Old Harry Potter Oneshots

By Carrie_Writes

3.3K 102 73


Her Slytherin, His Gryffindor (#Draclodagh)
After Cedric Diggory's Death (BROTP: #Carry)
Malfoy Manor (#Draclodagh, BROTPS: #Drarolina, #Dratalina)
Torture (Harry Potter)
Jealous Hermione (Harry Potter)
Team C With Draco Before And After The Fight With Harry (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy Being An Older Brother With Cata (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy And Clodagh Brennalyn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy & Carolina Rojas, BBFs (Harry Potter)
Angel (Harry Potter)
Monster (Harry Potter)
Escaping To The Rojas Household (Harry Potter)
You Still Love Us (Harry Potter)
Diagon Alley - 2nd year (Harry Potter)
Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter)
Making Her Feel Better (Harry Potter)
Talking To Draco (Harry Potter)
Meeting Draco Malfoy (Book Version) [Harry Potter]
Onward To Malfoy Manor (Harry Potter)
Dumbledore's Army (Harry Potter)
Carolina Dursley and Harry Potter [Book Version] (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor Quidditch Practice (Harry Potter)
19 Years Later... (Harry Potter)
You Love Me? (Harry Potter)
Sticking With Family (Harry Potter)
Triwizard Tournament: The 2nd Task (Harry Potter)
Saving Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
The Quidditch World Cup (Harry Potter)
Slytherin vs. Gryffindor Quidditch Match (Harry Potter)
Slytherpuff Group (Harry Potter)
Being a Freak And 'Sick' (Harry Potter)
Draco The Cat (Harry Potter)
Being a Freak And 'Sick' (Harry Potter) [Part 2]
FREAK (Harry Potter)
Neville Longbottom Definition: With Cata (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor Boys Dating Carolina Scenarios
An Uncomfortable Lunch
A Worried Ravenclaw Girlfriend
Date A Ravenclaw Who...
Getting Harry
Happy Birthday, Cata!
The Cruciatus Curse
Asking Cata To The Yule Ball
Carolina Gets Sick
Her Smile
She Loves Them
What Makes You Think I'll Forget You?
Save As Draft
Those Who Cry Aren't Weak...They've Just Been Strong For Too Long

Invasion Of Dreams (#Draclodagh and BROTP: #Drarolina)

123 2 1
By Carrie_Writes

Clodagh got hurt.

She was shot by the Sectusempra spell.

It was Bellatrix Lestrange that shot her.

Draco....he couldn't help her.

He wanted to...so badly he did.

But he was being dragged by two Death Eaters as the wounds appeared in her body.

Carolina gave him one look, one look of pity and sadness and he almost lost it.

Carolina was his first real friend.

And Clodagh....she was and STILL is his first real love.


Clodagh was with Carolina, talking about their lives when they heard crashing from the Great Hall. They looked at each other before running out of the Ravenclaw Common Room, running down the stairs, heading towards the Great Hall when they ran into the Death Eaters, Professor Snape, and Draco. Draco froze when Clodagh gasped, her eyes widening. Carolina's lips started to tremble as she witnessed her Slytherin friend being surrounded by Death Eaters. "Draco...Professor..." she whispered, her hair turning into a mixture of deep blue and pitch black. Clodagh took out her wand, shaking. "Get away from him!" she screamed, catching Draco by surprise. Bellatrix cackled, walking towards Draco. "Aw, such a petty threat, from a filthy half-blood." Draco bit his lip as a tear escaped from the Gryffindor's eye.


Draco's eyes widened as Bellatrix's spell hit Clodagh, knocking the girl down. Carolina turned and gasped. "Clodagh!!" she exclaimed, as wounds appeared in the girls' body, causing her to cry in pain. Draco suddenly rushed forward, wanting to stop the wounds from hurting the Gryffindor when two Death Eaters stopped him, taking him by the arms.

"No! Let me go!"

Carolina looked up to him, tears streaming down her cheeks as Draco was being dragged out of the room, thrashing and crying. "Let me go now!" Their eyes met, like the day when they became friends.

"Hey! Leave now!" The Slytherins that surrounded the crying Ravenclaw looked up and chuckled. "Oh things just got worse for the pathetic mudblood, Malfoy's here." The blonde Slytherin smirked, crossing his arms. "Scram." The Slytherins left, chuckling. The Ravenclaw looked at the Slytherin, tears streaming down her cheeks. The Slytherin dropped his smirk and put on a kind smile. He reached his hand out to her. "Here, let me help you." The Ravenclaw took his hand, smiling a bit. "I-I'm Carolina." the Ravenclaw sputtered, as the Slytherin helped her up from where she was sitting. The Slytherin grinned, their eyes meeting. "I'm Draco." She looked down, ashamed of her blood-status. "Are you going to make fun of me? Because I'm a....Mudblood?" "Nah, you're an exception. You'll make a fine witch, muggle-born or not."

