Reunited [A Bensler Fan Fic]

By GirlandHerKeyboard

36.5K 1.4K 160

Several years after Elliot left Special Victims Unit, he comes upon his best friend, and two little things br... More



587 28 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Elliot's POV

Jayden clung to that journal. She brought it to school with her, and when she wouldn't put it in her locker, we got a call from the school.

"We've had her for a week, and she's already getting in trouble." Liv sighed, as we held hands and walked into the middle school.

"Babe, she is just having troubles adjusting." I replied, and Liv nodded slowly.

"I know. Sorry. I need to be more understanding." She whispered, and I could see the guilt on her face from her comment.

"Hey, don't. I know why you are upset about it, and I understand. You don't need to feel guilty." I spoke, as I leaned in and kissed her cheek. She nodded slowly, and stood back as I opened the door for her.

We walked into the principal's office, and Jayden sat with her journal to her chest, and her head hung. I walked over and knelt in front of her, as Liv talked to the secretary.

"Hey." I whispered, and she looked up.

"You're gonna send me back, aren't you?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"No. We aren't." I breathed, and I saw a spark of something in her eyes when I said that, but it faded shortly after it appeared.

"El, he wants to see us now." Liv spoke, and I nodded. I stood up, and mussed up Jayden's hair, as I walked away.


"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Stabler." Mr. Oster spoke, as he reached his hand out to us. I shook it first, and then Liv did.

"So, what did Jayden do?" I asked, and he frowned.

"Well, she yelled at a teacher when she asked Jayden to put her journal in her locker."

"Is it against the rules to have it with her?" Liv questioned, and he sighed.

"It is when the student uses it in class."

"Okay, well then I don't know why she is in here." I replied, as Liv grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Because she yelled at a teacher, Mr. Stabler." Mr. Oster spoke, his voice showing how annoyed he is.

"Hey, we are just questioning why it became such a big deal." Liv shot back.

"Mr. Stabler, please control your wife." He spoke, and Liv looked like steam could come out of her ears. She was that mad.

"You will not treat me like this. I'm not just some house wife. I protect everyone in this freaking city. We just came down to talk about our foster daughter's argument with a teacher." Liv spoke quickly, and I just sat back.

"Mr. Stabler-" He started again, as he looked at me.

"I can't control her. She's her own woman. Have fun." I smiled, as I shifted in my seat.

Liv continued to go off on him, and in the end, Jayden wasn't getting punished for anything, but we took her home anyway.


Olivia's POV

Elliot and I took Jayden home, and as soon as we got there, she ran to her room. I sighed and looked at Elliot.

"We need to punish her." I sighed, and he frowned.

"I don't want to, but we do need to."

"What do we do? I don't want her to hate us, but she does  need to know that yelling at teachers isn't acceptable." I breathed, and Elliot walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

"I have no idea. No TV?"

"We barely watch TV. It is usually the kids playing, and she reads a lot."

"We could make her go to bed when the younger two go to bed?" He questioned, and I nodded.

"Sounds good. I just don't want her to hate me more than she already does."

"Babe, she doesn't hate you. She just can't trust like other kids can."

I nodded slowly and Elliot and I headed upstairs.

I knocked lightly on Jayden's door, and she opened it quickly.

"What?" She spat, and I saw her eyes were red and puffy.

"Jayden, we need to talk to you." I replied, and she slammed the door in our faces.

I sighed and leaned against the door, as Jayden sobbed from inside.

I looked at Elliot, and he frowned.

"Alright, take my beer and drink it. I'll go back to the precinct and help out. You try to get her out." He spoke, and I nodded.



I slide down the door shortly after Elliot left, and I sipped from the beer. I really wanted Jayden to talk to me, but she was sitting in her room, crying.

At lunch time, I got up and made us each a sandwich. I then carried it back to her door and I sat down.

"Jayden, I made you a sandwich. If you want one, I have it right here." I spoke, and I took a bite from it and moaned.

"So good. Maybe you'd like it. I put on some ham, and its on really good bread, and-" I stopped when the door opened. I looked over my shoulder, and Jayden looked at me.

Hey eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was a mess.

"Can I have it?" She asked, and I nodded. I stood and handed her the plate, before going into her bedroom and sitting on her bed with her.

She devoured her sandwich, and then looked at me.

"Thanks." She mumbled, and I smiled and nodded

"Of course." I spoke.

She sat the plate down, and looked at her hands.

"I know that Elliot said you weren't gonna send me back, but he might've been lying. Was he?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"We aren't sending you back, Jayden. We want to keep you here."

"Why? You have the perfect family." She replied, and I shook my head.

"We aren't perfect, Jayden." I replied, and she pushed her hair out of her eyes.

"You seem like it. Hanna and Gus have two parents that love them. You have a nice house, and food." She spoke, and I reached over and gently squeezed her knee. She didn't flinch, and I was surprised.

"Jayden, if you'd let us, we can love you too. I know that right now, we are all hesitant around each other, but we do care about you. You are just as important to us, as Hanna and Gus are. We want to help you, and when I get started, no one can stop me." I spoke, and she swallowed hard.

"Really? You care about me?"

"I do. And I hate everyone for what they did to you. You don't deserve what happened to you. Now, how about we go downstairs and wait for the kids to get home?"

"Okay." She replied. I smiled and we left her room. When I got into the kitchen, and sat the plates in the sink, she spoke.

"Thanks, Liv."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback! :D

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