Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male...

By Daintypurpleeyes

61.6K 2.9K 511

So, basically, the humans have turned against the witches. Poor (M/n) was told by his family to run and leave... More

The school
The girls' dorm...
Elizabeta and Lili
A little chat between boys
Meeting a young 'gentleman'
New clothes and my own personal bodyguard
First day of school
Werewolf territory
Another day
Background Story
Almost devoured
Werewolf Base
Hidden Confession
Spending time with the Italians
The heartless have a heart, they just don't show it.
Secret admirer
Three days off
Accidents happen
Forgotten memories
Never too young for Vodka
Battle and escape
A tiny, little secret
Final battle
~Gabriel ENDING~
~Allen ENDING~
~Luciano ENDING~
~Oliver ENDING~
~Matthew ENDING~
~Lovino ENDING~

Drunk P.2 and a Dream

1.6K 64 31
By Daintypurpleeyes

(M/n) POV

I let Gabriel pick me up as everything started becoming a bit hazy. I thought I saw something in front of me, so I reached out to it and started talking to it as Gabriel just looked at me with a confused look.

The creature was green and had tiny wings, "Oh, hello there~", I told the creature as Gabriel and I reached our shared room. He gently lay me on my bed as I tried to get back up.

"No, (M/n). You need to rest.", He said as he pushed me back down. I puffed my cheeks out and frowned. I then noticed the creature flying right next to my bed, I looked at it and waved.

"Hello again~", I slurred.

Gabriel held the same look of confusement as earlier. He sighed and walked towards the door, "Sleep. Don't you dare do anything stupid.", He warned. And with that, he left the room.

I immediately sat up and looked at the creature again, "Who are you?", I asked, happily.

"Me?", The creature asked. I nodded and gave a smile, "Yes, you."

The creature did a twirl before saying, "Hi! I'm flying mintbunny!", He introduced, happily.

"Hi~ I'm (M/n).", I introduced.

"I know! Arthur has told me a lot about you.", FMB said as it laughed a bit.

"Oh~ Tell me more.", I said.


I was making my way upstairs, on my way to my shared room. I was completely wet, so I wanted to change.

I was about to pass the room that was right next to mine but heard an all too familiar voice coming from it.

"Well, he told me about how cute you look and about how you lack fear! And he also told me about how you seem so amazingly cool and is jealous of your witch powers----", The all too familiar creature kept on talking as I was about to explode in embarrasment for I knew who he was talking to.

I immediately opened the door as I stormed towards flying mintbunny who was looking at me with a smirk. I quickly hit him on top of the head, to silence him.

"You git! You can't just tell him that!", I yelled, embarrassed. FMB just stuck his tongue out to me.

"Oh, hey Artie~!", I heard the witch---(M/n) say. I was surprised at the tone he used as I turned towards him and immediately blushed.

"What in the bloody hell are you wearing!?", I yelled, trying to fight off my blush.

"What? Don't I look fabulous~?", He asked. I could smell the strong alcohol from his breath and came to the solution that he was drunk.

After some time I realised the alcohol smelled like Vodka. Only one person came into my mind which made me shiver, 'Ivan...'

I quickly pushed (M/n) down on his bed as I tucked him in, "Go to sleep.", I said, softly. And with that, I left the room and stormed downstairs. I ran to the livingroom as I saw mostly everyone drinking and having fun. I grabbed all the alcoholic drinks that were on the table and threw them out.

"Whoa, black sheep! What's the big idea!?", I heard Francis yell as I grabbed his precious wine and also threw it out.

"All of you, put some proper clothes on and no more alcohol for the rest of our vacation.", I told them as I heard many of them groan while I saw others give out a sigh of relief. I walked upstairs with the others following behind me.


I was walking towards my shared bedroom after the eyebrows guy threw all of the alcoholic drinks out, which made me feel relieved.

There was this albino vampire that was pretty annoying, he kept on trying to make me drink some beer. Of course, I refused. He didn't stop, so I simply ignored him. But for some reason, he seemed oddly familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.

Before I realised it, I already made it in front the room I share with (M/n). Sighing, I opened the door and closed it behind me. I looked at the right side of the room to see (M/n) passed out on his bed.

Silently, I walked towards the side of his bed and stared down at him. He truly looked like an angel. I recalled how we first met...It was a memory that I will always treasure, even though he doesn't remember.


I was walking around my peaceful town, making my way to the market. Many humans and witches greeted me with a smile as they walked passed me, I simply smiled back and bid them a quick 'hello'.

After walking some more, I finally made it to the all too familiar market that I twice a week visit. I saw the lady at the register smile down at me.

"Hello, Gabriel. You're just on time.", she said, happily. She took out my usual order from the back of her shop and gave it to me. I was about to give her the money I had in my right hand but she simply waved both of her hands.

"No, keep it! I'll let it slip for today.", She said with a wide smile.

"T-Thank you.", I thanked her, quietly.

