Ninjago's Murder Mysteries

By demondaughter21

17.9K 488 1.6K

Can you see who's the murderer by a few clues? Or are you CLUEless? In every chapter a mystery is needed to s... More

the killing machine
the bloody pond
the assassination
a hi and a bye
Jealousy gone too far
tortured in the worst way
tortured in the worst way 2
The dagger
The dagger 2
confusing but YAY!
holy dang!
lingering in the dark
the consequence of his actions
*throws confetti*
paying for past mistakes
right trough the head
*insert drumrolls here*
hidden statistics
one splash of water
the Halloween masquerade
the new year jumper
he would die either way
throat slit in half
yay! (for one last time)

coffee and tea

181 2 35
By demondaughter21

Christmas special
After season 4

Sensei Wu
"You sure it's a good idea?"

"Yes! Of course it is!"

It was early afternoon, and Kai and Nya were discussing how they would celebrate Christmas this year. Or rather, how they would make the team more comfortable around Skylor.

"I think it'll get a little too uncomfortable for them", Nya said, uncertainty tainting her voice.

"But she's good now, she's with us! And this can be a great opportunity to make them more open to each other!", Kai protested, it was clear that he wouldn't give up.

"You're right, she's actually very nice when you get to know her...",  Nya nodded slowly in agreement, taking a sip from her coffee.

"Exactly! We just need to show the others that! The only sides they know of her is her polite side, competitive side and deceiving side. Now, there's no hidden motives, and she would probably have no problem spending Christmas with us!", Kai said enthusiastically, hands flying around as he spoke.

"We could also have this as a bonding time for the rest of the team since Zane has been gone for so long, and we haven't seen each other much before the tournament", Nya continued Kai's idea.

"You're a genius! Team bonding AND a proper introduction. Christmas is great for that stuff", Kai made a loud clap with his hands.

"We can take a train to Garmadon's monastery. It's very roomy and flying in this cold weather is a bad idea", Nya smiled.

"Absolutely! Wait, I thought you were against me?", her brother raised an eyebrow at that realization.

"Well, Skylor and I have become close friends, and I too would appreciate it if the team and her got into good terms with each other", Nya admitted.

Time skip 5 days (cuz ain't nobody got time for that!)

It took its own sweet time to make the others agree on their plan, but they finally did. It was the 23rd December and they would take an overnight train from New Ninjago City to Aa'eedah village, where Garmadon's monastery was located, which would take up to a day or so to get there. (Aa'eedah village is not a canon place fyi, just something I made up)

"I... I've never taken a train before...", Skylor trailed off as she breathed out some air on her cold hands before rubbing them together. It was freezing cold at the train station where they waited. The train would arrive in only a couple of minutes, so they all had to get out and get ready.

"Really? It's really fun! Though that time when I was almost killed by a train was not so fun, but other than that it's great! The-", Jay got a not-so-gentle nudge from Zane. "Ow! What was that for!?"

Cole rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face while Kai facepalmed, Nya couldn't help but giggle a little. Then the train that they've been waiting for finally arrived.

"Everyone got their tickets?", sensei Wu asked the group of teens who nodded. "Then we should get going"

Time skip 30 minutes

The group of eight was split into two small rooms far from each other. Kai, sensei Wu, Zane, and Lloyd shared a room on the third wagon while the others shared a room on the fourth one.

When the first group had made themselves comfortable, Lloyd lay down on his assigned bed, which was the bottom bunk bed to the left. Zane had already left the room while Kai and sensei Wu sat on the latter's bed, talking.

Sensei Wu then went to check how the others were doing, and if there was any hot water he could fill his teapot with.

"This is boring, let's go to the others", Kai said as he stood up, but noticed that Lloyd didn't get up from his bed. "... Lloyd?"

"I don't want to", he replied shortly and looked at the red ninja.