She choked out a sob, as she cradled Clodagh's head on her lap as the Death Eaters left. Harry came running after them, stopping momentarily after seeing Carolina with Clodagh. "Harry..." "Carolina, get her to Madame Pomfery, I have to go." "W-Why?" He looked down before saying....

"Dumbledore is dead."

Carolina went limp, the tears stopping immediately. "W-What?" Harry didn't answer. He just ran after the Death Eaters.


Carolina was in the crowd surrounding Dumbledore's dead body. She just dropped Clodagh off in the Hospital Wing and she went outside with the crowd. She was overwhelmed with everything that happened....

Her Slytherin friend becoming a Death Eater.

Her best friend getting hurt by Bellatrix Lestrange.

Professor Dumbledore being....dead.

It was too much for the 6th year.

She choked out a sob as she raised her English Oak wood wand with the others, light coming from the tip of it. Her hair...it was completely dark blue.


"How is she?" Carolina turns to Harry, frowning. "She's....heartbroken." Harry tilted his head in confusion. "Meaning?" Carolina sighed. "I can't exactly tell you without her telling you herself." Clodagh groaned, tears streaming down her cheeks. The Ravenclaw tenses as she muttered; "D-Don't hurt Draco." She turns to Harry who's eyes had widened at what he just heard. "W-" "Harry, leave." He flinched at the Ravenclaw's voice. "How could you-" "HE'S MY FRIEND HARRY POTTER!! THAT'S WHY!!" she yelled at him, her hair turning bright red. Harry froze, looking at the Ravenclaw. He just turned and left.


Clodagh woke up, in a full sweat. Carolina turned and gasped. "Clodagh!" "W-What happened? Where's-"

She froze.


Carolina attempted to calm the 5th year Gryffindor as she thrashed around.


Carolina sighed as Clodagh flinched at her tone.

"He's gone."

Clodagh froze as soon as those words left the Ravenclaw's mouth. She couldn't believe it. "Show me." The Ravenclaw gasped, knowing what she meant. "I-I can't. It'll break you Clodagh."

"I don't care."

The Ravenclaw sighed, before taking Clodagh's hands. She watched as Clodagh's eyes went white as she transferred what happened two days ago. She looked down as she heard Clodagh whimper, tears running down quietly. She looked up when Clodagh suddenly stopped crying, her mouth forming an 'o'. She now knows about the Headmaster.


It took a couple minutes after showing everything to Clodagh for everything to sink in. When she looked at Carolina, tears formed again.


The Ravenclaw hugged the Gryffindor, tears also forming. "I want to talk to him." The Ravenclaw nodded. The Gryffindor became confused when the Ravenclaw handed her a necklace with a green gem. "This allows you to communicate through your dreams. Draco just needs to wear the twin." She holds up a similar necklace, with a red gem. Clodagh gasps, as Carolina holds her hand. "Put on the necklace." She quickly puts it on, looking at Carolina. Her eyes turned green, suddenly slumping down on the chair. Clodagh felt herself getting sleepy and laid on the bed, falling asleep.


Clodagh gasped as she saw herself in a black universe. Carolina was next to her, looking around. She suddenly points towards a figure, walking around. She grabs her hand, running towards the figure.


"DRACO!" The Slytherin froze as he heard a familiar voice. He turned and gasped when he saw the two girls that changed his life.

Carolina ran up to him first, throwing her arms around him.

"Are you okay?!" she asked, taking his face, making the Slytherin look at her. He was shocked. Why was she here? Carolina sighs and takes a necklace with a red gem and put it around him. "She'll explain everything, okay?" Draco could only nod as she kissed his cheek. She went towards the Gryffindor, nodding at her before vanishing.

The tension was thick when she left.

"DRACO!" Clodagh cried, finally running towards the Slytherin. She threw her arms around him, choking out sobs. The Slytherin wrapped his arms around her, letting his tears run down. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." he whispered. The Gryffindor looked at the Slytherin, grabbing his face, kissing him. Shocked at first, he hesitated. Then, he kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist. She pulled back, pressing her forehead onto his. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault." Clodagh sighs. "You know these necklaces that Carolina gave us?" Draco nodded, tilting his head. "These allow us to communicate through our dreams." He widened his eyes and smiled. "So...I can see you whenever I fall asleep?" "And vise-versa yeah."

The Gryffindor and Slytherin chuckled, comfortable in each other's arms. They wanted to stay that way forever.

But of course, reality is...dreams don't last forever.

When Draco started to fade, he realized he was waking up.

But...he didn't want to.

"No! No I can't be waking up!"

Clodagh smiles sadly at Draco, kissing his forehead. Just when he was about to disappear...she whispered the five words that changed everything about him once again...

"I love you Draco Malfoy."

(Yes, Draco and Carolina are friends. Yes, since first year. Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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