Diary of a Vixen 2 (Fan Fic)

Af badgalyana

159K 3.4K 642

"When you charge shit to the game you have to be ready to pay your tab sooner or later." Mere

Part 1: A Second Chance At, Drama?
Part 3: Damaged Goods
Part 4: My Bitch
Part 5: Caught Up
Part 6: Legal Abduction

Part 2: RevealingThe Past

16.4K 511 74
Af badgalyana

Gabbie listened to Sheneka attentively as she explained to her what had been going on during the time she was absent. Drawing a vivid picture of the events that took place and the people involved making sure not to miss any details; she wanted to make sure that Gabbie fully understood just how deep into the game her best friend had gotten. She left no stone unturned as she answered every question Gabbie threw at her regarding the events of her secret life. It took her nearly two hours to explain it all but once she did it felt as if a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She knew that her journey wasn’t over but being alive to tell the story was a completely different feeling of satisfaction of its own. Gabbie stared at the bruised and battered face of her best friend and smiled gently. Overwhelmed and relieved that she wasn’t the only one who had made mistakes that she too had to pay for she decided to swallow her pride and finally let Sheneka in on the deadly secret she was hiding that cost her the life of her unborn child.

“I was fucking around with a married man and ended up getting pregnant.” Gabbie blurted out quickly ending the sentence with a sigh of relief. Fiddling with her bare ring finger she frowned and peered up at a visibly stunned Sheneka.

“You need to tell me more than that Gabbie.” Sheneka huffed rolling her neck slightly for emphases. “I just told you everything that has been going on with me, now it’s your turn.” She continued placing her wounded hand over the one that had Gabbie in a deep gaze. 

Wanting to protest Gabbie snarled rolling her eyes reject fully before taking a deep breath. “Devin Harper,”

“Wait, wait the pastor from that big church in Atlanta? Hold on the married one who is always cheating on his wife then ‘getting on the right path back to jesus’?” She asked more confused than disappointed in her friend’s choice of men.  Although Gabbie was always the type to be in a relationship it had almost always virtually been the same guy. She always dated the clean cut guys no priors, steady income, no kids, no wife, no problems; so for her to be dating a pastor known better for the woman he laid beside than the word he spoke faithfully every Sunday confused her.

“Alledgedly.” Gabbie said slyly cutting her eyes at her best friend who seemed to be in better spirits. The cause for her nonchalant attitude was just a mask to cover her battered confidence and heart. The truth was setteled comfortably in the deepest part of her humbled soul.

“I saw one of the commercials for his church and decided to go check it out.” She paused getting up and beginning to pace the tile floor steadily. “Once I got there It’s like he had an immediate interest in me, so I guess I just followed his lead. There was something about sneaking around with a married man that excited me. It went on for months; I would sit in the front row right beside his wife effortlessly.” A smile spread across her face smoothly as she began to trail off being led by her memories.

“Continue G.” Nene pushed trying to milk the conversation of all the information she could get from Gabbie before she runs into a bad memory and shuts down.

“Truthfully I went there for him and I got him, all the drama between his wife and I and the baby isn’t what I asked for.” She stopped herself from going further in depth on exactly what the drama was, deciding to only dig deeper if she was asked. Her yarned for someone to love her unconditionally, being a man of God with flaws and weaknesses just as she did humanize him, and made him easy to fall in love with. The secret quickies in on top of his desk in the sanctified church and the rush she got from praying with his wife as they both sat front row as he preached what he didn’t practice.

“What’s wrong what our society today is that everyone wants to be a boss, when the lord created us in his image there for making us kings and queens.” His voice covered the sea of church folks as sweat rolled down his golden skin and onto his succulent top lip. Gabbie shifted in her seat slightly as her pussy began to throb through the pink satin thong that clung to her hips and plump ass. The skin tight cream dress she wore with a turquoise shaw wrapped delicately around her shoulder Gabbie clapped her hands to his sermon. The two quickly locked eyes and with only 2 seconds to gaze at one another before others begin to talk she bit the corner of her bottom lip seductively. Speaking the forbidden language with just a gesture she told him that after his sermon he was hers, beautifully complicated and sexual.  Letting her know that he complied to her sexual advance he smirked continuing his sermon.

The two would smoke a blunt as they took turns tasting the jucies of one another. She loved the fact that he was a thug at heart, a ruthless beast that has yet to be tamed; but had the title, and respect of a pastor. After doing a five year bid in the pen for some felony charges he decided to give his life to God and walk on the holier side of the lawn. Along the way he picked up a wife, and a few tricks for the trade. The church unknowingly financed Devin and his wife Kayla Harper’s lavish lifestyle, the woman wanted him and the men wanted to be him. In every meaning of the word he was a God to the congregation and he fed off of the energy acting just as Godly as he was treated. Using his wifes love for the popularity and influence in the church against her he silenced her with designer clothes, and in return she turned a blind eye to illegal activities that kept their lives and church alive.

