Chapter Five: The new outfit

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After eating and finishing their desserts Audrey came back again.

"All done well come back another time or whatever the fuck." said Audrey

She hands them their bill and they each pay but Hiro gives her a $20 and a note

"Thanks maybe your not so useless after all." said Audrey

As they started to leave Audrey read the note.

"Make sure you look good sexy cause tonight we're going out on a date." Audrey read blushing a little at the note (A/n This was Tadashi's idea for Hiro to write it Hiro was afraid of how she would react and Tadashi convinced Hiro to do take her out tonight)

When she looked up she saw hiro staring and he gave her a smirk and a wink. She stuck her tongue out and gave him the finger in response while still blushing.

"Who was that?" A blond schoolgirl waitress asked

"Just some dumbass who likes me, and he even asked me out on a date can you believe it, Tiffany?" Audrey exclaimed

Audrey showed Tiffany the note and Tiffany smiled after reading it.

"Well girl you get off in an hour so you better start thinking about what your gonna wear." said Tiffany

"Whatever" said Audrey

The two girls went back to work

Back to Hiro and the group

"Alright Hiro so what are you gonna wear?" said Honey Lemon

Hiro pondered on a moment then realized he didn't have a clue what to wear for a date.

Tadashi spoke up

"Um, honey Hiro doesn't well." Tadashi thought for a moment

Honey perked up

"OMG this is perfect." said Honey Lemon

The group wondered what she meant.

"I can finally take you clothes shopping Hiro come on." Honey said excitingly

Before Hiro could respond honey grabbed his hand and ran with him to a fancy store as the others followed.

"Oh this looks good and this oh man this would look great." said Honey Lemon

Hiro and the others watched as she pulled out different articles of clothing from their racks.

Tadashi, on the other hand, was doing some searching of his own.

"Here Hiro this would look great." Honey Lemon said as she threw 3 different outfits to Hiro

"Um honey which one?" Hiro pondered

"Never mind just go try them on." Honey said as she pushed Hiro into a dressing room

"Alright well here goes." Hiro said as he removed his clothes to try the different outfits on

First Outfit: An all-white suit with a peach button-up shirt like what you would wear at a club.

After he put it on his friends gave a disapproving look

"Looks way too flashy." said Fred

"Probably not the right choice." said Wasabi

"If she didn't think you were a douche now she will if she sees you wearing that." said Gogo while popping her gum

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