Reasons To Smile (BTS x Reade...

By ShyByte

132K 4.4K 4.4K

A BTS fan fiction with you joining along! What more could you want? ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪ Cover by @Artsy-Inkster More

This Guy Really is an Idiot
"Of Course We're Not Dating!"
Scary Numbers
God Damn Jeon Jungkook. You're Fucking Brutal.
This Isn't as Bad as I Thought it Would Be
'What The Hell Is Going On Right Now?!'
Bad-Boy Aura
Sorry for being inactive quick update
Sweet as Ice Cream
Dinner Date with 7
Great Day with Hoseok
Don't Forget to Thank Me
Who's This?
Great Tutor
Just a Kiss
Sober Up
Happy Family
I Just Want to Dance
Bad Timing with a Hint of Shrek
choice time let's go

I said I'd Keep You Safe, Right?

3.4K 164 105
By ShyByte

A/N Guys I'm back (again)!! You guys really love this story oml to bad I love you more <3 lmao I'm cheesy I'll just let you read... ,_,

(I hope no one is a Mingyu stan, or was attached to his character. If you are/were.... I'm sorry <3)

Mother grabs me by the right wrist, yanking my cast slightly. The friction of the padding inside of the cast stings as it rubs my skin. "Mother, that hurts!" I exclaim as she continues pulling me, attempting to lure me from the apartment room.

She stops suddenly, looks down at my cast, back at me, repeating the exchange multiple times. "[Name], how long have you had this cast?" She asks.

"Since you came, Mother." I passive-aggressively take my wrist from her grasp, frustrated that she hadn't noticed this before since she's been here for about half a week.

"And you didn't choose to say anything about it?" She snarls at me as if it's my fault. "Actually, no. We need to go. We're meeting with the Kims again." She continues walking, tension filling the air quickly, replacing all noise with silence except for the click of my mother's heels on the tiled hallway.

I roll my eyes and feels my nerves tense up. "Mother..." I say, attempting to grab her attention. She turns to me, an angry look glazing her eyes.

"Yes?" She says eagerly, trying to push me to speak as if the end is near.

"The Kim's... Mingyu-ah... Is this an arranged marriage?" I ask timidly.

Mother stops her tugging and looks at me in shock as if I've broken a fragile vase that came

crashing to a hard tiled floor. "[Name]..." The most sympathetic and kind tone I've ever heard her use, my name sounds soft and sweet on her lips, like fluffed pastel cotton candy on a vibrant fall day. Suddenly, that picture-perfect tone breaks and shatter to the floor like the vase I broke which feels like so long ago when only about 1 minute has passed. "What's happening with the Kim's, that is none of your concern. Anyways, Mingyu is the closest you'll ever get to a relationship, be grateful your father and I are doing this."

So it is... I'm arranged to marry Kim Mingyu. My mind is spinning. I don't want to have a romantic relationship with him. He's really nice, sweet bouncing baby boy but his world is far from mine. I can never see any sort of romance, let alone some sort of future, with him. We click as friends, not even very close friends, casual friends at the most, and I know just as well as he knows that we will never see each other like that.

My mind continues its journey through this thought process as my mother and I drive silently to meet the Kim's, not even a radio station to break the silence. And to think they did this all without my permission, without even telling me. What if I was interested in someone I actually know, like- umm... Gosh, I, I don't know many... umm... What if I wanted a future with Jungkook!

Jungkook, he acts so young, I'm honestly beginning to doubt that he's older than me. Maybe he lied because he wanted to be my Oppa... Wait, DID HE??!?!?

I pull my phone out and text the one person I can trust, Seokjin. He'll definitely tell the truth.

Me: Oppa~~~ Hello ^^

Seokjin Oppa: [Name]-ah! Hello, what's up?

Me: Oppa, I was wondering, is Jungkookie Oppa older than this: [Birth Date]

Seokjin Oppa: Nope, he's nearly half a year younger than that, is that your birthday?

Me: ...

Seokjin Oppa: [Name]-ah??


Seokjin Oppa: [Name]-ahhhh, shhh it'll be ok. Calm down. He's young and doesn't know what he's doing. He's always the youngest, he probably just wanted a taste of an older life, or maybe he genuinely thought you were younger, he probably has his reasons.

Seokjin Oppa: Please don't be mad at him.

I take a deep breath, which sounds like a gunshot in this stale aired car.

Me: Ok Oppa, Sorry. I think I over reacted...

Seokjin Oppa: It's ok [Name]-ah, really.

