Buffy's House

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Buffy, Faith, and Spike walk in the front door of the Summer's home as Faith comments that everything looks the same. Spike continues down the hall as Buffy says that everything in the house has been destroyed and replaced, so it's new-ish. Sitting in the background in the dining room, Dawn slowly rises and calls Buffy.Giles also rises from the table and both of them glare at Faith who at first tries to smile her welcome.

Dawn's glare could break boards though and she asks Buffy if Faith has to stay there. "Isn't there a hotel that takes tried-to-kill-your-sister-types?" Giles doesn't look too pleased either.

Faith tries to joke it off, but she's obviously bothered. Buffy says that she has to go to the hospital and check out the situation with the wounded girl, but Dawn (still glaring at Faith) says that Willow has been calling and that she's staying there. Buffy heads off as Giles says that they'd better find somewhere for Faith to sleep. Both he and Dawn walk off, still glaring.

"Not all of that tension was about you" Spike says from behind a bothered Faith "Giles was part of a plan to kill me, for Buffy's own good." "Well, that makes it feel better about me... worse about Giles.

"Kinda shakey about you" Faith says.

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