The Prodigy and The Mega Bitc...

By Hiro_Hamada14

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Hiro Hamada is a 21 year old man who has had no luck with love. One day he goes to the mall with his brother... More

Authors note Hiro's look
Chapter One: The First Encounter
Chapter Two: Wait What
Chapter Three: The Cosplay Cafe
Chapter Four: Name's Audrey
Chapter Five: The new outfit
Chapter Six: Second thoughts
Chapter Seven: Meeting her friends
Chapter Eight: The First Date
Chapter Nine: The First kiss?
Thanks You Guys
Chapter Ten: Texting Him
Chapter Eleven: See Her Again?
Chapter Twelve: The Second Date and The Other Girl
Chapter Thirteen: I Like Him/Her
Chapter Fourteen: A Visit?
Chapter Fifteen: A Surprise for Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: The King's Game Disaster and The Break-Up
Chapter Seventeen: Sad Hiro and Hurt Audrey and The Truth Behind Audrey Belrose
Chapter Eighteen: I'm Sorry Pt.1 Audrey, Tiffany, Nikki
Chapter Nineteen: I'm Sorry Pt.2 Hiro and Tadashi
Chapter Twenty: I'm sorry Pt.3 Hiro and Audrey
Chapter Twenty-One: Visiting SFIT
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Third Date at the Water Park and a confession? Pt.1
Wattys #2017
Wattys 2017 Update
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Third Date at the Water Park and a Confession? pt.2
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Third Date At The Water Park and a Confession? pt.4
Chapter Twenty-Six: Preparing for their date (Hiro)
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Preparing for their date (Audrey)
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Final Date
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A night with Audrey
Chapter Thirty: The Morning After and A Celebration

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Third Date At the Water Park and a confession? pt.3

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By Hiro_Hamada14


"I... I like hiro"

Kyanna was shocked to hear her friend admit this.

"Beli your in love with him?"

Beli simply nodded and turned away from her friend

"I know I shouldn't because he's with her but I can't help the way I feel."

Kyanna walked over to her friend and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Beli you can't help who you love. Yeah it might be wrong but I think you should talk to hiro."

Beli turned to Kyanna

"What I can't do that it's obvious how he feels about her and I'd just be wasting my breathe."

"Beli if you hold these feelings within you they're gonna overtake you and then you'll regret it. At least talk to him."

"But what about Audrey?"

"Beli they haven't become official yet so you don't have to worry about her."

"But that stuff happened a couple weeks ago we helped them get back together again you saw them kiss too."

"I understand but you've gotta let these feelings free at least tell him. Yes it may hurt that he could say no but at least you won't keep your feelings bottled up.

"Okay I'll tell him."


Hiro and Audrey were walking together over the small bridge. Then Audrey stopped them

"What's up Audrey?"

"Nothing I've just gotta check my makeup real quick and I've gotta find tiff and nik. Would you mind waiting for me right here."

"Yeah sure."

"Okay I'll be back."

She gave hiro a quick peck on the cheek and left. Hiro waited at the bridge watching everyone else swim.

"Hello Hiro."

Hiro saw it was beli approaching him

"Beli hey."

"Where's Audrey?"

"She just told me to wait here for her."

"She's checking her makeup right?"


"You know hiro the atmosphere here is really nice."

"It is actually."

"I saw how audrey fell into your arms."

"You saw that?" Hiro said surprised

"Yeah everyone did."

"She fell and I caught her that's all."

"I see. Hiro?"


"It's embarrassing but what do you think of my swimsuit?"

Hiro looked Beli up and down and she looked away blushing a bit.

"It suits you."

"Really?" Beli said smiling a bit

"Yeah it seems your style."

"What kinda style is that?"

"Well it's cute and to be honest so are you."

Beli blushed a bit at hiro's comment.

"Thank you. Hiro mind if I ask another question?"

"Go ahead."

"Um how do you feel about audrey?"

Hiro looked at Beli with a curious look.


"I'm just wondering."

"Well I care for her a lot. And I'm really happy to have her with me. But she can be kinda annoying. I try to impress her a lot but it always seems to never be enough for her sometimes."

"I see."

"But I do have strong feelings for her."

"I see. Hiro?"


"What if I told you that I..."

"What is it?"

"I have...

"Hey Hiro over here."

Hiro turned and saw Audrey, Tiffany and Nikki. They walked over and Audrey grabbed hiro's arm.

