Produce 101 S2 x Y/N *origina...

By yyrumi

7.2K 218 33

This story is suppose to be about a reader whom is a female to overcome her struggles and preform on stage. S... More

Episode 1
Episode 3
Sora's Birthday
Episode 4

Episode 2

1.1K 39 8
By yyrumi

  "Does anyone need help on the choreography?" I asked.

   "I just have trouble with catching my breath," Sora says.
"How bout any of you guys," I asked.

"I also need help," said Jinyoung, "Mostly, on everything," he says throwing his hands in the hair and falling on the bed.

"Grades, please report to your assigned practice rooms," announced the speaker.

"Come on girl," says Sora in English.

"You speak English?" asked Daehwi as we all headed out the door.

"We both do," I say, "Do you speak English?"

"I do, I lived in the states too, but only for 6 years." He says.

"Ohh," Sora and I say looking at him.

We all waved Jihoon and Jinyoung bye on the way since the four of us were all A's.

"Hello," we all said and bowed as we walked in. Lee Seok Hoon was in here first, teaching us the song. Each of us was handed a piece of paper.

   "I think the pitch it just a bit to high for me," Samuel says, I remember him from 1punch and almost debuting with 17.

  "It's too high?," asked the Trainer.
"Try it again," he insisted. Sam does it again, and it turns out better.

"Ong, you're up," Seok Hoon encourages. Ong does well for him first time. The boys did well, but it was Sora's turn then mine.

  "Sora-ah, you're mostly a dancer, correct?," he asked.

"Yes, I trained at 1M for 4 years," she says perking up.

"Let's try this out," he says playing the piano. At first Sora sings out of tune but she progressed through the chorus.

"Lastly, Y/N," he says. I smiled

"You're an ex-JYP trainee, and now a 1M dancer?" He asked.

"Yes, during my time at JYP, I was a singer, but I slowly started to become a rapper," I say quietly.

"Ahh," everyone says in surprise.

"Let's test your vocals out then," he says laughing. I was nervous to sing for a quick second when he started to play the piano, but then I felt powerful.

"That was really nice," he says clapping.

"Thank you," I said and bowed.

"Now that you know the song, you will learn the dance from Kwon Jaesung," Seok Hoon says getting up from his seat.

"Y/N and Sora-ah, you both also have to learn Pick me from last year by Kahi," he says worriedly.

"Really?," we both asked.

"You both are dancers, so I think you can handle it," he says packing his stuff.

"Fighting,"he says looking back at us, and then leaves.

"Ahhh, what are we gonna do," Sora says shaking me.

"We can learn both choreographies, we got this," I say gently taking her hands off my shoulders. Just as things were to get calm, Kwon Jaesung walks in.

"Hello," we all said and bowed.

"Ready to learn NaYaNa," he claps his hands seeming eager. Step by step, we slowly learn the dance, Ong and Sora seemed to have the most trouble.

"Daehwi, Sam and Y/N-ah, come dance in front," he says pointing in front of him. We did the choreography pretty well, but I was really out of breathe.

"You 3 and Woojin are the best dancers with passion in this A class," he says smiling.

"Thank you," we all say.

"Just a reminder,you have 3 days to learn the song and the choreography,okay," he says.

"Okay," we said. We all bow, when he leaves the room. I go to the corner where my water bottle is a

"Unnie, do you need help?" I asked standing up and crossing my arms. She wasn't getting most of the dance right.

"Please," she says swaying her arms. So step by step,I teach her the dance.

"No, punch the air 3 times like this," I say.

"Well, sorry," she laughs. We all heard a loud beep from the speakers, so we stopped dancing and singing.

"Kim Y/N and Han Sora please report to 2-b, thank you," it announced. I grabbed my water and shove the small plastic container in my gym bag and head out.

"You okay, Y/N," Sora asked as we walked to 2-b.

"I'm good, I just took my pill," I say looking at all the doors numbers. We finally reach the door and we slowly open it. Kahi was there waiting for us. She saw us and bowed and we bowed back. I put my stuff by the door

"Pick me is an easy dance," she says turning to face the mirror. So, step by step, she goes. Sora having a little trouble, and I almost tripped by Sora's foot.

"This dance is not that hard, so I don't understand why you're having trouble, you are a dancer, Sora, now get it together," Kahi says scolding Sora. Sora looked on the edge of bursting but she chose not to.

"Y/N-ah, you're doing well, but you both need to remember this choreography in 2 days," she says resting on the ground.

"Thank you," I say. Kahi leaves the room with silence. I could only hear the fan and Sora's sniffles.

"Yah, Unnie, it's okay, I can teach you," I say hugging her.

