The Alpha's Abused Mate

Von darknessinsanity

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Addison malia was dropped on the door step of a pack only a few weeks old. She was passed to the omegas to be... Mehr

21| Chapter
29| Chapter
30| Chapter
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13.9K 667 55
Von darknessinsanity

Possibly ten votes??
Not Edited

Addison's pov.

I pushed my body to the limit as I rushed past the trees and fallen logs. Come on Addison, just a little farther.

Push yourself.

Finally I broke through the brush and into the open training field. I ran until I saw the hand up and I ran the fastest I ever have to touch it.

Finally my hand reached his and I fell to the grounds breathing hard from the lack of air.

"20.3 seconds, a new record good job. Now you just have to cut off 4 seconds and you'll be the fastest in the pack."

I coughed and looked up "I can do it" I nodded.

Picking up my water bottle I sprayed it over my face and into my mouth.

It's been two weeks, two weeks since I've had that talk with Asher.

I left the pack with the best trainer I could find, I'm not mad at Asher. Actually what he said made me realize something.

I don't know if my bad dreams will ever stop but I know that I could deal with the situation differently.

I left the pack because I'm not officially the packs luna yet. I can't take on the role without me knowing that I'll be the best version of me for the pack.

I left in a hurry, the morning after me and Asher's talk. I left him a note telling him that I will return as soon as I can and that he shouldn't look for me.

That didn't stop Asher though, I know it's bad but I ran from him. I cut off my connection in my head so he can't find me or read my thoughts.

But I need to do this, for myself.

I'll go back eventually but not until Edward thinks I'm able to. I forgot to mention that the person who is training me is my main guard once I become queen.

I've really gotten to know him and he has told me so much of my background and my family. He also told me that the day me and Asher got back from the alphas meeting, Asher went to talk to him.

Asher was wondering why Edward and the rest of my royal guards didn't show up when they knew that their royal was in trouble. It was because I might have royal blood in me but because I never got the ceremony to introduce me as part of the royal family.

     Once the ceremony takes place I have a permanent bond with Edward and all of my guards. They had no clue that I was hurt because there was no bond to let them know other wise.

"Two hundred push ups now" Edward told me. I turned over ignoring my burning chest and started to do them.

We are currently deep in the woods of Canada. We had to go far to make sure Asher wouldn't find us. Snow hasn't fallen yet but it could be any day now. The grey clouds gave the woods a Erie feel but it was soothing in a way.

"Think fast" the words left his mouth and I turned over kicking my leg in the air to block his foot that was about to slam on my back. I jumped up as his fist came towards me.

I caught his fist in my tiny hand and twisted his arm and I didn't a spin making his arm go behind his back and him bend slightly from the pressure. My knee came up and made contact with his stomach three times before I was punched in the face.

I flew back onto the ground, I knew my nose was bleeding my I kept going. I didn't lose a second before I was up and in a ready stance. As I awaited his next move their was a flash of light from the other side of the field. I kept my eye on it but continued to stay focused on my opponent.

His leg came up, trying to kick my side but I ducked down dodging his move. My hand went up just as Edwards leg went above my head. My hand grasped his leg and I stood up knocking him down onto his back.

Before he could make a move to get up I went in for the kill while he was distracted. I straddled his waist as I kept his legs and arms down. I made my nails sharp half way shifting into my wolf. Then came to his back and I put some pressure until he said mercy.

"Mercy" he was breathing heavy and so was I. My fangs were peaking out of my lip and I knew my eyes were black. I retracted my claws and fangs and got off him smiling. I stood and started to dance around while he looked at me from the ground.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah guess who defeated her trainer. Me, oh yeah" I smiled and he released a airy chuckle.

A few days ago Edward taught that since I have a new wolf form I can transition into a half wolf. Well kind of, I can make my claws and fangs come out.

He lifted his hand up for me to help him up. I helped him and then I remembered the little flash of light . I turned around and gasped alittle as I came face to face with Gracie.

"Oh my gosh Gracie, you scared me." She chuckled and reached her hands out for a hug. I walked the few feet to her and she embraced me.

"What are you doing here? You didn't come with Asher did you? How is he? Is he mad at me?" I rushed out worried and i felt the guilt of leaving him consume me.

"No Asher doesn't know that I left but I came here to help you. He's fine, he just misses you. He is going crazy getting people to try and search for you. But anyway Edward called me and told me you finished your training?"