Gabbie came as a breath of fresh air to Devin, She was effortlessly beautiful and carried elegance with her as if it was her favorite accessory. Her ‘keep it real’ attitude and loving personality made it easy for him to fall head over heels in love with her. She pried into the deepest part of him the part he had spent years trying to shield as he led his church into the kingdom. His almond eyes, muscular built, and juicy lips that were outlined by the perfectly groomed goatee. The roughneck inside of him yurned for Gabbie and he indulged in his craving each time he had one. The two of them wanted eachother in the worst way, so much that the physical fights and long arguments became foreplay for the couple.

Gabbie clenched the satin sheets with her manicured nails causing her 14 carat diamond engagement ring to tip over as she endured the lash of his tongue. “Mmm don’t stop.”She giggled as he bit the inside of her thigh as he came up for air mouth dripping from her juices. The tattoos that riddled his body told the story of his past but only she knew it word from word. He swore to devote his mind, body, and soul to the lord but Gabbie took claim on his body the moment the wrapped her thick thighs around his waist.  Leaning in for a kiss they paused just gazing into one another’s eyes, accepting the moment for what it was as temporary as it was.

“I’m pregnant Devin.” Gabbie blurt out nervously breaking her eye contact with him. She had been holding in the secret from him and her bestfriend for nearly two months. Although it was unplanned and the product of sin, she was excited and knew that this was the extra push Devin needed to finally leave his wife.

Placing his hand on the small bump he frowned. “Ahhh how did that happen?” He  said calmly placing his hand on her flat stomach, he rubbed his thumb along side of her belly button slowly. “We’re going to figure this out together babe. ” He cooed into her ear smoothly as he thought of a plan to get out of the bend he was in. Having the reputation of being unfaithful it was unrealistic for him to ever leave his wife for his pregnant mistress without enduring the back lash of the congregation behind him. 

“There’s nothing to figure out Devin, I’m your fiancé and soon to be the mother of your child I’m tired of hiding in the dark, unable to kiss you in public, or wear my ring to church! I’m keeping this baby.” She exploded annoyed by his calm reaction to her news, she wanted it to rock his world like it did hers but it merely rattled it.  

“What the hell do you want me to do Gabriella? I’m MARRIED and I’m a pastor I can’t just drop my wife and introduce you as my new pregnant fiancé! It doesn’t work that way and you know it doesn’t.” He said sternly ending his rant with a soft kiss to her bare neck.

“Fuck your wife, you told me this is what you wanted Devin.” She said in a low tone trying to fight for the life of their unborn child.

“Shhh this is what I want just not right now.” He said softly moving a stray strand of hair out of the way of her beautiful brown eyes.

She melted like jello in his arms getting turned on by his anger, the warmth of the tip of her clit grew as he slyly slid his sanctified manhood deep into her. Wrapping his arms around her waist he slowly stroked in and out enjoying how dripping wet she got once she made him upset. He watched her hair bounce as she rode him steadily on the same bed he shared evening prayers with his wife daily. Leaning back onto the bed he lit a blunt and watched the exotic curves of hers move in a hypnotic motion as she took him to his climax.

She was worth it.

“What’s your name?” He groaned taking control gripping her waist tighly as he began to speed up the pace, causing the tapping of the two’s skin to make a slapping noise.

“Mrs, Mrs Harper!” Gabbie moaned out loud palming his lower torso trying her best to gain her composure and fight the large orgasm that was creeping up on her.

“So why are you trippin on me? Huh?” He said sticking all 10 inches of his manhood deep into her tight palace causing her to reach her climax and the decision to play her position as the sideline until further notice. I love you Gabriella.” He whispered softly into her ear following the words up with a gentle kiss to the ear. “We have plenty of time to make a family babe.”

“I love you too.”

“Does he know about the baby?” Sheneka asked boldly throwing Gabbie out of her daze and back into reality. Gabbie shrugged her shoulder, and looked down at the hospital floor once again, mourning over the lost of her child. She had made the premature decision to keep the baby even without Devin’s approval. She only lived with the decision for two days before she was gun downed and stripped of her motherhood.

A few light knocks on the door grabbed both of the bruised beauties attention. A sigh of relief escaped Gabbies lips once she saw a doctor. He was her ticket to escape the uncomfortable conversation she was having with her best friend. Time was one thing that was slipping away from Gabbie so her wounds were far from healed. 

PICTURE OF PASTOR DEVIN HARPER UPLOADED..  planning on writing this story just as a book so expect long drawn out details like the flash back into how Gabbie met Devin ^.^

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