"Why?", Kai then thought about everything that had happened for the past months. "... you know, it wasn't Skylor's fault"

"It wasn't Skylor's fault?", Lloyd hissed, venom in his voice as he stood up to face him.

"No! It was master Chen's fault", Kai defended with a frown.

"He might've been the big bad guy, but that doesn't mean that I am willing to accept the fact that you are dating with master Chen's daughter and the one who kidnapped Zane! And now you're expecting us to be friends with her!?", there was a sarcastic laugh before he spat out, "not a chance"

"Lloyd, everything that happened is in the past. She changed! Come on, you should understand out of everyone!"

"I wouldn't have worked alongside her if I didn't", Lloyd growled, more passive.

"She didn't have a choice, being on that island with her twisted father. She's a nice person on the inside, can't you just give her a break!?"

"Sure... A hundred feet away from me with a restraining order", Lloyd plastered on a fake smile and crossed his arms.

"Stop being ridiculous! You're being such a baby right now!"

"Am I being ridiculous right now? I'm sorry that I can't keep pretending that nothing is wrong when EVERYTHING is wrong and it's all thanks to her!", he exploded and took a step forward, forcing Kai to back off a little. "I will NEVER forgive her for what happened! She made my dad sacrifice himself!"

"She did no-!"

"She was a pART OF IT! She, along with her screwed up father and their criminal gang, is the REASON why my dad is DEAD!"


"Lloyd, I'm so-"

"Don't you dare try", he growled dangerously. "Go burn in Hell, along with your demonic girlfriend. You both belong there anyway"

With that, the blond boy pushed him out of their room and slammed the door.

Kai sighed as he made his way to the fourth wagon and knocked at the others' room.

"It's unlocked!", someone shouted from inside, and he slid open the door to see Jay, Nya and Zane on one side and sensei Wu, Cole and Skylor on the other side. There was no room for him to sit down, so he leaned against the corner near the door. The others greeted him and asked why Lloyd didn't come with him.

"He was tired", Kai lied, and no one questioned it any further.

They had a good time, chatting about memories and eating cookies that was on the small foldable table attached to the outer wall with a window. Nya and Jay were ecstatic and Kai found himself laughing at their jokes here and there. Zane was in a deep conversation with sensei Wu, and Cole chugged down his soda while watching the beautiful scenery outside. Skylor answered some random questions from Jay and Nya, but other than that she was staring out of the window too.

That was, until Cole decided to be rude towards Skylor. "So, was it fun to work under your dad?"

Skylor looked down on the floor while Kai glared at him. "Cole!"

"What? Just asking"

"That's not something you 'just ask'!"

"At least I didn't bring the enemy who has left undeniably big scars on the team!"

"She's not the enemy!"

"Pupils, please don't fight", sensei Wu tried to cut in, but it didn't work.

"Don't you care about the others? We don't want her here! Don't you agree, Zane?!", Cole looked at Zane for a response, but didn't get anything. Instead, he looked down on his coffee in silence. "Oh come on!", Cole groaned. "Why won't you speak up?!"

"This does not make any sense, like why can't you just accept it, Cole?! Stop imagining that she's an enemy because she isn't, okay?!", Kai yelled.

"And you...", Cole looked at Jay in disappointment, who shook his head with a grimace.

"I'm sorry, but they're right"

"I don't understand!", Cole yelled.

"What is it that you don't understand?!", Nya questioned loudly.

"Alright! That's enough", sensei Wu raised his voice and slammed his fist on the table. This managed to quiet down the teens. "Cole, I know you can do better than this"

"Oh wow. WOW. So you're all ganging up on me now? I see, and here I am trying to defend us, us who doesn't think that it's right that she can barge into our private lives like this after everything she has done", Cole sighed loudly before he slung his backpack around his shoulder. "Ugh, you people. I'm done". With that, he left the room and slammed the door.

"... is it just me, or has the temperature gone up, like, a lot?", Jay asked, and they got to admit, they were sweating, and the large amount of people in one room and big exchange of words were not the only reasons for that.