"Don't mention it. Have a nice day!", She yelled as I smiled at her.

I left the market and started making my way home with the bag on my left hand as I tucked the money in my pocket. I noticed three men staring at me, most likely the bag I was holding. Getting uncomfortable, I walked a bit faster.

"Hey, brat. What'cha got there?", I heard one of the men yell at me. I didn't respond, just like my mother always told me I had to do.

I kept on walking till I felt my arm being grabbed and the bag being stolen away from my hand.

"Hey! Give that back!", I demanded. The men just laughed at me.

"Go away, kid.", They told me as they looked at what was inside the bag. Tears started to form at the corner of my eyes as I saw them throw the bag on the ground.

"There's nothing useful, only stupid bread.", One of them said as he stomped on the bag, ruining the food.

"That's enough.", I heard someone say from behind me, I turned around and saw the almighty (D/n) standing there with a small boy behind him, seeming just the same age as me. I turned back around and saw the three men shivering in fear.

"My town is supposed to be peaceful, but of course scums like you have to ruin it.", I heard the powerful witch say.

"(M/n), sweetie, can you bring the little boy to our home and give him some of our food? Because those...meanies ruined it.", The small boy simply nodded and motioned for me to grab his hand. Warily, I did so. I finally took a full look at his face and blushed, he was beautiful.

I saw him hop on his besom and stare at me, "Come on.", I heard him say. I realised that he wanted me to fly with him on his besom. I gulped, 'I've never been on a besom before...', I thought, afraid.

The boy seemed to notice my discomfort as he said, "It's okay."

Slowly, I climbed behind him, on the besom. I thought the besom would be hard, but it was actually pretty soft.

I let out a tiny sound as we started flying a bit above the air. He turned around and gave me a small smile, "Don't worry.", with that, I calmed down and held onto him, tightly.

"Here we go.", He said as we started flying, my grip on him became even tighter. He giggled as he did some twirls as I screamed out in fright.

After a while, I got used to it and looked down. The sight truly was beautiful, but still frightening. If we were to fall down, we'd be dead.

We started flying a bit lower as I saw a big mansion in the distance. "Whoa!", I gaped. I heard the boy in front of me giggle as he made it right in front of the gate of the mansion.

"It's me!", He yelled at the guards, they smiled at him.

"Welcome back, young sir.", They both said at the same time, making me gape even more. The boy noticed and shut my mouth with both of his hands.

"You're gonna catch flies.", He said, giggling. I blushed and looked away. Suddenly, I felt myself being dragged through the now open gate.

"S-Slow down!", I yelled at the energetic boy. He simply kept on running.

In no time, we stood in front of the mansion. The small boy loudly knocked on the door with a Cheshire smile on his face. The door opened, revealing a teenager boy.

"Big brother!", The boy in front of me shouted as he jumped into the teenager boy's arms.

"Whoa there, (N/n)!", The teenager boy said as he stumbled back a little. He then noticed me and smiled, "Aww, you finally made a friend?", He asked the small boy.

"Yes!", The little boy shouted with a (Nationality) accent. The teenager chuckled and motioned for me to come inside, which I did.

Soon enough, the three of us made it to what I guess was the living room. The two of them sat on a colourful pretty couch as I simply kept on standing. I had to keep my manners.

"You can sit, you know.", The teenager chuckled as he patted to open place next to him.

"O-Oh, okay..", I stuttered out. Warily, I sat down on the couch. It felt nice, better than the hard chairs we have to sit on at home.

"I'm (M/n)! And this is my brother, (B/n)!", The small boy AKA (M/n) said, energaticaly.

"My name is Gabriel...", I introduced, shyly.

"Well, hello Gabriel. I'll let you two play for a bit, I need to do something.", '(B/n)' said as he stood up and walked towards a door.

I saw '(M/n)' grin, "You're just going to play some videogames, liar."

(B/n) stopped in his tracks and laughed, "You got me. Anyway, bye.", with that, he left the room.

"So...What do you want to do?", (M/n) asked me.

"I don't know...", I told him, staring at my lap. I felt someone touch my hand and looked up to see him holding it. He gave me a small smile.

"There's no need to be shy.", He told me, soothingly. I felt a tiny blush rest on my cheeks as I quickly took my hand away. I looked at his face and noticed that he looked rejected.

"U-Uh, I'm s-sorry.", I stuttered out.

"Don't be.", He said, smiling again.

At that moment, we heard the front door open and a loud, "I'm home!", following after.

"Daddy!", (M/n) shouted, happily. He stood up from the couch and made his way to what I guess was the front door.

After some minutes, I saw Mr. (L/n) enter the living room with (M/n) on his back. "Oh, hello.", He said as he noticed me.

"(M/n), have you given the little kid food yet?"

"....I forgot."

With that, the man let out a sigh as he walked towards me. He gave me a smile as he motioned for me to come with him. Slowly, I followed him. He opened a door next to the one (B/n) had entered. It revealed to be the kitchen.

