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Quick and softly heard.

Excited whispering being shared.

A head popped out the corridor, her long, wavy, brown hair tumbling down.

She grins, motioning the rest of the gang to continue.

The eldest, a girl with short dark brown, curly/wavy hair rushed towards the opening to the outside, her bare feet crunching grass and twigs as the rest of the gang followed behind, shivering in the cold, crisp air of October.


The eldest turned to the owner of the, currently-raspy voice, his blonde hair messy and his cheeks and nose had slightly turned pink.

"Aren't your feet cold?"

She smiles simply, and says;

"A bit."

The youngest giggled, her dark brown wavy/curly hair bouncing.

The eldest grins again before continuing to walk towards the Dark Forest.

The rest of the gang followed behind, shaking their heads at the action of their best friend's ADHD.



That's all could be heard from the four students that snuck out.

The one that was wearing a 'Ravenclaw Team Chaser' shirt was letting her mind wander as she stared at the starry constellation above, laying beneath the flowers and grass, the scent of different perfumes invading her nose, a huge toothless smile on her face.

The one in the 'Hufflepuff Team Beater' shirt was staring in amazement, laying next to the eldest, her eyes on the 'Big Dipper', realizing how beautiful it was staring at it in reality rather than looking at the pictures from textbooks from Muggles back home.

The one in the 'Gryffindor Team Keeper' shirt was also staring in amazement, laying on the other side of the eldest, however, she didn't stare at any specific constellations above, for she just enjoyed the beautiful starry sky she held her gaze upon.

The one in the 'Slytherin Team Seeker' shirt just stared, laying in between the younger students, tears pooling his eyes as he realized, that this is what he wanted in life, to be able to appreciate the small things with those he cared about, those who love him.

The four students joined hands, the eldest breaking the silence by saying;

"The stars are beautiful tonight, right?"

There was no answer and there was no need for one.

The stars WERE beautiful that night.

(Based on a short stargazing I did at a church retreat yesterday night. The stars were BEAUTIFUL. Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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