Two Run Through My Veins

Von HugsAreFree

40.8K 1.2K 183

The war against Eris is over. Violet is dead. Will Eric be able to live without the love of his life and soul... Mehr

Two Run Through My Veins
Ch. 1 Into the Sun
Ch. 2 His Blood, My Blood
Ch. 3 My Way
Ch. 4 Can't Believe
Ch. 6 The Red Plague is a pain in the ass
Ch. 7 It's a bloody nightmare
Ch. 8 No Filter
Ch. 9 Everything happens when the sun goes down
Ch. 10 Not Invited
Ch. 11 What Royal May Come?
Ch. 12 A sight to See
Ch. 13 Vamp Daddy
Ch. 14 Say Yes To The Best
Ch. 15 Bloody Announcements
Ch. 16 Forever
Ch. 17 One Hell of a Loophole
CH. 18 Going Up
Ch. 19 Ring of Fire
Ch. 20 It takes an alpha

Ch.5 Not Even a Week

2.3K 62 4
Von HugsAreFree

* Hey Guys! I put up a slide show for this chapter! Let me know if you like it when I use them! Thanks so much!*


Ch. 5 Not Even a Week

          It was like I had gone back in time to when I first met Eric and he was told by Godric in the letter to look after me. This meant like it had back then: I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without someone around me or go to the grocery store by myself. I knew Eric was just trying to protect me but it was not doing him or me any good! I was going insane and he was being a clingy whore to me. No bueno mi amigo.

          We were still staying in the vampire hotel. So far no one had even looked at me once I would walk through the doors because they knew Eric would rip their throats out, or worse. This I could live with but I had only been back for not even a week and I was about to explode any second.

          “I’m going for a walk in the gardens outside. I’ll be back in a little bit,” I told Eric while putting on a jacket but he stopped me before I even got towards the door.

          “I’ll come with you.”

          I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together while trying to count to ten. It wasn’t working very well. “No. I am going outside by myself to go on a nice walk in the gardens,” I proclaimed while still keeping my eyes closed. My tone wasn’t the calmest but I was still working on it while I was shaking inside.

          “What are you doing? And I will be accompanying you. As much as you hate it, I am not taking any chances,” Eric stated dominantly. It made me wince but I opened my eyes to glare at him.

          “I am trying to keep calm! You know why I’m trying to keep calm?!” I yelled and then poked a finger at his hard chest. It hurt and I winced but I just couldn’t stop from exploding. He ruined any chances of Zen that I had made. “Because of you! I don’t need a babysitter 24/7! I am your fiancé/bonded/whatever else and what I need from you is to lay off a bit!”

          Eric got really close to me and picked me up by my shoulders so I could be eye level with him but I still shrunk away a bit when his fangs popped out. “You need protection!”

          I started to wiggle and he set me down but still stood very close. If I took one more inch forward our bodies would be touching. “And you need a swift kick in the ass!”

          The growl that erupted from my vampire’s chest gave me the chills in a good and bad way but my anger was still in control. I tried to walk around him but it was just no use for when he got his hands on me again. Before I could even exhale I was on the bed with Eric pinning me to it.

          What are you doing?

          “Fine, I’ll just tire you out with sex,” he purred and I could tell the beast in him wanted to come out, to ravish me, to make me want to die because it would feel that good.

          That’s his solution? Sex? What the hell!

          “Eric,” My voice grew soft and I got his attention while he stroked my thighs. I’ll admit even when I’m mad at him his touch can do wonders, but now was not the time. I needed to just go be by myself for a little bit. I needed to breathe.

          “What darling?” His blue eyes almost made me go blank but I too knew how to tame this beast.

          I placed my hands on his chest and said, “I’m going to go for a walk in the garden by myself. There are cameras and I’m sure some sort of security around. I will be perfectly fine. I’ll have my phone on me. Now please move or I will not give myself to you for six months. Take it or leave it.” I knew I was being a bit drastic and evil, but it was all I had for ammunition against this guy.

          Eric narrowed his eyes and then got off of me reluctantly.”Fine, but if anything looks wrong or you feel like something is not right, call me and get inside.”


          The air was warm out but not too hot to be in jeans and a jacket so I was all good. As I perused the garden I noticed they had part of it lit by little lights wrapped around trees and solar balls here and there. Most of the flowers were folded up and sleeping but it was a still magical sight to take in. Even the air smelled sweet like lilies and jasmine. I couldn’t help myself by inhaling and feeling instantly soothed.

          The more I walked in the garden the more trails I saw going left and right. My feet took the right path but not so lucky for me it would turn into the wrong one.


Eric’s P.O.V.

          I could feel Violet. She was calm and seemed happy. It made me feel at ease but also a little sad.

