The Ninja of Time

By MultiFangirl7148

2.1K 136 42

You almost never hear about adventure stories that start with a boy getting crushed by a tree. But Omar's sto... More

Chapter 1 A Normal Life
Chapter 2 Time for Training and I'm Getting Started
Chapter 3 Spinjitsu Power Inside
Chapter 4 Sensei Found Him and Warned Him of a Darker Side
Chapter 5 Get up, Get Your Ninja On
Chapter 6 On a Path to Bring Them All to Light
Chapter 7 Take It Out On Garmadon
Chapter 8 Do Not Look the Snakes in Their Eyes
Chapter 9 Straight Home
Chapter 10 Something Ill is Going Down
Chapter 11 The Best Way to Defeat Your Enemy
Chapter 12 To Know Your Enemy
Chapter 13 We Feel Defeated
Chapter 14 Ice
Chapter 15 Lightning
Chapter 16 I Knew the Time Would Come
Chapter 17 Earth
Chapter 18 Fire
Chapter 19 Something to Prove
Chapter 20 Time to Save this City and I'm Ready For It ~Part 1
Chapter 21 Time to Save This City and I'm Ready for It~Part 2
Chapter 22 Gotta Push Our Game
Chapter 23 Gotta Know Your Friend
Chapter 24 Messin' with the Ninja Has a Penalty
Chapter 25 Nobody's Gonna Stop Us Now
Chapter 26: Growing Up is Such a Blast
Chapter 28 Danger Lurking in the Depths of Ninjago
Chapter 29: Not One But A Million
Chapter 30: In Too Deep to Cash Out Now
Chapter 31: Ready for the Fight
Chapter 32: Each Second Counts
Chapter 33: Ninjago's in Trouble
Chapter 34: Evil Can't Stay

Chapter 27 Causing History to Unfold

31 4 0
By MultiFangirl7148

This has been the craziest week of my life.

Between getting use to Lloyd being older, moving him into our room and intensive training, I've barely had time to breathe!

This is one of the times I'm so glad I'm not the Green Ninja.

It was late afternoon, and we were training below deck. Cole swung his scythe at Lloyd only for it to be kicked from his grip.

Jay slung his nunchucks but Lloyd grabbed them and threw him to the Blue Ninja to other side of the room!

Zane and Crystal shot and threw their weapons. Lloyd dodged three arrows and two shurikens, consequently lodging them into a watermelon Nya was carrying.

She growled at them, producing nervous smiles and apologetic looks from the two.

I spun my blade, threw it to distract him, and leaped into the air, only to be kicked into a wall. I was still smiling. The kid was learning fast!

Kai gave the last attack, Lloyd neutralized it with a ball of Energy, until Kai pulled back, causing Lloyd to fall to the floor.

Kai chuckled and helped him up. "You're getting pretty good, but that move you fell for was basic, 101."

"Yeah, if I focused more when I was little, I would've seen that coming." Lloyd answered.

"We cannot change the past, but we can prepare for the future. Again, and this time, don't hold back." Wu instructed.

Then, we heard the falcon screech. Saved! I don't want to get kicked into another wall. We ran to the Bridge.

"The falcon has returned with troubling news. What did you see, my mechanical feathered friend?" Zane asked as he plugged it into the screen.

"Garmadon has returned to the Serpentine home base." Kai analyzed. "Looks like they're trying to prepare for a final battle!" Cole worried.

"Nya, set the course. We'll head straight for them." Wu commanded.

We arrived just in time, jumped off the ship. We snuck around the city and watched Sensei confronted his brother. We fell into formation behind him as Lloyd initiated the attack.

Garmadon was taken aback, but he knew it was still, "Lloyd? Is that you?"

"Yeah, I've grown a little since the last time you saw me, dad." He answered through his teeth. He was ready for it, and so were we.

"Get them!" Garmadon ran and prepared, as armed and deadly Serpentine marched towards us.

Not a problem, we spinjitzued them out of our way, and ran after Garmadon. Nya kicked open the door and saw a glowing vortex!

"He used the Mega Weapon again!" Cole shouted. "Aww swell. Every time he uses that thing something really bad happens! Now what?" Jay sulked.