"Sorry", Kai murmured.

Time skip 4 hours

It was evening, and Cole had switched room with Zane to cool off for the night. Nya wasn't sure if Zane was completely okay with it after everything that had happened, but he didn't complain whatsoever.

Skylor was sad over the trouble she created and was as far back in the train as possible, contemplating about life. Nya had gone there about two hours ago and comforted her as good as she could, before Kai joined them and Nya felt uncomfortable being the third wheel.

"Zane, can I ask you a question?", Nya asked as they both drank coffee from white China cups and ate cheese sandwiches. They were the only ones in the room, Jay being in the restroom.

"What is it?"

"Do you hate Skylor? Honestly"

Zane hesitated for a second before sighing. "Honestly, yes. I do not understand how you can be on such good terms with her after what she has done"

"She has asked for forgiveness and I'm willing to give her a second chance, and so is Kai, Jay and sensei Wu, and hopefully Misako too. I'm not sure how Lloyd feels about it, he haven't said anything but it must be hard for him right now", Nya said. "Skylor is a nice person, she can come off as cold, but it's only because she doesn't know how to act"

There was a silence before Zane replied. "... I see", he then smiled with closed eyes as he spoke. "I'm sure things will get better tomorrow"

"Yeah, me too"

Time skip next day

Morning arrived, and they were almost at their stop. Nya, Jay, Zane and Skylor what at their room, about to eat breakfast.

"Merry Christmas, guys!"

"It's Christmas eve", Zane said as he poured juice into his glass.

"Still Christmas", Jay chirped. "Who wants tea?"

Skylor nodded and stretched out her cup. After pouring tea in her cup he poured some for himself.

"I didn't know you drank tea", Nya said.

"There's a lot of things, you don't know about me~", Jay said in a deep voice before laughing. "Just kidding, but apparently they're out of milk and I don't drink black coffee"

"How about juice?", Zane asked.

"I want to drink something hot in the morning", as Skylor and Jay took a few sips from their tea their whole bodies started to feel weak. "Ugh, is this old tea?"

"I don't think so...", Skylor trailed off, her breathing quickened. "What's happening?"

Nya felt her heart beat harder as she started to panic. "Uh, Zane! Go get the others!"

Zane nodded as he ran out of the room.

"Oh my God, what should I do!?", Nya screeched in horror as Skylor suddenly fell limp on her shoulder, which made her jump.

"Shut up!", Jay shouted at her and made her jump once again. He stood up and made his way towards the door before tripping and slamming his head on the door, painting blood. The loud sound made Nya cringe and the sight made her gag.

After a few seconds she picked up her phone and ran out of the room, dialing a certain number. "Hello, is this the ambulance?!"

Time skip 3 hours

"NO! NO!"

"Miss, you need to calm down"

The train had to continue to Aa'eedah village since it was the closest town by 10 miles. None of the ninja could figure out what happened, but speculations about poisoning and suffocation had been made. It was later confirmed by Aa'eedah's local hospital who told them, after hearing about Nya' s and Zane's testimony, that it was most likely to be poisoning by cyanide.

There wasn't enough time to save them.

Who was the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it (1-10)?

Kai: how come every d@mn scene is about us eating/drinking something, whaaa? (Except the last one and when they boarded the train)

Nya: I'm sorry that it didn't give off the Christmas-vibe we wanted it to, and that it might've felt rushed in any way because believe me, it was

Auhor: honestly, I had to rewrite this chapter three times. THREE TIMES! And the fact that I get bored of an idea after a longer time and can't stick to things unless under certain "phases" doesn't help :/

Nya: hope you don't mind us making this chapter into a Christmas chapter, animallover66256 !

Kai: wow, you wrote over 2000 words

Author: oops, anyway-


(Was supposed to upload this yesterday but it was 1am and I still needed to edit sooo)

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