I eyebrows rose and I turned to Edward and he was smiling sheepishly. He shrugged "surprise? You are almost ready Luna."

I smiled but then stopped "almost ready for what?"

Gracie cut in "I'm here to help with the second half of your training. You've gotten past the physical training but now it's for the mental training."

I tilted my head in confusion "what do you mean?"

"I'm here to teach you the ways of the melia witch line." My eyes widened "I know about the line but i honestly don't think I'm part witch. Maybe it skipped a generation?"

    She shook her head "no I can feel your power, it's hidden within you but it's there." I stood uneasy "okay? How do we train for that?"

    "Okay well first we will start with little things trying to bring out your powers." I nodded and she took three blankets out of her bag and placed them on the ground.

  "Sit down you two and we won't really be moving around so I suggest you getting on your jackets."

Now that I wasn't moving around my body started to shiver from the 30° weather. We both got our jackets on and sat on the blanket.

"Okay first let's try something easy like levitation." She placed a plastic cup in front of me and poured some water into it from her bottle.

"Now what your going to do is close your eyes and search for your power. It's a big power source within you, once you find it you grab on to it. You want to push that power out and project it, you want to morph it into whatever you wish."

I nodded and took a breath releasing it. I closed my eyes and tried to focus.

We sat there in the field for a hour while I tried to do something, anything.

I was getting frustrated with myself for not being able to do it. Finally I opened my eyes a let out a little shout. "I can't do it. I don't feel anything or see anything. I'm telling you that I'm not a witch."

Gracie looked at me for a second before standing up. "Okay we are going to try something stand up."

I stood up, brushing my hands against my black yoga pants that hugged my legs. She handed me a water bottle and told me to drink it so I did.

Edward stayed on the blanket and just watched up. I followed Gracie as she walked to the middle of the field.

She turned towards me "okay if your really that convinced that your not a witch then let me show you one more thing. This is the last attempt to release your powers I didn't want to do this but if you do have magic they will appear."

I was confused but stayed still and nodded suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head and she started to say some words I didn't quit understand.

All of a sudden there was a flash and I wasn't in the field. Well I was in a field but it was at home and Edward or Gracie weren't to be seen. I was alone or I thought I was.

I looked down at myself and noticed that I was in wolf form. My ears perked up and my wolf started to growl. 'Bad' my wolf said in my head and I saw two wolves burst through the brush, fighting each other.

I knew the two people instantly but I was confused. I saw my uncles wolf under Asher but Asher's wolf was different bigger. He was just as big as me and he was powerful, not the normal alpha power either. It gave me chills of pleasure to think of how powerful my mate is.

Why was he here? My uncle. I can't believe I lived with him, the things he did to me. Who does that to their niece? I shivered in disgust.

   I watched as the wolves fought I couldn't move, it felt like I was stuck in my stop. Suddenly I shifted and I stood their watching them fight. Alpha Brian was on top now and wolves from Brian's pack crept out of the woods behind the fight. Brian jumped off of the wounded Asher and shifted to human.

    He stood naked as members of his pack held down a struggling Asher. "Just stop Asher, she's dead. Scarlett is dead. I killed her and now I'm going to kill you."

    I tried to walk forward to get to him but I couldn't. The wolves were hurting him "I'm not dead Asher. I'm right here look at me." I screamed now tears were leaking from my eyes as I saw him give up and lay limp with the wolves surrounding him.

    He laid defeated I saw the pain in his eyes. He shifted and laided naked just like Brian.

    "Kill me" he said. His chest was bleeding from the open gashes left from claws.

   "No. Asher I'm right here please fight don't give up." I screamed out now desperate as Brian got closer.

    Asher had no life left in his eyes as he watched Brian tell his pack to kill him.

  I screamed and tried to help him tried to do something.

    All of the wolves suddenly lunged at him tearing him piece by piece apart until he was just a torn up dead body.

   My heart shattered in my chest as I saw my mate, my life die.

    I cried for him, I wanted him to come hug me. I saw them tear him apart as if he was a stuffed animal.

   I sobbed as I dropped to my knees calling for him to come back. It felt like I was no longer whole. I'm not anything without him.

   I closed my eyes and hugged my knees to my chest sobbing. I looked up and jumped looking around to see that I was back in the cold woods on Canada.

   Gracie was standing a few feet from me and Edward was watching from afar still on the blanket.

