My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
My happiness
My Heart
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
breakup part 2
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100k ?!?

Vampire crap

8.1K 326 23
By darkloving_

I woke up but couldn't open my eyes because of the headache I had. I couldn't see a thing but I sat up any way.

I opened my eyes to see the light coming from the window. But I laid right back down. I was so tired . I turned  on my side to bump into a large figure.

I opened my eyes again to see Darren asleep. I remembered what he told me last night.Tears welled up in my eyes.

I knew this was the only chance for me to get away. I got out the bed slowly and slipped on some shoes.

I was walking out my bedroom door when I got pinned to the wall.

"Where do you think your going" Darren said putting my hands above my head.

"Please, please , don't kill me " I sobbed , tears going in every direction. I couldn't look at him , I was scared for my life. I knew I was going to die but not this SOON.

"shhhhh I'm not going to hurt you, I am a vampire but I could never hurt you. are my mate." I froze at his words.

Mate? Mate? NO! I CAN'T BE!!

"It's true darling" He said winking at me. Did he read my mind??

"Yes I did" I looked at him but back down. I began to cry again. Darren lifted my head up so that I was staring into his eyes.

"What's wrong beautiful" he looked at me but I looked away.

"I promise I won't tell anyone but can in please go. I just need some time to myself. " I said looking back at him.

Darren looked at me and nodded slowly. He let got of my wrist and stepped back. I ran out the room and down to the kitchen.

I grabbed my keys and got into my car. I stopped everything and started to cry. Not just any cry but a cry about everything. I was scared of Darren I didn't want to be a mate of a monster.

I sat there for ten minutes crying until I heard a knock on my window. I looked up to see it was Asher looking worried probably because I was crying.

I unlocked the passenger seat door and wiped my face. I looked in the mirror to see my face wet and tear to stains all over my face.

"Are you ok, what happened" He sounded worried. I shook my head yes.

"well why are you crying" Asher placed his hand on top of mine. I smiled at him.

"uh...nothing I was just thinking of the past." I lied but he believed it.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me.

I wish we could have stayed here forever but I saw my parents car pull up. I sat up and looked out the car window then looked at Asher.

"Would you like to come in" I asked Asher who was starring at me.

"Sure". We both got out the car and walked inside the house.

Then it hit me. Was Darren still here? Wait he could go out the window. Whatever I shouldn't care but I did. I was scared for my life.

I soon noticed that Asher's arm was around my waist as we were walking into the house. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We walked in and was greeted by my parents.

"Hi Anna, who is this young man." My mother said smiling at me. I blushed a little.

"Uh, mom , dad, this is Asher. Asher these are my parents." He let go of me to shake my parents hands.

" Nice to meet you" Asher said in a voice I have never heard him speak in. I tried to hold in my laugher.

"Anna you never told me you had a boyfriend" my mother said aloud so that Asher and my Dad could hear. I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked at Asher who was blushing also.

"Mom it's not like that ,we are just friends" I told my mom and Asher nodded.

"Thats a shame I've been waiting for you to get one" My dad glared at my mom.

"ANNNNNNAAAA" my little sister came out of nowhere and gave me a big hug.

"Hi, I heard you been having fun with grandma. " I said hugging her back.

"It was fun.....mostly the food" We both laughed.

My mom looked at her and back to me. I laughed again.

"I will let you two do whatever it is "friends" do." putting the emphasis on friends.

Asher butted in. "I was wondering if I could take Anna out to the amusement park" I glared at him.

"Sure you can. Maybe it will bring you two closer. .." my mom trailed off.

"MOOOOMMM! " I said while pulling Asher out the living room.

We got outside and in the car. "Really an amusement park?" I said and Asher laughed.

"Yeah , you need fun in your life." I glared at him

"I do have fun in my life" Asher tried to hold in his laugher but couldn't.

"sorry" He continued to laugh at me. I started the car.

"Whatever" I said and we were on our way to the amusement park.

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