One Night • j.b

By reveried

31.3K 1K 184

What happens when one night turns into the rest of our lives? For C... More

One Night // Justin Bieber
One - Moving On
Three - "Consider yourself blamed"
Four - Nausea
Five - News
Six - Realization
Seven - The Diner
Eight - Over Thinking
Nine - "Meeting" Justin
Ten - Hanging Out
Eleven - "I like you"
Twelve - Baby Talk
Thirteen - They Know
Fourteen - Family Dinner
Fifteen - Kitchen Confessions
Sixteen - Studio Vibes
Seventeen - Party Drama

Two - The Club

1.9K 54 2
By reveried


It was nearing 8 o'clock, and I knew that if I was not ready and out the door to meet Kaitlin in the hallway by 8 on the dot, she would come in here and drag me out herself.

I've always hated going to clubs, because while the whole drinking until you pass out, and dancing like you actually have talent is fun and all, the hangover isn't, nor is the fact that every single time I go I end up doing something I regret later on. I can only hope that tonight will be an exception.

I have never been one to over-drink, but that doesn't mean I won't drink. I just prefer to not be shit-faced drunk where I go completely insane as if I have no conscious. It happened only once at a party in high school, and I'll never drink that much again. I woke up with no memory of the night before in a very uncomfortable sleeping position with a hangover that lasted for at least two days. Yeah. Never doing that again.

After checking the time on my phone once again, taking note that it was now 7:20 pm, I exited my bedroom before dragging my tired feet towards to bathroom which was only a few feet away from my room.

(A/N: I'm not really good with describing how people get ready or do their makeup or describing clothes so just bear with me. Lol)

I straightened my naturally wavy blonde hair so it cascaded down my back all in one straight line before beginning on my make-up.

I usually don't wear much make-up, but since I'm going out, I figured that I might as well put a little effort into it.

I put on a light layer of foundation to cover any unwanted marks that were on my skin. I then did my eye-shadow in a perfect smokey eye, which I'm quite surprised that it actually looks good for once, with a semi-perfect winged black eyeliner on the top lids and mascara. I did the rest of my face in a subtle contour to define my features. To go along with the dress I'd be putting on later, I covered my lips in a bright red lipstick that I had never even used before. Bold colors were not usually my thing when it came to lipstick.

After my makeup was finished, (and must I say, it looks impressive) I headed back to my small bedroom to find my dress laid out on my twin-sized bed.

The dress was simple. It was white at the top, but slowly faded down to black at the hemline, creating an ombré effect. The dress only reached about mid-thigh and was strapless. I don't like short dresses, and besides, I could never make them look good on me. I'd end up looking like a slut and I don't want that. I matched it with white high heals that I barely wore. I was more of a Nike and Adidas kind of girl, but I did own a few pairs of heals.

With one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my phone and headed out into the hallway outside of my apartment, waiting for Kaitlin.

I was playing on my phone when someone in front of me spoke. "Oh my god, Crys! You look hot! I can assure you that every boy in the club tonight will want you. If I were a boy I know I'd want you," exclaimed Kaitlin, who looked pretty sexy herself.

Her medium length, dark brown hair was curled perfectly. She wore an all black dress that had a one-shoulder strap that hugged all of her curves that I wish I had perfectly.

"I could say the same about you, Kait," I admitted. "But you always look gorgeous so tonight's no special occasion"

"Oh, shut up. Stop acting as if I'm hotter than you when we both know that you were always the hotter one out of all our friends in high school," she laughed, probably remembering all the times when boys would hit on me constantly and I would kindly turn them down.

"Whatever, let's go before I change my mind and go back to being miserable."


"This place is packed!" Kaitlin shouted over the intense music inside the club that you could feel in your chest.

The place really was packed. The club had only just opened, but you could easily tell that business was booming for this place.

People were everywhere dancing, drinking, and having a good time. They didn't seem to have a care in the world, and I tried my best to be the same.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't expect there to be this many people," I yelled so she could hear me clearly.

"Neither did I, but that won't stop me from having fun! I'm gonna go find some guys to dance with, and if I see you just standing here alone and not with a guy, we'll be having words. The reason we're here is for you to move on, okay? And you don't have to find a guy that you'll marry, just find a guy to dance with alright? Maybe kiss a little. I don't know. Just have fun! Live a little for once!"

I only nodded before she disappeared into the crowd of already drunk or tipsy people who were dancing to the beat, or trying to at least.

I sighed. I really would rather be home eating my ice-cream to drown away my sorrows, but I guess this will temporarily get my mind off the situation, and I needed that.

I sauntered to the area where the bar was located, taking a seat at an open stool that a man had only left a mere few seconds ago.

"Can I have water?" I asked the bartender who had been waiting for me to tell him what I wanted.

He nodded before filling a glass with water and added ice. "Here you go," he said with a friendly smile on his face.

"Thanks," I responded quietly, earning a nod in return before he went to attend to the next person's needs of alcohol.

I took a small sip of my water, turning around to face the rest of the club. People were dancing to the beat while others were basically having sex on the dance floor with the kind of movements they were doing. A few people were already extremely intoxicated and it was obvious they had no idea what they were doing.

Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives, but I couldn't help but wonder what was really going on in their lives. I mean, you only know so much about a person, it's like an iceberg. There's a little but that you can see, but there's so much more under the surface. Each person here that seems as if they have no problems in their life could really be the exact opposite. Who knows if they've been going through a breakup, like me, or if they have financial issues or if someone they know had died? It's odd to know that there's so much we don't know when it's right in front of us.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a male voice spoke beside me. "Only water? This is a club, sweetheart, loosen up a little."

I swiveled the stool to my left to face the source of the voice. The guy was sitting in the stool next to me, a beer placed firmly in his hand. He had dark drown hair that flopped onto his forehead, resting just above his eyebrows. His eyes were dark brown as well, and in this lighting they could easily be mistaken for black. He was good-looking, I guess, but he wasn't my type. That is, if I even have one in the first place.

"I don't feel like drinking tonight, not that it even concerns you," I spat, while rolling my eyes. For some reason, I was in no mood for talking with this guy about why I'm not drinking.

"Woah, woah. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything," he raised his hands in surrender. "I'm Kyle, by the way. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out towards me, gesturing me to shake it. I shook it hesitantly before dropping my hand back into my lap.

"Crystal," I introduced myself.

"So, Crystal, let me buy you a drink, alright?"

"Um, sure."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know. Surprise me," I ordered.

"Can you get this lovely lady and Coke with vodka, please?" Kylie asked the bartender.

Nearly a minute later, a mixture of vodka and coke was resting in front of me. Completely forgetting my oath to not drink tonight, I downed half of the glass and set it back on the bar. I need to forget my problems. Even if it's just for a night, and tomorrow I go back to being miserable.

"Would you like to dance?" Kyle offered. I merely nodded before following him to the dance floor.


After about three more drinks, I was borderline-drunk. I had ditched Kyle a few minutes ago after dancing for a little while. I don't want to spend my whole night with one boy.

"I told you that if the next time I see you and you aren't with a boy that I'd me mad. Well, I don't see a boy," Kaitlin said as I stood by her at the bar.

"I was with a boy, but I ditched him. He wasn't even my type, so why waste the time, right?" I slurred.

"Whatever, but if you happen to find a guy that is your type, let me know if you're leaving with him so I don't have to try to find you to leave when you're not even here, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I will. But what makes you think I'll 'go home' with him?" I queried. I had no intentions of sleeping with anyone tonight. It was still way too soon.

"I don't know. It's just a possibility," she shrugged. "I'm gonna go find another hot guy to dance with, see you later."

She had just disappeared for the second time tonight, and I was now alone for the second time tonight.

How fun.

I took a seat at the bar once again, the music still blasting through my ears and resonating in my chest. I got a few more drinks and before I knew it I was completely wasted. My vision was blurred and my judgement was unreliable.

"What's a hot girl like you doing all alone?" a masculine voice asked from behind me. I spun around at the sound of his voice. It sounded familiar, but with my blood-alcohol level, I doubt I'd recognize who the voice belongs to.

"My friend left me alone, again. So I'm here. You look familiar," the words slurred through my lips. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked me to repeat myself.

I squinted to see his face in the dim lighting. He did look familiar, though. He had dirty-blonde hair that was styled up perfectly. His lips looked plump, and I found myself craving to have them on mine, even though I had only met him. His eyes were a honey color if the lighting was right, and his clothes looked like they were expensive. The way he carried himself showed confidence. I could tell from the way he was acted that he was slightly drunk as well.

"I bet I do," he laughed.

"So, what made you approach me out of all these another people, huh?"

"You're alone, you're hot. Why else?"

"Ah, I see what you want. You think because I'm 'hot', as you call it, and I'm sitting here alone, that I'll jump at anyone who offers themselves to me?"

"Well, not exactly, but a little one night stand never hurt anybody, did it? And as I said earlier, you're extremely hot. I bet any guy in this club wants you right now," he stated before his eyes scanned the people around us and licked his lips. His eyes rested back on mine.

"No, I guess it didn't," I admitted while swirling what was left of my drink in the glass. I could feel my face heating up with his compliments.

Just as I looked back up to him, his lips smashed against mine, and being in the state that I was in, I kissed back immediately. Had I been sober, my conscience would have kicked in and told me this was wrong. I had only just met him and I've just gotten out of a long term relationship.

His hand rested against my waist. I was sitting on the bar stool while he was still standing. He had to lower his neck slightly to reach my face. My arms flew around his neck, my fingers played with the hairs on the back of his head.

I felt his tongue enter my mouth without asking permission. It swirled around my mouth, tasting every inch of it that he could reach.

My knees gripped the back of his thighs to pull him as close to me as he could possibly get. My chest was pressed against his and I'm sure you wouldn't even be able to fit a paper in between us.

A soft moan escaped from the back of my throat as his hands began to caress my sides. Damn this guy was good. I rocked my hips against his, grinding on him slightly, and completely forgetting that fact that we were in the middle of a club with hundreds of people.

When my lungs had no more oxygen left in them, I pulled our lips apart, causing us both to begin breathing heavily, trying to regain the air that we had not been breathing back into our lungs.

"Let's go somewhere more private," the guy suggested before taking my hand and leading me out of the club.


So that's the second chapter! it's a lot longer so I hope it's better.

But I have a lot planned for this story so please keep reading and let me know what you think of it


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