Blood of a Dragon (Thranduil...

By Hobbit221b

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"Come out, barrel rider." He hissed. " Smaug!" A voice clear as crystal rang out. A woman in white began to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

647 27 6
By Hobbit221b

Lumina furrowed her eyebrows as she stepped out of the carriage. It was an odd way of transportation, however she preferred it to flying when she was wearing expensive clothing.

That being said, Thorin could not fly. Rather he would not let her fly him that being besides the point. They traveled for hours in the carriage.

Her tightly clinched bodice and corset had been grating on her nerves so it was good to finally be able to stand; as well as stretch her jewelry adorned wings.

The dark teal of her dress shone gently in the faint light of the moon. Guards that stood next to torches helped with combat the darkness.
Her onyx crown felt heavy on her head, and the jewels on her throat seemed tight.

Thorin slid his arm through hers. The company of a friend was reassuring, she felt herself relax slightly as she held her head high.

She let her pale fingers smooth the scales by the corners of her eyes, a calming gesture for her.

As they entered the gate, Thorin handing the guards their invitation, music began to flood her ears as well as chatter of people.

Another set of doors and they were in the ballroom.
"I never was a fan of large gatherings either Lumina." Thorin muttered as she took in a sharp breath.

"Too many formalities. But you are politer than I, you will do just fine."

She patted his shoulder. "Thank you."

His response was a nod and they began to separate.
Lumina glanced around at all the Lords and Ladies, she did not know, but she was sure they knew of her. There wasn't too many winged Queens.

She heard someone from behind her. The familiar voice causing her to smile.
"Thranduil. Good to see you."

The blond king was covered in fine robes, silvery in a appearance with red embroidery.

"Likewise Lumina, you look stunning."

Her eyebrows arched as he handed her a glass of red wine that matched his own. "I'm sure you say that to all of the beautiful ladies. Heavens knows there is plenty."

He cocked his head slightly after taking a sip of his own. "I can assure you on do not. Empty flattery was never my strong suit."

She hummed an agreement, her mouth full of the strong alcohol.  "I suppose I should take the complement and run with it, yes?"

"Hopefully you do not run away so soon. I would be beside myself with all these people talking my ears off." The amused lit to his deep voice caused her to smile again.

"Couldn't have that. Could we?" She tapped her long nails against the rim of the goblet, which were painted with a silver dust.

"I would rather we didn't." A beat of silence passed as they both took another drink.

"How are you fairing Thranduil?"

The king made a slight shrugging motion, not too much of one to be classified as informal.
"The same I always am. I should ask about you, how do you find yourself?".

"Busy. That is the best way to put it. It is a good thing Thorin has experienced some form of leading before I, or else I would find myself drowning in it I think. However I don't hate it. I am fond of my people, humans, dwarves, and all sorts."

"I heard of Tauriel's engagement to Kili. I send them my congratulations."

"That will be the wedding of the decade I can promise you that much. Are you going to attend?"

He nodded slightly. "It may have been slightly rough, but Tauriel and I have patched our differences. I will be there to support the couple."

"I'm sure she will be delighted to have you in attendance."

Thranduil offered her his arm, which she gladly took. She watched as she got glares from passing men and women. She was used to them.

"Where are you taking me too?"

His smile caused her stomach to do strange things she hadn't felt- well since Smaug.

"The garden of course, did you get my note?"

"I did, I was just unsure if you would remember."

"I'm not one for forgetting, Lumina." The twinkle in his eyes caused her to glance away. There was a double meaning in that she did not catch.

The cool night air washed over her as the stepped out into the garden. Everything had bloomed out.
She did not stiffle a gasp. "It's astounding-"

"For you," her attention was directed back to Thranduil who handed her a white thornless rose. The flower was fresh and had just opened. The petals were soft like a delicate suede.

"Thank you, very much. It is beautiful."

"It has nothing on the woman that holds it."

Lumina laughed- albeit it was a little more breathy than normal. "All these complements are going to go straight to my head Thranduil."

"I would hope so."
She nudged him with her shoulder.

"You don't have to be so nice to me."

He furrowed his thick eyebrows together. "How else would I be? I find myself drawn to you, you fascinate me in every sense of the word."

She felt her face heat, she was a beyond grown woman yet she felt like a youngling again.

"I feel comfortable in your company Thranduil."

"I too, Lumina. Would you care for a dance under the stars?"

Lumina looked up, the twinkling white lights were gleaming in the night sky.

"There is no music-"

"Who needs music to dance?"

They set down their drinks, and Lumina placed her rose next to hers.

"If you insist, I would be flattered to have a dance."

"I do insist, most assuredly." He took her hand in his as they began to glide in the patio space of the garden.

His other hand, not leading hers, was sitting at the base of her waist.

The stayed that way, gently dancing in the dark.

"If I asked for a kiss, would that offend your sensibilities?" He asked gently and their faces got closer.

"It would not."

When their lips met her stomach flipped, in the best way.
His lips were soft and tasted of the rich wine they had both drank. She moved hers gently against his for while, finding comfort in the soft rhythm.
Their noses brushed as they pulled apart.

"I would not be against doing that again." She breathed.

"I don't disagree."

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