Making Her Feel Better (Harry Potter)

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Carolina was playing with her food, tears streaming down.

She and Hermione finally talked about the kiss in the Hospital Wing and...the things she said...

Draco looked up to meet the Ravenclaw's eyes from across the table and his smile dropped when he saw her wipe the tears away.

Draco looked up to meet the Ravenclaw's eyes from across the table and his smile dropped when he saw her wipe the tears away

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He told Goyle he's was going to sit somewhere else and not to follow him.

He got up and walked to the Ravenclaw table, getting a few stares.

He walked up to the muggle-born, sitting next to her.

She looked to him, her eyes red from the crying.

"Hey, dry those tears and eat. I'll sit with you." He murmured, wiping her tears, smiling softly at her.

She nodded and sighed as he kissed her cheek, smiling softly.

She continued to eat her food while Draco got his own plate, earning a few glares from the Ravenclaws sitting around them.

The golden trio watched in shock, not believing what they were seeing.

"Oh he's clearly faking!" Ron says, glaring at Draco talking to her.

"I don't know Ron. I mean I hate him but, he's making her smile."

Hermione glared at Draco as he made Carolina let out the cutest giggle, covering her mouth, her eyes squinting shut.

"Who cares Ron? It's her choice to betray us with Malfoy." She growled, rolling her eyes.

"HERMIONE! That was rude!" Harry exclaimed, shocked that she would say that.

"Come on Harry, it's tr-"

"Hermione, just look." Harry says looking at the Ravenclaw with the Slytherin.

Hermione rolled her eyes and watched, almost dropping her fork when she saw Draco laughing genuinely at a joke Carolina was telling him, also laughing.

She was making him laugh?

An actual, sweet, kind laugh?

She looked down, sighing.


"Hermione, when are you going to stop avoiding the fact that you miss her? Ever since that kiss-"

Her eyes widened, turning to Harry.

"How'd you know about the kiss?"

"That doesn't matter, why are you letting your opinions on her being gay clouding your judgment? You guys are best friends." Harry asks her, frowning.

She sighs.

"I just don't think it's natural alright? A girl dating a girl? A boy dating a boy? What kind of craziness is that?!"

"It's love Hermione. It's love." Harry says.

"Harry's right Hermione." Ron says, shrugging. "It shouldn't be a problem to date someone you like, whether it's a boy or girl. As long as the person is happy."

Hermione sighs.

"We're done talking about this alright?" she says, pointing her fork towards the boys.

"Alright." Harry says, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." Ron says, looking at the Ravenclaw table, noticing how she was staring at a platinum blonde haired girl.

Draco nudged her, saying something to her causing her to turn bright red and push the Slytherin, making him laugh.

"I'm joking Raven!" they heard him giggle as she sent him a death stare.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Dragon." They heard her reply, rolling her eyes.

"They even have names for each other! It's disgusting!" Ron says, gagging.

"Coming from the guy who said 'as long the person is happy'." Hermione mutters as she shoved more food into her mouth.

"This is different! It's Malfoy!" he protested, frowning.

"Guys, just leave them alone alright? It's probably just for this year." Harry says.

They sigh and continued to eat.

What they didn't know that Draco's and Carolina's friendship would last a LOT longer than 1st year.

(Y'all already knew what I was doing while writing this. Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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