The Island of Mysteries

By LittleAngelKay34

954 27 3


The Island of Mysteries
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

51 2 0
By LittleAngelKay34

Hey everyone what's up!

Sorry for the wait!

Here's another chapter! Please enjoy!

Don't own Inuyasha or Pokemon!


That was all she could do.

There was something behind her. Chasing her.

If she were to slow down for even just a little the monster will get her.

'Why won't it go away!' Kagome thought.

'Leave me alone' she tried to yell but the fear encasing her would only allow it come out as a whisper.

'Inuyasha' Kagome thought.

Where was he! He said he would be there for me! Protect me!

Where did he go!

Blackness surrounding her turned into a sickening red with small amount of red puddles on the ground.

It was blood. So much blood!

But more she ran she saw a figure laying in the distance come closer.

She stopped abruptly and cried in anguish!

There before her was Inuyasha covered in blood with large gaping holes all over his body.

His eye open in terror and sadness.




'I found you' a menacing voice said behind her.

Before she could say word she was struck in the back.

'NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!' it hurts so much!

Inuyasha help me!

Inuyasha awoke with a jolt once he heard a scream come from Kagome beside him. "AAAAHHHH! No go away!" Kagome yelled in her sleep, "Inuyasha!" Inuyasha began shake her in hoping for her to wake but to no avail she stayed asleep. "Kagome! Wake up!" Inuyasha yelled, "come on wench wake up!'" And with a few more shakes Kagome bolted awake with tears streaming down her eyes. "Kagome? What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked worriedly. 'I have never seen her act like this. Something must be seriously wrong' he thought. Kagome turned towards him shakily, "Inuyasha?" she said voice quivering fear evident. "Kagome I'm here" Inuyasha stated grabbing on to her and pulled her closely to his chest. But she didn't respond tears streamed furiously down her face with a look of pure fear and shock.

"What's wrong Kagome?" Inuyasha asked. But no response. "Come on say something." Nothing. "Kagome please!" Silence. "Dammit wench! Say something!" silent. Inuyasha held her tightly in his arms not knowing what to do. He never been a situation like this and he felt horrible that it was happening with Kagome. He felt ashamed as if he didn't protect her well enough. "Please..." Inuyasha whispered hoarsely as well as lovingly, "please Kagome. Please say something."

All was silent as Inuyasha held Kagome in his arms. When Kagome finally came to her senses she felt familiar strong warm arms around her waist keeping her prisoned to his equally strong muscular chest. "Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered her words sounded rough she realized it was from all the crying she did a while ago. Inuyasha stiffened before tightening his hold around her and she could feel him shaking slightly. Kagome tried to look at his face but it was concealed by a wall of beautiful silver hair.

"Inuyasha? Are you okay?" she whispered. That only made the shaking even worse and she could hear a faint rubble coming from his chest. It didn't take her long to realize that he was growling. 'How dare she!' Inuyasha thought, 'she makes me worried sick and the only thing she can say if I was okay!' he could feel the anger fueling his senses. "Don't ever do that to me ever again!" Inuyasha finally yelled. Kagome jumped not expecting him to act like this. "Inu-" but she was abruptly interrupted. "Don't dare say another word!" Inuyasha yelled pulling Kagome closer to him tightly while placing his head in between her neck and shoulder breathing in her intoxicating scent trying to calm himself.

Not knowing what to do she gently rubbed his back to give reassurance to him that she was alright. "What happened to make you act like that?" Inuyasha whispered. Kagome thought for a moment over the dream not liking to repeat it. "It was horrible" Kagome whispered back, "it was so dark the only thing i could see was darkness. But that's not the thing that was frightening i could feel something behind me the whole time and i tried to run from it. But no matter how fast i ran i could never shake it off." Inuyasha gently pulled himself from her he noticed how her eyes were wide and distracted as if she was remembering something faraway he squeezed her hand as a sign to continue. "But then there was blood. So much blood" Kagome said her voice sounding far away. "You were dead!" Kagome yelled suddenly latching herself to Inuyasha, "you were dead! It killed you! And then the monster killed me! You didn't save me..." the last ending in a whisper. Inuyasha held on to her "I am here Kagome. I am not dead" Inuyasha whispered lovingly reassuring her.

