
By aeolianism

83.1K 2.8K 1.2K

"WHY DOES EVERYTHING GO TO SHIT WHEN I'M AROUND?" (Name) groans. *Swearing and slightly mature content is pr... More

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| XI |

3K 115 61
By aeolianism

I'm getting my stuff, ready to leave, but I hear Ochaco shout something. "Wh-What's going on?!" She's standing in front of the classroom's door. "What is it, Ochaco?" I ask her. She points at the front door. My eye widens. I see many people crowded at the front. They aren't from our class.

"What business do you have with class 1-A?" Iida asks them. "Is there something you need?" I ask them, head tilting. "We can't get out! What'd you come here for anyway?" Mineta shouts. "Scouting out the enemy, small fry." Bakugo answers walking past me. Mineta is pointing at him, shaking. Izuku explaining  Bakugo's behavior.

"We're the class that made it through the villain attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival." He stops at the door. "There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!" Bakugo growls. I walk over to him and grab his arm.

"Bakugo, you can't just call people "extras" like that. Let's see what they have to say." I tell him. "Is there something we may help you with?" I ask them."I came to see what class 1-A was like..." I hear someone from the crowd. I see a boy with purple hair coming through to the front. "but you seem pretty arrogant." The boy finally makes his way in front of me and Bakugo

"Are all the students in the hero course like this?" He asks. "Nope. Some of us just are full of confidence. And by some, I mean mainly this guy." I explain, gesturing to Bakugo. I look behind me to see everyone shaking their heads furiously in answer to the purple haired boy's question. I look up to see Bakugo looking pissed. 'Oh no...' I thought.

"Something like this makes me disillusioned." The boy says rubbing the back of his next. "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that? The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out." The 4 behind me stiffen.

"Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war." He declares. 'War?' I question in my head. 'This person's bold, too!' the three behind me thought. Bakugo and the boy stare at each other before we hear another voice. "Hey, hey! I'm from Class B next door! I hear you fought against villains, so I came to hear about it! Don't get too full of yourself!" The other boy yells. 'Another bold person!' the three thought.

"If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!" The silver-haired boy yells. Bakugo walks away. "You ignorin' me bastard?!" The boy yells. "Bakugo..." I say to call him quietly, giving him a worried look. "Wait a minute, Bakugo! What're you gonna do about all of this? It's your fault that everyone's hating on us!" Kirishima yells. "It doesn't matter."

"Huh?!" The class listens in curiosity. "It doesn't matter, as long as you rise to the top." I stare at him. "Bakugo?" He walks away from me. "Damnit, you bastard!" The loud boy yells. "That's so simple and manly!" Kirishima says, a tear in his eyes. I smile at him. "You said it," Sato added, rubbing his chin. "Huh?!" Kaminari gawks.

"The top, huh? There is truth in that." Tokoyami says plainly. "Hang on, don't be tricked! He just made pointless enemies!" Kaminari tries to reason. I turn to the group.

"I apologize for that asshole's rude behavior," I say bowing. People start to mutter, "It's fine..." I smile. "She's cute." I deadpan, an irk mark on my forehead. "Ok..." I sigh. "But..." I start. I stand straight up.

"I don't get the point of you swarming our class, but don't talk smack here. You can talk all you want, but it means nothing if you lose at the festival." I give them a serious look.

The class sweat drops.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Todoroki. "Let's go." He says before grabbing my hand and walking out. I look at Todoroki with surprise before going along with it.

 I give them all a gentle smile and wave, walking with Todoroki.

"Good luck at the sports festival!"


The people who had agreed on joining (Name) for the training stood in front of her house door, waiting for her to lead them to the training area. It's been about a week since announcing the Sports Festival. During the week, everyone was training hard. 

Izuku hesitantly rings the doorbell. They waited for a couple seconds before the door slowly opened to reveal a boy with brown eyes and glasses. "Oh! You must be (Name)'s classmates. She's not ready yet, so you guys can come in and wait." The older male says with a smile.

"Excuse the intrusion." They all say, before taking off their shoes and entering the house. "This way ." Everyone follows. Down the hallway, there were several pictures of scenery and paintings. Soon they all come across a big picture with a black-haired girl in a big flowy white kimono in a field of grass, the moon shining beautifully on her. They all stare. "Is that (Name)? She looks so pretty!" Ochaco compliments. The girls start to comment on the picture. 2 boys, in particular, staring at the picture in awe.