I looked around and found it a beautiful looking place, everything was colourful. I saw the powerful witch take out some expensive and very good looking food and put it in a bag. He walked towards me with (M/n) still on his back as he gave me a smile, again.

"I'll bring it with you to your home, I don't want you to get robbed again.", The powerful witch said with a kind voice. I gaped at him, incredibly thankful.

"T-Thank you.", I thanked, smiling.

With that, we------


I heard the door open as I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards it. I saw the guy with the huge eyebrows walk in.

"...What do you want?", I spat at him.

"I just wanted to check up on (M/n), since he was drunk---"

"He's okay. Now, leave.", I demanded, rudely. He seemed to be a little taken aback but left anyway.

'Why did I do that!?', I asked myself. I felt so jealous just now. Jealous of the fact that not only two persons other than me could've seen (M/n) drunk, but THREE.

I groaned in annoyance as I made my way to my bed, forgetting to change. Slowly, I let sleep take over.


Unknown to Gabriel, (M/n) was turning and twitching in his bed, shaking all over. He was sweating from head to toe and a few whimpers escaped his mouth.

(A/n: I got this idea from a game I dunno the name off.)


I awoke right next to a lake, a beautiful one at that. I stood up from the ground, some branches that fell from a tree were hurting my back. I looked around me and noticed a young man standing right next to a tree.

Before I could speak to him, he beat me to it, "Isn't it beautiful, (M/n)?"

My eyes widened at the familiar voice, but I smiled. "It is, dad.", I responded.

"This is the place where your mother and I met----", I interrupted him.

"I know, you told me a thousand times already.", I laughed while he gave me a small smile.

"I think it's time to wake up.", he told me. I gave him a confused look.

"Wake up? I'm awake.", I said, confused. He simply chuckled.

Suddenly, a strong wind pushed me to the ground, making me close my eyes. As I opened them again...Everything was different. The nice looking leaves from the tree were a dirty brown now and the beautiful lake was dirtied. And my father..He was gone.

"Dad! Where are you!?", I yelled, looking around.

"Accept it, already. He's gone.", Someone from behind me said. I quickly turned around and saw a black figure with a scythe.

"W-What!? Who are you?", I asked.

"You know.", The figure said as it laughed at me.

"Where's my father!?", I yelled at it.

"Gone.", It responded, chuckling.

Suddenly, there was another strong wind. But this one send me flying to a tree, darkness blinded my eyes.


I awoke in a dark place, noticing three men standing at each side of me. They all had smug looks on their faces.

"Who are you all? Where am I? Where's my father!?", I asked them. 

"Ah...", One of them said.

"..So young..", Another added.

"..And naïve.", The last one finished.

"Answer my questions, already!", I yelled at them.

"What an..."


"...Little brat."

"ANSWER ME!", I yelled, annoyed.

"He doesn't..."


"Poor kid."

"SHUT UP!", I yelled, holding my ears.

"He doesn't.."


"Poor kid."

Their voices were growing louder as they talked one by one, making me hold my ears tighter.

"I SAID SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", I yelled, angered.

With that, they stopped talking. Another strong wind came, making me fly against a wall. I let darkness take over, again.

Bargaining (A/n: Correct me.)

I awoke in a forest, a very muddy one. I stood up and looked around. After looking around and finding nothing in sight, other than trees, I started walking. After a while, I got stuck in some mud, feeling in pull me lower. I tried to pull free, but I couldn't.

"W-What, I'm stuck!", I yelled to no one in particular.

I quickly hung myself to a low tree branch that was sticking from the ground, trying to stay up.

"Who dared to awaken me!?", I heard someone yell. I looked in front of me and saw that the branch I was holding belonged to a tree with...eyes.

"I need your help, I'm sinking!", I told it, afraid.

"So?", It asked as it pulled its branch away from me.

"Wait! No!", I protested as I started to sink in lower.

I noticed another tree branch sticking out to my right as I quickly hung myself on it.

"Don't touch me.", I heard another tree say. It looked down at me and pulled its branch also away frop me.

"No! Please, help me! Can somebody please help me!? I need help!", I yelled, crying.

They didn't listen, as I slowly sank into the mud, disappearing from their sight. I let darkness blind my eyes again.


I awoke in a cold, snowy place. I shivered and started shaking as I looked around. There was a statue next to me and a gate in front of me. I looked behind me and saw a heart. As I looked in front of me again, I saw the gate open and the black figure walk through it.

"You went pretty far...But this is were it ends.", It told me.

"What do you mean!?", I asked it.

"...Make warmth. Help. Enter.", It simply said as it left and closed the gate behind it.

I quickly ran to the gate, trying to open it. But, it didn't budge. I sat down, crying. I felt hopeless and empty.

I was about to give up all hope and let despair take over...But something inside me told me to not give up. It told me to carry on.