"Come on your aunt Cass finished preparing the food and she's waiting for us. Everyone else is there waiting for us already too."

"Ok I'm coming don't yank my arm off." Hiro said laughing a bit

"Come on Beli." Tiffany said

"Okay." Beli said a little upset

(Food Court)

As soon as they came they saw the spread around them which consisted of Rice Balls, Sandwiches, And even Donuts and Cakes.

"Whoa Cass did you make these yourself?" Tiffany asked

"Not all of it Beli made the cakes and kyanna helped make the sandwiches." Aunt Cass pointed out

"Well let's dig in then I'm starved." Fred said

Everyone started eating.

"Wow I've never tasted food this good before." Tiffany said after trying a sandwich

"It's like there's a party of sweetness going on in my mouth." Nikki commented

"This is pretty good I guess." Audrey said

Beli looked at hiro who was sitting next to audrey. Kyanna noticed her staring and nudged her. "Did you tell him?" Kyanna whispered. Beli looked down in embarrassment. Kyanna knew what she meant.

They noticed Tiffany nudge Audrey and whisper something to her. Audrey then took a napkin and cleaned hiro's lip that had ketchup on it. "Aw she's so sweet to him." Honey lemon commented.

"It's funny how much she's changing." Fred pointed out

"What's that suppose to mean?" Audrey asked

"Audrey I think he means what an influence hiro's been on you." Tiffany said

Audrey looked at her friend and then at hiro. "Whatever he's still a loser." Audrey said

Hiro got annoyed a bit. "Yeah thanks a lot."

The group laughed at them. Audrey was hiding her smile from hiro but he did notice and smiled at her. But Beli was looking away from them a little sad.

After they had eaten they went back to the pool. Everyone sat to the side while they watched hiro still trying to teach audrey how to swim. After audrey had come up for air she noticed hiro was smiling at her.

"What?" She asked

"You've gotten a lot better audrey."

She smiled smugly. "Well of course I have."

"Well do you think you're fine to do it yourself?"

She looked at him. "Hmm? Let's test that out I want you to take me to a spot that's deeper.


She wrapped her arm around his. "And you better hold on to me."

Hiro smiled at her. "Of course I will."

They both held on to each other as they went deeper.

"Aw look at them they're both lovestruck." Honey lemon commented.

"Yeah it is pretty cute." Tiffany commented

"I just don't get it. What made hiro fall for her?" Kyanna commented

Everyone looked at kyanna.

"I think it's because hiro has never been in a steady relationship with a girl. Whenever he has it turned out that the girls were either using him or they ended up cheating on him. Hiro since then had almost given up on love. But then here comes this girl. Sure we had a bad impression of her before but I think that she is really good for him." Tadashi explained

Everyone kept looking at the pair happy for hiro. But beli was still sad just looking at them.

(A Few Hours Later)

Hiro and the rest of the boys stood at the entrance waiting for everyone else. They were approached by one of the girls. They saw it was Beli.

"Hello you guys."

"Hey beli." They said

"Where's the other girls?" Hiro asked

"They're still drying their hair."

Hiro stared at belis long hair. Noticing it was completely dry.

"I thought you would've taken really long."

Beli smiled a little "I thought I shouldn't keep you guys waiting."

Beli still kept looking at hiro. Hiro noticed that she was doing it.

"Hiro do you mind if I talk to you alone real quick?" Beli asked

"Uh yeah sure." He answered

Hiro and Beli walked over to a part of the hall to speak. Beli looked shy like she had a lot to say.

"Um what did you want to say to me Beli." Hiro asked

"Um well do you remember our conversation from earlier?" She asked


"I never got a chance to say what I wanted."

She looked down again and he noticed that her shirt was open revealing her chest a bit. He blushed at the sight.

"Oh well what is it?"

"Hiro the truth is that I. I."

Hiro waited to hear what she had to say nervously. Then it happened.

"I love you."

Beli kissed hiro while blushing a lot. Hiro was surprised and his eyes were wide open as he received her kiss. But suddenly

*bag falls*

Hello everyone thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry for taking so long to write this but I've been going through a lot mainly involving someone close to me and its been a struggle. But don't worry I haven't given up writing this story and I'll keep going. By the way what did you think about beli's confession? And who do you think saw them kissing? See you guys next time.

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