That's when we felt the city filling with sand! "Is the city sinking?" Jay asked. "Worse! It's returning back to the desert, as if has never been found in the first place!" Zane answered.

"What?! What dose that mean?!" Kai panicked. "What's happening?" Nya shrieked.

"Garmadon's gone back in time to make sure Lloyd never becomes the Green Ninja!" Zane told her.

I looked at Lloyd. He was fading! "I -I can't feel my hands." He said slowly.

"Does anyone else feel the room spinning?" Crystal asked. I looked at her. She was fading too!

That's when I remembered: if Lloyd never became the Green Ninja, we never met Crystal, either!

"We have to go in!" Kai deducted. "If he changes anything, he changes everything! Protect the future, Ninja!" Wu commanded as we jumped in.

We spiraled through the vortex and landed on top of each other, in a pool of mud.

"Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel." Jay groaned. "Where are we?" Cole asked. "In a puddle of mud." I groaned.

"The question is, when are we?" Zane corrected. We emerged from the puddle, and looked around.

"Four Weapons." Kai read the sign on a nearby store. "My parents shop! Nya and I used to work there!" He smiled. I pointed a little ways behind it.

"And my old house! And the treehouse is still there!" I beamed as I remembered all the good times Kai and I had when we were little.

"Wait a minute. This is the day that Garmadon ordered the Skeletons to take my sister! We have to warn them!" Kai worried.

"Hold on, you heard Sensei, we change anything, we change everything!" Cole halted. "Yeah, I was confused by that to." Jay wondered.

"He's saying is our world is a result of past events that have already happened. If for whatever reason events in our past fail to happen the future could radically change." Zane explained.

"So what you're say is; we have to stop Garmadon from changing anything? But of all the times why did we land here?" Cole asked.

"Because this is where it all started. Today I met Sensei Wu for the first time, and began my training to become a ninja. Somehow Garmadon's gonna try and prevent that. But how?" Kai grunted.

"Too bad Sensei Wu isn't here to guide us." Cole regretted. "Ooo look! Maybe he can!" Jay pointed to a figure in white with a long stick.

"I'm not so sure..." I sighed. "Well we have to tell him what Garmadon has done!" Cole concluded.

"But we can't let the old Kai and Nya see that we talk to him, or it will affect our future." Zane warned.

"I know exactly what to do." Kai nodded then lead us behind the shop.

Wu was just passing by, minding his own business, when Kai came up behind him, and clamped his hand over his mouth!

"Sensei, we need you're help." He then pulled him behind the shop.

"Wait a minute. If we're trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn't talking to sensei be altering the past thus changing our future?" Jay asked.

"That would be correct. I believe a big, 'uh-oh' is in order?" Zane winced. "I said from the beginning that this was a bad idea." I shrugged.

"Well, we can't undo what we've already done. Sensei, we really need your help." Kai begged. "All five of you, you-" Wu started to gasp.

"Traveled back in time to warn you of impending doom." Cole spat out. "Right. Normal." I continued.

"But we don't have time to explain? Can you help us?" Kai asked frantically. "I don't understand, but I can try." Wu still looked flustered.

"Ok. Any minute now, skeletons are gonna come over that hill and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me. I mean, the past me." Kai said frantically.

"Garmadon?" Wu gasped. "We have to do everything in our power to protect my past self!" Kai ordered.

At that moment, the sky darkened to a shade off deep purple as the sound of engines revving filled the evening air.

Kai held Wu back, only to make sure that he didn't attack right away.

"Can't we help?" Kai asked as we hid ourselves out of sight. "Don't look at me. I'm wise, but I'm not that wise." Wu told us.

"Well, technically since the past has already been altered, I don't wise why we can't fight a few skeletons, just as long as your former self never sees you." Zane encouraged.

"Alright!" I cheered and got to slapping. "Made my day Zane! I miss beating these guys up!" Cole joined me.

As Jay blasted through the skeletons, he had to send one flying over the wall of my old house!

"Hey, watch it! I used to live there!" I warned him. Out of curiosity, I peeked over the wall to see inside my old room.

AAAAHHH! My room is pink?! My room is pink! Why is my room pink?! And there are rainbows, and bunnies and glitter... So. Much. Glitter.

