Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

658 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter One

250 3 0
By SdarkDeathgod

A bell rings throughout the school, indicating that the day was over. Students pack their things as they prepare to go home. One particular male student had was already done and heads to the door. But before he could leave, a female student blocks the doorway. She had both arms crossed as she stares at her fellow student with an irritated expression on her face. Despite this, the young man doesn't pay too much attention and decide to force his way out.

Female Student: Where the hell do you think you're going?!

She suddenly grabs him by the shoulder and then delivers a nasty right punch to his stomach. He instantly drops to the floor while holding his stomach in pain.

Female Student: You think I would just let you leave like that?!

Feeling a little better, the boy slowly get on his feet. He rubs the area where he was hit since it was still hurting a little.

Male Student: Jeez, t-that freaking hurt. Did you have to hit me that hard, Maya?

The girl didn't look like she regretted her actions and instead, she was even more mad.

Maya: Don't give me that crap! You were the one who promised to help me with my student council work!
Male Student: Huh? I promised?
Maya: During lunch time earlier! You said you'd help me after school!

The boy thinks for a moment before finally remembering it.

Male Student: Oh, right. I did say that. But I only did that so you'd treat me lunch. I had no intention of helping you out. So that's it. Bye.

He quickly tries to slip pass her but her hands were faster. She grips both her hands on his shoulders with great force that it was starting to hurt.

Male Student: Hey! Hey! Hey! Let go! That hurts damn it!

The student looks at his classmate in order to intimidate her but he was the one who got intimidated instead since she had a look on her face that he hasn't seen before. She was very pissed.


A little later, both were in a different room. Maya was busy organizing some paperwork while her companion was standing by the window. He looks at the view with a tired look on his face. He gives a long sigh that catch Maya's attention.

Maya: It wasn't that bad you know. We managed to finish everything within half an hour.
Male Student: Still, it was a waste of time. I should be home playing video games right about now.
Maya: Well it's your own fault. You shouldn't have promised to help in the first place.
Male Student: It couldn't be helped. I barely have any money left and my mom won't be sending me my allowance until the end of the week.
Maya: You were never the type to spend so much money. What did you used it on?

He was hesitating to give his reply and this made Maya suspicious. She stops what she was doing and glares at him.

Maya: Hey, why did you suddenly go quiet? Answer me.
Male Student: W-w-well...I used it to buy a new game that was just released and--

Before he could finish his sentence, Maya grabs a nearby book and throws it at him. With great accuracy, she hits him on the side of his face. He was in pain but seems to brush it off almost instantly.

Maya: Are you an idiot?! No, wait. Let me rephrase that...You ARE an idiot!
Male Student: Well, I was expecting something like that from you. (smiles)
Maya: This isn't something to laugh about, Jun. Your mother is working hard overseas so that she can support you. And yet you do something like this.

Jun looks away and stares out the window while rubbing the area of his face where he was hit.

Jun: I know. I'm sorry.

From the sound of his voice, Maya realize that he was truly sorry and decides to drop the subject.

Maya: Sigh. jeez, you're really unbelievable, you know that?
Jun: Y-yeah. Sorry.
Maya: I get it already so stop apologizing. It's rare for you to spend most of your money on something. I believe that this is the first time that this happened.
Jun: What can I say? Even someone like me has his faults.
Maya: True.

Some time later, it was already starting to get dark when the two finally leaves school. They continue walking together and soon finds themselves in a residential area.

Maya: Hey, listen. When will your mom be coming back?
Jun: Hmmmm. She hasn't said anything. I'm guessing I'll be on December since that's the time she usually comes home.
Maya: I see.
Jun: Why do you ask?

At this point, Maya was slightly turning red. Jun notice this but doesn't say anything. The way she was talking was already different. Like she was nervous a little.

Maya: If...If it's alright with you, I can make you lunch starting tomorrow. That way, you'll be able to save money until you get your allowance.
Jun: Huh? Are you sure?
Maya: I wake up really early. It wouldn't affect my daily routine if I made an additional lunch.