Slowly, I stood up, shivering. I saw something I hadn't noticed before...A lighter. I thought back to the words that figure said.

'Make warmth....Hmm...", I thought.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in my head and I quickly went to the candles that stood next the gate, lighting it up. I then went to the statue and lit its candle up. That's it, I made warmth.

I thought again to the words the figure said, 'Help....Hmmm...', I thought.

I looked at the statue and then at the heart, "That's it!", I yelled.

I walked towards the heart and picked it up, laying it on the statue's hand. I might've not noticed it, but the statue gave a tiny smile. Suddenly, the gate opened and I quickly entered. As I entered, I felt lightheaded and passed out.


I slowly awoke in front of a grave, but I couldn't see the name on the stone, there was too many dust. Grabbing a leaf of the floor, I wiped the dust off and my eyes widened.

(D/n) (L/n)

I then felt like someone was behind me and gave out a small, hurt smile.

"You were dead all along, huh...", I said in a quiet tone.

"Yes, (M/n).", He responded, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I turned around and saw him right in front of me now.

"I knew...I just couldn't accept it.", I told him, tears at the corner of my eyes.

"It's almost time for you to wake up and for me to go...I love you, sweetie.", He told me, smiling.

"W-When will I see you again?", I asked him, smiling back.

"Depends, how tightly can you close your eyes?", He asked me, hugging me.

"I love you, dad.", I said as he slowly disappeared. Tears slid down my face, but I kept my smile. Slowly, I closed my eyes and let darkness take over.


I slowly awoke by someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and noticed Gabriel standing there with painkillers. I gave him a confused look, till a sudden major headache came over. I clenched my teeth in pain as I hissed.

"Here.", Gabriel said, a knowing smile on his face.

"Thank you...", I said as he also handed me a glass of water.

"You know...I had a very real dream.", I told him.

"What was it about?", He asked, curiously.

"I don't remember...But I'm sure to tightly close my eyes...", I told him as he simply gave me a confused look.

"Jeez, are you still drunk?", He asked me, laughing. I simply laughed with him, ignoring my headache.

"Anyway...Change your clothes..", He told me. I looked down and blushed, recalling what happened last night.

"Y-Yeah, I will..", I said as I walked towards my closet, grabbing some fresh clothes. I then noticed that there was NO bathroom.

"Why the fuck is there no----", I got interrupted.

"I was getting there, (M/n). There are only public baths here. I think they call it a Spa?", He informed.

"Damnit...", I groaned out, "I'm still going to bathe.", I added.

"U-Uh okay...And I-I'll bathe with you. Just so you w-won't get attacked or anything! Don't get the wrong id----", I interrupted him.

I laughed, "Whoa, calm down. Of course you can bathe with me. We're both guys right? Or do you have something to tell me?", I wiggled my eyebrows giving him a smirk.

"Shut up..", He said as he playfully punched my shoulder.

With that, we walked towards the public baths, him leading the way. After a while of the both of us talking, we made it there. He opened the door of the changing rooms and motioned for me to go first, which I did. He followed right after me.

After we both were inside, I started undressing. I immediately threw the dress in a corner far away from me, not caring from who it is. Slowly, I took off my shirt, exposing my stomach and chest to the wall in front of me as I also pulled my loose shorts off. I suddenly felt eyes on my back, so I turned around and saw Gabriel gawking at me, still in his clothes.

"Are you going to undress or...?", I asked him. He didn't respond, still staring and having fun in his tiny little world. Sighing, I went to him and unbuttoned his shirt. And only then did he snap out of it.

"H-Hey, what are y-you doing!?", He stuttered out.

"You were taking too long.", I simply said, moving my hands to his pants. He didn't struggle, so I guess it was okay. I fell a little on my knees and pulled the pants down, throwing it away. I then was about to also take off his underwear, since we were both males. But he stopped me.

"N-No, I c-can do that myself..", He told me, blushing like crazy.

Then, the door opened, revealing a certain albino, blondie and brunette. There was an awkward silence. I saw the three of their cheeks tint a little red.


I looked at the door to see three vampires staring at us, I simply stared back...Till I realised what kind of position (M/n) and I were in.

He only had his underwear on and so did I. Making it worse, he was on his knees and his fingers were pulling on the waistband of my boxers, making it seem like he was about to give me a BJ.

I quickly stuttered out, "I-It's not what it l-looks like!", I saw (M/n) look at me in confusement at the corner of my eyes.

"Amigos, I think we should let know.", The Spaniard said as he did a weird laugh.

"Let us bathe? Yes, thanks.", (M/n) said as he rolled his eyes and took me by the hand, making his way to the public baths.

"Wait! We're still in our underwear.", I reminded him.

"I know. We'll just put them on a sink or something as we bathe.", He told me. I nodded, warily.

In no time, we made it. I, again, opened the door for him, letting him in first as I went in after him.