"But What if you d-" "But I am not dead i'm right here" Inuyasha said as he cupped her cheek rubbing his thumb on her soft velvety skin relishing the feel of it. Inuyasha looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes and said, "I will always protect you I promise you that. Nothing will ever hurt you nor will they ever touch you." Kagome at that moment felt safe like nothing could ever harm her as she looked into his eyes, "you promise you wont leave me" she whispered. Inuyasha eyes softened and leaned into her ear, "I promise on my life that I will never ever leave you alone." Kagome's heart skipped a beat. His voice was so passionate and caring as she continued to stare into his beautiful golden eyes. Leaning towards one another wanting the space between them to be closed leaving no gap behind.

Their lips only centimeters away when they were interrupted by an explosion from outside. The explosion left the room trembling, "what is that!?" Kagome yelled nearly falling off the bed from the offending sound. "Dammit!" Inuyasha yelled grabbing on to Kagome to ensure her safety as more explosions and trembles were heard from outside. Inuyasha quickly jumped off the bed and grabbed the out layer of his kimono put it on and then grabbed his tessaiga.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked jumping off the bed and grabbing her bow and arrows. "I don't know but I am going to find out!" Inuyasha said tearing the door open and running into the hallway. As they made it to the hallway the explosions became more fierce the debris from the ceiling and the trembles made the floor difficult to walk on without falling. "Inuyasha! Kagome!" they turned to see Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirrara running towards holding on to the wall in order not to fall.

"You guys alright?" Kagome asked them. "Yes we are" Sango replied. "Kagome!" Shippo yelled jumping into her arms, "i'm scared!" "Its okay Shippo everything is going to be fine" Kagome said soothingly. Miroku turned to Inuyasha and said, "do you know what can be causing this?" Inuyasha growled, "a demon of course what else could it be!" he said the trembles became more fierce by then, "come on lets get out of here its not safe!" Kagome jumped onto his back along with Shippo while Sango and Miroku went on Kirrara.

They raced through the halls trying to avoid falling debris. But when the finally reached the front entrance a large beam fell from the ceiling Inuyasha pushed himself to the extreme as he ran quickly under the beam along side Kirrara who also went passed her limits to get her passengers to safety. The beam fell to the ground blocking the entrance into the large castle like building. Kagome sighed in relief that she and her friends were all safe but that feeling only lasted for a moment before another explosion shook the small village and screams of the villagers were heard.

"Come on we don't have much to lose!" Inuyasha yelled running towards the explosion. They went towards the village square to see the villagers running from all directions tying to escape the flames around them and trying to find shelter. Kagome gasped as she felt a tingling sensation shoot throughout her whole body and she knew where it was coming from and it was coming straight towards them! "Jewel shard coming our way!" Kagome yelled as if on cue as large blue sphere like balls started coming their way. They managed to dodge the move but more came their way after they dodge the first. "Where are they coming from!?" Sango yelled as they dodge yet another attack. "I don't know but its going to stop right now!" Inuyasha yelled pulling out tessaiga, "WINDSCAR!" large orangey-yellow like wind stripes coursed through the air striking the area where the attacker was hiding. The attack struck one of the destroyed huts blowing it to pieces while creating a large dust club of debris in the air. "Ha! That should have taken care of him! Wait what!" Inuyasha yelled as something jumped from the large dust cloud and onto one of the destroyed homes.

They couldn't believe their eyes they had never seen this demon before the creature had a sky blue like coat, with white rhombuses around it's body and a white belly. It had an aquamarine crest on its head which is in the shape of a hexogram. Behind its crest is a purple mane with which seem to be thick, smooth fur. Two white, ribbon-like tails sprout out from it's back and as it flow forward. "What kind of demon is it?" Shippo asked scared hiding himself in to Kagome's embrace. "I have never seen such a demon in my entire life" Miroku said shocked staring at the being. "Dammit! Clutching onto tessaiga tightly. Kagome remained speechless as she whispered, "Suicune" as it reared its head back and howled into the dark lit sky.

Thanks for reading!

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Ja Ne!

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