Genie In A Bottle.

By Maroon1479

256K 7.6K 740

Becoming eighteen was exciting for most girls but for Andria it means giving up her freedom. Well, at least... More

Genie In A Bottle. Prologue.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter One.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Two.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Three.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Four.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Five.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Six.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Eight.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Nine.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Ten.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Eleven.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Twelve.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Thirteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Fourteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Fifteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Sixteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Seventeen.
Genie In A Bottle. Epilogue.

Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Seven.

12K 409 30
By Maroon1479

I pressed my lips angrily together and my hands balled up into fist as I watch Levi make Sammi giggle and I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from yelling when he reached out and pushed her hair behind her one ear.

"Lexi, calm down.", Angelo warned and Levi head snapped to our direction.

I quickly changed my look so he wouldn't see I was jealous, but I think I failed because I saw a pleased smile on his face. I glared at him for a second before turning on my side and touch Angelo bicep with my free hand, "Kiss under my ear," I mumbled under my breath without trying to make my lips move.

He hesitated, shaking his head at me in disapproval but leaned down and kissed under my ear. I giggled and playfully push at his chest, "Angelo, stop.",

"Your trelos.", Angelo whispered to me.

Keeping my smile up, I said, "I'm not crazy, I'm just not going to let Levi make me jealous. Two can play that game.", I whispered back.

"I'm pretty sure he said the same thing.", he said, frowning down at me.

"Angelo please, you know me. I'll always going to have to be the one to win the battle.", I said.

"Lexi, this is—",

"Andria,", I heard Sammi voice and we snapped our head to her direction where Levi was next to her, glaring at me dangerously. I knew I was in for it later. "Nice of you to make it. Who is your friend?"

"This is Angelo, my boyfriend from Greece. Right, moro?", I asked, calling him 'babe' in Greek.

Angelo smile awkward at her, "Hello.",

"Wow, nice accent. I'm Sammi.", she said, smiling flirty at him. "Andria, I didn't know you have a boyfriend.",

"Yes, but I'm not the kind of girl to brag that's why.", I said. "And it was to painful to talk about since he lives in Greece but we have a very good relationship.", I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugged him.

"Well, you know the basic of parties. Drink, eat, have fun.", Sammi said, placing her hand in Levi who looked like he wanted to pull his hand free of hers and kill. My nose scrunched up, but I quickly relax my face muscles. No, I was not jealous!

"Oh, we well.", I said. "Angelo, how does the pool sound? Sure gives you something to cool off after working out real hard.",

He opened his mouth to say something, but I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the kitchen into the yard. "Lexi, that wasn't cool. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off.",

"He wouldn't dare.", I said, stopping at a chair. I slid the shorts off and the shirt as Angelo took his shirt off. "Angelo please, just a few more days. I know you hate doing this, but do it for me. I want him to leave me alone.",

"Keep telling yourself that Lexi, but even though how many times you do, it's not going to happen—"

Not wanting to hear no more, I walked over to the ledge of the pool and not caring how could it would be, I jumped in. I couldn't take hearing anymore of his none sense ranting. I don't love Levi.

"I swam back up to the top and Angelo put his hand on his waist and shook his head. "Get in," I said.

"You don't deserve him.", he said before jumping in.

I frowned at what he said and guilt ran through me. What he said isn't true, Levi doesn't deserve me! He's a dog for Christ sakes! Just because I'm his Bounder doesn't mean I have to be with him. No matter what he says he can live without me.

Angelo swam to the top and pushed all his hair back, "What now?",

For making me feel this way, I put his hands on his head, "This!", I said before dunking him in the water.


I was sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet floating in the water. I watched Angelo flirt with Dallas Shields, the soccer team star player. I grinned and shook my head. I was happy he was finally happy.

I felt someone come up next to me and I knew who it was before I turned my head to look at him. Levi frowned at me, "Do you like hurting me?",

Confused, I asked, "I don't know what you mean.",

He bopped his head towards Angelo, "Do you hate me so much you would choose him over me? We're meant to be together, Andria. It was your family that put this curse on me, I can't help it. Your family wanted us to be together, but you don't want to believe it."

"Levi, don't start with tha—"

"No, don't.", he said coldly. "Just stop and listen, shut your mouth up for once.", he said surprising me. "Yes, my plan was to make you jealous as hell and I saw I did, but when he—kiss you where I do," he said, sounding like he had to force the words out, "it killed me. I guess in that way, you really did kill me.",

"Levi, I'm—"

"I don't want to hear it," he hissed. "I love you ,Andria. I have done everything for you. Want to know why? Because it's an instances to make sure you stay happy. I can't leave you unless I see you're happy or I'll want to hit myself.",

Feeling my chest get heavy with guilt, I had no words said when I opened my mouth. Levi always said those thing, but seeing him this angry it felt like he knocked them in my head.