I noticed that there were at least three people in one of the many. Kiku, Ludwig and Feliciano.

I don't know what attracts me to the Italian guy, 'cause I already have a crush on (M/n). It's just that he seems so...familiar. I don't remember from where.

"Ve~ Ciao! Join us!", I heard him yell, happily.

"Okay.", (M/n) said as he made his way towards a small little chair and took off his underwear, putting it on it. I immediately blushed a crimson red at seeing him nude in front of me. I turned back around and saw Kiku covering his eyes, Ludwig was blushing like crazy and Feliciano kept on staring. I glared at them.

Suddenly, I felt my boxers being pulled down as I let out a 'manly' yelp. I looked down and noticed (M/n) taking it off of my feet and then put it on top of his, on the chair. I quickly covered my crotch area, embarrassed.

"Really? We're all guys in here.", (M/n) laughed as he pulled me towards the trio, not even covering his manhood.

He seated himself, as I sat down next to him. (M/n) immediately relaxed, letting the hot water touch every part of his body. There was some silence for a while.

"So...", (M/n) said, breaking the silence.

"(M/n), did you sleep well?", Feliciano asked, happily.

"Yeah...I did.", (M/n) said, thinking.

"Bueno!", The happy Italian yelled. There was a silence again, till...

"AWESOME HAS ARRIVED!", the albino AKA Gilbert yelled, obnoxiously. I heard Ludwig and (M/n) groan in annoyance. Behind Gilbert followed Antonio and Francis. Now that Gilbert's here, my head began to lightly hurt. I looked at Feliciano, which only worsened the pain.

'Where the hell do I know these two from!?', I thought.

After a while, the pain went away. I saw that the trio had already seated them.

(M/n) POV

I gave the trio a small glare for ruining the silence, it was relaxing. And, they simply sat down WITHOUT asking for permission. I had a pissed off look on my face.

"Might as well ask everyone in this goddamn cabin to bathe with us, or go to another state to ask more people. Even better, steal some penguins from the zoo and make them join us----", I continued on grumbling, sarcasm lacing my voice. I heard a chuckle coming from beside me, I looked at Ludwig to see him holding the back of one of his hands a bit away from his mouth.

"I don't think stealing penguins from a zoo is a good idea.", He told me, chuckling. I simply let out a laugh.

"How about we drop those three monkeys off then?", I joked, a laugh following at the end of my sentence.

"I don't think that's a good idea as well.", He laughed with me. I then felt someone pull me towards them.

"Hallo, hexe.", The certain albino said as his signature laugh followed after.

"Could you kindly let go?", I asked him, gritting my teeth.

"Nein!", He yelled as he only pulled me closer, a smirk on his face. By pulling me closer, our nude bodies touched. I blushed a bit but didn't let it show.

Suddenly, I was pulled towards someone again, "Salut, mon amour~", a certain Frenchman said. I gave him a pissed off look.

"Hey! Don't steal him away from me!", Gilbert yelled before grabbing me back.

"I can't steal what was never yours, mon ami.", Francis said before pulling me towards him, again. And that was how the never ending bickering started between the two. They were too caught up in their argument that they didn't notice me get pulled away from them.

In no time, I was pulled on a certain Spaniard's lap, our bodies colliding. My back touched his muscular chest as I sat on his enchilada.

"Holla!", He yelled, happily. I simply smiled at him.

'He isn't that bad.', I thought as I leant on him, relaxing. Suddenly.....


"Not so loud, you wanker!"

I internally groaned at that, 'Great.', I thought, sarcastically.

"Ve~ Come join us!", Feliciano yelled, excited. Before Arthur could protest 'cause he saw how full it was already, Alfred jumped in, splattering water on all of us.

"Damn you, Alfred!", I yelled at him, rubbing my eyes.

"Oops.", He simply responded with as he seated himself, Arthur sighing and sitting next to him. I mentally cursed at Alfred, as I tried to relax again.

Slowly, I closed my eyes, blocking everyone out. I felt arms pulling me closer and I felt death glares being thrown around. Soon, the glares stopped and I felt more than a pair of eyes staring at me. I tried to ignore it, but couldn't. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I noticed that the arms that were thrown around my waist belonged to Antonio and the stares...I have no idea.

Sighing, I decided that I have been bathing for long enough now. Slowly, I stood up, water streaming down my body and walked towards my underwear, not noticing the many stares I got. I bent down and picked it up. With that, I turned around and noticed the guys turning red. I simply shrugged them off and left the public bathrooms, walking towards the changing rooms. As I made it there, I dressed in the new clothes, which fit me perfectly.

Right when I finished, the door opened, revealing Gabriel who was shivering a little. I handed him his drying cloth and sat on a chair that was placed in a corner. I noticed that he's body was a little muscular, but still lean and he had an average length. Too caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that he had finished dressing up.


