Migraine [louis-centric]

By -arataqa

71.2K 4.4K 1K

"sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind" in which louis can't keep on doing this but he doesn't ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 *unedited*
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Rest In Peace Jay
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
RIP Robin
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46

chapter 29

1.3K 94 25
By -arataqa

Third person P.O.V

The sun illuminated the Pack room as a shriek filled the house. 

Harry fell out of the bed as Liam rushed out to the omegas' room, which happened to be the location of the shriek. Zayn had just managed to sit up straight in the bed as the other hassled alpha ran after Liam.

Louis sat on the bed, against the headrest face covered with his small palms. Niall rubbed his back, comforting the distressed omega. The light from the laptop in front of them lit up their faces as the curtain blocked all sunshine entering the room. 

"Is everything okay? Guys? Anyone hurt? Lou-louis? Baby? What's wrong?" Liam walks toward the pair tentatively, not wanting to startle or intimidate the omegas. Harry follows closely behind as a confused and groggy Zayn enters the room. 

"We heard a scream, so is everything okay? For a sec, I thought someone was getting murdered."  Zayn tried to joke, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. Liam rolled his eyes at Zayn's attempt and Niall looked at him disappointed. Harry leaned over to whisper to him, "Bad jokes are my area of expertise, Zayn." 

Louis lifted his head to look at small crowd gathered by his side to point at the laptop screen," It's everywhere! All the articles, tabloids. Reaction videos on Youtube are trending and that's all every is talking about on Instagram. And it's only 11:00 am! How freaking fast do these people work?!"  Frustration filled his voice as a certain sadness surrounded it.

The alphas diverted their attention to the laptop screen moving closer as Louis buried his face in Niall's neck in frustration. On top of the screen 'Beta Louis Tomlinson spotted kissing Alpha Harry Styles. New romance blooming in One direction? ' in big bold letters. Underneath a picture Louis and Harry kissing with Louis pinned against the wall and Harry between his legs with hands on Louis' hips. 

The word 'manwhore' and 'player' continuously repeated themselves, which boiled the blood in the Alphas' veins.  Ironically, they were terms they would refer to Louis as not even two weeks ago. Louis' image in the public eye was really tainted and judging from Louis' frustration, it was bad news for him. 

Before any of the alphas could even comment on the article or the situation, Louis' phone disrupted the silence in his room. Without even looking Louis knew it was the Management, hell, he was more shocked at the fact they called so late. Quickly he exited the room to attend the call as Niall closed the tab, he couldn't bare looking at it.  

They could hear Louis speaking on the phone, screaming in frustration before they turned into small whimpers. Eventually, when they couldn't hear Louis speaking anymore, they made their way into the living room where Louis sat, staring at his phone. 

"Boo? What happened? Was it the Management?"

With a soft sigh, Louis explained them the conservation which had just taken place previously, "They think it's bad publicity. The 'beta' of group stealing the one of the pack's alpha. The fans aren't very pleased about it, it seems." The bitterness in Louis' voice when he said beta made the pack flinch.

"What? You're not stealing anybody by kissing one of us. You're part of the pack, too!"

"Not really, the beta doesn't belong in the pack. He's a player, wild lad. Having flings, drugging himself to unconsciousness, hiding his sadness and repeating it all over again."  Louis referred to himself in third person, his voice was emotionless as though he was stating something as simple as the weather and his eyes were so distant that it seemed no human's voice could ever reach him. 

Then Liam dared to speak, "Why don't you just tell Management that we know and you know maybe come out to the whole world. It possibly can't be that hard-" 

A giggle spilled out of Louis' mouth, soon turning into a hysteric laughter. He sprung to his feet, taking small steps towards them. His laugh soon faded into a mixture of anger and sadness.

"Come out? Come out! COME OUT! God dammit Liam! I can't fucking do it! Do you know how many fucking lawsuits will be involved! Do you have any idea what shit they would do? it's not only that, my dad would kill me, my family would hate me more! And the fans, they'll call me a liar, they'll hate me. They will destroy me, fuck; they'll destroy you too. Your whole careers and dreams. And I can't do it. I can't! I can't do this Liam! You don't understand! it's not that easy! It's not that easy..." By the end of it, Louis was breaking down in sobs. Niall hugged Louis as he buried his head in Niall's neck, fisting pieces of his shirt as he kept mumbling incoherent words in his neck.

None of them had ever seen Louis sob like this, heck, they had never seen Louis even cry. Louis was always the strong one always with a smile on his face and a joke to make. But this Louis, he looked so broken, so helpless, so... damaged. And it was a foreign sight to the rest of them.

Niall never kept his feeling bottled up, releasing them in small cries. But Louis was having a nervous breakdown and the distress radiated off him in such large waves that even Niall had begun crying. 

After much coaxing, Harry managed to let Niall let go of Louis, taking him in his lap, while Liam took Louis in his lap. Harry rubbed Niall's back softly as they both watched the broken omega finally every pent up emotion in his fragile little body. A few tears rolled down Niall's cheeks, worried the fellow omega would never stop crying.  

And suddenly, every time they wronged him when he meant no harm, every insult they ever called him, every time they ever laid a finger on him or ignored him wasn't worth it.  It wasn't worth it because it all came out in the form of tears, every time they did anything horrid to Louis even when he had literally done nothing, he played it off as a joke, a laugh and a shrug of shoulders, while a part of him died inside. All they wish now is they could fix him, stick back all the broken pieces and kiss him back to life. 

Louis' sobs eventually died down, head against Liam's chest and hand balled up into a fist, holding Liam's shirt loosely. Soft snores signaled that he had fallen asleep, his small and dainty body unable to take so much pressure. Eventually letting out soft sniffles.

The alphas (and the omega)  looked at one another and the asleep omega, giving a knowing look before Zayn softly whispered, "Guys, we need to do something."

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you all liked this! PLease vote and comment if you did. All reviews are appreciated and all your votes mean an awful lot to me. Thank you so much for reading! Also, this is not edited since it's quite late, so sorry for all the typos and mistakes. 

Also, guys, I can't wait for Louis' single and oh my god, he's killing me with those recent pics!!!

All the love
i.b xxx

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