Why can’t I make her feel at peace? How come she gets angry at me? Is it because I’ve put a pretty short leash on her? It’s for her own good though. She has to see that! And the ‘no sex’?! I had forgotten how ruthless she could be…

I smiled at my last thought. Violet was always a fighter, even when I first met her. No matter how I was the sheriff, a thousand year old Viking, and a vampire, she still always stood up to me, put me in my place. It made me love her that much more. She was always willing to stand up in what she believed in. She always put others before herself. She sacrificed herself to save the world- to save me.

And I couldn’t do what she asked me to do. I only lasted three years! I need to me the man she needs!

After wallowing in my guilty conscience for a little longer I noticed the twinge of fear coming from Violet and booked it out of the room.


Violet’s P.O.V.

          “Now what in the world is the great Violet Knight out at night by herself for?”

          You know how your mind kind of wanders and suddenly you end up in a place you shouldn’t have or in front of someone you shouldn’t be in front of? Well trust me to get myself in a pickle such as that one. I was simply walking in the garden, went down the right side of the trail, and ended up in front of a pissed off looking vampire named Charlie, courtesy of her telling me. A little taller than me, red short hair, likes to wear a lot of black, and pale skin. Kind of a cliché look for a vampire if you ask me.

          “Listen Charlie, I’m going to turn around and leave alright?” I tried backing away but she zipped behind me. I almost jumped but held in my nerves. Too bad my heart skipped a little beat.

          Shit! Eric! Eric!

          I started to panic when she began to advance on me and Eric wasn’t answering me.

          This is so not the time to ignore me! Come on!!!!

          “Oh I don’t think so.” Her smirk could have made a baby cry for his momma.

          “Look I don’t know what beef you got with me but can we solve this like in a week?” I asked and tried to walk around her but she decided to have a better idea and punch me in the face.

          I smacked the ground with a nice slapping noise and began to get up slowly but Charlie picked me up by the shoulders and tossed me into a tree.

          “We’re just getting started sweetheart.”


Eric’s P.O.V.

          I ran as fast as I could to the garden. Violet’s scent hit my nose and then the smell of her blood came to me. I followed it but didn’t see her. When her trail ran cold I noticed there was a tree with a dint in it and a piece of her jacket was on the ground.

          “VIOLET! VIOLET!”

          I searched and searched but couldn’t find her. There were no more trails to go on so I ran back to the hotel and alerted security.

          “I WANT EVERYONE LOOKING FOR HER! DO YOU HEAR ME?!” I roared at the team of guards before going to check the security cameras.


Violet’s P.O.V.

          “Should have listened to the Viking,” I giggled nervously to myself as I hung in the air by my arms.

          The rope stung as it dug into my wrists while they were dangling above me holding all my weight to some beam. I dangled in the air while trying to decide if it was a good thing or bad thing that from my forearm down I was starting to feel numb too.

          It’s probably a bad thing. All the blood is going down.

          To some extent I guessed it was about almost an hour and a half of torture I had survived through. Through the punches to the face which made me see purple spots to match my face, to the kicks and claw marks on the rest of my body. I honestly didn’t know how I was still conscious.

          “Now do you remember why you’re here?” Charlie asked and ran a blade lightly over my ribs. I could feel how sharp it was through my shirt and shivered away before answering her.

          “Haven’t gotten a clue. Why don’t you tell me,” I offered and received a broken rib.

          “That’s not very nice!” Charlie screamed at me while I screamed out of pain. The air felt like it was leaving my body completely and fire was burning the inside of my chest.

          “Gahhh!” I screamed some more and tried to break free but it was no use.

          “Not so tough without your godly powers now huh?” Charlie gloated making me freeze. She circled around me and whispered in my ear as she floated off the floor. “That’s right. A little birdie told me your granddaddy got mad at you and took away your powers.” I gulped and knew I was in for a world more of hurt.


Eric’s P.O.V.

          I could feel her pain, her screaming for me rang through my head at one time but then it went silent and all I could do was feel it. The anguish and torture she was going through was sending me into a fit of rage. It was so bad that I destroyed half the lobby waiting for Bill Compton to arrive. He was a good detective to say the least. I had used him before. This time I needed him more than ever because deep down I knew Violet didn’t have a lot of time.

          “Took you long enough!” I yelled and he shook his head before bowing to me.

          “Eric where are the surveillance tapes?”

          I showed him the room and he began watching them. He was fast and intent until he stopped one of the tapes.

          “What is it?” I asked impatiently and looked at the monitor he was looking at.

          “That,” he pointed to a female not too far from Violet trying to hide herself, “is Charlie de Beauvoir. She is a lethal vampire that is wanted in the western part of the United States. I do believe Violet and her partner Thomas met.”

          I stared at the screen with my fangs coming down. “What else?”

          “Violet killed him because he was working for Eris.”


Violet’s P.O.V.

          “Why are you laughing?!”

          I couldn’t keep them in anymore. The giggles escaped me and had taken on a life of their own. It was making it even harder to breathe but I just couldn’t stop.

          “I asked you a question!” Charlie yelled at me again.

          “B-because! Because it hasn’t even been a week!” I still could not control the laughing which got me another punch to the face. Honestly I lost track of how many I received around twenty.