Gabriel blushed a crimson red, only now did he notice that (M/n) was staring at him all along. He quickly tried to fight off his blush as he tried to get (M/n)'s attention, who seemed to be in thought. Sighing, he walked towards him an waved a hand in front of his face. Only then did (M/n) snap out of it.

"You ok? You were zoning out for a bit.", Gabriel told the witch. (M/n) sighed and responded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"If you say so...", Gabriel said, opening the door. Sighing, (M/n) got up from the uncomfortable chair and exited the changing room, Gabriel following after him.

"So...What now? I don't feel like going outside.", (M/n) said, groaning.

"We could always...just talk.", Gabriel answered, blushing a bit.

"Well, okay.", With that, (M/n) walked towards the living room as Gabriel followed behind him. In the living room, at the moment, were the girls.

(M/n) saw them and quickly tried to run for it without being seen, but sadly luck wasn't on his side.

"Good morning, (M/n).", Elizabeta greeted as she made her way towards him, not noticing Gabriel.

"Good morning, Liz.", (M/n) spat, giving a fake smile that was too obvious. There was some tension for a few seconds, till Gabriel broke it by giving out a fake cough.

"Oh. Hey, Gabriel.", Elizabeta smiled, only now noticing him.

"Yeah...Hi.", He responded, awkwardly.

"You two came just on time~!", Emma said as she walked over at the two of them, a mischievous smile on her face. Elizabeta soon caught up to what she meant and immediately smirked.

"Girls!", She yelled as she went towards the other girls, having a group talk.

"Whatcha think?"

"I don't know..."

"We could finally have some action!"

"As long as no baguettes are shown."

"Keep me out of this."



After their discussion, they came to their conclusion. Elizabeta fist bumped the air as she made her way towards the two boys that were uncomfortably standing there.

"We have spoken.", Elizabeta said as she coughed a bit, "We were missing out on some boys action----", She got cut off by the two boys slamming the door behind them as they left. A ticked off mark appeared on the left side of her head.

"Fine. I'll just hunt you two down.", She whispered to herself. With that, she opened the door and quickly ran after them.


I was dragged off by (M/n), running like our lives depended on it. Well, our dignity kinda depended on it. After a while, we stopped running. (M/n) quickly entered a room and dragged me in after him. He then closed the door as we both held our breath. To our luck, heavy footsteps ran past the door. We both let out a sigh of relief, "Phew, that was close.", (M/n) said, panting.

"Yeah, but where are we?", I asked him, looking around.

"Well, this seems to be a bedroom.", He told me, stating the obvious.

"That much I figured.", I retorted.

(M/n) sat down on one of the beds and motioned for me to sit down next to him, which I did. There was an awkward silence for a while. I gazed at him, he seemed to be deep in thought. I kept on looking at him, taking in his beauty. Going unnoticed by me, he looked my way and our eyes locked. I grabbed his hand, softly. Not knowing what came over me, I slowly started leaning in.

Right when our lips were about to meet, the door opened, revealing a guy identical to Feliciano. The three of us stopped dead in our movements. I quickly moved away from (M/n) and blushed a crimson red.

"Hi, Lovi.", (M/n) greeted, not caring about the awkwardness.

"Ciao...and it's Lovino.", He told (M/n), bur his eyes were on me, glaring.

"What were you two doing in my room?", He asked. Right when I was about to answer, (M/n) did.

"We were running away from Elizabeta, then we almost kissed.", (M/n) deadpanned. I felt the glare on me intensifying. 'Lovino' let out a sigh.

"I'm going to take a bath, get out of my room.", He told us before leaving.

"I-I...----", My apology was cut off.

"Why did you almost kiss me?", He asked me, smirking.

"Do you like me~?", He continued, mockingly.

".....Y-Yes...", I confessed.

"Do you love me~?", He asked, continuing mocking me.

"Y-Yes...", I confessed, again.

"Aww, thank you. I didn't know you swung that way.", He said, winking.

I gulped and asked the question I feared the most, "..Do you love me back?"

He looked down, his face saddening and his bangs covering his eyes. I waited for a response, even though I know just by his reaction that it was going to be a flat on rejection. He moved his bangs a little away from his eyes, revealing tears that streamed down his face.

"I-I'm sorry....I don't love. I don't love anymore.", He told me, silently crying. My heart broke in two by the sight of the person I have never seen cry, crying in front of me.

Before I could say anything or even comfort him, he ran out of the room. I looked down and clenched my fist, "Damnit, I'm such an idiot.."

(M/n) POV

I quickly ran out of the cabin, not wanting to face anyone at the moment. If I'm correct, it should be noon now.

Wincing at the hot sand that hit my feet, I made my way to a rock and sat down, crying. I lost my whole family and am most likely the last witch alive.

'What did I do to deserve this?', I asked myself, looking down.

"What are you doing here, amigo?", I heard someone say, I looked up with a tearstained face and saw Antonio looking down at me with a few turtles hanging on his body, seeming to have done bathing. I didn't answer his question, I simply looked down again.

