Mask Of Ash//✔

By kozakuraharu

7.5K 436 8

People are shaped by their environment, their experience. They are either built up or torn down. But when you... More

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Pt 27

pt 19

135 8 0
By kozakuraharu


Super sorry for not updating sooner. A lot has been going on , i'll try to update faster though. So don't hate me ^.^

"I-I i wanted to believe you were still the Imy I know! Even if you were the person who killed those people i think that deep down you really are that wonderful person you show us everyday! So i decided not to join in and this whole time i've been...really lonely. It's like when you left I finally saw how every one else saw me. A clown. A clown with no talents. They only come to me when they need a laugh then, leave. But you took time to get to know me, the real me. I even opened up to you about my family. I've never done that to anyone. When you were gone i couldn't come up with anything funny or amusing. Everyone ended up...just dispersing and these guys left too. With that time alone i made up my mind," He loosened his grip and i looked up to see his determained eyes. Toby spoke firmly and loudly, "No matter what anyone says about my Imy i'll stick by you. When you don't have a reason to smile i'll be the one! And if i don't have a reason to smile, i know you'll be the one to help! So i want to believe....believe you're as kind as the girl i've come to care for and I want you to believe it too!" So shocked to hear his words i couldn't even blink. Then returning to my senses i felt myself become warm with, hope.

"But Toby we've only known each other for a month, how can you say things like that so carelessly," By the time i finished my sentence my voice had broken into a soft whisper.

"Ah but when i'm with you time flies by endlessly so if you see it from my point of view i've known you for eternity!" Laughing he gently ruffled my hair. Around us the other boys looked at us with soft expressions on their faces.                                                                                                                                           Following that, we headed into class. Where we were told that we'd be heading to the biggest Cathedral.  

"St.Peter's Basilica?" But this is a private school right? Not catholic or anything?

"Yes it is for our social studies upcoming project having to deal with Vatican City." My teacher said smiling broadly. What a pain. I just got back too.

"Won't it be fun Silvy!" Toby said smiling at me from two rows down.

"Yeah," And i broadly smiled back. Or maybe it'll be fun...

"I wonder if it's optional?"Seth asked aimlessly.

"Of course it isn't," Edwin quickly corrected him.

"Maybe i can sneak off and find some babes," Ron dreamily gazed up.

"You guys are unbelievable," giggling i chimed in. The trip was in two days and in those two days we all got ourselves ready for the road ahead.

"I can't believe it! We're almost there!" Toby exclaimed snapping another picture of the sleeping Ron and his uncomfortable brother beside him. Along with one of Edwin cleaning his glasses for the 50th time and two of me staring out the window along with a few selfies.

"How many have you taken Pinky?" Looking through the photos i ended up smiling.

"Alright. Here we are!" getting off the teacher spoke to us loudly. "You will all be allowed to roam inside freely but only in a group. With that said please meet back here in two hours!"

"Yes Miss!" With that everyone ran off inside. My group also headed inside, we took selfies together, made weird faces together and...somehow got lost together.

"We need to get back in 30 minutes! Just ask for directions!" Ron roared with rage.

"Calm down, we'll make it on time." I said flicking his forehead, of course he's way taller than me so i had to tippy-toe.

"Hey guys this wonderful young lady says she knows the way out!" Seth called over to us from beside a young girl with a nice cherry red dress.

"Figures he'd ask a girl," Said Edwin with exasperation in his voice. Thankfully with her help we made it out with 10 minutes to spare.

"We made it out!" Taking a deep breath Toby took a picture of us as we stepped out.

"Ah wait... where's Edwin?" Looking around no one saw him.  

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