Me: Seokjin Oppa you always treat me so kindly I wish I could do something for you in return >.<

My mother parks the car. "We're here." She says, unbuckling her seatbelt. She begins getting out of the car and I quickly say goodbye to Seokjin and get ready to see Mingyu.

We walk into a cinema, not a place my parents would take me normally. Not a place I'd ever expect them to give me for an arranged marriage date. It's dirty and full of germs. That's what they'd tell me growing up when I'd ask to go with a friend, which is why I didn't have many friend growing up, I could never hang out with them. My parents would always find an issue with it.

"He's a boy," or "The parents aren't physically fit, they'll fatten you up if you go over." Dumb shit like that EvErY DaMn TiMe!!!

I breathe out as we walk towards the snack bar where I spot the Kim's. I've had so much on my mind, I need to calm down or else I'll open my mouth to speak and completely flip. My mother and Mingyu's mother bow and greet each other, then Mingyu and my mother greet. I bow to Mrs. Kim, and then to Mingyu, as politely as possible.

"Mrs. [Last Name], I love how your daughter bows so deeply to Mingyu-ah, even though he'ss younger. She's so respectful. They'll make a lovely pair, don't you think?" Mrs. Kim asks, chuckling at the end of her words along with my mother, who makes icy eye-contact with me for just a second.

Mingyu looks at the ground, red tinting his cheeks. "Yes, I completely agree, Mrs. Kim." Mother says as they walk away.

"Uh..." I hesitate. I don't know what's happening. I hope Mingyu has tickets, I don't. I don't even know what movie we're seeing, or if we're just going to stand at the snack bar for hours.

Mingyu holds out a movie ticket, I take it and thank him for it at i ready the movie title. 'The Beauty Inside,' I've heard of it, it's not super recent but I've never heard a bad review and have been wanting to see this for ages. (real movie, great movie, I suggest it highly. Get your tissues -Author-Nim)

I fill with excitement, smiling brightly at Mingyu, who does not look quite as happy.

"T-The film will start soon, My mother bought us a large lemonade to share. I'll show you to the theater." She says shakily. I wonder if he just learned about all of the arrange-marriage bullshit too?

We walk in as ads come on. We're early, barely anyone is in the theater. He takes my hand, feeling his soft hand shake lightly in mine, I'm glad I'm not the only one freaking out. He takes me to a further back row. I start to wonder how much of this his mother told him to do.

When I left last time we were friends, now we're back to awkward strangers. I feel a need to tell him that I'll only ever see him as a friend and yes, this is arranged, but I refuse and it's nothing against him. "M- Mingyu-ah..." I start. I look at him but... He doesn't look back at me. Instead, I feel his hand on mine again, his fingers intertwining with mine.

He looks extremely nervous, mortified almost. "M- Mingyu," I say sterner, I need to tell him now.

He turns to me and puts a sly smirk on, a side of him I'd never seen until now and honestly...... It's kinda hot. He may be attractive but still, I've made up my mind that I cannot do this. I'm so young too, who knows who I'll meet. Maybe the next big k-pop group! I won't know until it happens, I cannot be with Mingyu. "Mingyu, you're an amazing guy but... Li-" Before I can finish, something... happens.

Mingyu's lips. His lips on mine. His lips pressed against mine, his eyes closed, my eyes wide open. I sit there, not kissing back, he attempts to kiss more passionately, attempting to use his tongue but I refuse to let him. He moves to kiss my neck, and I whisper to him (since other people have arrived) to stop. Stop now.

"Mingyu, Stop. Please, stop right now." I'm begging him, I really hope this was his mom that made him do this and not his own doing because then I can't even befriend him.

My first kiss...

I wanted my first kiss to be special, I wanted it to be passion filled, from both parties, and romantic. Sometimes I'd dream of having my first kiss at a park at sunset, sitting with the boy on a snowy bench, I'm bundled up and he'd pull down my scarf. I whine for him to stop since it's cold but then he kisses me and his lips are warm against mine, they melt me in and before I know it I'm kissing him back and his hands are entangled with mine.

It's cheesy... But it's really cute. But no, and Mingyu is still kissing my neck. The ads are over and the movie begins and even though I know the movie is sad, it hasn't started by I cry. Tears stream down my cheeks as I continue to ask for him to stop. He leaves marks on my neck and tries to pull me in closer.

He loosens his grip for just a second and I spring away. I stand and run out of the theater, covering my face and trying to stop my tears. Mingyu didn't follow me out....

