My Imperfect (Various!Creepyp...

By ATwistedFate

93.7K 2.3K 2.5K

This is a 'select your fate' kind of story. You will read through the common route, and then choose which guy... More

Common Route 1
Common Route 2
Common Route 3
Common Route 4
Hoodie Route 1
Hoodie Route 2
Hoodie Route 3
Hoodie Route 4
Hoodie Route 5
Hoodie Route 6
Hoodie Route 7
Hoodie Route 8
Hoodie Route 9
Hoodie Route 10
EJ Route 1
EJ Route 2
EJ Route 3
EJ Route 4
EJ Route 5
EJ Route 6
EJ Route 7
EJ Route 8
EJ Route 9
EJ Route 10
Zero Route 1
Zero Route 2
Zero Route 3
Zero Route 3 Pt 2
Zero Route 4
Masky Route 1
Masky Route 2
Masky Route 3
Masky Route 5
Masky Route 6
Masky Route 7
Masky Route 8
Masky Route 9
Masky Route 10

Masky Route 4

903 34 13
By ATwistedFate

I fasten both of our seatbelts and look around quickly to take in my surroundings. There is junk everywhere, even in a pile in between our feet. The rear-view mirror is pointed in a way that he can't see anything I am planning to do, except my face, which is a major concern. I also noticed that when they threw Hoodie in the car, he was tied up in three spots. His hands were tied together behind his back, his arms were tied to his torso, and his legs are tied together. As they started up the car, I turn my head to look out the window nearest me on my left. I move my right hand slowly over to Hoodies side of the car and tried not to make any facial expressions. The driver keeps an eye on me while the passenger's seat guy is on his phone again. My hand reaches Hoodie's shirt and I gently brush my hand against his side, trying to find my position on him while also letting him know what I am doing. He jumps a bit at my touch, alerting the driver to look back at me and him. I turn my head and pretend that I just noticed him and made a scared face, then looked back out the window.

I keep contact with Hoodie's body at all times, so he knows exactly where my hand is and won't jump again. We can't afford another mess up. I find where his hands are and find the knot that is constricting his movement. It takes me a while, but I manage to loosen up the knot enough so I can untie it. He slowly moves his hands apart to free himself, but his arms are still tied behind his back.

I move my hand a little bit up his back to untie the next tie. Hoodie knows that we cannot act suspicious or it will alert the guards, so he stays still. Even though it is only untied, it is still wrapped around him. The only thing I can think of to do now is to try to get out of the car. They are driving fast, so we can't just jump out.

"I need to use the bathroom!" I squeal. The two men look at me and then Hoodie, who is calm and pretending that he is still tied up.

Before I could try to persuade them further into stopping somewhere, the guy driving came to a screeching stop. We all are forced to lean over at the sudden stop. When I was upright again, I see the car's headlights pointed toward someone on the road. They look familiar but I can't see them really well. Their face is covered by dark hair from the night, looking down at the ground. There is something shining off of their hand.

Hoodie leans closer to me to see what is going on and we smooshed together with curiosity. The person starts shaking and when I least expect it, the guy driving starts to accelerate to hit him. Before the car even got close to him, the man jerks his head up and stares madly into the windshield. When we got close to him, he showed his knife and jumped onto the car. His face is pressed up into the glass and I recognize him as Jeff. Of course.

He jumps onto the roof of the car and we are driving faster, trying to get the guy off of the car. I feel the car shake and grab onto Hoodie's shirt. He is getting untied and I help him while cowering away from the roof. There are holes being punched through the roof by Jeff trying to get through. He fits his arm through a hole and starts swiping his knife around trying to hit one of the guys. Hoodie, now free, unlocks the door and opens it. "Let's jump."

I shake my head, terrified of dying unlike him. He keeps trying to get me to jump but I  refuse, too scared to follow him. He shakes his head and jumps. His seat is empty and I reach out my arm to the wide-open door, hoping that somehow it will help my situation. It didn't.

The two guys in the front seat are still flipping out at the knife being swung back and forth between them, so I will be in grave danger if we crash right now. When Hoodie was getting ready to jump, he unbuckled my seatbelt to get me to go with him. Now that I still have it off, it is putting me at risk for death. What is Jeff thinking?

I sit forward, not sure of what to do until I hear something else jump on the roof of the car. Before I can wonder who or what it was, a male jumps from the top of the car to the inside. He closes the door beside me with a loud slam and sits in Hoodie's seat. He is slumping over his seat and puts his feet up on the back of the other guy's seat like he is relaxing. His arms are behind his head and he stares forward with his mask covering his face.