And why are there smiling stars hanging from the ceiling? And, no. Is that a, no way. It that a doll? There's a doll in my room.

The universe hates me.

At that moment, I fell backwards off the wall. I sprang right back up, just in time to see Nya crack two skeletons in the head with a staff!

"Oh yeah. That's Nya." I sighed in recollection. They were getting surrounded, and fast. I really want to help them!

"I thought I told you to stay back!" Past Kai told Nya. "And what? Let you have all the fun?" She responded.

"Oh yeah. You guys haven't changed a bit." I whispered to Kai.

Just then, I saw Samukai challenge past Kai, take him down, and prepare to kill him. That's when Sensei Spinjitzued him out of the way.

Samukai used his signature move. Throwing all four daggers into the leg of the water tower.

It was bound to crush Kai! That is, until Sensei spun past Kai out of there!

After the whole fight was over, I felt something in me change. Something, powerful. Something futuristic. Somethings happening with Lloyd.

"Ugh, this isn't good." Kai moaned. "Why? We saved you, and your sister." Wu pondered.

"No, the skeletons were supposed to get away with Nya. The only reason you convinced me to become a ninja in the first place was to get her back." He sighed.

"Oh, I see." Sensei nodded. "Sensei, no matter what, you need to convince Kai to go with you." Zane instructed.

"Why?" Jay asked. "Nothing would be the same without him!" I answered. Zane glared at Jay.

"Because if Kai doesn't become a Ninja, the world as we know it, won't exist. The five of us will never unite! We'll never train Lloyd to become the Green Ninja! And Nya will never fall head over heels for Jay!" Zane finished.

I'm sure his funny switch is on right now. "NO MATTER WHAT, YOU NEED TO CONVINCE HIM TO GO WITH YOU!!!!!!!!" Jay screamed in Wu's face.

Just then, we heard footsteps in out direction, and we jumped behind the water tower to hide.

"Thank you for your help! If it wasn't for your Twist-itzu, or your Tornadzu, my sister might have been taken." Past Kai said gratefully.

We all turned to stare at Kai. Seriously, who says 'Tornadzu'? He gave a nervous smile.

"Come," Wu told past Kai, "We must train. You must become a ninja." Past Kai laughed. "Sorry, but I've got a blacksmith shop to help get back on its feet, so-"

"No!" Wu stopped him. "You must come. It is very important that you become a ninja, because... We must harness the fire within you!" Wu smiled convincingly.

"Hold on Kai. Maybe there's a reason this man came into our lives. Father always said the world works in mysterious ways. I think it sounds kind of exciting!" Past Nya smiled.

"Okay, if you wanna become a ninja, fine by me. But I'm only going because you want to." The three of them walked away.

"Oh, great. He's going. We saved the future!" Jay sighed.

"Not so fast. We still have to make sure he becomes a ninja in order for everything to get everything back on track." Zane reminded us.

The next day, we were watching Past Kai and Nya train at the monastery. Of course, we were out of sight.

"Oh, I'm worthless!" Kai sulked. "I could've told you that." I shrugged. "You're spending too much time with Crystal." Cole nudged me.

"It's like you don't even want to be a ninja!" Jay whispered. "Look, I told you! The only reason I became a ninja was to save my sister." Kai explained again.

"If Kai doesn't learn to be a ninja, our future will be destroyed!" Zane worried. "Goodbye, Ninjago." I sighed.

"Even when Garmadon does something good, it's always evil!" Cole whisper-shouted. "Sensei ain't cuttin' the mustard. Looks like it's up to us to save the future."

"I thought you said not to get involved! Change anything, change everything?" Jay reminded us. "Jay's right! Let's let things play out." I added.

"That was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now, we gotta clean up the mess!" Cole explained to us.

"He's right. The only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire." Zane reinforced. "What are you trying to say, Zane?" Jay asked.

"I'm saying, we have to give Kai his motivation back! We have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the skeletons." Zane explained.

"First off, their 'hands' are just skinless bones, and second, are you insane? I don't want another broken arm." I sighed.

