Lets Add Three

By samevans17

6.7K 473 780

Raising four kids isn't easy, especially when three of them aren't even one yet. And then it only gets harder... More

Poop Party
"Your Phone's a Ring-ging!"
We Gots A Married!
Oh Ma Gosh
"No! NO I Want To Go To MY Class!"
"Can I hold Angel-la Now?"
"I'm In Mrs Alice's Class Now"
"She Wouldn't Know To Fake Sick Yet Would She?"
"Um... A Hatch Animal?"
"Now Let's Finish This So We Can Eat The Cookies"
"It's Too Late To Be On The Naughty List?"
"Daddy Olaf Ate The Toothpaste"
"I Think We Need To Have A Mommy-Martian Chat"
"Daddy, why are ya dressed fancy?"
"Yes Your Honour"
"Thank You Rosa-leeee!"
"Is There Leftover Icing?"
Where The F*** Is Marcia?
"I Need A Car Seat Or I'll Die!"
"Yeah, It's They Birthday"
"My Tuf Isa Muvint"
"Taa Daa!"


258 21 23
By samevans17

A/N: I just realised I hadn't updated this in a while, so here you go :)

Chapter 3

"Aunty Esther, Aunty Esther, Aunty Esther!" Marcia screeches as she runs down the hall, and straight past the door she was supposed to go through.
      "Marcia, please be quieter," Avi says, just loud enough for her to hear as he waited at the correct room, with Bella tucked in his arms, for Marcia to run back. Kirstie had already pushed the other two through in the pram
     "Sorry, we brought the lot," Kirstie speaks apologetically as she parks the pram then steps over to Kevin to give him a hug, then carefully give Esther one since she was holding Angela. "Aww she's beautiful Es," she coos, gently touching the baby's hand.
     "Hold her for a moment god-mommy," Esther smiles, "I think Martian wants a hug," she chuckles as she hands the baby to Kirstie then turns and receives a quick, tight hug from Marcia who was trying her best to climb onto the higher bed.
       "No, climbing," Kirstie tells her, "The nurse will come and tell you off," she pretends. Marcia slowly slides back down on her tummy, watching her mom very carefully, their eyes not parting.       "You gonna show Aunty your picture?"
     Marcia's mouth forms an 'o' before she breaks into a big grin, all her attention back on her aunt as she holds up the picture, "It's for you and Angel-la and even uncle Kev."
      Esther takes it from her, "Wow it's so good," she smiles, she wasn't totally sure if it was supposed to be their family, so she left it at that, although she did wonder why it looked like it had 'not pink' written on it with an arrow pointing to what she assumed to be Angela. "We can pin it up on the cork-board over there," she nods at the far wall. "Uncle Kev will put it up for you," she decides since Marcia's parents are both still holding children.
      Kevin gets up from his seat, offering it to Kirstie, who gladly takes it with Angela, then he walks over to the cork board with Marcia in tow. "Do you want me to do it all by myself, of do you want me to lift you up to put it on there?"
     "Me! Me! Me!" She cheers, making the other adults in the room chuckle.
     "As long as you're sure you can," Kevin jokes.
     Marcia puts her hands on her hips as she looks up at Kevin, "What do you think I am? Four?"
      This makes the other adults in the room laugh even louder.
      "Well you can't be four can you? Since you started school yesterday," Kevin says as he picks Marcia up and holds her in front of the board.
     "That's right," the five year old nods. "I made a best friend, his name is Jake and he gets to come over after school every day and we get to play for extra-long," she grins as she carefully pushes the pin in and Kevin lets her down.
     "That's really cool Marcia, how come Jake gets to come around every day?" Esther asks.
     Marcia shrugs before she leans her elbows on Esther's bed, "Momma said so."
     Esther turns to Kirstie with a questioning look.
     "His dad can't come and pick him up right away after school, so it's better and safer for Jake if he comes over to our house and his dad can get him from there once he finishes work," she explains simply.
      "That's a really nice thing for you to do," Kevin tells her with a smile, then gives one to Avi as well.
     "Don't smile at me, it was all her idea," he proudly points at his wife before he speaks again, "Okay let's trade babies now, I want to hold my niece."


A small hand reaches up to a larger one, and gently pulls on the fingers that are just hanging off the bed. The small impatient hand starts tapping up and down the large and hairy arm, before scrambling up onto the big bed to sit on the chest of the sleeping man.
     Clutching his shirt in her tiny hands, she pulls and pulls, eventually springing back and letting out a wail when her head connects with Avi's knee.
     She lies her head down on him as he and Kirstie start to come to.
     Kirstie sighs as she sits up to see her daughter lying on Avi's chest with tears in her eyes. She hated the tears but this was now every night this week and Avi always just let her stay. What was he planning on doing when the triplets were able to come in here?
     As if on cue, Avi slides Marcia down in between them and she cuddles into his side while he wraps an arm around her.
      The mom can't help but feel warm inside when she sees this, but Marcia needed to learn that she had to sleep in her own bed. She reaches across to turn her bedside lamp on that lights up the room. Marcia and Avi's eyes both shoot open and they turn a similar look on her that would make anyone think they were actually related.
     With a sigh Kirstie begins to talk, "Marcia you need to go to bed, to your bed. This is mommy and daddy's bed."
     "Kirst, it's not that big of a de-"
     "If you ever want special-husband-wife-hugs ever again husband then you're going to help your wife out," she almost hisses at him.
     Avi sits up quickly, sitting Marcia up too. "You're a big girl now Marcia, and you've got your own bed with the neat minion cover," he smiles at the small pouting girl.
     The miniature Kirstie folds her arms in defiance, "It's not fair," she complains. "You and mommy are both big and you get to share, I want to share too!" she slams herself back against the pillows.
     Avi and Kirstie exchange a slight smile before they turn to their daughter.
     "You get to share with Guppy and the rest of your crew, Barney, Potatoes, Lindy," Kirstie lists for her, lightly patting the girls knee.
     "I bet they're so scared without you," Avi tries.
     "But (sob) I (sob) scared (sob) with (sob) out (sob) you!" she starts crying.
     Kirstie pulls her oldest daughter up onto her lap, "Is something bothering you sweetie?" she asks after giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
     Avi watches Marcia as they wait for her answer.
     Marcia's head drops and just a few hiccup breaths can be heard, "I wanna make sure nevether of you to go to the sky like Jake's mommy."
      Avi reaches out to take Marcia's hand as Kirstie speaks, "You don't have to watch us all the time sweetie, we're not going anywhere any time soon."
     "You sure?" Marcia asks, looking up between them, her five year old mind quickly soothed.
      Avi nods, "We're very sure," he tells her soothingly. It's what they had to tell her because who really knows, but to explain that to a five year old would be too hard, she'd come to learn it in her own time.
     "Now off to bed sweetie, if you go quick Daddy will come and sing your song," Kirstie tells her with a smile then a quick kiss on the top of her head.
     Marcia almost dives off the bed, "Is this quick enough?" she yells as she's going down the hallway.
      Kirstie and Avi exchange a look seconds before one of the babies, probably Bella, starts crying, then not a few seconds later another one starts. Luckily Giselle was a heavy sleeper, like her dad, so her sisters didn't often wake her up.
      "I was gonna say if I have to sing then you have to sing backup, but now you have to deal with them and I get the easy one," he jokingly sticks his tongue out at her before he jumps from the bed to avoid her swinging arm.
      "Watch it or you can deal with all of them," she half laughs as she gets out of the bed too. They walk together for a moment before Kirstie enters the Triplets room and Avi continues on to Marcia's room.

A/N: Hope you liked it :)


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