Gryffindor Boys Dating Carolina Scenarios

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Boy interest: Harry Potter

House I'm in according to the quiz: Ravenclaw

Year: 4th

Carolina was eating her breakfast when Cho Chang nudged her.

"Harry's staring at you."

She looked up to see Harry looking at her while taking a sip from his cup.

She smiled at him, revealing her teeth.

Harry spilled his drink, causing him to turn bright red, looking away.

She giggled, shaking her head.

"He has a crush on you Carolina! It's so obvious!" Cho says, smiling at her friend.

"Please Cho, he's just being nice. Besides, there's no way Harry would date me." She sighed.

Cho frowned as she got up, getting her books, smiling at her.

"See you at class alright?"

Cho nods, smiling at her.


Carolina was sending an owl to her family, her Hufflepuff sister sighing, her face red.

"I still can't believe I asked Neville out to the Yule Ball!"

"And he said yes! Mami's going to freak!" Carolina laughed causing a glare from Cata.

They were about to leave when they run face to face to Harry.

"Harry!" Carolina gasped, her heart thumping from the shock.

"H-Hey Carolina!" Harry stutters, his face burning red from almost crashing into her.

Cata sniggered as they tried to move out of the way only for them to block each other again.

"Well see you, Harry!" Carolina says as she manages to move past him, sending a death glare at her sister as she continued to giggle.

"Yeah...see you."

They start to walk down when;

"Hey, Carolina?"

She turns back to Harry.


"W-Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Carolina turned bright red, her heart thumping quickly.

D-Did The Boy Who Lived just ask her to the dance?

Cata looked at her sister, raising her eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah, sure! No one's asked me yet." She squeaked, tugging at her blue and grey striped scarf.

Harry lit up, smiling hugely.


Carolina let out a giggle before smiling at him.

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