picture, Polly. It's not safe for you with them. It's not safe for JayJay's baby"

Polly turned to us, sadness in her face as she said "where am I supposed to go? I can't go back to the attic"

"No" I said "you don't have to, Polly. And don't worry about my mom, Betty, she'll want to help" I continued.

"Of course you can stay" mom smiled as Polly and Betty stood in our living room "as long as you need, anything for Alice Cooper's daughters"

"Thank you, Mrs Underwood" Polly smiled "and thank you Anna" Betty said.

"You're welcome, girls. And please, now that we're going to be roommates, Polly, it's Lillian.
Come, sit, make yourself at home"

Lillian's P.O.V

"Goodnight Anna" I called up to her, "night mom" she called back. I smiled and walked down the steps, today has certainly been a long day. I did two surgeries and almost had to bail Jughead out, poor kid really and now I've got sweet Polly living me with. I know what she's going through, I experienced it myself, except the father of my child didn't die. Poor Polly.

I walked into the lounge room and planted myself on the couch, I draped a blanket over my body and closed my eyes enjoying the silence around me. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I was suddenly awoken with a knock at the door. I checked the time, 2:47am. Who would be knocking on my door at this time.

Opening my eyes I took the blanket off me and stood up, I made my way to the door. I grasped the handle and opened the door, their stood FP. His eyes were barely open and he stunk of alcohol.

"FP, what are you doing here?" I asked "I...I-um" he stuttered not getting the words out. He then dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around my hips burying his face in my stomach. "I'm sorry" he wailed, it was then that I realised he was crying.

"I'm sorry Lillian" he sobbed, I then felt a soft kiss on my stomach. I glanced down seeing he connected his lips to my stomach, exactly were my scar was. I knelt down to FP, I cupped his cheeks and wiped the tears away.

"It's okay Forsythe" I said stroking his hair back, "I never wanted to hurt you Lillian"

"I know" I said feeling a small lump in my throat.

"It's all my fault" he sobbed, "it's not your fault Forsythe" I whispered. He buried his face in my neck sobbing as I held him, I cradled his body while his hands gripped my waist.

He pulled away after a few moments "I don't know what to do" he whimpered, I stroked his hair back and said "FP, stop drinking, get sober. Start working harder with Fred, ease up on being a serpent. Get your family back together, be a better father to your son..." I trailed off swallowing the lump in my throat.

"And you have to stop coming around here alright, go home to your  family. Forget about me okay" said, "I don't want to forget about you" he whispered.

"We all do things we don't want to do, but think of the greater good FP. Jughead gets his mother and sister back, you get your wife, daughter and son back. So go home FP, get some rest and just forget about me alright"

"But I love you Lillian" he said, "no you don't" I replied.

"Come on, let's get you home" I yanked him up and dragged him back to his car, I pulled him into the seat and I climbed into the passenger seat.

I took a glance at him, he passed out drunk, the way he used to be. Even when we were together.

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