another love // e.gilbert 1.

By MaryBravo200

323K 10.8K 1.6K

Holden Salvatore was always distant from his two brothers Damon and Stefan. That happened after one girl name... More

2. Compulsion Games
3. Friends To Have Dinner With
4. The Original Salvatore Brothers
5. 1953
6. New Vampire In Mystic Falls
7. The Night Of Terrors
8. Best Birthday Present
9. Evil Little Plan
10. Hitting Floor
11. Somewhere in Georgia
12. Brooms And Stolen Dances
13. 2/3
14. A 145 Year Old Lie
15. Bachelors In Paradise
16. Tomb Vampires
17. Oh, Baby Brother
18. The Past And The Present
19. Miss Elena and Holden
20. Sharing Secrets
21. The Damsel And Her Men
22. Playing With Fire
1. The Bitch Is Back!
2. One Dead Blondie, Please
3. Road Trips
4. Manipulation
5. Stolen Looks
6. I Won't Let Go Of You
7. Oh, Sweet Revenge
8. Saving The Love
9. Old Friends
10. Trouble, Double
11. Lock Your House
12. Nasty Bites
13. Betrayed
14. Crazy Ex, Everyone!
15. Her Way
16. Angry Witches
17. Our House
18. More Stolen Dances
19. Original Deals
20. Different Ways
21. The Sacrifise
22. Last Kiss Before I Go

1. Coming Home

17.9K 532 186
By MaryBravo200



Tom Odell - Another Love

"I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours
But I wanna sang 'em all to another heart."

HOLDEN COULDN'T REMEMBER when was the last time he went back to his hometown. Mystic Falls became something he didn't want to come back to, until 145 years of misery and constant loneliness brought him back to where it all began.

It was the night he met her. At first, he thought she was Katherine, but there was something pure about her face that made him realize that she was a completely different person.

She was standing on the bridge, wearing purple shirt and jeans, her hair straight and long.

The girl was waiting for someone patiently as she paced from one side to another, until she saw him standing behind her.

Holden stopped in his tracks and stared at her, anger building inside of him. He never loved Katherine, and felt relieved when he found out she was dead.

But from the looks of it, she wasn't. "Hi," Elena greeted the tall man standing in front of her. She looked behind him to see that he had no car and felt a little intimidated.

After all, she was alone and he could've taken advantage of her. Even if it was just Mystic Falls. "I thought you were dead," he sneered lowly and Elena raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Um... I think you're mistaking me to someone else," she smiled innocently, holding her phone tightly in her hand, waiting for her parents to come and take her.

"I don't forget a face, Katherine," he clenched his jaw and took a step further, causing Elena to take a step back. Her brown eyes were staring at him, fear and confusion mixed on her face.

Holden saw that she had no idea what he was talking about and realized that she wasn't Katherine, even if she looked identical. "I'm sorry," he then said with a puzzled expression. Elena breathed out and nodded her head. "I thought you were someone else."

"It's alright," she smiled and Holden then looked away, because he was staring to look like a creep, just staring into her soul.

Elena thought how hot he looked in that jacket, and blushed at that thought. "I'm Elena," she said with a small smile, her eyes burning with desire to find out who he was.

Holden walked closer to her and stopped about a few feet away. "Elena," he repeated. It was still hard to believe that she wasn't Katherine. At first, he thought that Katherine was playing games with him, but he smelled her blood, heard her rapidly beating heart and knew she was human. "Holden."

"Holden," she repeated as well then looked back to the road to see if her parents are coming. "It's nice to meet you, Holden."

"Yeah..." he trailed off and then smiled. "You look just like her."

"Like who?" Elena asked placing a piece of her hair behind her ear and blushing again. She knew he was older than her by at least 4 years but that didn't make her stop fantasizing about him.

"It doesn't matter," Holden shook his head then looked around. "What is a young teenage girl with big dreams and a friend that won't stop texting..." he commented and she looked down at her phone to see five texts from her best friend Bonnie. "... doing here at such late time?"

"It's Bonnie, my best friend," she chuckled looking at the texts. "She thinks I'm being abducted because I'm not answering back," Elena then looked back at Holden. "I'm waiting for my parents to pick me up. What is a mysterious man like you doing here at such time?" she joked and Holden smiled a little.

