The Ninja of Time

By MultiFangirl7148

2.1K 136 42

You almost never hear about adventure stories that start with a boy getting crushed by a tree. But Omar's sto... More

Chapter 1 A Normal Life
Chapter 2 Time for Training and I'm Getting Started
Chapter 3 Spinjitsu Power Inside
Chapter 4 Sensei Found Him and Warned Him of a Darker Side
Chapter 5 Get up, Get Your Ninja On
Chapter 6 On a Path to Bring Them All to Light
Chapter 7 Take It Out On Garmadon
Chapter 8 Do Not Look the Snakes in Their Eyes
Chapter 9 Straight Home
Chapter 10 Something Ill is Going Down
Chapter 11 The Best Way to Defeat Your Enemy
Chapter 12 To Know Your Enemy
Chapter 13 We Feel Defeated
Chapter 14 Ice
Chapter 15 Lightning
Chapter 16 I Knew the Time Would Come
Chapter 17 Earth
Chapter 18 Fire
Chapter 19 Something to Prove
Chapter 20 Time to Save this City and I'm Ready For It ~Part 1
Chapter 21 Time to Save This City and I'm Ready for It~Part 2
Chapter 22 Gotta Push Our Game
Chapter 23 Gotta Know Your Friend
Chapter 24 Messin' with the Ninja Has a Penalty
Chapter 25 Nobody's Gonna Stop Us Now
Chapter 27 Causing History to Unfold
Chapter 28 Danger Lurking in the Depths of Ninjago
Chapter 29: Not One But A Million
Chapter 30: In Too Deep to Cash Out Now
Chapter 31: Ready for the Fight
Chapter 32: Each Second Counts
Chapter 33: Ninjago's in Trouble
Chapter 34: Evil Can't Stay

Chapter 26: Growing Up is Such a Blast

38 3 0
By MultiFangirl7148

This couldn't get any better. We won a crazy race, saved Dareth's dojo and got the Bounty back.

It felt so great to have our old room back. And to add sweet to awesome Crystal moved in with us!

Now if we could just get Lloyd to focus life would be perfect.

"Lloyd?" Kai called trying to get Lloyd's attention for the hundredth time today. "Lloyd! Concentrate!" He stopped daydreaming and turned to face us.

"Now that the Bounty is in our possession again we can train you more effectively. But you have to focus. One more time." Zane said motioning for him to follow.

"Awww. But we've training all day." Lloyd whined. "It's all to get you ready to face your father. Now in position." Cole commanded.

We got ready to run the same drill we'd been doing for days. "Whatever." Lloyd yawned.

Kai attacked first and Lloyd knocked him out of the air with a single punch. Zane, Jay and I did our attack together while the kid countered us with spinjitzu.

Cole and Crystal finally swept his feet out from under him, causing him to land on his face.

"That was fun. Are we done?" Lloyd asked as he got up. "Oh, come on. You're better than this. What's on your mind?" Jay asked.

"Well... The latest issue of Starfairer just came in at Doomsday Comics and it's a limited run. So if I don't go out and get it, it's gonna sell out." Lloyd explained.

"What on earth is a Starfairer?" Crystal interrupted. "It's a kiddy space comic." I filled her in.

"It's not a kiddy comic." He said crossing his arms. "And I need it. Last we left off intergalactic space rogue Fritz Donagan was trapped by the imperial sludge and if I don't find out if he gets out alright I think I might have have my own doomsday!" Lloyd yelled.

"The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders." Kai started calmly, "As a Green Ninja you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things."

"Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train." Lloyd sulked.

Kai had a point. Being a ninja was far from easy. We all had to grow up kinda fast. But it was different for Lloyd. He was only seven and he had to go through all this intense training.

Before anyone could say another word, Nya ran onto the deck.

"Guys! There's been a break in at the Ninjago City Museum of History and the security system picked up You-Know-Who!" She told us frantically.

"Garmadon." Cole growled. "We have to stop him before he uses the Mega Weapon to start another one of his diabolical plots!" Jay exclaimed. "Let's get on it!" I cracked my neck.

We turned to Lloyd. I could tell he was about to ask to come with us. I shook my head warning him to not even try.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay hear and train." He repeated the phrases he heard everyday.

"Mmmhhh." We chorused then headed for the Ultra Sonic Raider.

"We'll meet at the Bounty as soon as we're done." Kai told his sister. "We'll be waiting for your safe return." She assured us.

