When we were young | Derek Ha...

By thehalediaries

1M 25.4K 13.4K

"I love you, Derek Hale." The moment Derek met Emilia, he knew. He knew he would love her forever. Protect he... More

When we were young
Part One
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- 15 part 1
-15 part 2
PART 1.5
Cast Part two
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| 10
Broken Pieces

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30.2K 683 363
By thehalediaries


7 months later

"Basketball season has officially started my boys!" Bobby Finstock's loud voice echoed throughout the gym, "And you lot need to step it up, we don't have Bennett or Lahey anymore. Hale, I'm counting on you."

"Your laziness better not of increased over the break! Laps, all of you!" Bobby instructed clutching onto his clipboard as he made his way towards one of his most hated freshman's, Greenberg.

"Its February, isn't a bit to late to be changing up the whole routine?" Blair asked, plugging the iPod into the speaker.

"Probably." Emilia shrugged turning to face all the freshmen's she had to train, pushing her almost grown out bangs out of the way from her eyes.

After the all of the drama that went down last year Emilia decided to get a haircut, thanks to Blairs convincing. Her then waist length hair was now cut into bangs and reached the bottom of her shoulders, along with Blair joining Melanie as blonde.

"Derek! Put me down!" Emilia squealed as she felt herself being lifted up from the ground, clutching onto his back as he jogged over to the bleachers.

"Hale, put the teenager down!" Coach shouted, noticing derek running round with his girlfriend thrown over his shoulder.

As for Emilia and Derek they were the best they'd ever been, living with the Hales was the best thing she could've done for herself and her relationship with Derek. With only a few months left of school the werewolves were exited to start their future together.

"Yeah, Hale. put the teenager down!" Emilia mocked, laughing as Derek placed her down onto the bleachers next to Isaac.

"Hey buddy." Derek turned to Isaac, motioning to the other players "Wanna play basketball with us?"

"Hale, what is this?" Coach questioned, staring down at the nine year old in surprise.

"Hale junior." Derek responded, smiling the nickname Isaac had developed over the months.

With Camden gone Isaac had been staying with Emilia and Derek more than before, Derek and Isaac had grown close over the months which surprised Emilia due to Isaac not letting many people in.

"Interesting." Coach tapped his chin, looking down to the curly haired blonde.

"I'm this close to strangling her." Emilia grumbled turning back to the Blondes, holding her thumb and pointer finger close together as Annie walked away

"Who, Annie?" Melanie asked in confusion, watching Annie walk away.

"She still has a obsession with Derek." Blair chimed in, "Just ignore her."

"I will once she stops spreading a rumour that I'm sleeping with half of the basketball team!" Emilia whisper shouted, throwing her arms out angrily.

"But you were a virgin until a few months ago." Melanie pointed out, causing the girls to roll their eyes.

"Does that make a difference?" Emilia laughed.

"Who cares, they all know its a lie. They've seen you and Derek playing happy families for the past year." Blair laughed as Emilia glared at the blonde, "What? you live with your boyfriend, and Isaac's your kid."

"You can't talk, Blair. Aren't you moving in with Jason once we finish senior year?" Emilia sassed, Melanie squealed in excitement turning to Blair waiting to ask lots of questioned.

Blair and Jason started to date a few weeks after Emilia turning into a werewolf, it was odd to see her best friend and brother dating, but Emilia got used to it after Jason's constant teasing about ' how the both of them fell for each others best friend '.

"That was a secret." Blair grumbled, laughing to herself at how exited Melanie was acting.

"Lets just teach them this routine before i beat someone up." Emilia groaned, walking back over the team.

"I forgot about your newfound anger." Melanie sang, walking side by side with Blair behind Emilia.

"More like year long anger." Blair added, nudging Melanie's shoulder.

"Do you two enjoy making fun of me?" Emilia questioned sarcastically, turning back around to face the blondes.

"Very much." they spoke in unison, bursting into laugher as they spoke at the same time.

"Looking good Emilia!" A boy from the team whistled, walking past the cheerleaders.

"What the hell!" The player exclaimed, feeling himself getting slammed against the wall.

"I prefer getting compliments off my boyfriend." Emilia smirked pushing him away, smiling over at her boyfriend as she walked away.

Derek smiled proudly at his girlfriend, rolling his eyes as charlie stood next to him clapping with his mouth open in shock. Emilia laughed at Charlie, jogging back over to the team.


