My Baby's Daddy

By SimplyAmber96

632K 10K 919

Hayden Barnes is a 17-year-old girl who made a mistake when she was 16. She had a baby boy named Brandon with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17

15.7K 259 18
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 17


Hayden's P.O.V*

I left the courthouse with Kristie. I can't believe Drake is being so and idiot. Doesn't he care about Brandon, about being in his life? I'd think his son is more important to him than his friend.

"Why would he do that?" Kristie asked me once we were outside.

"That's what I want to know. He's being so stupid right now."
"Hayden!" A familiar voice called. I turned to see Veronica and her mother coming towards me.

"Hi." I greeted once they were in front of me.

"I can't believe Drake did that. But my mom is going to bail him out." Veronica said.

"Why Ms. Burton?" I asked her.

"They said he was clean of drugs so he didn't do anything wrong. My son is being loyal to his "friends" and doesn't want to be a snitch. He doesn't deserve to be in jail. Besides, what would my grandson do without a father?"

Ms. Burton bailed Drake out and he came outside with a frown on his face. He saw me and came over.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hey. Can I hold him?" He put out his arms.


"Why not?" He looked angry.

"Because when you were given a choice to go to jail or tell who the drugs really belonged to, you chose jail. Did you even consider what this would do to Brandon? Obviously he doesn't mean much to you."
"He means everything to me, you know that. Darren is my friend. I can just give him up. Besides, my old boss gave me a warning. If I told anyone about where the drugs were coming from, they'd kill me. What would that do to Brandon, huh?"

I sighed and handed Brandon over to Drake. Him dying is worse than him being in jail for a year and a half.

"Let's get you home." Ms. Burton said, coming up along side us.

"Do you still want me to take Brandon?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Why not?"

Ashton's P.O.V*

I got ready to go over to Hayden's. Hopefully her mom won't be there. She's creepy. I showered and dressed in jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I then went downstairs and found my dad sitting on the couch reading a health magazine.

"Hey dad. I'm leaving now, okay?"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm heading over to Hayden's to hang out."
"Okay. Tell her I said hi."
I left out the door and drove to Hayden's. Hopefully she's home. I'm a little early and she went to Drake's hearing. I wonder if it's over yet. If it is, I wonder what happened. Hopefully he didn't get sent to jail. Brandon wouldn't have a father in his life.

I pulled into Hayden's driveway and saw her car. At least she's home. I got out and went to ring the doorbell. A moment passed and the door swung open, revealing Hayden in sweats and a t-shirt.

"Don't you look comfy." I said, coming in.

"I just got back from the hearing and it made me a little frustrated. I felt I needed comfy when I got home."

"Understandable. So I guess we're not going anywhere."

"If you don't mind."
"No, it's fine. Whatever you want to do is perfectly okay with me."
I was actually hoping we wouldn't go anywhere. It's beginning to get cold out and I'm not a fan of the cold. I prefer the warmer seasons. And after the hearing, I guess Hayden just wanted to sit down on a comfortable couch and settle her nerves. I have no problem with that.

Drake's P.O.V*

My mom pulled up in front of my apartment. I thought I'd never get home. She drives at walking speed. And the car ride here was so awkward because of the silence. I haven't seen my mom since I got out of jail. We don't have a very good relationship so it surprised me when she bailed me out.

"Can I come inside?" She asked me.

"Uh, the place is a mess. I'm sure you don't want to."
"Of course I want to come in. It's been 15 months since I've seen you. Please?"
"Sure. Come on up."
I got Brandon from the back and headed up to my apartment with my mom. I don't understand why she wants to come in. I thought she hated me for putting her through so much in the past year.

"It looks just like your room when you were living with me." She said, looking around my apartment. "Gosh that seems so long ago."
"It was."

The awkward silence came back. I decided to feed Brandon since it was about that time.

"What happened, Drake?" She suddenly asked me. "Where did I go wrong?"
I sat Brandon down on the couch and gave him a toy to entertain himself. I turned to my mom and stared at her for a moment.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just got mixed up with the wrong people. Things happen. I guess I trusted my enemies and pushed my friends away. Even the one friend I have now isn't a true friend."