"Do you want to talk about it?", He asked me, comfortingly. He sat down beside me and gave me a smile.

"N-No...", I said, not feeling in the mood. Venting won't help anyway, I will only waste precious tears.

"Alright.", He said but didn't leave. He held me into a gentle side hug, comforting me. We stayed there for a while, silently enjoying each other's company. An hour passed as I felt myself growing tired. Slowly, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


I woke up by someone shaking me, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Elizabeta looking at me. I frowned at her and tried to get back to sleep.

"Wi--(M/n), please wake up. It's dinner time.", She informed. I sighed, I hadn't eaten all day.

Sleepily, I stood up and followed after Elizabeta. I followed her outside and noticed that they were holding a barbecue. Sighing, I made my way to one of the benches and looked up, the stars looked pretty nice and beautiful.

"Ciao~ (M/n)!", Feliciano yelled before pulling me into a hug, tightly.

"C-Can't.....breathe...!", I choked out. Lovino quickly pulled him off of me, "You damn idiota, you were suffocating him!", He yelled at him.

"Ve!? (M/n), I'm so sorry! Please, forgive me! Per favor!", He cried.

"It's okay...", I told him, still feeling down. He must've noticed 'cause he looked at me concernedly.

"Ve...(M/n), are you okay?", He asked me, worried.

"I'm okay, just hungry.", I lied, hoping he'd believe it. He looked at me with a disbelieving look before deciding to let it drop, to my luck. Suddenly, my eyes met Gabriel's. He quickly looked away and pointed his gaze towards his lap.

I sighed, sadly. I felt sorry that his feelings towards me weren't mutual. Even worse, I can't remember him...

'This is the last night here, no worries.', I couraged.

Out of nowhere, a plate of sausages was placed in front of me. I looked up and saw Gilbert giving a cocky smile at me. I looked back down at the food and then looked up again to see mostly everyone eating already. Hungrily, I picked up the fork next to my plate and pricked it into one of the sausages. Slowly, I put half of the long food in my mouth before taking a bite, moaning at the delicious taste. I started chewing and I suddenly felt eyes on me, I looked up and noticed everyone quickly looking away. Confused, I continued eating.

"It's good.", I praised.

"Danke.", Both Gilbert and Ludwig said at the same time.

The rest of our dinner was in complete chaos. Lots of bickering, food being thrown, chairs being thrown, people being thrown. It was annoying, but I kept on eating. Till...

"Take this, you wanker!

"Only if you can catch me, black sheep~"

Right at that moment, Francis moved aside, making the sausage hit my face. There was a tiny silence for a while, till I raised my wand.

"You want a food fight? You get one.", I said, coldly. I made a few sausages fly at Arthur at an inhuman speed. The sausages hit him, making him fly a few feet away. Everyone gulped and quickly sat back down.

Sitting down again, I ate my leftover sausages in silence. I saw Arthur clutch his head before standing up in pain.

'Maybe I went a little too far..', I thought, guilty.

Finishing my food, I stood up and made my way inside. I didn't feel tired, so sleeping was not an option. I looked at the tv and noticed that a horror movie was playing.

I looked at the title, 'Cabin in the woods, huh? Sounds fun.', I thought as I sat down on the couch and watched.

It had some gore scenes, which I (loved/hated). It became too much for me, so I quickly turned the tv off. There was some silence, till...



I almost fell off of the couch by the sudden fright I had just received, I looked behind me and saw Alfred smirking down at me.

"Bro, you were so scared!", He said as he started laughing like crazy, I simply gave him one of my famous death glares.

"(Insult in your language).", I muttered.

"What was that?", He asked me, his laughter dying out.

"Oh, nothing.", I told him, waving my hands around.

"So, why are you here all alone?", He asked me, seeming concerned.

"No reason...", I said while looking down.

"If ya say so, dude.", There was some silence after that.

I tried to break it, "So, umm--hmph", I was silenced by his lips as they met mine. Slowly, he pushed me down on the couch, kissing me roughly. I was shocked and froze, not knowing what the hell came over him. I simply let myself being kissed, confused. Till I felt his tongue push its way in my wet cavern. I quickly tried to push him away, but he had an awfully strong grip on me.

"Let go!", I tried to speak, but it was muffled by his lips. I pushed at his chest, trying to get him away from me, with no vain. Luckily, after a few minutes, he had to break from my lips for air. After he realised what he had just done, he quickly tried to apologise.

"(M/n), I-I'm so----", I cut him off by slapping him. The slap making a loud sound throughout the entire room and made him look sideways. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, clutching my bruised hand.

Right on that moment, the door opened, revealing at first no one, b7t as I looked closer I noticed Matthew standing there. He noticed my tearstained face and Alfred's bruised cheek as he quickly ran towards us.

"W-What h-happened?", He quietly stuttered out in a concerned tone.