It was obvious to Jun to what she was really doing but simply smiles before replying.

Jun: If its not too much trouble then I'll gladly accept.

Hearing that made Maya a little too happy that she couldn't help but get excited.

Jun: I mean, who doesn't like free food?

And hearing that instantly annoyed her. However, she knew it was Jun's own way of saying "Thank you".

Maya: Just make sure you finish everything. I'll get mad if you leave even a piece of rice.
Jun: Yeah, yeah. I know.
Maya: Good! (giggles)

After walking for five minutes, they come across a convenience store. They were about to pass it when Jun suddenly stops and stares at the building with a serious look on his face. Maya realize this as she turns around.

Maya: What's wrong?

Without looking at her, Jun answers back.

Jun: Sorry. Can you go on ahead?
Maya: Huh? Are you going to buy something? I thought you barely had any money left.
Jun: I just remembered that someone asked me to buy something for them.
Maya: It's fine. I can wait here and--.

Jun finally turns to Maya but she was surprise to see him being all serious. She doesn't say anything else and agrees with him.

Maya: I don't know what you're up to but alright. Just get home safe, alright?
Jun: Yeah. Thanks.
Maya: And besides, it's probably a guy thing. Like adult magazines or something.

After saying her good bye, Maya goes on ahead and leaves Jun.

Jun: " Adult magazines ", huh? If only it was that simple.

Jun turns his attention back at the store. As he was focusing, he could see something surrounding the entire building. It was like a transparent-like sphere that had a dark purple-ish color.

Jun: A barrier. A poorly made one if somebody ask me. Probably a D-Class. Whoever made this was an amateur. But what I'm more concern about are the civilians inside. Looks like they're finally making a move.

Jun slowly walks toward the front door. As he opens it, he quickly steps inside but to his surprise, everything was normal. Although there wasn't a single person in the store. Even the staff were missing.

Jun: There's no one here.

He was about to take a step when a female voice echoes in his head.

Female Voice: Wait.

Jun wasn't seem to bothered by the voice. In fact, it feels like he knew her.

Jun: What is it?
Female Voice: I sense something at the back of the store. There's about two....No, three of them.
Jun: Can you tell how strong they are?
Female Voice: They're strong but not strong as a Servant.
Jun: Must be familiars that were summoned.
Female Voice: Also, there are people there.
Jun: Tsk. You should have told me that first.

Jun quickly makes his way to the back of the store. He soon sees an opened door leading to a storage area. Without hesitation, he enters the room and finds several people on the floor. But what catch his attention were the three creatures standing before him. They were wolf-like creatures with black fur but their head was only a skull. They glare at Jun with the intention to kill.

Jun: That bastard.(murmurs)
Female Voice: Jun?
Jun: The Master that summoned them planned to used these people to make these creatures stronger.
Female Voice: It's alright. Their life force hasn't been drained yet.
Jun: At least there's some good news.

The three creatures slowly make their way towards Jun but he wasn't intimidated at all as he prepares for an attack.

Jun: Zerra, I'll let you handle them. But be quick, alright?
Female Voice: Understood.

Suddenly, a huge flame appears in front of Jun. This was enough to startles the creatures as they stop in their tracks. The blazing flame slowly takes the form of a human and after a few seconds, they disappear and in it's place was a girl. She had long red hair that was tied into a ponytail. She was wearing ordinary clothes but with a skirt. She stares intensely at her three targets.

Zerra: That's far as you go. Don't struggle and let me just kill you.

The wolves doesn't back down and pounce at the girl.

Zerra: Hmp! Idiots.(eyes glow red)

Without even doing anything, the three creatures burst into flames as they drop to the floor. They struggle for a bit but soon stops moving before they finally die. The only remains were their bones that were still smoking from the flames.

Jun: Zerra, can you check the condition of the civilians?

Zerra simply nods before going to the unconscious people. She kneels down to check their pulse. She then looks at Jun and nods at him, indicating that they were still fine.