"If that's what it takes." Kai agreed. "Okay. If it's alright with you guys, I've got an idea on how I can talk some sense into myself." Kai smiled.

That night, we snuck into the walls of the Monastery. Zane, Cole, Jay and I were sneaking into Nya's room. We fell from the roof and landed quietly on the floor.

"Time to play our part." Cole whispered. He handed out some skeleton masks. "We'll have to act quickly while Kai is keeping himself busy." Zane reminded.

Just as we stuffed her into the old bag, she woke up! I just hope she doesn't remember this when we get back...

While we walked along the roof, the bag began to shout at us! "Unhand me, Skeletons!"

"I'm sorry, Nya!" Jay cried. Probably because we made him carry the bag. "How'd you know my name?!" She screamed. "When my brother finds out about this, you'll be sorry!"

"Actually, he'll be quite relieved." Cole smiled. "Uh, guys? We've got company." Zane whispered as I spotted four black-suited ninja heading for the door.

"Isn't that, us?" Jay worried as they looked at us. "You bet they are." I shook my head. "Better lower our masks so they don't recognize us." Cole suggested as we ran into battle.

We each attacked ourselves. I don't remember being this sloppy in with my tactics. I thought I was better.

Past me, instead of grabbing my fist and throwing me, dodged and let himself get taken down. He wiggled away, and kicked me clean into a window!

I saw Kai yelling at himself. "Kai, what are you-" I started before he knocked his past self into dreamland.

"Sorry, but I can't have you ruining our plans." Kai told his unconscious body.

"You know, when they say, 'knock yourself out' that's not what they mean." I walked up to a slumped Kai, and took this opportunity to poke him on the nose.

"Gosh, you used to be weak." I chuckled and twisted one of his spikes upward. I ran off to do my job, and make sure Nya didn't fall off the side of the mountain.

Just as I got outside, I saw her bag tipping over the wrong side! I raced up the walls and kicked the bag to the other side before she could go splat. Kai caught it.

"Guys, let's get out of here!" He grunted as we were finishing ourselves up. We spinjitzued them off the roof and escaped into the night.

We watched as introductions were made, and smiled back at the memory.

"Looks like the Fire returned." Kai smirked. "Was I really that short?" I rubbed my chin.

We then made our way into the Forest of Tranquility.

"Last thing we need to do to get everything back on track, is to deliver Nya to the Skeletons." Cole said, like she was a package from the mailman.

We leaped through the branches of the tall, pine trees, as we spotted a small camp with a few skeletons.

"Alright, let's deliver the package." I whispered as the bag plummeted from the trees. I personally believe that we won.

We spied on our old camp, and watched Sensei Wu dance again! "That was so humiliating." Jay laughed. "I miss the old days." Cole sighed.

After all of our past selves had fallen asleep, we climbed down and talked to past Wu.

"Why are we still here? I thought everything was back on track!" Jay whispered. "Yeah, but we have to stay here to make sure all goes as planned." Cole answered. "So, what exactly happens next?" Wu asked.

"Our former selves have most of the Golden Weapons, Shadow Garmadon now should have my sister. In about one minute, I get woken up and tricked into taking the Sword of Fire, that will eventually release the greatest nemesis unto all Ninjago." Kai finished.

I looked at him suspiciously. "I thought that was all a dream! Wait. It's because of your inability to follow simple instructions that we're in this mess altogether! I'm not speaking to you right now." I frowned, folded my arms, and turned away from him.

We ran behind past Kai, all the way to the Fire Temple. "This is when I steal the Fire Sword and cut my sister down!" Kai whispered.

"Always doing something wrong." I muttered. "And I get attacked by my own shadow." We watched as past Kai save Nya and tried to fight Garmadon.

"You can't hurt us! You're only a shadow!" He called. "This time, I'm much more than that!" The King of Shadows answered.

"Wait, he never said that before!" Kai worried. "Something's different!"

We watched in horror as a four-armed Garmadon faced off against Past Kai. One Mega Weapon versus one Golden Weapon. Oh no. Kai's doomed.

"We have to do something! I don't stand a chance against Garmadons four arms!" He finally admits when he doesn't stand a chance!

"Wait, that's it!" Kai shouted, just as Past Kai was getting beaten to a pulp!

