Mystic Messenger Romantic Sce...

By Sudutistt

70.9K 2.2K 924

Short little stories of the love lives of RFA. Along with different conflicts and just random moments to reme... More

First Time meeting!
First Time Meeting (Saeran)
First Time Meeting (V)
Getting Familiar with Each other
Sneak Peak! Confession and Heartbreak
Heart break + Confession (Jumin)
Heartbreak + Confession (Zen)
Heartbreak + Confession (Seven)
Heartbreak + Confession (Yoosung)
Heartbreak + Confession (Jaehee)
Heartbreak + Confession (Saeran)
First Date! (Jumin)
First Date! (Zen)
First Date! (Seven)
Ice Skating
When they miss you
When You Vote For Them
When It's your birthday! (Jumin)
Jumin Han? Jumin Han

First Date! (Yoosung)

350 23 2
By Sudutistt

       Yoosung and (Y/N) were both walking on the beach. It was pretty dark and he thought it was the best time to go out. He always wanted a girlfriend and now had one that made him very happy. He squeezed her hand, as he turned his head to her.

"Pretty day isn't it?" He asked softly. Stopping and soon taking both of her hands. He couldn't take his eyes off her and he continued to look at her loving. While on the other hand, she couldn't help but laugh at this. She returned a smile to Yoosung.

"Yes, it's beautiful today. The way you're looking at me... it reminds me the way a child looks at a big bowl of ice cream."

"Are you insisting I'm a child?" Yoosung couldn't help, but lean over and press his forehead against hers. He hated being seen as a child to his girlfriend and wanted to be a strong lover just for her.

"Not at all, Yoosung. I think you're a pretty cute dork who plays too many video games. I'm glad something else besides your games could make you happy now, like myself." She hummed. He smiled and kissed her softly on the lips, as he pulled away.

"Your lips... I taste... strawberries?"

"Yes, my lip balm is strawberry flavored, pretty great isn't it?" She laughed.

"There's that laugh, that laugh always gets the best of me. Stop being so darn cute, (Y/N)!" He pouted and squished her cheeks together. His face was red and he couldn't hold himself together because of her.

"That pout of yours, it always makes me fall in love with you all over again. I've never asked for such a cute boyfriend! I'm still upset that you've never had a girlfriend before, Yoosung. But I'm also relieved to be your first and last love, right?"

"Yes." He pulled her close to her, as he held her hands. She had her back to him and slowly wrapped his arms around her. She smiled gently, as they both looked over into the distance.

"I'm not much of an outside person, but I started to love the sea more because of you. Thank you, thank you so much for making my world turn everyday. For also... getting over Rika's death finally."

"I'm sure Rika would had wanted you to be happy, even if she didn't love herself... she had loved you and everyone else in RFA."

But soon a beach flea went on Yoosung's foot and he quickly shrieked. (Y/N) shirked as well and the two tripped over, which resulted them into falling into the water. The two sat up and looked at each other, Yoosung leaned over and cupped her face. Despite the situation that just happened and didn't care they were wet. Nothing would ruin their first date even a beach flea.

"(Y/N), you're the best thing I've ever been able to call mine. I love you."

She turned her head to him and smiled at him again, Yoosung smiled back at the woman as well. He leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She gently closed her eyes, as she kissed him back.

In the distance the fireworks finally went off and showed the spark between the two. But the two focused more on their love for each other and slowly pulled away. Before they began to laugh.

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