          God why am I still alive?! Why hasn’t Eric come?!

          “Your laughing is about to stop you bitch! No thanks to you-“

          “No thanks to me what?” I asked. “If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t even be alive to do this. I saved the world! Duh you dumb vampire. Geez what did they teach you at the vampire academy? Nothing? Let me just explain something to you. Eris was planning on sucking the world into Hell. Ergo you would have burnt up and been dust in the wind Einstein.”

          “That doesn’t matter now! You took everything away from me! You and your whore of a soul blood bonded!”

          “Honestly what are you getting at?” I asked and Charlie didn’t respond. She hissed at me and then tore my shirt right open.

          “I’m not a lesbian,” I chimed in and spitting up some blood. A drop got onto Charlie’s lip and she licked it off while savoring it. “Now that’s just nasty.”

          “You taste better than I thought,” Charlie purred making me want to vomit.

          “Go to hell,” I spat and screamed for Eric to come for me.


Eric’s P.O.V.

          We had a search party of over two hundred vampires looking for Violet. I even went as far as calling the new Queen, Jacqueline LeMieux. She was a cold queen but she owed me a favor for the time that I saved her ass in Budapest a few decades ago when we first met. Thankfully she had her top investigators looking for Violet.

          “Is there anything new Compton?” I asked while rubbing my head again. Violet’s pain was getting unbearable.

          Bill looked at me and asked, “Are you ok?”

          I sat down and growled. “Violet is being tortured I think. Where could she have been taken?! Are there any warehouses or anything with a basement not too far?”

          “I’ll get the listings.”

          Violet please hold on!


Violet’s P.O.V.

          Violet please hold on!

          I heard Eric’s voice in my head and tried to tell him where I was but even I wasn’t too sure about that.

          “Nice bra.”

          I made a sound of disgust as Charlie looked at me with blood thirst eyes, especially in the chest area. It wasn’t too comfortable with her looking at my pink polka dotted pushup bra that I just got from Victoria’s Secret.

          “Look I’m not a lesbian, I’m sorry about whatever. The war is over and I’m getting real tired of you beating the shit out of me alright?”

          Apparently not alright because before I could say another smart ass comment Charlie growled out, “This is for Thomas!” and went straight for my tattoo right over my heart of Eric’s initials with the wave. She was going to carve it off but suddenly the blue ink swirled on my chest and turned a bright blood red color. It felt kind of funny like a tingling sensation and I watched in amazement as the wave transformed into a full flown phoenix. Charlie’s eyes went wide and she screamed, “What the fuck is that?!” before my new transformed tattoo literally leaped off of my chest, wrapped itself around Charlie in a ball of flames. I watched in amazement and bafflement while the phoenix’s flames swallowed her whole and finally leaving her to be a pile of dust on the floor. When it was done the fiery bird looked at me, bowed its head, and then went back onto my chest and transformed back to the little wave tattoo with Eric’s initials again like nothing happened.

          “Whoa,” I breathed.  


Athena’s P.O.V.

          “Father you cannot just leave her without her powers! There are too many threats! Look at her! Look at your granddaughter!” I screamed and raged at my father, Zeus to give back Violet her powers. Within less than a week she was already kidnapped and tortured!

          “You know as well as I that she needs to learn who her superiors are!” My father yelled at me making the heavens crackle and flash with thunder and lightning.

          “Then you are setting her up for a death sentence!”


4 Hours Later

Violet’s P.O.V.

          “Eric please come get me. Please! I-I-“ I coughed on my own air as I blubbered to myself. No longer could I feel blood in my hands or arms as I dangled in the air. My shirt torn open, a few ribs broken and just dying to puncture my lungs while everything else just hurt as bad if not worse.




Eric’s P.O.V.

          Door to door we went until one of the Queen’s guards got a tip about a disturbance in a certain neighborhood. The police were called but nothing was done about it.

          When we got to the house I kicked down the door and was able to walk straight in without an invitation. My suspicions about the owners were confirmed when I saw a couple drained on the sofa dead.

          “She’s here!” I yelled and zipped from room to room. Finally I found a basement and when I saw Violet I was shocked so hard that I froze for a second. But the second was long enough to take everything in.

          “Eric,” she whispered and I grabbed ripping the rope from her arms and cradling her in mine.

          I bit my wrist and held it up to Violet’s mouth. “Drink Violet. Now, please!”

          “I’m sorry. Y-you were r-right.”

          “It’s ok. Everything is going to be ok, but right now I need you to take my blood.”

          Thankfully she did.


I flew Violet and I back to the hotel where I could clean her up and get her to rest safely with me watching her. She cried once my blood started to heal her ribs. They were cracking back into place causing her to writhe in pain. I held her the whole time. It was a long healing process that night that didn’t quit till at least eight in the morning, but regardless I didn’t let her go, I didn’t leave her.

          “I’m here Violet. I’m here. Don’t worry it’s almost over.”



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