"Darren. He's the one that introduced you to this life. He was a senior in high school and you were a freshman when the two of you met, right?"

"Yeah. And I trusted him. He dropped out of school after being a senior for the 3rd time and not long after, I followed. I guess I followed in the wrong footsteps. But he showed me how to make a living on the streets."
"By selling drugs."

"Yeah. I was doing good for a while, until I got caught and went to jail. But spending a year in jail gave me time to think about the things I was doing. I'm changed now. I'm off drugs and I'm not selling them anymore. I'm focusing on making money the right way and taking care of my son."
"I'm glad. But Darren is still here and he's bad news."
"But I owe him. Because of him I was out on those streets and I got caught. Because of him I was put into jail and I had time to think. He's the one that changed me."

"As long as you keep thinking that, you'll only get into more trouble."
"That's what you think. But I'm keeping Darren as my friend."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I cuddled with Ashton on the couch and watched TV. It's nice to hang out with him. It helps me forget about Drake and the trouble he could possibly be in.

"Stop being so tense." Ashton said. "Drake is fine isn't he?"

"Yeah. I just can't stop thinking about what he said. He said that if he told anyone about where he was getting the drugs from, he's dead. Like literally. It's scary. I'm a little bit relieved he didn't give Darren up."

"Don't they have that protection thing? Couldn't he get that?"
"Maybe, but that doesn't last forever."

"Do you know something that will last forever?"


"You and me." He leaned in and met his lips with mine. He pushed me back on the couch, never breaking the kiss. He then pulled away and hovered over me. He smiled down at me.

"Do you really think we'll be together forever? Possibly get married in the future?"
"Of course. I want to be with you forever. I love you."

"I love you too."

He met his lips with mine again. I tangled my hands in his hair and he ran his hands along my body. He slipped my shirt off and trailed kisses down my stomach sending chills down my spine. I'm so glad Drake took Brandon tonight. It's been a while since I've been this close to Ashton.

The next morning I woke up halfway off the couch. The only thing keeping me on was Ashton's arm around me. I looked up to see his sleeping face. He slept over again but this time it wasn't intentional.

I reached up and moved the hair out of his face, causing him to wakeup. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Hi." He said.

"You slept over again."
He jumped up and looked grabbed looked at his watch. He jumped up off the couch and began getting dressed.

"What's wrong? It's the weekend."

"Yeah, but my dad took today off so we could spend some time together. If he figures out I'm not home, he'll so mad at me..."

"Calm down. It's only 8:00. I'm sure he isn't up by now."

Ashton's cell rang and he looked to see who was calling. He sighed and reluctantly answered.

"Hey dad." He said. "I'm at Hayden's. I'm sorry, I accidentally fell asleep." Is his dad mad at him? I really hope not, I feel it's my fault that Ashton is still over here. "I know your time is valuable. I'm really sorry. I'm coming home right now. Bye."
He hung up and continued getting dressed. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and grabbed his car keys.

"Wait, us he mad?" I quickly asked him.

"Yeah. He doesn't really approve of me sleeping over my girlfriend's house."

"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. I have to go. I'll call you tonight." He gave me a quick kiss before leaving.

Drake's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of Brandon crying. I groaned and got up. I agreed to take Brandon a day early so Hayden could have a day to herself, but I wish I hadn't. I wish I could sleep in. Usually I don't get Brandon until later tonight.

I picked up Brandon from beside me and carried him out to the living room. I sat him on the couch and went to heat up a bottle. Brandon was still crying, beginning to get louder and louder. Why does being a parent have to be so hard? I thought I would be able to handle it fine when Hayden broke the news to me. I still remember that day.

*2 Years Ago*

I parked in the school parking lot and waited for Hayden to come outside. Hopefully she's in a better mood today. For the past few weeks she's been in a terrible mood.