The continue to walk, coming across another picture, this time (Name) was in a beautiful sundress. She was standing in a field of flowers in the sun. She was holding her hat, long hair flowing, the ends curling in a little. The most important thing was she was turned to the camera, smiling brightly. Her beautiful grey orbs gazing gracefully forward.  They all stare.

"Isn't Nechi pwetty!" They hear a high pitched voice. They turned to the source to see a little boy smiling up at the picture. "Hiii!! I'm Renzo!" He was about 2 years old, but he had large dark brown eyes and brown hair.

"Whoops, sorry guys. I accidentally fell asleep." (Name) says with a sheepish smile. "Shall we get going?" She asks with a smile. "Yeah!" Her classmates cheer.


"Since we've been training individually for about a week. How about we spar with one another in the arena?" She asks. They all spot a big open area, the grass trimmed to perfection. "Ehh! This is XYZ Corp Arena! How did you reserve this place??" Izuku asks, fanboying. 

"This is some of the greatest heroes and their sidekicks come and learn how to fight. Sparring with one another is important to learn so that when you encounter villains and you can't use your quirk, you can hold your ground."

They all look at (Name) with curious looks on their face as they've heard of the famed arena. 

"My father is a firm believer in learning to fight without your Quirk. He is the one who teaches several heroes how to do this. He is also the CEO of XYZ Corp, and the famed fighting hero: XYZ. "


"Also known as my dad! Yuto (Last Name)!" I say with a smile. 

"XYZ is a hero that came from America and taught many heroes how to fight with just their fists. He has never shown his Quirk, but he caught the famed villain Boxer and put him in jail, using just his skills in MMA and his brute strength."

"That's him!"

"To me, he's just an old man with bad eyesight and likes to play the guitar."

"No wonder your house is so nice!" Ashido says out loud.

"Everyone form a line!" She instructs kind of seriously. Everyone does but surprised at her sudden change.

A group 5 of people walk over to (Name), also forming a line. With a smile, she claps. "Alright! These are my brother's friends from their hero course! Everyone say hello!" The older teens introduce and greet themselves with friendly and not so friendly smiles. (Name) grabs her papers and lists off the sparring sessions in order, calling out everyone's name.

"Shall we begin?"


"Ahh!! That little girl was wayyy to close to beating me!" Kaminari complains. "Yeah! Rei was really strong. I didn't expect that at all!" Sero says. "Rina was a formidable opponent, she foresaw all of my attacks." Iida analyzed. "Man! I wasn't even close to beating (Name)! She was too fast and strong! More manly than I am in battle!" Kirishima confesses sadly. "I couldn't see her, and she never really attacked me," Mineta said. "Only because you kept drooling over the fact that I was naked!" Retorted Hagakure.

"Momo won, but only because we were on land. In water, she would have no chance." Tsu said. "Indeed. I wouldn't be able to beat you in a situation like that." Yaoyorozu admits. "I couldn't even land a hit on Todoroki! He's too strong!" Jiro says in defeat. "Same here! Bakugo kept blasting me left and right!" Ashido whines. "..." 2 boys kept silent.

'I barely slipped out of that one without using One for All...' thought Izuku. "There is a spring bath nearby. I know the owner, and she'll probably let us use it for free!"  The girls got their things and started towards the location (Name) was talking about, the boys following shortly after.

The attendant led the boys into another spring area, farther away from the girl, after the girls entered their bathing area. "So... now what?" Kaminari asks. "I don't know," Sero says. "How about we go spy on the girls!" Mineta suggests. "Yeah!" Agrees Kaminari.

The rest of the boys glared at them. "What!? We know you guys want to!" Mineta explains. They glare harder. "How about we truth or dare or something?" Kirishima suggests. "That sounds like a better idea than what Mineta had vulgarly suggested," Iida said.


"Hey, (Name),  I didn't know your house was so big!" Hagakure says, the steam rising. "Mmm! My dad owns a company and my mother is a realtor." (Name) told them. 

"Wow, that's so cool! We met Renzo today too! And another guy?" Tsu says to me. 

"Oh! Renzo is my 2-year-old brother, Michi - the one in glasses- is my older brother. He's 20 and studying to be a Quirk scientist. My eldest brother, Tomoya is a sidekick in America and he's 25."

"Wow, that's so cool! Your family seems really nice." Jiro says to me. 