"Is she still following you?" Emilia asked, glaring at the hunter as she drove away from outside of the school.

Kate had been pretty much stalking the two werewolves since Emilia turned, Derek more than Emilia due to Kate knowing how to push Emilia's buttons. Emilia got used to other hunters lurking around, but Kate had just gone to a whole new level and Emilia wasn't going to let her continue to put her family at risk.

"Occasionally, i normally just hide from her if i do see her." Derek replied, stopping once they reached Emilia's car.

"Do i need to threaten her again?" Emilia questioned, unlocking her car placing her gym bag in the back.

"I've got it handled, don't worry about it." Derek smiled at his girlfriends overprotectiveness, holding the door open for Isaac as he climbed into the passenger seat "See you at home?"

"Love you." Emilia nodded, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him before walking round to her side of the car.

"Love you to." Derek replied, waving goodbye to Isaac as he closed the door "Bye buddy, have fun with Scott."

"Bye Derek." Isaac smiled, going to change the radio as Emilia turned on the vehicle.


"Hey mom!" Emilia called into the house, dropping the house keys into the bowl once Isaac shut the door behind them.

"Upstairs!" Melissa called back.

"You okay with staying with Scott tonight?" Emilia asked, walking up the stairs with Isaac by her side.

"Yeah, it will be fun." Isaac nodded, stopping once they reached Scott's bedroom door.

Scott and Isaac had been good friends for years now thanks to Emilia, Isaac found it hard to make friends at school since he was so shy, but Emilia introduced the two and Scott had taken Isaac under his wing ever since.

"See you tomorrow." Emilia hugged him goodbye, "Be good for my mom."

"I'm always good." Isaac laughed, opening the door to Scott's room.

"I know." Emilia smiled, walking into her moms room where she stood pacing "You called?"

"Lincoln wants Scott to stay with him for the weekend." Melissa explained, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"That's fine, right?" Emilia questioned, sitting down next to her mom "Scott's started to really like him."

Lincoln and Scott had been spending time together with Scott believing that Lincoln was his moms friend and Emilia's dad, Scott immediately took a liking to the alpha and had been spending lots of time with him since. Lincoln was happy to finally have a good relationship with his son, just like he had with Emilia and Jason.

"But what if Scott starts to ask questions, he's going to start wondering if Lincoln's mommy's good friend is something more soon." Melissa worried, looking down to her daughter nervously.

"Do you think maybe this is a good time to tell Scott about it all?" Emilia hinted, shrugging her shoulders "They're getting along great, Scott trusts him."

"I don't know what to do." Melissa sighed, leaning her head on Emilia's shoulder.

"You'll figure it out when the times right."


"You've been a werewolf for a year and you can already beat me?" Derek smirked, leaning forward as Emilia's arms trapped him against the wall.

Since being turned Emilia and Derek had training sessions whenever they had the time, as time went on Emilia started to beat Derek at his own game.

"I had a good teacher." Emilia whispered, rolling her eyes as Derek switched their places before she could fight back.

Emilia let out a laugh as Derek picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist whilst pressing her lips against his as he carried her over to the desk in the corner of the basement.

"Isn't eveyrone upstairs?" Emilia pulled away, wrapping her arms around her boyfriends neck for support as she sat on top of the edge of the desk.

"Nope, they're out with your dad an his pack." Derek replied, trailing his hands across her waist "You know, typical full moon antics."

"Good." Emilia breathed, slamming the door shut behind them before placing her lips back against Derek's tightening her grip around his waist.


"You ready?" Emilia asked the 10 year old placing her duffle bag on her shoulder, Cora nodded walking to stand next to her brothers girlfriend.

"Are you guys leaving me already?" Derek pouted leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.

"I'm helping Emmy in her morning classes." Cora replied, smiling excitedly. 

"Don't forget to pick up Isaac." Emilia reminded him, pressing a kiss against his lips before walking back to the door.

"I won't." Derek nodded, rolling his eyes as Emilia glared at him remembering what happened the last time Derek had to pick Isaac up.

"It was one time!" Derek called after her, smiling at her laughter in the distance.


"I have to start putting people on the waiting list for your classes, Emilia." Caroline spoke up as Emilia walked into the office, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"Seriously?" Emilia asked in surprise, taking a sip of water from her bottle.

"Do you have to go to New York? cant you just stay and work here." Caroline bargained, "You could even have your own competition team!"

At first Emilia didn't want to go to New York, but she knew it was the best thing to do for her future.

