Malfoy Manor (#Draclodagh, BROTPS: #Drarolina, #Dratalina)

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Draco Malfoy knew how risky it was.

Inviting two Muggleborns and a Halfblood to the Manor.

But he was going insane being alone.

Ever since his parents left for a 'business trip' for two weeks, he was debating on inviting his friends.


His three close ONLY friends...

One of them being his crush for 5 years....

But he decided maybe three days of fun with the girls to at LEAST brighten up the darker days the future has to hold for him could at least keep him sane.

Three days won't hurt right?

They'll be LONG gone before his parents return.



Carolina screamed when she finished reading her letter from Draco, scaring the Animagus on her bed. "CATA CHANGE BACK INTO YOUR HUMAN FORM DRACO INVITED US TO HIS PLACE FOR THREE DAYS!!" Cata immediately changed from her cat form into her human form, disbelief in her eyes. "Pffft, yeah right. Draco wouldn't-" Carolina shoved the letter in her face.

Raven and Kitten,

How are you? How was your summer? My parents are off to a business trip for two weeks and I was hoping that you two could come to the Malfoy Manor in two days? I'm also inviting Lilac over and she sent a howler back saying she'll be there...shrieking.
How do we put up with that one?
See you then?

~Draco Malfoy

Cata's eyes widened.

No way did this letter exist.

She must be dreaming.

"I-I'm not dreaming am I?"

Carolina grinned and wrote a letter back.

Dear Dragon,

Of COURSE we'll come over! Kitten was dumbfounded by the letter but I mean, can you really blame her? Anyways, Lilac sent a howler?! Jeez, that girl can be so over dramatic sometimes. But, you gotta love her (Not that you don't already). We'll be bringing some of our favorite muggle games to teach you so we can play there!
See you then!


Carolina turns to Cata, grinning.

"Let's get packing!"


The Rojas Sisters stood at the gates of the Malfoy Manor, completely frozen.

It seemed so depressing.

No wonder Draco wanted to invite the girls.


Carolina snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at the blonde Slytherin.

Old Harry Potter OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