Sunnydale High - DAY

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An empty school bus, blowing papers in front of the new Sunnydale High, now completely deserted. At least 30 people in the group march up towards the main doors of the High school. "Welcome to Sunnydale high. There's no running in the halls, no yelling, no gum chewing, apart from that, there's only one rule: if it moves, kill it." Principal Wood gives his "final" tour as they all file into the hallway and Buffy starts to direct them to their right spots. Faith and Spike lead the potentials to the basement (as Xander says "the bathroom is to your right. If you don't have to go to the bathroom, think about what you're about to face. Better to go now.") Robin points Willow and Kennedy to where his office is, right over the seal. Kennedy takes a bag of spell components from Willow and says she'll get set up. Robin then points out three places where the Ubervamps might try to break out of the building. Giles says they'll break up in teams of two, with him and Robin taking the lounge.

Dawn teams up with Xander, and Anya gets paired up with Andrew. "We will defend it with our very lives" says Andrew. "Yes, we will defend it with his very life" add's Anya.

"And don't be afraid to use him as a human shield." Xander suggests to Anya.

Dawn heads off as Buffy starts after her, calling her name. Dawn turns "No... anything you say is gonna sound like goodbye." 

Buffy turns back to the remaining three people, Giles, Willow, and Xander. All stand silently in a square. "So, what you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Buffy asks non-chalantly. Xander suggest miniature golf, but Willow and Buffy want to go to the mall. Giles starts the mumbling "we're going to save the world and you're worried about the mall?" as Buffy says she's got a wicked shoe craving. The three head off, jokingly ignoring Giles, as he heads towards his post "the Earth is DEFINITELY doomed."

Walking down the darkened hallway, the three friends remain. Willow breaks off with a smile to her two friends as she heads for the Principal's office. Xander does the same a few steps later, heading down a hallway. Buffy walks on confidently into the lower basement seal area, where all of the SIT's and Faith are gathered, surrounding the unburied seal. "You first, B." Faith says as she hands a knife to Buffy.

Buffy takes the knife and slowly draws it across her palm, tracing a line of red from it. She hands the knife to Faith, who does the same.

All of the SIT's and both Slayers hold out their hands above the seal, squeezing their fists, letting the blood fall on it. The seal activates! It glows brightly, the corners of the pentagram fold up, the center swirls and sinks in, and the seal is now open! Buffy and Faith exchange a look before Buffy starts to head down into the seal's opening.

"They should be in place" says Willow as she sits in the principal's office, which is lit by 8 candles. A few spell components and the scythe lay in front of Willow as Kennedy sits across from her watching. "Magic time..." Willow nerviously laughs "you ready to kill me?" Kennedy mumbles something... couldn't tell what she said (sorry). "Brace yourself" Willow says as she grips the scythe firmly in both hands, still keeping it on the floor.

Spike says he's sorry to be a downer, but his amulet isn't showing any life. Buffy says she's not worried, but Spike says he doesn't feel anything, and complains that he looks like Elizabeth Taylor. Buffy repeats "I'm not worried" but not sounding all that convinced as they lead the group from the seal opening into a cave which opens into an cavern. 

Spike looks down and gets a horrified expression on his face, then pulls back from the edge. The SIT's all line up along the cliff's edge, each having some sort of weapon, also staring down in horror. "I'm not worried..." Buffy says, almost panicing. "Really? Cause I'm flashing back to Xander's whole bathroom speech." Amanda asks Buffy for reassurance. Buffy suddenly gets a little brave and shows strength. "I'm not worried. As long as Willow can work her spell before they..." Suddenly the cavern goes quiet as the ubervamps notice their attackers "... see us." The ubervamps on the cavern below instantly start to charge, with hundreds of bodies flying foward. 

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