"Masky, what are you doing!?" I yell at him. The two guys both turn their heads and start panicking even more. Masky turns his head over to me and laughs.

"I'm rescuing you." He says, facing me with his whole body. He leans over me and grabs my seatbelt to bring it back to his side. When he clicks it in, he puts on his and goes back to relaxing on the seat. I ask him what he is doing relaxing when we should be escaping and he just shakes his head. "Wait." I look at the two guys and see that the man driving is still speeding up. I'm now terrified. What in the world is Masky thinking? "Three... Two... One..."

Masky braces for impact as the man steps on his breaks. There is a major curve ahead of us and we are going to fly right off of it! The man turns the wheel harshly to try to make it, but it would have never worked. We turn and the car flips over to go off the road. Masky reaches his arms out for me and I lean into him. It is flipping to his side, so I was forced to his direction, but I believe that I would still have went to him for protection. Well, I would for anyone in this situation.

He wraps his arms around my torso and arms, placing his head on mine. I put my arms around him, wrapped up tightly together. We stay together during the many flips off of the main road and don't let go even after it is over. The car lands on its side to where the door near Masky is pressed up against the ground. The only way out is to break out the other door above us. I let go of him and we look up to see how to get out. He lets go of me and unbuckles himself, then me. We have to maneuver around to not squish the other and he lifts me up to unlock the door and get out. When I finally get the door open, I let my head get out of the car to go free.

The door slams back down, the latch being broken that kept it from shutting when open, and hits me in the head. I fall back onto Masky and hold my head. I will have a major headache later. He examines me quickly from head to toe and then places both of his hands on my face. There is blood coming out of a place on my forehead, but I can't feel it as much right now. He pulls out a big bandage from his pocket and puts it on my wound. Why did he have that?

He lifts me up again to get out, this time more successful than the other. I give him my hand for him to take to help him out and he accepts. I know he could have gotten out by himself, but I wanted to feel like I've helped. When we are out, we jump off the car and I run over to Hoodie who is standing not very far from the car. Masky follows me over and we all three look back over to the car. Masky hugs me from behind, startling me. "Um. What are you doing?"

"Oh, I am just looking at your head to see if anything else is wrong." He says back, slightly loosening his grip on me. I nod and let him do whatever he wants. I'm not feeling my best right now, so I will go with what he thinks is right. We all watch as Jeff pulls each guy out of the car individually to kill them. I have to close my eyes during most of it. He is very sadistic.

After a while of this and Masky yelling for Jeff to stop and just finish it, Jeff comes sauntering over to meet us. "What was taking you so long?" Masky asks in an annoyed voice.

Jeff shrugs and stares back at him, "Jane has been getting clingy to me, so I wanted to waste time out here."

I turn around in Masky's hold, facing him and hugging him back. I started to get very sad but I don't know why. Maybe it was because I almost died? "Where's my hug?" Jeff says from behind me. I try to get out of Masky's hold to look at Jeff, but Masky refused to loosen his hold on me, so I stayed hugging him, opting out for just looking up at Jeff.

"Do you really want a thank you hug from me?" I ask him. He lets out a short laugh and says no, rolling his eyes.

"I just wanted a thank you." He says, looking off to the side in a sarcastic manner.

"Thank ya Jeffy." I say to him. He looks back at me, angrily. Before he could do anything, Masky flips our positions and becomes the barrier between me and Jeff.  "Calm down Mask man, I'm not gonna harm your doll."

We all start walking back to the mansion and talk to pass time. Jeff complains nonstop about how we can't just run back, but Masky tells him that I can't handle it. After a while, my head starts to hurt and feel dizzy. At first, I ignored it and tried to push myself further but it only got worse. Masky noticed my uneven walking and pulled me to his side. Even though we were walking together, he deemed that we weren't close enough. His arm is thrown over my shoulder and it adds extra weight for me to hold up, making me even more dizzy.

"Hey, are you feeling good?" He asks me. I shake my head, careful not to shake it too hard. A major wave of nausea hits me and I lean into Masky who gratefully held me in place. "Guys, I think she has a concussion. You two leave back. I'll stay here a little while with her and meet you at the house."

"You two, alone?" Jeff asks. Masky looks at Jeff and they seem to be speaking in each other's minds. Soon enough, they nod and start running off. Masky lets me sit down on the ground with him next to me so I can feel a little better, enough that I can continue walking again. The night wasn't even close to finishing.

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