By the time we got to the museum it was dark. We snuck on to the roof and lowered ourself through an open window.

We snuck around the loft that looked over the main exhibits. Soon we saw the Serpentine generals slither in leading a small group of snakes behide them.

"Why would we come to a museum if we weren't going to steal anything from it?" One of them growled. "Because Master Garmadon has another plan to destroy the ninja." Another replied.

"Master Garmadon?" We heard Skales scoff. "He's no master of mine. Since his so called 'Mega Weapon' has failed every time I don't see why we don't call our own shots!"


We all jumped a bit. It was creepy how he could just appear out of nowhere like that.

"Behold." Garmadon was saying, "Dromaesaurid Theropod Grundalicus. Otherwise known as the Grundle. Though now extinct, in it's time it was the most feared creature in all Ninjago. With claws that could slice through steel and heightened senses that could track the stealthiest of ninja. Once it had picked up your sent there was no hiding from it."

I remember learning about those things in school. It had given me nightmares for weeks. I still shudder at the thought of it. Skales's voice brought me back to reality.

"Thanks for the history lesson. But what are we suppose to do with a pile of bones?"

"I will make it so the beast will walk again!" Garmadon declared. "Yeah right. Show us then!" Skales dared as if it was a game.

"Rise Grundle and feel the strength of the Mega Weapon." He commanded. "I wish to possess the power to make you young. Turn back the clock so that you are no longer extinct. And hungry. Hungry for the ninja." He yelled.

"He's bringing it back?" Jay whispered frantically. "Not if we have any say in the matter." Zane said as we jumped on the railing.

"The Ninja! Get them!" Garmadon ordered.

We dodged the spears and rocks the snakes threw at us. Man, they had the worst aim.

"We can't let him finish! Go!" Cole yelled as he jumped on the skeleton. We followed close behind but it was hard to keep our balance.

"Not a solid plan Cole." Zane pointed out as the snakes tried to sweep our feet.

We finally fell to the ground, on top of one another. I look around and did a head count but didn't see Kai.

I looked back at the Grundle skeleton just in time to see Kai throw his sword. It collided with the Mega Weapon, knocking it out of Garmadon's hand.

"Not again!" He yelled then called for the snakes to retreat.

"Well I think we handled that well." Jay said proudly. We turned to leave and saw the snake generals picking up one of the exhibits.

"Hey! They're trying to steal the golden sarcophagus!" Jay yell as they slithered out the door. "After them!" Kai ordered.

We chased them down the street and around the corner only to see them abandon the artifact and disappear down a man hole.

We peeked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear.

"I can't believe we couldn't catch up with them. I'm usually faster that. It's as if my legs were half the size." Jay thought out loud.

"I don't remember that thing being so big. Did it grow?" Kai asked. "Or did we shrink?" Zane suggested. "Uh, guys?" Jay said pointing to a store window.

I looked at my reflection and realized, "WE SHRUNK!!!!!!!" "We're kids!" Kai yelled as we all started panicking and screaming. That is until we heard Crystal laughing.

"Awww. Look at you guys. You're all cute and small and helpless like." She said poking Kai with every word.

I was about to tell her to cut it out when I noticed that she was even smaller then we were. "Crystal. Look." I said turning her towards the mirror.

"OH!! MY!!!SLURP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed loud enough to wake all of Ninjago. Although I didn't blame her.

Where there once stood a fierce worrier, with fiery red hair and dangerous lavender eyes that could pierce though your very soul, there now stood a cute, tiny, little girl, with red pig tales and gentle, almost scared lavender eyes.

"Aww look at you." Kai teased. "You're all cute and small and helpless like." He laughed. "Somebody fix this RIGHT NOW!" She yelled.

"This is impossible. We must be dreaming. Zane tell me we're dreaming!" Cole begged.

"Nindroids don't dream." Zane said much to Cole's annoyance. "It would appear that Garmadon succeeded in turning back the clock. But instead of reviving the Grundle it only affected us."

"Yeah but nindroids don't turn into kids. Explain that genius." Jay demanded.

"I've extended my logic parameters but nothing is coming up. This. Does not. Compute." Zane managed to say as his eye started to fritz.

"Alright. Alright. We're all in this together." Cole reminded us. We were all still for a second before he flipped out.

"Aww but I can't be a kid again. I hated being a kid! You can't drive. Nobody listens to you. Oh no. BEDTIMES!"

