Married to the TV Psychologis...

By life_girl01

453 19 42

When Robin married Philip twenty years ago, she never would have imagined what their life would bring. After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Coming Soon!

Chapter 20

19 1 0
By life_girl01

Ellie was already 2 weeks old. I walked downstairs with Ellie to start making breakfast.

A few minutes later, Philip walked into the kitchen.

I said, "Good morning!"

Philip said, "Good morning", and then we kissed.

He asked, "What are you up to this morning?"

I said, "Not too much. My parents are coming over in a few minutes. They wanted to say goodbye to the kids before they headed home and Ellie has a check up today."

My parents lived in a very small town in Oklahoma, while  two of my siblings lived in Texas, and my other two siblings lived here in California. Philip and I also lived in California.

Jay and Jordan came downstairs and sat down at the table.

I brought their plates to them and said, "Good morning boys!"

Jay said, "Good morning!"

Jordan said, "Morning!"

A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I went to the door and it was my parents.

I said, "Hi mom. Hi dad. Come on in."

We walked towards the dinning room, which is where everyone was sitting.

My mom said, "Well, I guess this is our goodbyes now."

My mom walked over towards Jay and Jordan.

She gave Jordan a hug and said, "Bye bud! I love you!"

Jordan replied, "Bye! I love you too!"

My mom approached Jay and said, "I don't need to say goodbye to you yet."

Jay was going to be heading home with my parents. He was going to head back to Arkansas for college once they get to Oklahoma.

My mom gave me a hug and said, "Bye dear. I love you!"

I said, "Bye mom! I love you too!"

My mom held Ellie for a few minutes while my dad said his goodbyes.

My dad said to Jordan, "Be good until I can see you again. Be nice to your baby sister. Work hard in school."

Jordan said, "I will. Bye Grandpa Jim!"

My dad gave me a hug and said, "You are going to do great being a mother to a baby again. I am so proud of everything that you are accomplishing."

I said, "Thank you dad. I love you!"

My dad replied, "Love you too baby!"

Jay gave me a hug and said, "Bye mom! I love you!"

I said, "I love you too! Be safe and keep working hard at college."

Jay said, "I will."

My parents left with Jay. I put Ellie down in the bouncing rocking bed and started to cry a little.

Philip pulled me in for a hug and said, "Everything will be ok. Jay is an adult. We did what we can do as parents. That is that we taught him everything that we thought of to teach him."

I don't know if I was more emotional about him going back to college or not. I enjoyed having him at home for the past two weeks.

I said, "I know. It's just that it was nice to have Jay home for the past few weeks."

Philip said, "I know it was, but he is going to do greater things. I am going to head to work now. Bye! I love you!"

I said, "Bye! I love you too", and then we kissed.

I said to Jordan, "Jordan, you better get outside. Your bus will be here any minute."

I handed Jordan his lunch box and said, "Bye Jordan! Have a good day."

He walked out the door ready to tackle his day.

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