The Stars of Our Love [ Watty...

By buying_time

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Magnus tried. He tried to forgive Alec for his wrong doings. But after living for so long amongst the vile cr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

799 37 9
By buying_time

We may or may not be nearing the end... I can't really go too far without actually writing my own version of CoHF so :P But I'll try to make this longish. And listen to Human -----> I was :P 

{post write, June 10, 2017: ew, stop using that emoji so much, me. it's gross}

Alec had experienced tremendous amounts of pain in his short life. He had been stabbed by greater demons, almost ripped in half by werewolves, fallen from a ten story building, and many other, more painful things. But nothing compared to the fire burning its way through his body. Not even the pain of his breakup. Liquid fire coursed through the weak shadowhunter's veins. Bright explosions erupted behind his eyes. And the worst part about it? Alec couldn't do anything. It was as if he were paralysed. All he could do was open and close his mouth like a dying fish, making odd gurgling noises.

"Why isn't he moving? He hasn't moved in six minutes. He should at least be twitching or something. Do you think he hit his back? Maybe he can't move anymore. We should try more iratzes. Maybe you just didn't draw it right, Clary. He could die! Please, just, try another, or something. I can't stand not being able to do anything," Isabelle rambled. She was wringing her hands together, pacing back and forth in Alec's small room while Maryse and Clary tried to tend to Alec as best they could.

"I know... Something you could... Do," Alec wheezed out softly. Isabelle's eye widened, then she dropped to her brother's side in an instant.

"Anything, Alec. I'll do anything to help you," she said quickly.

"Shut. Up," he whispered. One corner of his mouth turned up slightly. Isabelle huffed and stood up.

"Still rude even when he's dying," she muttered.

Clary looked away from the older girl and smiled to herself. Siblings, she thought. Then she went back to dabbing a wet washcloth to Alec's forehead. But the only good it was doing was cleaning away the grime and blood caked across his head instead of cooling him off. Clary looked down and saw Alec staring at her intently.

"What's wrong, Alec?" she asked.

 He tried to clear his throat, then croaked out, "I'm s-sorry for... Being a jerk b-before." Alec looked on the verge of more tears.

Clary gave him a soft smile. She thought it was sweet that he was worried about her feelings when he should the one to be worried about. "It's ok, Alec. I would've done the same thing if I were you. Just don't worry about it." But he wouldn't let it go.

"No, it was... inexcusable. I sh-should've been more-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off as he cried out and jerked wildly. His shoulder hit something and began bleeding. Maryse and Isabelle were immediately beside him, trying to calm him. They finally got him to settle down, but they couldn't figure out why his shoulder was bleeding. It hadn't seemed too bad before.

"Let's see what it is," Maryse muttered. Then she cut away his shirt and gasped. The area where the blood was seeping out was stained a grotesque purple, marking an infection. But that wasn't the most troubling thing about it. The wound had the characteristics of a vampire attack. Two entrances, neat cut, pale around the edges.

Alec had been bitten by a vampire.


Jace dragged Magnus down the stairs rather painfully, then threw him into the waiting taxi. "What the f-" Magnus began, but stopped as Jace gave him a If-you-say-one-more-freaking-word-I-will-murder-you-and-dump-you-in-Long-Island-Sound look. He instantly shut his mouth and looked out the window. The familiar streets of New York zoomed past as they weaved dangerously through the traffic. Once they took a right down Thames street (A/N I actually have no idea if there even is a street called Thames in New York City, so just play along  xD) Magnus knew exactly where they were going. He had made this same trip hundreds of times when he came to steal  Alec away for himself. Alec. The reason he was going to the Institute was to see that very shadowhunter. Except now the purpose was drastically different.

"So what is the matter with little Alex?" Magnus questioned, purposefully getting his name wrong.

Jace sent him a murderous glare. "It's Alec," he paused as Magnus waved his hand uninterestedly as if they were talking about a puppy and not a human being, then he continued, "and he has been acting strangely."

"He is a strange boy with strange tendencies. Maybe he turned straight," Magnus said, a smirk on his lips. Deep inside, it was killing Magnus to talk about Alec so disrespectfully, but he could never admit to it. He was the one who broke up with Alec, after all.

"I don't think screaming and thrashing around like a possessed man is the tendencies of a gay gone straight," Jace said. The cold fury was very evident in both his face and voice. "Can you please take this seriously? It might seem like a game to you, but Alec is my best friend, my parabatai, my brother. I will not lose him because some selfish warlock couldn't act mature enough to help his ex." And with that, he got out of the car and strode up to the front door of the Institute. Magnus looked up in surprise. He hadn't realised they were already there. Blushing in shame and embarrassment, the warlock hurried to catch up.

Jace led him through what was once the main church sanctuary to an iron caged elevator. He opened it and gestured towards the opening with raised eyebrows. "Ladies first," Jace said sarcastically. Magnus flushed again and strode through, chin held high.

"Just because I have a better fashion sense than most women doesn't mean I am a female," Magnus huffed. Jace smirked and closed the door.

"Whatever floats your boat," he replied, pressing the button to go up. Magnus looked around anxiously. There was no annoying elevator music -thank the Lord for that- but instead there were mirrors lining the walls. I guess they wanted to treat the sight sense instead of the sense of sound. Or maybe shadowhunters are just so conceded they wanted to be able to stare at themselves while going upstairs. Magnus snickered at that thought. The door dinged and opened, letting them out into a hallway. They stepped out and walked down the hall. Magnus frowned.

"What is that god-awful noise?" he asked mostly to himself. Jace's face was grim as he replied.

"That would be Alec." Magnus stopped in shock, then hurried to catch up to Jace, who had continued down the hallway. They stopped in front of a door. The screaming was louder here, and Magnus could just barely hear voices trying to console the screamer. The warlock's face was pale as he pushed the door open and strode inside. He took in the destroyed furniture and blood covered walls and floors. Then his eyes widened in horror as he saw the distraught form of Alec.

No, angel, no. Not you.

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