    I jumped off the ground looking around "what happened" tears still made their way down my face. I noticed that the feeling of my heart was back to normal and I nothing has changed. I no longer felt empty.

     "I made you see what I wanted you to see. You just saw your worst nightmare come alive."

     I stared at her my mouth slightly open. "Why the fuck would you show me that! Who the fuck, why would you show me that?"

    I started to get angry. The anger coursed through my veins and my chest started to heat up. "Like how would that help me at all? How dare you make me go through that." I shouted at her.

    I was so angry and frustrated, it felt like I had something trapped in my chest and I just couldn't get it out. I needed to let something go but i couldn't.

    "Because you needed to know your full potential before you can be capable of becoming Luna or queen"

    That made me pissed "so you fucking show me my mate dying? It felt like I was being torn in half! What the fuck do you know how terrible that is" I screamed and finally the buzzing feeling inside of me popped .

     "That's it Scarlett just let it go" I screamed and let my body heat up. I don't know where this anger in me was coming from but it fueled the fire that I built.

    It all came out at once, my anger and pain. My skin tingled as I looked down to see that my hands were on fire and so was my hair.

   I brought my hand up and watched the painless flames dance on my skin. "H-how?" I said amazed. My anger vanished within seconds.

    I played with the hot flames that engulfed my hand.

    "Your a mailia witch. Now put it out but taking back in that fuzzy feeling. That feeling is you releasing your power so now you just take it back in."

   I closed my eyes and focused on the fuzzy feeling. It was like a switch being turned off, when I opened my eyes my hand didn't have flames of burn marks it had nothing.

   I looked up at Gracie without saying a word, and shook her head to the blanket and I followed his sitting back down.

  "I apologize for what I made you see. I had no clue what you would see but I needed to use that as a trigger for your powers to come out. It also helped that I put a herb in that water you drank. The dosage I gave you only last for about ten minutes but it makes you frustrated and easily angered. The mailia line is one of the only line of witches that can use heir magic without a spell or a spell book."

     " since your are only half witch you will mostly have to use a book or spell which is easy. I forgot to bring your book that your mother was going to pass down to you. It's back at my house I'm staying in. You also should be able to do little stuff without a book or anything like you didn't just now. You should be able to maybe open doors or make a book float, nothing huge without a book but it can be useful."

   I nodded taking in the new information.

      "I want to go back." I said and that surprised Edward. He hasn't talked this whole time but now it was his turn to say something "what? But your only half way done?"

  Gracie cut in "actually I just really needed her to break through that barrier when she had no distractions or anything like that around. I can continue to teach her at the pack house some simple spells and I will give you your spell book."

    "So I can go back? Seeing that visvion thing made me realize that I really miss my mate and I've changed. I know I have, I know how to defend myself now I'm not the helpless girl I was two weeks ago. I will continue to train with you Gracie but at the moment I want to go home."

    She smiled and nodded "I understand. What do you say Edward? Is she ready to go back?"

   He smiled at me taking my hand and squeezing it "yes you have really grown as a person theses two weeks and I'm really happy I will have the pleasure of being your main guard when you take the role of werewolf queen."

  I shot up and hugged him knocking him to the ground "thank you so much Edward for everything. I'm really glad that I got to know you."

    "Eh it was okay I mean your not the greatest but it was survivable" I gasped and punched him in the shoulder. It was his turn to gasp and fake being hurt "I think I'm going to have a bruise" I laughed and so did he.

    "But seriously everyday at 5 your still getting up and training with me." He said with a smile I raised a eyebrows "oh yeah? Was that a command? I thought I was the princess here." He gave me a playful challenge if look and before he could respond Gracie said something

   "Okay you two, it's getting dark and I can take us back to the pack house. " we got up and packed up our stuff.

     Edward and I brought a backpack each and we have been staying in the woods. We stayed in a hotel here and there for a shower and to wash clothes but we just mainly trained on the woods so we didn't want to lug around tons of stuff.

    When we were finished we looked around to make sure we didn't forget anything. The woods were getting dark as the sun behind the dark clouds went down.

    "How are we getting out of here? Me and Edward ran here in wolf form and it took us a day and a half."

    "I can transport us back." I smiled "cool" this whole witch thing is going to take some time to get used to.

     "You know what I was think?" I said stopping and looking at the two. They both turned around to look at me. "I was maybe think that I should start going by Scarlett I mean it is my name and that's what my parents wanted my first name to be."