I saw Hayden come from the double doors of the school. She had a worried look on her face. School work is probably on her mind. She came over and got in the car. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"How was school?"

"It was okay." She muttered, staring off into space.

"What's wrong? You seem out of it. Did something happen in school today?"
"Um... I have something to tell you and I don't know how you'll react."

"Tell me."

"The reason my mood has been all over the place, is because I'm pregnant."

I stared at her for a moment. How could she be pregnant? She's on birth control. That's supposed to keep her from getting pregnant.

"How?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I guess the birth control didn't work. I knew it would've been better if we used a condom too."
"Well what are you going to do? Are you going to keep it? How far along are you?"

"I'm 8 weeks. I don't know if I want to get rid of it. Will you be here for me?"

"Yeah. I'll help in any way possible. I love you." I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm scared." Her voice cracked. "I know my mom won't care, she doesn't care about anything, but how am I supposed to support a baby? I'm only a Junior in high school. I'm scared that if I keep this baby, I'll only disappoint it."

"There's no way you could do that. You're too perfect to disappoint anyone."

"Thanks." She smiled. "I love you. And if you promise to be here to help me, I want to have this baby."

"I'll help you. I promise. I helped get you into this so It's my responsibility too."

Why does everything seem harder now? It wasn't hard putting up with Hayden and her mood swings when she was pregnant. I guess I didn't realize that raising a kid would be hard. Hayden had the hardest part. She raised Brandon on her own for an entire year.

Hayden's P.O.V*

I pulled up in front of Kristie's house. I'll hang out with her today so that I have something to do. Before I had a boyfriend, I used to just stay in the house and clean while Drake had Brandon. Before that, I was busy taking care of Brandon.

I rang the doorbell and waited a moment. The door finally opened and I was a little surprised to see Joey.

"Oh, hey Hayden. I didn't know you were coming over."

"I didn't call. Sorry. I'll go."
"No, you don't have to. Stay and hang out with us.."

He let me in and I found Kristie wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. She jumped up and came over to me to give me a tight hug.

"Why didn't you call? What's up?" She asked.

"I'm bored. Ashton is spending the day with his dad since they don't see each other much. And Drake has Brandon for the weekend."

"Awe, well you're more than welcome to hang out with us. We're all one big happy family."

Ashton's P.O.V*

I took my turn and tossed the ball down the lane. So far I'm winning but that's just because I'm such a great bowler. The ball got to the end and hit the pins, giving me a strike.

"You're better than last time we played." My dad said.

"When was that? When I was 10?"

"I know we don't get to spend as much time together as you'd like, but I try. I hope you know that I really do try to spend as much time with you as I can.."

"I know dad, I just wish you didn't work so much."

My dad took his turn and I sat down and ate some fries. I really wish my dad worked sensible hours. I understand he's a famous surgeon, nut don't they realize he has a family? No one should work so much.

"Did you see that? I got a spare." My dad said, a huge smile on his face."

"Nice dad."

He looked at me, the smile slowly fading. He then sighed and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong Ash?" My dad asked me.

"Is it just me, or does it seem like we're not as close anymore?"
"You don't think we're close?"

"We're close, just not as close as before. I hardly ever see you. We can't hang out like this anymore. I really hate it."
"I'm sorry. I'm just busy with surgeries, and teaching the interns, and paperwork, and so much more."
"I know, and I understand. I think if mom was here, you wouldn't be working so much. I think you're just trying to fill your time so you don't have to think about her. I know that ever since Hayden and I started dating, I haven't really thought of her."

"That's not why I work so much. I'm just needed everywhere and all at one time. But I'm glad that Hayden takes your mind off things."

My mom's death last year hit us really hard. It was a little unexpected. Before I met Hayden, all I thought about was my mom. I do so much better when I'm distracted and having fun. Ever since Hayden has come into my life, everything has been better. And if I can spend the rest of my life with her, everything will be perfect.


There's the chapter. What did you guys think? Do you like it when I put past events in? I don't want to confuse anybody. Let me know?

Picture is of Ashton ->
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