"Decided to come home," he commented and she looked at him in surprise.

"You lived in Mystic Falls?" she asked curiously and Holden nodded his head. "Wow, must be nice to leave."

Holden shrugged a little. "It is. Until some unknown force gets you back here," he answered dully.

Elena chuckled slightly then Holden walked even closer to her. Elena wasn't scared of him. Something about him made her feel dazed and calm, even if they were alone on the road. "I'm sorry you have to forget this," he mused and she furrowed her eyebrows.

Holden heard a car nearby and looked at her brown eyes. "Forget this conversation ever happened. You don't know me," he compelled her, something he was good at. "Maybe someday you'll know I exist, Elena. But not right now."

When she blinked, Elena saw that she was all alone. "What..." she mused in confusion then saw headlights of her parents car and sighed.

A FEW MONTHS PASSED and Holden couldn't stop thinking about Elena, and why she looked just like Katherine. He knew her parents died in a car accident from the newspaper. Elena survived somehow and Holden couldn't think of anything but someone saving her.

Stefan was back in Mystic Falls as he knew Elena also existed and wanted to know her better. He even got into school just to be close to her.

But after someone attacked Vicki Donovan at the bonfire, he had idea who that was. It was either Holden after a rough night, or Damon playing his games.

Last time he saw his brothers was in 1994 after Damon attacked Zach's wife, and Holden tried killing Damon. Stefan could still remember the look on his older brother's face when he staked Damon. It almost felt like victory and pure enjoyment.

He never wanted Holden to suffer. He loved his older brothers, but both of them were so different. If Damon was the bad boy, Holden wasn't. That's why they hated each other. Leaving Stefan in the middle to be the brother, trying to fix them.

Stefan rushed inside of the Salvatore Boarding House in a rush as Zach Salvatore, his great-nephew followed. "What is going on?" he questioned and Stefan turned to him with a worried facial expression.

"Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me," Stefan answered and entered his bedroom, only for a jet black crow appear inside making Stefan's face lit with realization. "Damon..."

Stefan quickly turned to the balcony, only to see Damon stand there with a crooked smirk. "Hello, brother."

The younger of the two stared at him, his body shifting into a defensive manner. "Crow's a bit much, don't you think?" he asked in alarming voice.

He didn't want for Damon to come back ever and now he was. "Wait till you see what I can do with the fog," Damon answered, his smirk lingering on his face.

"When'd you get here?" Stefan asked him. Damon saw how angry his face was and smiled in victory.

"Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school," the older brother mocked then titled his head. "Your hair's different. I like it."

"It's been 15 years, Damon," Stefan said moving slowly and not breaking contact.

"Thank God," Damon sassed with a laugh and Stefan clenched his jaw a little. "I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you or Holdie. Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads..."

"Why are you here?" Stefan asked thinking about Holden at that moment. He wished Holden had come because it would be easier to control Damon.

Damon shrugged then looked behind Stefan. "I miss my little brothers. It's a shame Holden doesn't like us very much."

"You hate small towns. It's boring," Stefan said, trying to make him leave. "There's nothing for you to do." he was afraid he'd see Elena and mistake her for Katherine.

"I've managed to keep myself busy," Damon smirked and Stefan knew he meant Vicki Donovan. And yet he was dumb enough to think that Holden would attack someone.

"You know, you left the girl alive tonight," Stefan told him seriously and Damon laughed.

"Ah," he mused amused. "That can be a problem... For you."

"Why are you here now?" Stefan sighed a little and Damon narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"I could ask you the same question," Damon told him then smirked darkly. "However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word... Elena." he said and Stefan widened his eyes.

In the woods, after the party ended terribly wrong, Elena was watching Matt Donovan, her ex, leave by ambulance with his sister Vicki.

Bonnie Bennett approached the terrified girl. "Hey. We're gonna go to Mainline Coffee, wait for news," she informed and Elena looked back at her.

"I gotta take Jeremy home," she answered and then Bonnie sighed.

"Elena, there's no way I'm psychic," Bonnie said with a look. "I know that. But whatever I saw, or I think I saw, I have this feeling..."