"I told Nya we'd met her back at the Bounty. I'm sure Sensei will know what to do." Jay assured us.

Just then a police car swerved to a stop in front of us. We backed up against a building, shielding our eyes from the headlights.

"Well well well. What'd we have here? Looks like we caught our culprits to the museum heist. Who would've thought it was just a bunch of brats?" One of the officers asked.

"What'd got on 'apple dumpling gang'? Pajamas?" The other laughed provocatively.

"These aren't pajamas. We're ninja!" Jay told them. "And call me a brat one more time and I'll be going to jail for murdering a cop!" Crystal declared.

"Yeah yeah and I'm Santa Claus." The cop chuckled.

Kai tried to do spinjitzu to prove it but only sent the rest of us flying on to the hood of the car.

"Our spinjitzu doesn't work. We're to small!" Kai shrieked. "State the obvious much?" I growled.

"Easy kiddo. You're coming with us to the precinct." Said the police man as he took Kai by the shoulder.

"Officer, this has all been a great misunderstanding. My friends here and I were simply trying to help out-" Kai started to explain before the officer cut him off.

"Hey, you can tell all the stories you want when we return to the museum tomorrow to explain why you stole this."

"But we didn't steel it." Kai insisted. "Zip it." The cop growled as they shoved us into the back seat.

This was wonderful. I was in a seven-year-old's body and had gotten arrested. This day just keeps getting better.

I couldn't believe they actually kept us in jail over night. It was cold, dark and wet. Needless to say none of slept that night.

I kept trying think of what I would tell my parents when the police called them to pick me up.

The next morning we went straight to the museum to 'confess our crime'.

"We're sorry for stealing." I chorused along with Cole, Kai and Jay with a bow for good measure.

"But we didn't. I don't understand" Zane whispered. "Yeah I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do." Crystal growled.

"The quicker we get out of here the faster we can return our bodies back to normal." Kai explained.

"I'm sorry for stealing to." Zane said quickly. "Yeah I guess I'm sorry." Crystal mumbled as she got down next to us.

The manager smiled and said, "Thank you little boys-" "I'm a girl!" Crystal protested. I quickly shushed her. "For returning the sarcophagus. You did the right thing. But what about the bones?" The manager finished.

"What bones? We didn't steal any bones." Jay told him. "The Grundle bones." He said pointing to a now empty display stand.

"The Grundle bones?"Jay asked as he looked to the display "They're gone!" He whisper shouted as we formed a huddle.

"You don't think..." Cole started. "They just walked out of here." Kai finished. "It's not possible." I said.

"I didn't think it was possible to survive Ninja Ball Run, yet here we are." Crystal pointed out.

"Theoretically if Garmadon was able to successfully reverse the years on us, he reversed the years on the Grundle and brought it back to life." Zane explained.

We all groaned and broke our huddle.

"You guys have to believe us!" Jay shrieked to the officers. "The Grundle has been brought back to life and is on the loose! It's soul's existence is to hunt down ninja and as long as we are here everyone's at risk!" Jay screamed.

The officers and manager started laughing. Not that I blame to them. I wouldn't believe that story either. They led us over to a bench and had us sit down.

"Well we'll keep a good lookout for anything that goes bump in the night. Ok? Now the six of you sit still while we call your parents to come pick you up." They said as they walked away still chuckling.

"We've got to get out of here like now." Jay whispered frantically. "Follow my lead guys." Kai told us.

Normally I wouldn't follow Kai anywhere. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

We got off the bench and fell in line with a school field trip. We managed to grab some shirts and hats so no one would recognize us. Although I have to say we looked a little ridiculous.

"This is so humiliating." Jay whined. "I'm afraid if we can't use our spinjitzu we'll be no match for the Grundle." Zane deducted.

"Then we have to get back to the bounty." Kai told us.

As the class got to the museum entrance we dashed to the front, out the door and a down the street to the nearest bus stop.

Unfortunately the driver wouldn't let us on. Something about we were too young and needed parental permission.

So we decided to call Sensei to come get us. Cole and Kai gave Jay a boost so he could reach the pay phone. Zane and Crystal and I kept watch to so we didn't get arrested again.

Unfortunately Sensei and Nya weren't home. They had gotten worried and we're out looking for us.

Thankfully Lloyd was home so Jay told him to grab our weapons and meet us at Buddy's Pizza. We got there as fast as we could and slid into a booth in the back of the room.