"You brother is especially cute!" Ashido says. 

"Which one?" I ask.

"Your older brother!"

"Ew, don't say that! He's literally the nastiest person ever!" I say with a laugh. 

"Renzo is so adorable!" Hagakure says while moving the water.

"He is! It's so cute when he calls you Nechi!" Laughs Tsu


"AWH MAN! I knew you had a Jack!" Kirishima exclaimed at Izuku. They were playing go fish until someone opened the door. "Oh hello, (Last Name)." Izuku greeted. Michi closed the door behind him. "Just call me Michi." 

"Hey, I'm going to grab some water, anyone wanna to come?" Kaminari asked. Kirishima, Mineta, Iida, Izuku, and Sero left. All that was left was Todoroki and Bakugo. 

"...I see the way you look at (Name)." Michi says bluntly. "?!?!?" The 2 are surprised. "She's amazing, isn't she," Michi said with a smile. 

"Yeah..." Todoroki confessed. "I guess, she smiles a lot and is always bubbly," Bakugo answers in a sort of irritated tone. 

"Yeah. Even after everything that's happened to her." Michi says sadly. "What happened?" Todoroki asked. "...She'll tell you eventually. But, in short, she's had a lot of shit happen to her."

"I remember the day just like it was yesterday..." Michi said in reminiscence.


"I'm back," I say to no one in particular. 

I searched the house to see if there was anyone around. Finding no one, I limp my way to my room. With a harsh landing on the bed, I hold my injuries tenderly. I inhale sharply as I touch my fractured arm. 

"Damn it."

"DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!" I yell punching the wall. My 15-year-old body weak and thin.

My knuckles burn from the impact. I could see my knuckles bleed. I clench my fists and cry out in pain and agony. I stumble backward and fall on my bed. I held my face as hot tears fell out.


I turn to the door to see a 10-year-old girl, clutching the side of the door gently. Her black bangs clipped out of the way. She looked over at me with a concerned look. I glare at her. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I growl. 

She flinches at the tone of my voice, but I see that she held the first aid kit next to her. After a moment of silence, she shakily walks up to me. 

"Are you okay, Aniki?"

"Get out."

Once again, she flinches but proceeds to walk towards me. 

"Why are you hurt?" She asks, now standing in front of me. 

I don't answer. 

She puts down the box on the floor and takes out the alcohol and a cotton ball. She slowly reaches toward me before I slap her hand away. The bottle of alcohol spills on the floor and the cotton ball drops. 


(Name) falls backward, looking up at me.  


She sits there with a sad look on her face.

"I don't understand why mom and dad took you in. You were a fucking orphan and no one wanted you. So why did you have to butt into our family! EVERYONE HATES ME! NO ONE LOVES ME!"

(Name) stays still, but I could see her convulsing, trying not to cry. 

"But...I love you Aniki." She mumbles. 


"But you're my brother. I love you no matter what."

I stop for a moment before I start to cry again. I could feel her start to hug me. 

"I'm so sorry (Name) I didn't mean to say those things. I'm so sorry..."

"I know you're stressed, Aniki, but no matter how much you push me away. I will love you."

I take my face out of my hands and look at her, with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose. 

"Because you're my brother and I will love you unconditionally! I know you're not a bad guy."


"I know you'll do something amazing one day. Prove those bullies wrong. You don't need a Quirk to do amazing things. You already do amazing things for me!"

I look at her and sniff, trying to prevent my snot from running down my face. I laugh a little. 

"I don't know how you're so mature for your age. You're really smart, (Name). I don't know why your parents left you. I'm really glad we adopted you." I say while ruffling her hair. 

She smiles up at me, her eyes a little teary from before. I take her into my arms and hug her as tight as I could with my fractured arm. 

"I love you, too (Name)."


"To this day, I don't know how she was so mature and smart for her age. And I don't know how or why her birth parents ever left her, but she's a part of my family now." Michi says. Head down. "But if any of you hurt her..." He looks up. A threatening look on his face. "My family and I won't hesitate to hunt you down and kill you." His face serious. 

"Alright! You guys have fun! (Name) said she wanted to have a sleepover with you guys, so don't do anything funky!" And with that, Michi left the room. A few minutes after he did, everyone from class came into the room.



"Bless you (Name)!"

"Are you sick or something? You've sneezed 5 times since we left?"

"I shouldn't be. That's weird."

'I hope I'm not sick.'

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