Jun: Sigh. That's a relief.
Zerra: What do we do now? (stands up)
Jun: We'll just call the police and let them know that these people need help. We'll take our leave before they arrive.
Zerra: Right.

Jun takes our a cellphone from him pocket but just before he could start his call, several small, red, glowing magic circles appear on the walls and ceiling in the room. This catch both him and his companion by surprise.

Zerra: What the--?!
Jun: This is bad! Its a trap!
Zerra: What do we do? (looks at Jun)
Jun: Take as much people with you and get out! I'll handle the rest!
Zerra: A-Are you sure?
Jun: Don't make me repeat myself! We don't have the time!

Zerra doesn't argue any longer and agrees with him. She takes three persons with her and quickly runs toward the entrance of the store. Meanwhile, Jun stares at the remaining people. There were about eight left.

Jun: This better work or we're all dead.

Jun takes our a small book from his pocket. He then starts to chant a spell in a language that wasn't English. After a few seconds, he slams the book close before raising his right hand in the air.

Jun: I summon you: Pawns!

Eight beams of light appears before Jun and as they fade away, there stands eight suit of armors. They were each holding a spear but more importantly, it seems that they were hollow. No one was inside them but they were still moving. Jun was sweating quite a bit and seems tired.

Jun: Th-That took more energy than expected. I'm glad I held out.

He then orders his summoned puppets to help him carry the remaining people out of the store. They quickly do what they were told and exits the store with the civilians. With everyone out, Jun reunites with Zerra outside. When he was catching his breathe, the magic circles inside the storage room glows even brighter before exploding. The explosion wasn't enough to destroy the entire building but it was more than enough to engulf half of the store in flames.

Zerra: That was close. We almost died back there.
Jun: Whoever summoned those creatures was thinking ahead. He set those traps in case some other Master decided to help these civilians. The barrier he set earlier was placed on purpose since only mages can sense them.

Zerra checks the civilians. None of them seem to be hurt. Then, the sound of sirens can be heard in the distance. Jun hears it as well.

Zerra: Jun, we better leave.
Jun: Right. The police can take it from here.

Jun stares at the suit of armors and gives his thanks. After that, all eight suits slowly fades away into nothing. With that, Jun and Zerra leaves the area as police cars and fire trucks arrive moments later. Unknown to them, a mysterious person wearing a robe with a hood that covers most of the face was watching the scene the entire time. From the body's physique, the person was a man. He was standing on one of the roofs of a nearby house.

Hooded Man: Not bad kid. Not bad.

Meanwhile, Jun and Zerra had made their way in a small alley. Jun was catching his breathe but Zerra notice that he was turning pale a bit.

Zerra: Jun....
Jun: I'm f-fine. Don't worry about it.

Suddenly, he coughs out some blood. Zerra takes out a handkerchief from her pocket and carefully wipes some of the blood that was dripping from Jun's mouth.

Zerra: You are NOT fine. Don't push yourself.
Jun: If I didn't, those people would have died. I had no choice. I know my limitations Zerra.
Zerra: Looks like your body isn't used to your magic yet. I can't believed you summoned eight of them. Last time you passed out by summoning just three of them.
Jun: I know, I know. Stop nagging me already.

They way Jun was saying irritates Zerra.

Zerra: I was just being worried about you! If you don't take care of yourself, you're going to die!
Do you understand?!

Jun was surprise when Zerra snapped like that. This made him realize that she was deeply worried.

Jun: S-Sorry.
Zerra: Sigh. As long as you understand.

Jun takes out his cellphone to look at the time. It was already passed seven.

Jun: Crap. My sister is going to kill me.
Zerra: It couldn't be helped. If you explain the situation, I'm sure she'll understand.
Jun: Zerra, you clearly know how scary my sister is when she's mad.
Zerra: Now that you've mentioned it, I personally experience one of her "tantrums". Remembering it sends chill down my back.
Jun: Well, we better get home. Let's not keep her waiting.

Jun leaves the alley while Zerra burst into flames as she then disperse in all direction before disappearing.

Continue to Chapter Two

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