"But I'm the older one, I should be helping you," she says hugging back.

"Nothing is wrong of me teaching my older sister," I say wiping her face.
"Let's just go back to the A room with the boys," I say getting up. I stick my arm out for her to grab and she does.

"Is my makeup ruined," she asked facing me.

"No, just a little tear mark on your cheek but you can just powder that," I say grabbing my bag and opening the door. We make our way back to the A room with all the boys resting.

"Was it that boring without us," I say jokingly.

"Noona, where did you go," asked Samuel.

"Y/N and I had to learn Pick Me from last year," Sora explains.

"I wanna see," Daehwi yells.

"No, I'm really tired," I say waving no.

"Come on," they all say.

"Hit it," Sora yells. She grabs my hands and placed me next to her. Sora was all smiles while I was beat red. When it was over, I stayed in the corner with Daehwi and Sam.

"Noona, I've never seen you in JYP," Daehwi said.

"I only trained there for 2 years, then a year break, then joined 1M and trained for 4 years," I explained.

"That's just confusing," Samuel pointed out and all 3 of us laughed. Sora seemed to have fun with Ong and Sungwoon.

*Time skip, Lunch time*

I walk into the small cafeteria with a tray of salad and strawberry milk. Sora was still in line for her fair share.

"Y/N- Noona, sit with us," yelled Seonho who almost spilt his milk on Guan Lin. I walk over the half full table. Sitting there was the RBW trainees and Chick trainees. I chose to sit next to Gunhee, who seemed nervous, since he turned beat red.

"Noona, can you teach Guan Lin-hyung the dance," teased Seonho with food in his mouth. I chuckled a bit. Sora made her way over sitting across from me.

"I think anyone could use help, Y/N is really talented," Sora brags.

"No no, I'm just like everyone else," I denied.

"They're girls though," said Guan Lin. I finish my salad in silence and quickly drink my milk, heading out the door, Guan Lin follows.

"Hello, Noona," he says.

"Oh, hello," I say with a smile.

"Uh, do you need a bit of help on the choreography, because I was just gonna go and practice it," I admitted.

"Yes please," he pleaded.

"Come on, to the practice room we go," I said point upstairs and grabbing his arm.
   After hours teaching Guan Lin the dance, I gave up.

  "See, I'll never be able to debut," he says frustrated. He sat down and rested his arm and head on his knees.

"Yah, don't say that, you're only 17, you have awhile," I assured sitting next to him.

3 days went by as I taught Sora and Guan Lin the dances. The same day we had to record ourselves to determine our re-graded rank, since I'm a dancer, I should stay an A rank, same goes for Sora.

"Hello, I'm Lee Daehwi from BNM," Daehwi says bowing in from of the camera. His movements are perfect along with him voice, so I was sure he'd stay an A, same with Sam, except the voice crack.

"Y/N- Noona, you got this," cheered Sam, Daehwi and Woojin.

"I have to dance to 2 songs, in one shot, let's hope," I say worried.

"Hello, my name is Kim Y/N," I said into the camera. I start off with NaYaNa, since I learnt it first. Then Pick Me. When I had finished the routine, the boys clapped for me.

"Go Unnie, you got this," I cheered. Sora did well in the beginning of Pick Me but I knew she was getting tired, and she forgot a few lines. When she danced to NaYaNa, she did better, so I knew our lessons worked, but I hoped the same for Guan Lin.

"You did well, Unnie," I said as she came back to sit next to me. One by one, we were going to get re-graded, and I was nervous.

*Little Time Skip*

"Shall we wait for our new recruits," Boa said with envelopes in her hand, which held our ranks. You could feel the atmosphere in the room. Usual, one by one was to go up, be handed the envelope and bowed.

"Re-graded, please report to your new rank, thank yo,"announced the speaker.

One by one, boys kept coming in from different grades, even an F. I recognized Woo Jinyoung, Lee Woojin, and Kang Daniel. Ahn Hyungseob was running and ran into the floor, which I almost laughed at.

"Shall we start," Boa asked.

"Park Woojin," Boa said holding out the envelope. Woojin stood up and slowing grabbing it. The rest of the boy followed Woojin, making no emotion to what rank they were given.

Lastly it was Sora and I's turn, first she called Sora up. She didn't seem surprised when she saw it, so maybe she stayed an A.

"Kim Y/N," Boa says reaching out the paper. I opened it, and I wasn't shocked; I got to stay an A.

"Thank you," I said bowing and then making my way over to Sora.

"At this time, all re-graders, please report to your new rank," said Boa. Seemed like no one was going to move until Sora got up and walked out and went to the B room, I was really surprised.

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