Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Mar...

By videle-

503K 12.4K 5.5K

When Henrietta Potter accidentally time travels to her parents' time, she must cope with questions, new probl... More

1: Oh Shit
2: Welcome to Gryffindor... Again
3: First Day
4: Who Cares if I Kicked Your Ass in a Duel?
5: Meanwhile in 1997
6: Closer and Closer
7: Views of Both Eras
8: Nice Invisibility Cloak, Dumbass
9: Mission Accomplished!
10: Padfoot + Padfoot Patronus = Love
11: Reminisce
12: Father Knows Best
13: Yes
14: Pranks, Pranks, and More Pranks!
15: Merry Chr--YOU GOT ME A WHAT?
16: The Dynamic Duo: Paws and Claws!
17: Reliving the Past & Dumbledore Rocks
18: Strong Survivor
19: Sirius Reminisces
20: Two Revelations in Separate Eras
22: The Solution That Will Cause More Problems
23: Four Days of Friendship
24: Silent Goodbye
25: Contrarium Aevum Tempore
26: Your Lips Still Feel The Same
27: Reunions and Revelations
28: Fun
29: Conversations
30: The Acceptance

21: Valentine's Day

11.4K 286 142
By videle-


This chapter is dedicated to Sutton (from Quotev) who commented like 4 times for a Valentine's Day special, and I didn't even consider that, so thank you!

Warning for Sirius' completely concerned attitude and obsession with chocolate when it's Renley's time of the month.

Henrietta/Renley's PoV

I hate the world.

The world hates me.

It's a mutual hate relationship, obviously.

"Reeeeenley," someone is whispering.

I just whimper. "Fuck off."

"Uh, Renley, we have a problem." It's Lily.


"You... kinda messed up your bedsheets," the redhead admits.

My eyes snap open, and I glance to where she's pointing. Sure enough, there's a small stain with... red grossness.

"Dammit," I muttered. "I hate everything."

Lily chuckles. "I'll help you. Just run to the bathroom, clean up, and I'll get a house elf to wash them."

"Thanks, Lily," I sighed, slowly sitting up.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I winced as cramps began forming. I grumbled to myself, walking slowly out of the bathroom, grumpy and hateful to the world, as I've mentioned before.

"Alright, Ren. We need to get ready for today!" Lily exclaimed excitedly.

I just stare. "Why?"

"It's Valentine's Day!" she huffs. "C'mon, go see your lover boy or whatever. Since you're not feeling good, Alice and I are going to get a few gifts."

"Okay, thanks," I grunted, collapsing on my bed, which was stripped of covers and bedsheets, nothing but the mattress underneath.

With a groan, I lay there with my eyes shut and an arm over them. After a while, I start drifting off.


There's a lot of shuffling outside the dormitory door that wakes me up later. I let out an exasperated huff of air, sitting up to see who the hell it is now.

"Renley, my love!"

I groan, lying back down. "Sirius, how did you manage to get up here?" I grumbled.

"I had a girl step on the stairs and ran up," he explained proudly. "I overheard Lily and Alice talking about you, so I came to save you from... whatever the hell you're dealing with. Didn't hear that much."

"Then thank whoever's watching out for me," I muttered.

There's a dipping of the mattress, and then Sirius is lying beside me. "Sooo, what'cha doing?"

"Hating everyone and everything."

"Why?" Sirius asks curiously.

I snort. "Well, you see young novice, when a girl grows old enough, at her time of the month blood will leak from her va—"

"Nope, nope, nope. Don't finish the V word," Sirius intervenes. "Aw, poor Ren. I'm here, though." I just hum, snuggling into him. "Alright, what do you need?"

"Dunno. Can't we just lay here for a while?" I ask tiredly.

"Of course, kitten."

"...You did NOT just call me kitten."

"Would you prefer Dollface?"

I go silent for a moment, before sighing and then muttering, "Shut up."

He just chuckles, pulling me closer.


"Reeenley," someone is calling again. I groan, just turning over to face away from them. "Kitten?"

"Nope, nope, nope. Don't call me that," I growl.

"Aw, but it's cute," Sirius laughs. "Anyway, look what I've got for youuuu!"

I turn back over and slowly open my eyes. After blinking a few times, I can see clearly with Sirius grinning and holding out a bag of chocolates and... a chocolate milkshake?

"Holy shit, give me that!" I gasp. "Thank you, Sirius!"

He chuckles. "No problem. Sorry I had to leave you here, though. I figured this would be better."

"Fuck yeah," I grumble, sitting up and grabbing for the milkshake.

"Nope!" Sirius interrupts, holding the milkshake away. "This milkshake costs one kiss!"

I roll my eyes. "Only if you lay here with me."

He grins. "Deal."

I smile, leaning up to meet his lips softly. After a moment of just kissing, not rough, but almost painfully gentle, he pulled away and handed me the milkshake.

I scooted over so he could sit, which he did while opening a box of chocolates.

After having a few sips of my milkshake, I turn to him and murmur, "I love you."

Sirius grins, pecking my cheek after swallowing one of the candies. "Love you too."


After reluctantly getting out of bed, I followed Sirius down the stairs where our friends were already gathered around the fire and eating candy.