"Sorry Care, you still have me for a few weeks." Emilia laughed as Caroline groaned.

"You will come back and visit me won't you?"Caroline sighed, hoping that Emilia wouldn't go.

"Of course i will, i'll miss my awesome boss if i stay away for too long." Emilia praised, laughing to herself as Caroline rolled her eyes looking back to her paperwork.


"He sure does love that kid." Talia spoke up, taking a sip of her coffee as she looked out the kitchen window.

Derek chased after Isaac as the ten year old dribbled the basket, standing still to watch him throw the ball into the basket like he thought him.

"The both of them do." Peter added, smiling as Isaac threw the ball through the basket.

"Any news from his brother?" Talia asked, turning to face her younger brother.

"All i know is that he's in another country." Peter replied with a shrug, "What do you thinks going to happen to Isaac when they go to collage?"

"I'm sure they will find some way to take him with them." Talia admitted, knowing about how overprotective Emilia was of the boy, "Thats going to be another challenge for them."


"I can't believe this is how we spend our Sunday evenings." Emilia hummed, wincing as Peter slammed Laura against the floor "Ouch."

"Emilia, you're up." Lincoln turned to face his daughter, motioning for her to go against her brother.

"Do i have to?" Emilia grumbled, sighing as she noticed her fathers glare "Fine."

Emilia slammed her elbow into Jason's stomach before kicking him down to the ground, holding him down easily. Being a werewolf came naturally to Emilia, she didn't go through the struggle most wolves do, it was just a plus that fighting was apart of that.

"Thats the second time today!" Jason groaned, shoving his sister off of him before standing up.

"You jealous I'm a better fighter than you?" Emilia joked, frowning in confusion as Jason stared right past her.

"Em." Jason started, his facial expressions equally as shocked as everyone else.

"What?" Emilia asked, turning to face everyone else "Why's everyone looking at me like that?"

"Can we talk?" Karen questioned, nervously stepping forward as she was surrounded by werewolves.

Emilia stared at her mother in shock, she didn't expect or want see the woman again.

"Lets go inside." Talia spoke up, guiding everyone back into the house.

"Well?" Emilia glared, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Its time you came home Emilia." Karen replied, approaching the teen. 

"it's time for me to come home? you've been gone for a year!" Emilia exploded, throwing her arms down to her side angrily.

"I'm back now." Karen argued.

"How does that change the fact that you abandoned me? That you left me alone for more than a year and you didn't think to make sure that i was okay." Emilia snapped, "I was your daughter! how can a mother just leave their kid for practically their whole life and not even care!"

Emilia felt no love towards her mother anymore, all she felt was anger and hurt.

"I have always been there for you!" Karen shouted back, angrily looking down at her daughter.

"I was four when you first left me, you left a four year old alone to fend for myself!" Emilia explained, proving Karen wrong "And if you weren't abandoning me you were finding some way to make my life hell."

"But you were fine!" Karen fought back, motioning the the werewolf "You're still stood here today, you don't look abandoned to me."

"Are you delusional!" Emilia exclaimed, glaring at her birth mother before attempting to walk back to her home "I don't even know who you are anymore."

"I'm your mother!" Karen grabbed Emilia's arm, Emilia growled ripping her arm away from her grasp.

"No you're not! a mother cares about her child." Emilia shouted, walking away from Karen "You don't have any right to suddenly turn up and start barking orders, you lost that right."

"I'm the mother, you're the child. i tell you what to do not the other way round!" Karen disagreed, walking after her daughter angrily.

"I have a mother! she's at home taking care of a family, something you've never quite grasped."  Emilia shot as she stopped walking, turning back to face Karen "If you think that I'm going anywhere with you and you're toxic life, then you're wrong."

Emilia finally has a family, and she doesn't want Karen walking in and screwing it all up.

"Have you ever loved me?" Emilia asked before laughing to herself, "Of course you didn't, a mother that loves her child wouldn't treat them like you treated me."

Emilia took one last look at her mother, storming away from the hunter.

"Emilia!" Karen called after the eighteen year old, "Come back here!"

Emilia stopped walking, turning back to glare at the mother stood not so far away.

"I'm done listing to peoples shit!" Emilia exploded, throwing her arms to the side "I've spent my whole life taking care of people, and never myself. I think its about damn time i started making choices for myself."


first chapter of part 1.5!

chapters will be weekly, possibly more than once a week if i have the time

hope you enjoyed!

- Ebony

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