A Dark Slayer in Love

By Glory_Team628

2.7K 75 1

A reform slayer deserves to be cherish More

The Hyperion Hotel
Sunnydale Hospital
Sunnydale Cemetery
Buffy's House
Winifred's Apartment
Buffy's Living Room - Night
Sunnydale High - DAY
School Bus - DAY
Wolfram & Hart Battle
Welcome Back to Los Angeles
Winifred Room - Night - Bathroom
Winifred - Bedroom - Night
Buffy & Dawn Room - Night
Breakfast - Morning
Winifred & Faith Room
Date Night
Training Room
Meant to be

Lobby - Afternoon

74 4 0
By Glory_Team628

Faith growls under her breath as she watches Connor sitting down by Dawn. The last couple weeks, Faith realizes that she's been feeling more protective over Buffy sister, Dawn. And for some reason, Connor seems to piss her off, as he seems to be around her whenever possible. Faith watches as Connor drapes his arm around the back of the couch.

Dawn laughs at something the young man said, making Faith bounce on her heels before turning around and striding down to the work out room Fang has set up.  Faith starts hitting and kicking the weight bag, thinking about how she wasted her time involving herself in Dawn love life, while sweat pours off her, not realizing she's been working out for an hour.

Angel smirks at his son sit down by Dawn, wondering if the boy was ever going to get a clue that the young brunette wasn't interested in him. Every time Connor tries to maneuver activity so that Dawn and him were alone, Faith usually popped up. Thinking about it, Angel looks around and sure enough, across the room, Faith is standing, silently watching the two. Having spent the two hundred plus years watching humans, Angel knows Faith cares about the teen girl. Watching Faith take off, he quietly follows her and watches while she destroys the heavy weight bag.

"Faith, feel like talking?" Angel finally decides to say something.

"What'cha want?" Faith does a quick spinning kick, splitting the bag open. "Fuck!" She growls out before bending over with her hands on her knees, panting heavily.

"Why don't you take the convertible and see if Fred wants to go to dinner." Angel suggests as he throws her the keys to his car.

"Huh?" Faith looks at the keys she caught on automatic, before looking up at the vampire.

"The group can eat take out." Angel calmly suggests before turning and heading back upstairs.

Faith takes a deep fortifying breath. "No time like the present." 


Dawn smiles at Connor as he tells her about his first meeting Willow. Glancing up she sees Faith watching them from across the room before she spins around on her heels and heads out of the lobby. Dawn frowns slightly at the maneuver, wondering what caused it. 

"Would you maybe like to go out this Saturday?"

Dawn blinks "Connor, You're a sweet guy but I only see you as a friend." 

Connor sits there looking stunned, not believing that because she wasn't interested in dating him. "Is it because Angel, my father and your sister ex."

Dawn eyes open wide in realization of what he thinks. "Oh, Connor !! I didn't mean it that way. I thought you knew. But then why would you know? 

Connor looks at her with a confused, hurt look, she sighs quietly. "I'm sorry Connor, I have feeling for Andrew. If those wasn't there, trust me I would love to go out on a date with you."

"I'm so sorry, Dawn. I didn't realize." Connor eyes open wide in shock

"It's not your fault." Dawn shrugs, smiling crookedly at him. "Everyone somehow knew and I honestly didn't even think about it when I came here."

"I feel like an idiot." Connor starts smiling slightly. "My thinking you were interested in me because I'm Angel son. I don't know which is worse." He jokes before laughing.

"And if you ever want to go out as friends, I'm game." Dawn summarize

Connor nods "I guess friends it is." Standing up he smiles down. "I better get to sharpening the axes and knives. It's that time of the month again."

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