    They both smiled at me "I think that's a wonderful idea" Gracie said and Edward nodded silently.

"Where are we walking to?" I asked looking around we've made it to the edge of the field and now looking into the dark woods.

I tugged my jacket tighter around me. The second day that I was gone from Asher and the pack I wished I brought along his sweatshirt but it was to late.

"This is were I came in before so I will go back to the same spot. And boy you are not shy anymore, I think you've talked more on the walk over here then I've ever heard from you."

Edward started to laugh and a dark blush spread onto my cheeks "oh you should've heard her theses past weeks she would shut up." I laughed "yeah yeah do you mind if we go?"

Gracie laughed and nodded she took my hand and Edwards and started to say some words. Suddenly it was like we slammed onto the ground.

The snow that covered the ground made it a soft fall. I sat up and saw that Edward was just like me but inside of on his back, his face was in the snow. He got up and I started cracking up laughing.

"Oh my gosh what happened" o wasn't to sure why I was laughing But I know that it probably had to do with the fact that I'm about to see Asher again.

I took a deep breath and shivered I could smell him from here. Right on que I heard a howl and then I heard paws on the grounds coming towards us.

We landed right infront of Gracie's little cottage. "Okay I want to see you early tomorrow before your training with Eddy so I can help you do somethings"

I nodded and stood up "I'm so calling you that from now on" I said looking down at Edward who was still sitting on his ass in the snow.

He glared at me and stood up with the help of yours truly. "Oh and before I forget to tell you because I know the alpha is going to take you away any second. Since you are becoming more fit for your position as queen Asher will have his second shift soon."

"I forgot about that" I said to her "it should be coming up soon I can't tell when but soon. Remember though the second shift of your mate will also mean that your almost completely prepared to be queen. You will be the youngest royal to rule and I just know that you will be the best the werewolf world will ever see."

I smiled at her and gave her a hug while she kissed my cheek.

I heard a bush rustle from behind us and I turned smelling my mate. My wolf howled in happiness that her mate was so near.

I stepped towards the woods not knowing what to do. Would he hate me? I left so suddenly, of course he's mad.

Suddenly he came out of the dark woods, the sun was completely down now and the moon was bright in the sky. There wasn't one cloud here unlike Canada.

He stood staring at me unsure what to do. He had bags under his eyes and I could tell he needed a shower. He was tensed up but besides that he looked perfect. His chest was on full display because he only had a pair of shorts on.

"Addison" he said looking as if he would break me if he touched me.

"I've decided to go by Scarlett. It is my real name and I want to be known by our packs as Scarlett. I mean if you'll still have me." I bit my lip, nervous on what he would say.

All at once he came rushing forward in long strides to me and crushed me to his chest.

His body relaxed in a matter of seconds with my touch. The tingles shot through our bonds leaving nothing but a light pleasure behind. I breathed him in as his warmth surrounded me.

"I missed you so much" he said to me. His face was in my neck breathing in my scent. I grabbed onto him like he would disappear.

"Me too. I'm so sorry I left, I just had to do it. I never meant to hurt you." I said as a tear slid down my face.

"It's okay I'm just so damn happy that your back." He pulled back and grabbed onto my shoulders looking at me "I didn't mean a thing I said add-Scarlett not a thing. I'm so sorry I was stressed out and I didn't want you to get hurt. I snapped and I shouldn't have."

I shook my head "no Asher thank you for saying those things. I needed to hear it, I want to be the best luna for your pack and I wouldn't have been with the way I was a few weeks ago. I hope I am now though, my train of thought is in a whole different Direction now. I'm not a scared little girl, I'm ready to try and be the best luna ever. I'm not scared anymore"

He looked deep into my eyes not saying anything, his forehead pressed against mine.

"I love you for you. I never wanted you to change and I hope you never do because the things that make you, you are the same things that make you mine. Please don't leave me again."

I shook my head and grasped him to me forcefully. He didn't seem to mind as the delightful tingles spread throughout my body. He grabbed under my butt and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I wrapped myself around him and I knew I should have never run from him.

I began to regret me leaving my mate as it meant I lost two weeks of my life away from him.

I don't know what's to come but I do know that I am never leaving my mate again.

Possibly ten votes????

I don't know if I like the fact that I put this twist into the story..... I'll probably totally regret it because it's just so randomly placed but oh well.

Love you guys❤️


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