"Seriously of all places we could meet you picked this place?" Cole groaned. "I thought we were done following Jay's stupid plans? I say we go find Sensei ourselves." I whispered.

"What? I like their pizza." Jay shrugged. "Not that we have money to buy pizza." Crystal mumbled.

Just then we saw Lloyd passing by our booth. Kai grabbed his shoulder. "Pssttt. Lloyd." He whispered.

Lloyd stopped and gave us good look over then said, "Beat it brats I'm on a mission."

"Why I outta-" Crystal said as she started to go after him. I put my hand on her shoulder and she sat back down. Kai grabbed Lloyd by the collar

"It's me. Kai!" He grunted. Lloyd looked at us again and gasped.

"Woah! What happened? Your..." he stopped to find the right word. "Small!" He yelled.

Everyone in the building turned to look at us for a second.

"Keep it down. We're trying to lay low." Kai told him. "Your father's Mega Weapon not only turned us into kids but released a creature who soul purpose is to hunt down ninja!"

"Typical Garmadon." Cole skulked. "And now every time we try to tell someone they won't believe us cause we are kids." Jay sulked.

Lloyd was quiet for a second then started laughing. "What's so funny?" Kai growled.

"Well I guess now you know what it is like to be treated differently." He said dropping our weapons on the table.

He had a point. We were being treated the way we treated Lloyd.

"Look. This is serious. If we don't turn big so we can use our spinjitzu we don't stand a chance against the Grundle." Zane told him.

"What about me? I know spinjitzu." Lloyd reminded us. "Yeah but you don't know the Grundle. We all need to be at full strength." Kai explained. "What we need to do first is find someone who might know more about how to defeat one of those things."

We saw Loyd looking at some kids in another booth. "Lloyd, focus!" Cole told him. "I am. I think I know just the guy."

Lloyd led us down the street and into a store. "You brought us to a comic book store." Cole demanded.

"Trust me if there is anyone who knows how to defeat a monster that doesn't exist, I know just the person to talk to." He assured us.

"We're not going to pick up your stupid comic Lloyd. This is serious business." Kai told him. Jay picked up a comic off the shelf.

"Hey look! A first addition Daffy Dale. I used to love that nut growing up." He laughed then realized we were glaring.

"I mean so juvenile." He corrected himself putting the comic back. Lloyd shoved us to the front of the store.

"Fellas meet Rufus McAllister a.k.a. Mother Doomsday." Lloyd said gesturing to the man behind the counter.

"Well if it isn't Lloyd Hemroyd Garmadon. Sorry it you came looking for the latest Starfairer. I'm all sold out." He apologized.

"Sold out?!" Lloyd shrieked. I could tell he was on the verge of a tantrum before he realized that people were staring.

"Actually Mother Doomsday we need help." He recovered. "Well color me intrigued."

"We have a problem. There's a Grundle on the loose and we need to know how to deal with it." Lloyd explained. "Ahhh. A theoretical question." Doomsday smiled.

"Uhh... Yeah. Theoretical. Can you help?" Lloyd asked him trying to keep our cover. Doomsday got down from behind the counter and walked over to a shelf.

"Dromaesaurid Theropod Grundalicus." He said in one big breath.

"Though now extinct there have been a plethora of movies and comics exploring the mythology of the primordial predator. Supposedly they always get their prey." He began.

"Sounds like he knows his stuff." Kai whispered. "He sounds like a total nerd." Crystal mumbled. "Can it be stopped?" Lloyd asked.

"First thing you need to know is that it's thick shell like hide is invincible to swords, scythe, nunchucks, throwing stars, daggers and arrows. So you're cheap imitations will do nothing to slow it down." He started.

"Swell." Cole muttered sarcastically.

"Second it's nocturnal and will only hunt at night." He continued.

"Great. It's still daylight. So we can relax for a bit." Jay beamed. Mother Doomsday gave him a questioning look. "I mean theoretically." He corrected himself.

"And the only way to defeat it is with light. Like a vampire with enough of it it could potentially destroy him.

If I had my weapons of choice may I recommend the Illuma-swords. These are authentic replicas that would come in handy if you were to actually live long enough to face a Grundle.

And if swords are your thing maybe I can interest you in an authentic ninja gi, signed by them very ninja who saved the city." he said gesturing to a glass case.

"We'll just take the light swords." Cole told him.