"Bonnie, what?" Elena questioned her with an uneasy look then looked behind her. She could've sworn she saw a shadow of a man standing there and furrowed her eyebrows before looking back at her best friend.

Bonnie gulped. "That it's just the beginning."

"She took my breath away," Damon told Stefan, who stared at his brother in hatred. "Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?" he taunted.

Stefan shook his head angrily. "She's not Katherine."

"Well, let's hope not. We both know how that ended," Damon laughed. "Holden would kill her without a thought if he was here. Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?"

Stefan wasn't feeding on humans, due to bad history of his bloodlust. "I know what you're doing, Damon. It's not gonna work."

"Yeah?" Damon challenged walking over to his baby brother. "Come on. Don't you crave a little?" he asked hitting Stefan.

"Stop it," Stefan warned turning furious.

"Let's do it. Together. I saw a couple of girls out there," Damon smirked and Stefan looked away. "Or just, let's cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena." he said wanting to make him angry.

And it did. "Stop it!" Stefan shouted and pushed Damon away. He then turned his back to him, trying to control himself.

"Imagine what her blood tastes like!" Damon exclaimed and Stefan's face began to transform into his vampire one. "I can," Damon whispered.

Stefan turned to Damon, his face still vamped out. "I said stop!" he then rushed to Damon, throwing him out through the balcony.

When they landed on the pavement, Stefan saw that Damon wasn't there. "I was impressed," Damon said as he stood still on the ground. Stefan quickly stood up. "I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face... thing. It was good," he mimicked the vampire face.

Stefan clenched his jaw. "You know, it's all fun and games, Damon, huh?"

"That's a given," Damon pursed his lips.

"Not here," Stefan told him angrily. "I won't allow it."

"I take that as an invitation," Damon ignored Stefan's words as he smiled.

Stefan looked at him with a pleading look. "Damon, please. After all these years, can't we just give it a rest?" he asked tired of everything.

"I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word," Damon answered calmly.

"Just stay away from Elena," Stefan told him then heard someone in the distance. He looked there for a moment before shaking his head and looking back at Damon.

"Where's your ring?" Damon asked causing Stefan to look down at his hand, to see that his daylight ring was gone. "Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes," he smirked then raised it up. "Relax, it's right here."

Damon then grabbed Stefan by the throat and pushed him against the garage door.

But then, suddenly, he was thrown away by someone and landed on the ground. Damon sneered and stood up quickly to see Holden standing in front of a very surprised Stefan. "Holden," Damon mused in surprise.

The middle Salvatore brother raised both of his eyebrows at Damon with a serious look as Stefan stood up from the ground. "What are you doing here?" Stefan asked him, this time a little bit happier, knowing that Holden wouldn't harm anyone.

Holden handed Stefan his daylight ring that he took from Damon after throwing him off of Stefan. Stefan grabbed it and put it on his finger. "It's good to see you, brother," Damon smirked sarcastically but Holden kept his eyes on Stefan.

"Tell me," he began with an angry look. "Who the hell is Elena Gilbert and why does she look like Katherine Pierce?"

"Isn't it fun?" Damon interrupted and Holden rolled his eyes then looked at him. "All three of us here. Back."

"Zach called me," Holden informed them and Damon raised his eyebrow.

"Now, why would he do that?" Damon couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face and that infuriated Holden.

"I don't know, maybe because Stefan came, and he knew you'd follow," Holden snapped sarcastically then walked over to Stefan. "Where you go, it's impossible to see people alive."

Damon rolled his eyes then left them. Stefan looked at Holden. "It's good to see you." he said and Holden sighed.

"Yeah," he mused dully placing a hand on Stefan's shoulder and looking at the Boarding house. "15 years... I heard you're in school. It's because of Elena girl, right?" he asked curiously.

"How do you know about her?" Stefan questioned back and Holden remembered the night he met her.

"I'm a vampire, Stefan," he commented while rolling his eyes a little. "I know a lot of things."

"Look, she's not Katherine, I'm sure of it," Stefan told him seriously, knowing how much Holden hated Katherine.

"Well, whatever the hell she is... it's not gonna end well," he answered then walked inside of his house.

Coming back to Mystic Falls felt weird. But Holden knew that he wouldn't leave until he found out who Elena was.

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