Wolfram & Hart Battle

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Angel ran down the alley behind the hotel, carrying his sword. When he got to the chain-link fence looking around for the others, no one was there.

The sky thundered above as the heavy rain continued.

"Boo," Spike came out from the shadows.

 "Anyone else?" Angel asked.

 "Not so far," He looked out the open end of the alley, "You feel the heat?".

 "Yeah, It's coming," Angel said.

 "Finally got ourselves a decent brawl," Spike smirked.

"Damn!" Gunn rushed toward them, carrying his ax.

"How did I know the fang boys would pull through?" 

"I was on fire tonight". He collapsed as Angel caught him, leading him near a box to sit down.

Spike notices the wound on his gut."You're supposed to wear the red stuff on the inside, Charlie boy." 

Gunn looked down at his wound "Any word on Wes?" 

Illyria jumped over the fence and stood behind Angel looking to the ground. "Wesley's dead."

Angel, Gunn, and even Spike hung their head down.

"I'm feeling grief for him" Illyria stated.

All of a sudden, noises came somewhere farther away from the alley.

"Okay", I'll take the thirty-thousand on the.." Gunn said.

"You're fading, Illyra shook her head, "You'll last thirty minutes at best".

He stood up, ignored the pain, "Then, This will be memorable."

The gang stares as the Senior Partners army of warriors approaching them as Connor fiercely ran behind them. "Dad". He loudly screamed

"Connor" Angel turns around "I thought I told you to go home." 

"Apparently I don't obey any of my parents," He laughed as the demonic forces dwindle in number.

"Any terms of a plan?" Spike asked

"We fight", Angel said simply

"Bit more specific," Spike said.

Angel felt a blast of heat and looked up."Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon". 

Spike rolled his eyes.

"Let's go to work..." Angel said, and the five of them raised their weapons, attack the army head on.

Angel swung his sword, cutting the heads off of demons before remembering the others around him.

Gunn slicing another demon in half with his ax. Then, he saw Illyra clamber up an fire escape and head over to end of the roof, lifted up her hand, setting the dragon on fire. 

"Hey, that's was mine." Angel shouted. 

Illyria cocked her head to examined him.

Gunn collapse to the ground. And the last thing he heard was Connor yelling, "Wake up!" The voice had stirred him back into consciousness. 

Illyra returns to the ground as she glanced down at herself, her armor was dipping away. 

Gunn groaned using his reminder strength to open his eyes. "You're alive". Winifred now in control of her powers, brought him into a hug, where he felt an enormous pressure on his chest.

 'My god, she's strong' He thought. "Fred..." he managed to say.

"Oh, sorry," she said.

Angel looked around while the realization that they'd won, his body exhausted, blood seeping from little wounds.

Connor pulled his father into his arms. "See, you needed me." 

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