"Not so fast." Doomsday said stepping in front of him, "This Starfairer combo pack can only be won in the Fritz Donagan Trivial Battle Royale." He explained.

My slurp! Can't anything in this world be free? Next thing ya know I'll be paying for air!

"Do you have what it takes to be the best?" The man asked gesturing across the room.

We looked over to the other side of the store where a bunch of kids about Lloyd's age were waiting.

"We don't, but he does." Crystal said confidently. "You can do this Lloyd." Kai said put a hand on his shoulder. "Go get 'em kid." I added. "Sign me up." He told us.

We called the bounty again but Nya and Sensei still weren't home. So Lloyd left a message telling them where we were and what was going on.

A few hours later Loyd was tied for first place in the trivia battle. "It's getting dark." Zane whispered. "The Grundle will be on the prowl soon."

"Don't worry." Kai said, "I have faith that Lloyd can win those Illuma-swords."

We turned to Jay who had somehow scraped up enough money for a snack.

"Is this really the best time to be eating cotton candy?" Kai scowled. "It makes me feel young. Deal with it." Jay said as he kept eating.

"Final question." Doomsday announced "The first person to answer will win. In the latest issue of Starfairer, how did Fritz Donagan escape the imperial sludge?"

We all looked at each other in horror.

We were starting to wish we let Loyd get his comic. But it was too late now the other kid answered the question and won the prize.

Just then the lights went out and the building it began to shake.

"It's here." Cole whispered. "What's here?" Doomsday asked him. "Remember that theoretical discussion we had earlier?" Jay laughed.

We all looked up at the skylight just in time to see a giant foot crack the glass.

"Not the..." The creature fell through the roof and let out in earsplitting roar. "GRUNDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We have to get out of here!" Zane yelled and headed for the door but it was stuck. "We're doomed!" Jay cried.

"Doomed as Fritz Assaultskin in Acetic War page 15!" Doomsday screamed. "Is this really the time for your comic mambo jumbo?" Crystal yelled.

"I got an idea." Cole said. We went to the back of the store and grabbed our uniforms and the swords from their display cases.

"Hey McNasty!" Cole shouted. "I thought ninja were on your menu." The creature roard at us as we came forward.

We started swinging the lights swords but they broke as soon as they made contact.

The Grundle backed us up against the checkout stand and prepared to eat us. It was so close I could actually smell it it's prehistoric breath.

"Not to worry I'll take care of this." Lloyd said from on top of the counter.

He formed a ball of energy in his hands and the creature began to back up only to come back and knock him over once again.

The Grandel loomed over us, it's acidic drool dripping from its teeth. "Gross. This is the end isn't it?" Cole asked although it was obvious.

Just then Nya kicked the door open with Sensei close on her heels! "Everyone out!" She commanded.

"Use this!" Sensei yelled as he tossed a jar to Jay. "What is it?" he shouted back.

"It'll turn forward the hands of time, turning you old and reducing the Grandel to dust and bones. But be careful there's no turning back." He warned us.

"Grundle to prepare to be extinct." Jay yelled in his face. "But wait!" Cole said holding up is dimly lit sword.

"But what will happen to Lloyd he'll grow old to." "Just do it!" Lloyd called.

"You'll miss out on the rest of your childhood dude." Jay reminded him. "We can't do that to you. It's not fair." Kai yelled.

Suddenly the Grundle knocked the sword out of Cole's hand and we fell next to Lloyd. I felt lightheaded like I was about to pass out.

Suddenly I heard Lloyd yell, "Fair? Fair isn't a word where I come from!" He smashed the bottle against the Grundel's nose.

The monster let out a deafening scream as a hazy mist filled the air and the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor.

"What happened?" Kai asked. "We're not kids anymore!" Cole cheered. "Sweet slurp thank goodness!" I chuckled.

"It worked!" Nya breathed in relief. "They are real ninja." Doomsday gasped. "But what about Lloyd?" Sensei asked.

Then a boy about Crystal's age stood up. He was wearing The Green Ninja gi. It was Lloyd. I knew it. He was all grown up but it was him.

"I'm... older." he said just as surprised as we were. "The time for The Green Ninja to face his destiny has grown shorter." Sensei told us.

We surrounded Lloyd as a sign of our full support. "I'm ready." He stated.

With that we left the comic store a much stronger team then when we entered.

A/N Sorry about The late update I couldn't get Wi-Fi and then I got on a plane ✈️

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