SAY DADDY (Series Two)

By denzeleelugg

113K 1.2K 143

Hey guys those who are readers of Call Me Daddy this is series two. I really hope you guys will like it just... More

My Mother
Its You
He Came Over Again
Cast List
Thank God


21.7K 204 24
By denzeleelugg

Hey guys so i know i know you guys have been waiting for series two of my daddy book that was a success i must say, thanks to you guys.

I hope you guys will love this one just as Call Me Daddy.

Celine's POV

When you hear about school you think about endless classes. Double hours of boring lectures, different groups of people, multiple activities and stressing hours used for studying.

Plus the effect of having one parent who works her ass off day and night just to provide for herself and her child. That is my life, my name is Celine Scott I'm 16 years old and a senior of Mckenly high, one of the most popular private schools in this state.

Its much different from the other high schools on the island, its much more developed and self centered. Arrival time 7:30 and departure time 2:30. Usually after pressuring your brain for hours trying to study for a test just to get an A, you get tired and just want to sleep but that shouldn't be all. What about fun times like having a  relationship, i did have a boyfriend once but he broke up with me then he left the country with his parents and i never again heard from him. My father died when i was just 6 years old and god i missed him. He died of a stray bullet right outside of his office during a robbery attack which left 12 persons murdered including my father.

It scared my mother for life but unlike others she still reach out for me and not isolate herself from me. My uncle Pete normally says that she will be okay but sometimes she would just break stuff on purpose.

She tried to move on from the pain and hurt but she only felt more pain. The assholes she dated just wanted to use her for either money or sex and i helped beat one of them once when he tried to hit her in his drunk state. All i want is to see her happy and all i want is for us to move on.

Since i hardly had guy friends some of the girls at school in the dance group use to set me up on guys from the football team. But i really did like one of them but i later discovered he had a girlfriend. I dated this other guy who was on the swimming team and you know we did stuff, not sex, but you know, we made out and stuff, but then he moved and we lost contact. From that i didn't bother to date or have guy friends.

And that was junior year. I do have a boy best friend now though, his name is Ryan i did like him at first but he's not into girls. He's gay, but his parents are rich as hell so we just spoke as friends and sometimes i wish i was a guy and just date him because he's like super cute and sweet. And because if i ask for some thing he buys it for me, but each week he brags about his one night stand with some French Italian guy or some hot sexy male model. To tell the truth, i get jealous sometimes, but luckily he is not my only friend i have a girl best friend also.

Adrian, she's a ho but we are friends  because she's cool. She may play around guys but she is serious when it came to her future. He mother was once a prostititue so you see where the act came from, but her dad is a Soldier. She always gave me the history of how her parents met and i literally crack up each time she tells me. If you only knew you would feel the exact same way. Okay ill tell you, Her mother was dancing at the strip club in which she worked and he walked in, gave her money they had sex and he decided to marry her. Weird, i know. Others would be romanic and stuff but they were different. And I'm talking about during sex he asked her.

We normally hang out on weekends or just have really hot sleep over's. She is the one who got me to be some sort of porn star actually.

Just kidding, but she do hook me up with guys and so i just kinda adopted her ways. Not to become a whore but i do mess around with guys. My lips aren't virgins but the rest of my body is. I don't know, but when Ryan and Adrian talks about sex i just zone out and stop listening. I'm not afraid of it or anything but just imagine a 7 inch cock inside of you.

That must be painful. In movies it looks like its all just fun and pleasure but i just think that doing the real action is more painful.

My mother always gives me the mother daughter lectures about waiting to find the right one and blah blah blah blah but she only says things like those because she doesn't like Adrian since she acts like a ho. I know that sex is bad and that losing your virginity is like something you will never forget but i will lose it someday. Just when i think my vagina is able to manage my two fingers.

I'm not a nasty teen but i read a lot and i watch porn. I'm a girl but if guys can do it why cant i. But unlike guys they can do hand jobs and masterbate, but girls they have to finger themselves and i afraid to wash my vagina so what do you say when i think about putting my finger in my vagina.

Adrian thought me how, but i am still afraid. I mean from her description and not to mention Ryan's, he had sex with a virgin girl once and they said that when the walls of the vagina breaks blood comes out, and i feel sick when i think about blood. Each month when i get my period my guts want to rip out of my stomach when i look at the blood. I don't even want to talk about the day i first had my period. I thought it was a crime and god was punishing me so i screamed and ran around the house naked and yelled the devil attacked my vagina.

So i have had some very good times in my life which is just going to lead to more good deeds.

Hey guys i hope you liked the first chapter.

Please like it.

I know it didn't start like how you maybe wanted it like Call Me Daddy but i promise you that the spice will be evident in the middle.

Please vote and comment and tell me what you think.

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