I plopped beside Lily, Sirius taking a seat on my right. The moment I sat down, Lily's new puppy came prancing over. I cooed at him, petting his soft fur. She's already had him for almost two months, and he's grown bigger. She instinctively calls him Pup, so I guess that's his name.

"I never get tired of this little guy," I chuckled, scratching behind his ears with both hands.

"Me neither... except when he pees in our dorm," Lily grumbled.

"THAT'S what that smell was? I thought someone used their crappy perfume," I huffed, causing the others to chuckle.

Sirius reached for my milkshake on the table, to where I slapped his hand away. "What do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

He pouted. "I just wanted a little bit."

"Get your own!"

"But I bought it!" he whined.

"Fine. Two sips," I sighed.

He cheered, quickly snatching the milkshake up and taking a long drink. After a moment, I exclaimed, "HEY! That's more than two sips!"

"Oh well!" Sirius replied, licking off his milk-stache.

I rolled my eyes affectionately, smiling when he used his sleeve to wipe away the leftovers of the milkshake above his mouth. "Dum-dum."


"Guys, guess what Alice planned?" Lily asked once we were walking around Hogwarts. I winced at all the colorful pink and red decorations, grumbling to myself.

"What?" Remus queried.

"She decided to put a muggle boom box outside and let couples dance to it!" Lily squealed. "Come on, James! And you too, Pup!"

James yelped as he was abruptly yanked forward, then smiles dreamily as he follows after the redhead. Pup trails behind them, tail wagging excitedly.

When I glance over, I see Sirius staring at me. "What?"

"Let's go dance, Renley-Roo!" Sirius suggests.

"Renley-Roo?" I repeat with a small laugh. "Alright, sure. I'll do it, mainly because you got me candy and that milkshake."

"Yes! Onward!" Sirius cheers, grabbing my hand and leading the way.

Once we reached the scene outside of Hogwarts, where there was gentle music sounding across the area, Sirius guided me over to a vacant spot. I grinned at the sight of Lily and James dancing, and Pup occasionally hopping. Then I spotted Alice and a boy she likes, who I can't remember the name of.

"Do you even know how to dance?" I asked.

He scoffed. "Of COURSE I do! How dare you underestimate me!"

"Just asking," I responded with a snicker. "And besides... I don't."

"You don't know how to—well I'll teach you, my dear Paws!" Sirius declares, grasping both my hands and putting them around his neck. "Okay, first step, your hands around my neck. Second step, my hands on your waist—I'm not going any lower—" He pauses and whispers, "not in public, at least." I laugh and slap the back of his head.

"Fine, fine. And then we just move with whatever crappy love song we're dancing to," he finishes.

"How poetic," I snicker. "If I step on your feet, be thankful I'm not wearing heels."

"Yikes, that would probably hurt."

"Probably," I agreed.

After a moment of just swaying and moving around, I laughed and exclaimed, "Are we even doing this right?"

"Not at all," Sirius responds cheerfully. "BUT at least we've having fun."

"Yeah, and at least we don't have to worry about Pup," I mutter, glancing over to where Pup was trying to get between James and Lily. When Sirius looks over as well, he snickers.

Turning back, Sirius and I just lean foreheads together and sway. After a long moment, I whisper, "This is boring."

He chuckles. "Okay, we can leave IF you give me a kiss."

"Why are you bothering to ask?" I huff.

Lips meeting softly, my hands wound slightly into his black hair. His arms tightened just slightly around my waist, and after a moment of just standing there and kissing—

A wolf whistle is coming from James.

Sirius pulls away to growl and call out, "Fuck off, Prongs!" James just snickers, then returns to Lily and Pup.

"Alright, let's go. I'm bored... and feeling bad again," I mutter, wrinkling my nose at the last part.

"Poor Renley," Sirius pouts, pecking my lips. "C'mon, I'll tuck you into bed."

"Wow, thanks."

"It's always an honor to serve."


The next day I was feeling much better, and realized I never returned the favor to Sirius after he brought me chocolate and a milkshake. So I headed out to Hogsmeade, purchased a lot of candy, including some for the others, and then returned to Hogwarts.

I stepped into the Great Hall, when classes are starting up again, and I took a seat beside my friends.

"Alright, guys. I realized I didn't get you guys any candy yesterday, soooo, choose what you want from this bag!" I announced, giving the bag to Remus first, who was on my left. He cheered and snatched up the muggle chocolate bars.

Lily chose chocolate frogs, James chose sugar quills, and Sirius had just shrugged. "I don't need any of it."

I cock an eyebrow. "Sirius, you totally need some. Shut up and take the rest of the candy!" I toss the bag over to him, which is still full of leftover sugar quills and chocolate. Obviously my friends love chocolate.

"Okay, but only because you INSISTED," he sighs dramatically.

I roll my eyes, pecking his cheek. "Yes, I do insist."

Sirius grinned as he unwrapped the first candy. "Thanks, by the way. Love you."

I smiled softly. "Love you too."


A/N: Sorry about such a looooong wait. I fixed the 2 blank chaps and now I'm uploading a lot new ones from Quotev


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