The Truth, The Lies, and the...

By Directioner5340

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The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)
Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love
Chapter 2: What The Hell Happened Between You and Stiles?
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 5: Cheesy Werewolf Bobble Head
Chapter 6: Marco's Back
Chapter 7: How Stupid Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 8: Oh are you in pain? You poor thing.
Chapter 9: I'll see you soon
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Banshee
Chapter 11: I don't want to live in a world without you
Chapter 12: DAD!
Chapter 13:I need to talk to Deaton
Chapter 14: Falling
Chapter 15: Please Wake Up
Chapter 16: Don't Ever Leave Me
Chapter 17: Who are you?
Chapter 18: Deal With a Demon
Chapter 19: 66 Pure Souls
Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul
Chapter 22: Not all hope is lost
Chapter 23: You gave us quite a scare
Chapter 24: You Called?
Chapter 25: I love you.... your sourwolf loves you
Chapter 26: Something that only you would know
Chapter 27: Time To Find A Necromancer
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: A familiar face
Chapter 30: You Seem A Bit... Upset?

Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come

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By Directioner5340

Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come


"Scott, can we please not do this right now" I groaned as I rubbed my temples, I was already torn up over everything as it was.

"Oh we are going to talk about this Derek" Scott snapped shocking a bit by how upset he was "Stiles came to my apartment last night a complete wreck-"

"Scott" I sighed dropping my head, hating hearing how upset he was.

"and then I wake up this morning" Scott continued, cutting me off "and he's gone!  He just up and left and he's not answering his phone.  I followed his scent as far as I could but it leads to the EDGE OF TOWN DEREK!"  I was taken aback by this new information and felt my heart sinking a bit.

"No, that's impossible" I stated shaking my head "Stiles has never been that irrational."

"Well it turns out he is because he just up and left town just like that, so you best start telling me what went down between you two" Scott stated sternly.

"Look" I sighed as I sank down into one of my beat up old couches "Stiles and I just got into a bit of an argument because I came home a bit late last night."

"and why were you out so late?" Scott quizzed and I shot him a slight glare.

"Scott, I'm not going to sit here and have you interrogate me" I grumbled "for all we know Stiles is just out of town visiting family."  Then again, part of me knew that wasn't true.  I knew in the pit of my stomach that Stiles left because of me.

"If he were just visiting family, he would still answer his phone" Scott argued "knowing Stiles, he probably left town to get away for awhile, but looking at our track record, I'd say that isn't the best idea."  I pursed my lips at the point Scott was making.  Stiles had every right to leave town and get away for a while, but our lives aren't exactly the safest.

"Damn it Scott, what do you want me to do" I cried "Stiles is pretty pissed at me at the moment and if I follow him, it's just going to make things worse.  He probably hates me for keeping secrets anyways."

"Well who says he has to know you're following him" Scott offered "look, you care about Stiles don't you?"

"Yes of course I do Scott, I love him" I stated with confidence.

"Then just follow him Derek.  Hell, stalk him if you have to" Scott begged "I just need to know he's safe and I know you do too."

"Look, I'm not saying that I don't want to follow him and be the one to secure his safely, because I do.  But why not you?" I asked.

"I would, but it's obvious to me that you two have some stuff to work out" Scott shrugged "this fight may seem like a big one, and it may seem unfixable, but it is fixable Derek.  And if I may give you a piece of advice, relationships are build on mutual trust, not keeping secrets."  I gave a small smile as I stood up from the couch.

"Thanks Scott" I sighed "and I'll call you when I find him to let you know that he's safe."  With that, I turned and began walking to my front door when Scott finally spoke up.

"Derek, please just answer me one thing though-" Scott started but I cut him off.

"I wish I could tell you where I was last night, I really do, but I can't" I frowned "I can't tell you and I can't tell Stiles.   I'm sorry."  Scott nodding in understanding, and I turned around and left.


I tightened my grip on my suitcase handle as I made my way over to the service desk.  After I had left Scott's house earlier this morning I had walked to my dad's house and collected some of my old clothes that surprisingly still fit me, and then I took a cab to the bus station in the next town over.

"Hello, what can I do for you kid?" the lady at the counter stated in a dull monotone voice.  I thought about correcting her that I wasn't actually a kid, but decided against it.

"I need a bus ticket to as far away as possible" I stated as I stood up straighter.  The lady began clicking away on her keyboard, probably looking at the bus schedule before staring back up at me.

"We have a bus leaving for Atlanta, Georgia in about 15 minutes" the woman offered and I pursed my lips as I considered it.

"I'll take it" I replied certainty think in my tone.  I slid her a fifty from my wallet and she took an eternity just entering my information and printing the ticket.  By the time she was done, I only had 5 minutes to make it to my bus.

I scooped up my ticket and dragged my suitcase behind me as I traveled the long bus area over to bus 17.  Double checking my ticket I climbed on the bus showing my ticket to the bus driver and taking a seat toward the middle of the bus.  Here it goes,  Atlanta here I come....


Hey guys, here is Chapter 3.  I hope you enjoyed.  I know this was a shorter chapter, but I promise to update soon!  ^_^

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