"I'm sorry," I said, wanting to hit myself for saying something that stupid

"I wonder why you can't just admit you love me, stop doubting me.", he hissed and got up. "And another thing, I know Angelo gay. Remember I have super good hearing.", he said, leaving me with my with my mouth hanging open and I watched his back as he left out the yard.

I looked back at Angelo who noticed and gave me a confused look. He knew? Knowing it was stupid of me, I got up and quickly jogged to catch up with Levi. I ran out the yard and ran around the house to the front yard.

I saw Levi get on his bike and I ran up to him, "What the hell do you mean you know Angelo gay?",

He snorted, "Andria, don't think I'm as dumb as you think. I found out when you guys showed up.",

"Why didn't you say anything at first?", I asked.

"Because I knew you were happy thinking I was jealous. I had my suspicions and I really knew he was never your boyfriend from the time you said it back in the police station. I just went along. But seeing him kiss your under your ear like that, I don't fucking care if he was gay or not. No man touches a another man girl like that.", he said.

"See, that's it!", I yelled. "You talk about me as if I was some toy or something. Your like a kid in the sand box that doesn't want to share! I'm not an object Levi, I'm a human beginning! I don't like to be control, you should know that.",

"When do I ever control you!?",

"You wont let me date who I want!",

He humorlessly chuckled and got up from the bike, "How can you even think of that idea!", he practically yelled. "Think back to how you felt when I was flirting with Sammi! That's how I feel everyday for you and you can't even see that! You're just so god damn stubborn! God, who is one who made me fall in love with someone so hard head as you!", he yelled before getting back on the bike and started up.

Shock and hurt filled me, but instead of showing it since that would be weakness, I balled my hands up into a fist, "You know what, Levi? Fuck you! I hate you so much and I never want to see you again!", I said though I didn't even mean it. I wasn't the sappy kind of girl, when I was hurt I rather yell and scream instead of showing my feelings. I knew later I will regret it but right now I was thinking so much of my pride.

He looked at me before putting his helmet on, "Angelo right," he said and I stared at him confused at what he's talking about. "You don't deserve me.", he said and my mouth dropped as he put the helmet on and drove away.

My eyes watered up and I did something I haven't done in a while. I cried.


"It's okay, paidi,", my Yiayia said as she petted down my hair as I cried.

"He hates me, Yiayia!", I said. "God, I never cry! How could he make me cry? I hate him for making me cry.",

My Yiayia chuckled and I breathed out my nose heavily, "Andria, the one you love always going to make your laugh and cry. So you two had a fight, what couples don't?",

I leaned up from her lap and whipped my eyes, "We're not a couple, Yiayia.",

She pushed my hair back behind my ears, "I don't care if you like it or not, but you two act like a couple. Love has no age, Andria. You two are so much alike, that's why you two like to fight.",

I ran my hand under my eyes and sighed heavily, "When he said I didn't deserve him, his words felt true to me. I don't deserve him, he's has been nothing but great to me and I treated him like crap.",

"I know I should say something different but thank goodness you finally realize that.", she said and I gave her a shut up look. She laughed softly and grabbed my chin, "My little one, you and your mother are my light but you both make it so hard since you both are slow.",

"This isn't helping, Yiayia.", I pointed out.

 "You should apologize to him, Andria.", she said, letting go of my chin. "I miss Levi being around.",

I breathed out tiredly and threw my back against my bed, "You're right, like always.",

She just smiled pleasingly down at me.


I knocked on Levi's door the next door and stood there, waiting for him to answer. I knew he was home because one, his bike outside. And second, I already called one of his friends from the station to see if he was there.

I knocked again a moment later when I didn't hear anything, "Levi, it'sAndria.", I said, knocking.

I waited, and waited, and waited.

"Levi, I know you can hear me.", I said. "Please, answer the door. I'm sorry, okay. You right, I am stubborn but please open for me. I want to apologize.",

            I heard footsteps from the other side, a thump but the door didn't opened.

            "Levi, please," I said softly. "I'm sorry,". After a moment with him not responding or anything, I realized he was going to ignore me. I sighed heavily and nodded, 'Okay, I understand. Call me.", I said since I'm not use to this apologizing crap as I turned around and left. Hopefully he'll think more about how hard it was for my to come and actually admit I was wrong.

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