Chapter Twenty-Four: The Third Date At the Water Park and a confession? pt.3

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"I... I like hiro"

Kyanna was shocked to hear her friend admit this.

"Beli your in love with him?"

Beli simply nodded and turned away from her friend

"I know I shouldn't because he's with her but I can't help the way I feel."

Kyanna walked over to her friend and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Beli you can't help who you love. Yeah it might be wrong but I think you should talk to hiro."

Beli turned to Kyanna

"What I can't do that it's obvious how he feels about her and I'd just be wasting my breathe."

"Beli if you hold these feelings within you they're gonna overtake you and then you'll regret it. At least talk to him."

"But what about Audrey?"

"Beli they haven't become official yet so you don't have to worry about her."

"But that stuff happened a couple weeks ago we helped them get back together again you saw them kiss too."

"I understand but you've gotta let these feelings free at least tell him. Yes it may hurt that he could say no but at least you won't keep your feelings bottled up.

"Okay I'll tell him."


Hiro and Audrey were walking together over the small bridge. Then Audrey stopped them

"What's up Audrey?"

"Nothing I've just gotta check my makeup real quick and I've gotta find tiff and nik. Would you mind waiting for me right here."

"Yeah sure."

"Okay I'll be back."

She gave hiro a quick peck on the cheek and left. Hiro waited at the bridge watching everyone else swim.

"Hello Hiro."

Hiro saw it was beli approaching him

"Beli hey."

"Where's Audrey?"

"She just told me to wait here for her."

"She's checking her makeup right?"


"You know hiro the atmosphere here is really nice."

"It is actually."

"I saw how audrey fell into your arms."

"You saw that?" Hiro said surprised

"Yeah everyone did."

"She fell and I caught her that's all."

"I see. Hiro?"


"It's embarrassing but what do you think of my swimsuit?"

Hiro looked Beli up and down and she looked away blushing a bit.

"It suits you."

"Really?" Beli said smiling a bit

"Yeah it seems your style."

"What kinda style is that?"

"Well it's cute and to be honest so are you."

Beli blushed a bit at hiro's comment.

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