The Sword of Fire flew out of the Red Ninja's gloved hands and impaled the hard, rocky, molten ground in front of our Kai.

That's when he did it. Kai revealed himself. He ripped the Sword of Fire from the scorched earth and faced Garmadon himself.

"Two Kai's!?" Shadow Garmadon gasped. Aw great. Even he knows that this is the worst idea in the history of ideas.

"Yeah!" Past Kai laughed. "I guess I have four arms, too!" Our Kai gloated. "He's still gonna get crushed!" I worried. "Let's give him a hand!" Cole suggested.

We took our positions. Zane jumped right in front of both Kai's, Cole was behind Garmadon, I stayed out of sight like, I don't know, AN ACTUAL NINJA?!

And Jay, well, no one really knew where Jay was. I thought that was Kai's job.

Garmadon threw Cole, Zane, our Kai, and me, onto a small rock, floating like a boat on the lava.

"I think it's safe to say the past has drastically changed." Cole grunted.

"I was thinking about that. It could be possible to erase the events that have transpired so far, by destroying the Mega Weapon that brought us here in the first place!" Zane stated.

"You mean, if we destroy that weapon, everything goes back to normal?" Kai asked. "Exactly." I confirm. "Err, theoretically." Zane stammered.

"But nothing can destroy the Mega Weapon! Only a weapon of equal power has any chance of destroying that thing!" Cole reminded us.

"Like, maybe the Weapons forged to create it in the first place?" Jay asked as he came back. "The Golden Weapons!" Cole said, getting up.

"Yeah, I thought these might come in handy." Jay smiled, tossing us our weapons. It felt really great to have my Golden Glaive back.

"Okay. No time to figure out how you got these. We have to destroy the Mega Weapon, once and for all!" Kai yelled.


The Mega Weapon levitated into the air. I felt my Glaive pull away from my hand and gravitate towards the Mega Weapon.

The six weapons of power spun around each other, combined to form one, Extreme Weapon of Power, and shot into the dark, night sky, creating the most extraordinary firework I'd ever seen!

Next thing I know, I'm in a spinning, white portal. Then, in the blink of an eye, we were back in the training room.

"Did we just..." Jay started. "Return to the future?" Cole finished. "This feels familiar, but weren't we training Lloyd?"

"The future was altered and there's no Green Ninja!" Zane exclaimed. "That means Crystal's gone, too." I whispered.

We all shared a moment of silence.

That's when Lloyd burst through the the door!

"Sorry I'm late guys, are we ready to get training?" He asked. "You're still here!" Kai smiled. We enveloped him in a group hug.

(Which is totally manly. Thank you very much.)

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Lloyd asked. "But where's Crystal?" Jay asked.

A second later she ran in through the door.

"I'm late, I know I'm late, and it's none of your legal business why I'm late." She panted as I tackled her in a hug.

(See? I'm very manly. Two hugs in less than five minutes!)

"Crystal! You're alive! I'm so happy you're alive!" I laughed. "Right, and if you want to stay alive you'll get off of me. Right now." She warned and shoved me off.

"Right. Just happy you're alive." I stood up. "That makes one of us." Kai muttered.

"So when we went back in time and destroyed Garmadons Mega Weapon, that didn't change anything?" Jay asked.

"My father has a Mega Weapon?" Lloyd gasped. "Not anymore." I shrugged. "Why can't I have a Mega Weapon?" Crystal asked sulkily.

Kai picked up the watermelon on the floor so we could finally have our snack.

"You've never heard of it?" He threw the fruit in the air and sliced it, one slice falling in each of our hands.

"I think I would've remembered that! Why? What is it? Should I be concerned?" Lloyd ranted.

We all laughed and sank our teeth into our snack.

"Hey, what are you guys laughing at? What's so funny?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah, someone better start explaining." Crystal folded her arms.

Lloyd took Kai's sword and carved a dragon out of his delicious treat. "Some things are best left in the past." Kai laughed. "Come on. Let's just prepare for the future."

We all laughed again. "I don't get it." Lloyd sighed.

"We'll explain it to ya later." I chuckled, even though I really didn't intend to. Like, ever.

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