"It's nothing. I need to go.", I simply said, walking away from them. As I was out if their sight, I quickly ran to my room, plopping down on my bed. I was so confused.

'Why does everyone act so weird around me? Did I do something?', I started overthinking, tears threatening to spill again.

"Why me?", I questioned, crying softly. Tiredly, I cried myself to sleep.


I glared at my brother, "What did you do!?", I yelled, grabbing me by the collar. I kept on glaring at him as he didn't want to meet my eyes, his bangs covering them.

"Look at me!", I yelled, loudly. He brushed his bangs away with his hands and glared back, gritting his teeth.

"Mind your own goddamn business, stupid maple bitch!", He yelled back, grabbing me by my collar as well. I showed my fangs as he did the same. With that, our fight started. Punches were thrown, stuff was thrown and bites were given. I normally would never act like this, I guess love changes people.

Our fight got stopped by two people holding us apart, I struggled against the person's grip as I looked up and glared at him.

"Let me go, Francis!", I yelled, trying to kick Alfred with my free legs. Looking at him, I saw him struggling against Arthur who tried to hold him still. Francis sighed, before using his vampire power and kissing me on top of the head, making me feel very sleepy. The last thing I saw before I let sleep take over is Francis doing the same to Alfred.


Sighing, I made my way upstairs after the huge fight downstairs. I was still feeling down and afraid that I will have to be alone with (M/n) in our room, I was secretly hoping that he was asleep.

I made it to my room that I share with (M/n), taking a deep breath before opening it. To my luck, (M/n) was sleeping. Walking over to him, I noticed dried tears on his face, meaning he had been crying.

'Did I cause it....?', I thought, sadly.

I silently wiped the tears away from his face, sadly looking at him. Slowly, I leant down and gently placed my lips against his soft ones, before pulling back very quickly, not noticing the click sound a camera from a certain person made.

Sighing, I stood up and walked towards my bed before plopping down on it. Sparing (M/n) one last glance, I fell asleep with one thought.

'(M/n), you're not the only one who has lost their family...So please, don't leave me.'


The next morning, everyone started packing after either being woken up by Ludwig or Elizabeta. It was a pretty gloomy morning. The Northern American brothers didn't talk and Gabriel and (M/n) didn't dare look at each other.

After they all finished packing, they made their way to the cars they had arrived with and started loading their stuff in there.

Gabriel and (M/n)'s hands accidentally touched when they both tried to throw their stuff in. Gabriel quickly looked sideways and tried to move away. (M/n) had enough of the distance that was growing between them and ran to the back of a rock, sitting down and patting the open place next to him. Gabriel sat down, nervously gulping.

"Why are you ignoring me?", They both asked at the same time.

"Me? Ignoring you? You've been ignoring me!", (M/n) yelled, angered.

"I haven't been ignoring you...I just---I...I don't know, (M/n).", Gabriel explained, looking miserable. He held his head in his hands and looked, tears building up in the corner of his eyes.

"Do you hate me?", (M/n) asked, his voice cracking a bit, a few tears left his eyes. Gabriel's eyes widened and he quickly waved his hands around.

"No! Of course not! I could never hate you! P-Please, don't cry!", He comforted, almost crying himself. In the end, they both ended up into crying messes, trying to comfort one another while drying their tears. The sight was truly hilarious but sad at the same time.

Suddenly, (M/n) started laughing. His laughing turned into full blown laughter. Gabriel, who did not know what came over (M/n), simply chuckled. He was happy that it was sorta sorted out.

"Oh, here you two a----! Huh? W-Why are you both crying!?", Lili asked, concerned and confused.

"It's nothing, Lili.", (M/n) told her as he tried to wipe his tears off, Gabriel doing the same.

"I-If you say so....", Lili said, still concerned, "The others are searching for you two, come on!", She continued, grabbing both of their hands.

----Timeskip---- (M/n) POV

We were all seated in the four cars, Gabriel and I were with the girls. I looked through the open card window while slinging my arm out.

'So much happened in simply three days..', I thought, amazed. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time. Actually, my life had been more interesting ever since I joined the school.

"What are you thinking about?", The only male other than me in the car asked.

"Nothing much...", I responded, giving a small smile before looking out of the open window again. I could've sworn I saw a black figure stand in the distance, holding a scythe. But as I looked again, there was no one.

I then heard a horsy voice ringing in my ears saying, "Soon...", Immediately, shivers ran down my spine.

I looked at the others, checking if they heard it too, none of them flinched or looked scared OR they were just very good at hiding it. Doubtful.

'Ugh, whatever.', I thought, shrugging it off. Slowly, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, seeing that we'll be driving for a while.


Guess who's back? Not Davie. Moving on, the trip was shit. Too many insects and yeah. To all the insects out there, in the name of God, go die. Anyway, I updated and TRIED to make it extra long. Another thing, I was wondering what I should call you guys. I can't keep on calling y'all 'you guys'. Any suggestions? Anyway, cya!

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