No one is out in the halls because all of the films had started. I slump against the wall, sliding against it until I hit the floor and I begin crying more.

It feels like hours I'm out there alone when I hear laughter from people walking down the hall.

I wipe at my tears and stand as quickly as I can, pushing into the bathroom and hoping the 2 people didn't see me until-

"Ma'am? Are you ok?" I hear a voice call out. I grimace at my mistake and slowly turn back to look at the 2 people. My mouth is agape.

"H-H-" Words don't form in my brain.

"[Name]?!" The 2 yell at once.

"Hoseok... Taehyung... Oppas... I'm sorry." I turn back and go into the empty bathroom. I can't believe, why were they here together? I hope the rest of them didn't come. I wait 5 minutes in the bathroom and push the door slightly ajar to see if they're still there.

"[Name]-ah, please come out. What's wrong?" Hoseok asks me, concerned obviously.

I decide to come out, knowing they might just stay until I have to leave, or know Taehyung, just walk in.

As soon as I exit the bathroom Taehyung pulls me into a tight hug, his warm embrace wrapped around me like a comfort I'd never felt before. He rubs my back, his hands large and taking up a large space on my back. Hoseok plays with my hair as I cry into Taehyung's shoulder, shaking.

"It's ok [Name]-ah," Taehyung says, "Now what happened?"

"I h- had an arranged m- marriage." I say between cries. I feel Taehyung shift slightly. "I- I'm supposed to be on a d- date with him... I w- was but he kissed me and I told him to s- stop... he wouldn't s... He wouldn't stop... I ran away... I- I'm so scared. I- i- i can't be with s- someone like t- that." I cry out.

Taehyung pulls me close again, squeezing me like a teddy bear. "Don't worry [name]-ah, I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. I'll be your shield, please don't cry." He whispers into my ear.

Hoseok hugs me from the back, I'm sandwiched between them, their tight comforting embraces feel warm compared to Mingyu and his cold taste.

Taehyung loosens his grip a little and I squeeze him. "P- Please don't leave me Oppa." I say, looking at him desperately.

"Never." He says. He smiles into the top of my head, holding me tight.

We hear a door open and separate a little, the boys keeping their arms around me, my hand in Taehyung's.

It's... Mingyu. "So this is where you ran off too? To be a slut with these 2 guys?" Mingyu says, approaching us slowly.

"M- mingyu-ah... I'm s- sor-"

"Don't you dare apologize to that bastard [Name]-ah." Hoseok says abruptly.

I look at him surprised, closing my mouth.

Hoseok's arm slips away and he walks towards Mingyu. "Listen here dumbass." Hoseok says, anger written all over him. "Apologize to [Name]-ah. Or else." I'm wrong. This isn't anger. This is pure fury.

Taehyung pulls me closer, preparing for something bad to happen.

"Or else what?" Mingyu asks, stepping forward.

"You won't look so nice by the time you leave." Hoseok says, clenching a fist.

"What are you, gay? You couldn't hurt me, the only thing that's hurting me is having to look at your ugly face, no, having to look at that ugly bitch." Mingyu points at me.

Hoseok goes silent for a minute, extreme tension in the air.

"So are you gonna do-"

Hoseok punches Mingyu in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he kneels to the ground. I jump at the sudden action. Taehyung holds me closely still. "I said I wouldn't let you get hurt, didn't I?" Taehyung whispers in my ear when I look at him worriedly.

"Don't talk to [Name]-ah again, because that was only a taste." Hoseok walks back. "Let's go." He says, hugging me tightly.

As we exit the building, Taehyung offers to drive me home with them. I thank him and take the offer, as texting my parents to ask for a ride home would be hard to explain. "He'll be ok, right Hoseok Oppa?" I ask, turning to him.

"I hope not." He says nonchalantly.

"Oppa!!" I exclaim, pushing him slightly.

"I'm kidding. He only got the wind knocked out of him, if he can't handle a punch that weak that I really hope he never messes with you again. And thanks Tae, you kept her safe, I was worried he'd go after her."

"I said I would and I meant it. We can't have her breaking anymore bones, now can we?" He jokes, poking me as he unlocks his car.  


Guys~~ I just wanted to thank you all!! I know it's summer so like I should have more free time but no one told me I wouldn't??? I'll continue writing though! For all of you!

Also comment here if you want a Mystic Messenger fanfic it's 2:47 AM and I'm waiting for that 3 AM chat lol kill me I'm so tired :') )

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