Clowns and sorrow

By Wolf12therian

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Kai has a very abusive dad and his mom is just plain old mean. Don't you think it's a bad life? All the depre... More

Chapter 1 - Parents
Chapter 2 - Marcus's secret family
Chapter 3 - my new family
Chapter 4 - first night
Chapter 6 - dont you remember?
Chapter 7 - jobs

Chapter 5 - the circus

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By Wolf12therian

  I woke up from a nightmare again. There were clowns again in it too. It was brutal. Clowns were being tortured and beaten till they do those tricks. I looked over to my might stand and see it's only 3am. I suddenly hear a crack near my room.

  I got out of bed and opened my door slowly. I had a room next to other rooms. In front of my room had a balcony type thing that is in front of a empty huge hall. I went there and I felt my jaw drop.

  It was a circus. Every clown had their hands chained  and everyone of them had a full clown mask on. They were all in clown costumes too. There was a spot light in the middle and every clown surrounded it.

  When my eyes focused to the light I saw Marcus's parents. They were both holding whips that were covered in blood.

  "Now my little ones let's get our training done!" Marcus's mom announced loudly.

  "And we have a new member too!" Spot light shone on me and one clown to my left and to my right. They both grabbed my arms and took me down the stairs. They had a tight grip. I tried to struggle and kick them but they were strong. It's no use.

  "Now lets make thins new clown at home!" I looked at all of the clowns. They weren't smiling. They just had a smile painted on their face. The clowns dragged me into the middle and chained my arms .

  "Stop why are you doing this?!" I tried to escape the chains but it won't budge.

  "It's for your own good sweetie. Marcus is here with you too." Marcus's mom motioned her hand where Markus is walking in from. He was in a clown costume too. He had no mask and he didn't smile.

  "Mom stop I hate this." Marcus said it and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

  "It's family traditions honey." She whipped her whip at Marcus and it flung blood all over the place. It hit Marcus on the thigh. It left blood marks. I hope it wasn't his blood.

  "Ow! Please mom. I don't want to do this anymore!" He pleaded. He was starting to cry. I had only seen him do that once. It was when I left elementary school.

  All the clowns that were chained up didn't dare to even speak a word. They stood still and listened to Marcus's mother.

  "Now let's get this started!" Marcus's dad whipped his whip at the ground and it made a loud crack. Everyone in the room jumped.

  "Everyone get up! Go to your selected place! And for you Kai, you'll be with Marcus. " Marcus got up and went to the tight ropes. He didn't even have trouble getting up the ladder with his arms chained.

  I went to the other side of the tightrope and got on top. Spotlights shone on all of us. Everyone was already in their station and no one is smiling. Not even a bit.

  "Now if there are any mistakes, you will get punished." Marcus's mom smiled. "Now let's get this started! Everyone GO!" The "go" was demonic. It made everyone jump. Marcus went on the right rope and it started to give him a hard time. I also started to walk on it and it was very unstable. If I make a mistake I will get punished, but by what? I carefully waked across the right rope with Marcus in front of me. He grabbed me and threw me above him and I landed on the rope perfectly. I didn't know I can do that.

  "Nice Kai you're already getting the hang of it!" Marcus's dad clapped and his mom too. I walked to the other side and breathed. That was my first time and I did it?

  "Now let's make this show more FUN!" Something under us opened up and it shows a pool of sharks. They weren't any type of sharks, they were mechanic sharks that had glowing red eyes. Everyone around had something different. One group had flesh eating hounds, another had animals that I couldn't make out.

  "Now go!" We all went carefully. The sharks were jumping in and out of the water trying to get ahold of us.

  "Your turn to flip me over Kai." I didn't want to but Marcus made me. I grabbed his soft hands and threw him above me.

  "SHIT!" Marcus yelled out loud. He didn't gain balance and slipped off of the rope. I reacted fast, and caught him by the hand.

  That was close. In the background I heard someone scream in pain. I pulled Marcus up and turned around to see the group of hounds eating up one of the clowns. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the hounds. Whispers started to go around the room and that covered the screaming.

  "EVERYONE QUIET!" It was Marcus's dad, his voice was demonic and it wasn't normal. It was harsh and extremely loud. Everyone stopped talking and looked back at him.

  "Now everyone get back to your training." Marcus and I got back to our play forms and the rope started to set up in flames.

  "What the fuck?!" It was so hot and bright. Marcus liked nervous.

  "Hey it's fine. The fire won't burn you if you follow it's moves." Marcus stairs at the fire trying to read its moves.

  "What do you mean? I don't see a pattern." I kept looking at it and I can only see flames heating up the surface of my skin.

  "So look at the way it's burning, the flames wave from side to side, if you follow every wave you won't get hurt. If it went left you have to put your left foot on the rope and your right foot up, if it goes right you have to put your right foot on the roe and left foot up. If you don't you will get burned, and trust me this burns 10x more than touching a hot stove." I studied the flames carefully. I don't want to get burned to death today or any day. The flames went from left, right, right, left, right, left, and left. Then it repeated again. I looked at the speed. It was normal.

  "Hey you ready?"

  "Y-yea. Let's do this." I went left, then right. Marcus did the same. Right, left, right, left, left, and done. That was all.

  "That wasn't so bad right?"


  The sound of the whip cracking in the huge hall echoed and we all stopped what we were doing, the flames went out and the creatures went away. I looked over to the group who had hounds and see a pile of bloody bones just sitting on the ground.

  "Now everyone go back to your rooms and have a good night!" They all left and I went up to my room. Marcus followed me into my room. He was sweating from the heat and so was I.

  "Why didn't you tell me your parents wanted children to be clowns for their fucking circus?!" I whispered at him with a angry voice.

  "I just wanted a friend over. I never wanted you to be in this circus of hell we were in. I had to listen to them. Nothing here is safe. Not even when you are sleeping. There are people watching. There are people hearing shit here. The people here who woke as clowns all want escape. No one has succeed to escape out of here alive. If you tried to escape you will get skinned alive and be made a clown mask. That's where the masks come from. Real human flesh. The meat they were talking about, they are human meat." Marcus spilled out the secret. I can feel the bile from my stomach rise up to my throat. I threw up into the trash can. I was sick of what he said.

  " I thought I can fucking trust you. You fucking lied to me!" I yelled at him. My throat was burning from the acid in the puke. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and realized that the chains are still on me.

  " I'm sorry Kai. I didn't mean to lie, but if I didn't lie my parents would've killed me. But the secrets spilled now. I won't get killed now cuz you need to get used to here. Now get a good nights rest." Marcus got up and walked out of the room and shut the door. I got into my bed and laid there until I fell asleep.

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