Chapter Eleven: See Her Again?

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Hiro woke up and stretched rubbing the sleep out of his eyes though he had a smile on his face thinking about his date with the beautiful red headed girl he had known as audrey.

Someone knocked on his door.

"It's open." Hiro shouted

Honey Lemon walked in smiling.

"Good morning hiro."

"Oh hey honey."

"So how did it go with audrey last night?"

"Wow straight to the point huh?"

"Come on tell me please."

"Well when we were on the ferris wheel I talked to her and I asked her a bit about herself and..." Hiro stopped and thought about how much honey would fangirl about his first kiss which was ruined by the ride moving again


"Nothing after that I can think of." Hiro laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head

"Really?" Honey pouted a little

"Yeah really I'm sorry that's all that happened." Hiro lied

"OK then come downstairs me and tadashi have been up a while I cooked breakfast too."

"Really awesome just give me a second to get ready first."

"Ok see you in a bit."

Hiro sighed in relief as the blonde left. Hiro goes to his bathroom and takes a shower, brushes his teeth and gets dressed putting on his favorite hoodie and tadashi's old jacket that he gave to hiro a couple years back which he really did like as well, red pants and his new converses.

Afterwards he went downstairs and he saw Tadashi sitting at the table drinking coffee. And honey in the kitchen wearing a yellow apron making breakfast for the group.

Hiro makes his way to the table.

"Good morning hiro." said Tadashi as he saw his younger brother

"Good morning tadashi." said Hiro

Honey came back with 3 plates of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast and another cup of coffee for hiro. As they ate they talked about school and stuff but hiro's mind was focused only on the redhead

"Hiro Hiro" Tadashi snapped his fingers trying to get his brothers attention

"Huh?" Hiro woke up from his daydream

"Hey are you there little bro?"

"Oh sorry what were we talking about?"

"I was asking if you could help me out with baymax I'm having some trouble with him."

"Oh right sorry dashi."

"What were you thinking about?"

Hiro went silent.

"Were you thinking about her?"

Hiro felt a small blush creep up on his cheeks.

Tadashi laughed and ruffled his brothers hair.

"Quit it tadashi I just fixed it."

"Hiro you must really like her don't you are you sure nothing else happened?" Honey Lemon asked

"No nothing happened why is everyone focused on her?"

"Well let's see you haven't stopped thinking about her since yesterday and when we bring her up you always end up blushing." Tadashi said smiling

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